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Kusadasi-Guy 11-22-2005 02:09 PM

Vba Gallery Alternatives
Hope this will not be removed / closed / edited....!!!!!!!!!

i have a vba license and for some reasons i want to buy another gallery script. Can you please recommend me vba gallery's alternatives?

Moderators! we want to discuss our vbulletin related stuff here!

Protoman 11-22-2005 02:23 PM

Menalto Gallery http://gallery.menalto.com/
CopperMine Gallery http://coppermine.sf.net/
the free gallery posted in the 3.5 mods section..

I may eventually move to one of those..

Andreas 11-22-2005 02:52 PM

AFAIK, there is no real alternative except Noppids vBPicGallery maybe, as all those mentioned above do not really integrate with vBulletin.

Kusadasi-Guy 11-22-2005 02:53 PM

<a href="http://www.albinator.com" target="_blank">http://www.albinator.com</a>

is this good? any experience? as far as i know they have vb-integration.

Andreas 11-22-2005 03:03 PM

I don't know this software, but from the website it looks like it has the same "integration" as most other software as well, which means no style/language/acp integration.

Lionel 11-22-2005 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Kusadasi-Guy

is this good? any experience? as far as i know they have vb-integration.

It's not as tightly integrated but I used it before and I'd say it's the best alternative.

Protoman 11-22-2005 04:43 PM

sweet, it's cheaper than photopost too!
If I upgrade I might consider them too :D

Kusadasi-Guy 11-22-2005 05:01 PM

wish to have somethings like this;

but it is a complete portal software

yoyoyoyo 11-22-2005 05:03 PM

I own 2 VBAGallery licenses as well, and do not wish to use the software anymore now that it has changed hands, so I really appreciate this thread.

sabret00the 11-22-2005 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
I own 2 VBAGallery licenses as well, and do not wish to use the software anymore now that it has changed hands, so I really appreciate this thread.

if you own it use it, boycotting software you paid for is noble and all but the fact of the matter is it's still that great script you paid for for whatever reasons, the only person you're hurting by taking this action is your own users. whether you choose to download upgrades and what not is a whole other matter but i'd personally say that if you're that against PP you hurt them by using the product as much as possible.

personally i have no problem with the people over at PP and will continue to use the software, download updates and what not as long as they continue to maintain the product i'm after which is essentially a mod for vBulletion, should the products be merged i may have a problem but for now i really don't and wonder just why theirs all this animosity towards a product that's already installed and being used? (rhetorical question).

MPDev 11-22-2005 05:42 PM

Just a heads up, Albinator effectively went out of business some time ago. If you look at their support forums, the product is no longer supported and hasnt been for more than a year or two. I'm not sure if they are even taking orders anymore; it appears that at some point the author up and left for other ventures and left the support to one of the customers who wanted to try and make a run with it.

Things may have changed, I haven't checked in there for a long time; but you should do a little research on that before you make a purchase.

yoyoyoyo 11-22-2005 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
if you own it use it, boycotting software you paid for is noble and all but the fact of the matter is it's still that great script you paid for for whatever reasons, the only person you're hurting by taking this action is your own users. whether you choose to download upgrades and what not is a whole other matter but i'd personally say that if you're that against PP you hurt them by using the product as much as possible.

personally i have no problem with the people over at PP and will continue to use the software, download updates and what not as long as they continue to maintain the product i'm after which is essentially a mod for vBulletion, should the products be merged i may have a problem but for now i really don't and wonder just why theirs all this animosity towards a product that's already installed and being used? (rhetorical question).

Basically, I do not own brand-free licenses, and I do not agree with pp's business practices and don't want a link to advertise them on my sites.

Chris M 11-22-2005 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
Basically, I do not own brand-free licenses, and I do not agree with pp's business practices and don't want a link to advertise them on my sites.

I'm not entirely sure about copyright legalities, but since you bought it at the time it was known as vBadvanced Gallery and have not "agreed" to their licencing terms, you can display the vBadvanced Gallery copyright as that is what you agreed to...


AN-net 11-22-2005 07:38 PM

good point chris but read over the agreement to check for changes of ownership or clauses thay may affect your decision.

Chris M 11-22-2005 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by AN-net
good point chris but read over the agreement to check for changes of ownership or clauses thay may affect your decision.


I'd investigate the legal issues with this entirely before attempting to circumvent PhotoPost's wish for their new licence agreement compliance ;)


MPDev 11-22-2005 08:16 PM

I get the whole "stick it to the man" mentality; but we all have choices to make. You can keep the same product, get an additional year of free updates and support or you can go out on your own and hope nobody notices (or you can just substitute another product). It's unlikely that anyone is going to sue you to change your copyright, but again, it all comes down to choices.

If you want support and updates, the choice is easy. If you don't; well, I wish you the best on your future endevors.

[Note: My post is not an official policy statement, its just my own opinion.]

Corriewf 11-22-2005 08:40 PM

I think its time to talk to John of v3arcade.....

BamaStangGuy 11-22-2005 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by corriewf
I think its time to talk to John of v3arcade.....

No, don't talk to him before he finishes the v3arcade lol

Borgs8472 11-22-2005 09:10 PM

As a vbgallery user, I would like to make a token protest in this thread that it has been denied the opportunity to be praised adequately on vb.org due to the commercial hack limitations in place, where as its free competition is allowed publicity.

Vb.org is communist IMO :p

Chris M 11-22-2005 09:56 PM

Be that as it may, they are our policies and we stick to them...

This is not the place for heated Photopost vs vBaGallery discussion - Light informative references to it, are allowed - The thread started that was closed crossed the line...

At the end of the day, what is done is done; There are plenty of places to discuss this if you look for them, so please, take all your heated anti-Photopost Pro vBaGallery chat to those places and leave these particular politics out of vB.org :)


trackpads 11-22-2005 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Chris M
Be that as it may, they are our policies and we stick to them...

This is not the place for heated Photopost vs vBaGallery discussion - Light informative references to it, are allowed - The thread started that was closed crossed the line...

At the end of the day, what is done is done; There are plenty of places to discuss this if you look for them, so please, take all your heated anti-Photopost Pro vBaGallery chat to those places and leave these particular politics out of vB.org :)



Corriewf 11-23-2005 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by Chris M
Be that as it may, they are our policies and we stick to them...

This is not the place for heated Photopost vs vBaGallery discussion - Light informative references to it, are allowed - The thread started that was closed crossed the line...

At the end of the day, what is done is done; There are plenty of places to discuss this if you look for them, so please, take all your heated anti-Photopost Pro vBaGallery chat to those places and leave these particular politics out of vB.org :)


Party pooper.....

[high]* Corriewf stabs hellsatan with an antimod spork.[/high]

tamarian 11-23-2005 02:16 AM

Released today:


PhotoPlog integrated into vB. Haven't checked it yet, but looks promising.

sabret00the 11-23-2005 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by MPDev
I get the whole "stick it to the man" mentality; but we all have choices to make. You can keep the same product, get an additional year of free updates and support or you can go out on your own and hope nobody notices (or you can just substitute another product). It's unlikely that anyone is going to sue you to change your copyright, but again, it all comes down to choices.

If you want support and updates, the choice is easy. If you don't; well, I wish you the best on your future endevors.

[Note: My post is not an official policy statement, its just my own opinion.]

to be honest i really have no clue what you just said, however if theirs conditions regarding me receiving continued support, shouldn't this have been mentioned in the email? i understand theirs a link in an email but i rarely click random links in emails especially during this phishing (sp:?) era.

this whole transaction has been handled completley amatuerish in my opinon and i have nothing agaisnt either companies or products (bar feeling that one suits my needs far greater than the other). i'm still waiting for written confirmation from vBadvanced to confirm that this transaction is actually and indeed authentic. which in itself is a joke considering how many days ago this happened.


Originally Posted by Chris M
Be that as it may, they are our policies and we stick to them...

This is not the place for heated Photopost vs vBaGallery discussion - Light informative references to it, are allowed - The thread started that was closed crossed the line...

At the end of the day, what is done is done; There are plenty of places to discuss this if you look for them, so please, take all your heated anti-Photopost Pro vBaGallery chat to those places and leave these particular politics out of vB.org :)


oh and i actually disagree with this, yes their are boundries however being that this is a vBulletin resource and people are just trying to keep informed on the subject then discussion should be allowed speculation or not, everyone should have the right to know where they stand.

Talisman 11-23-2005 10:45 AM

Isn't it fairly customary in software license agreements to include some sort of disclaimer that says various terms or conditions are subject to change... and then they place the responsibility to know what's changed and to abide by the latest version of the agreement on the end user?

Marco van Herwaarden 11-23-2005 10:56 AM

This thread was started to discuss alternatives to vBa Gallery. Please stay on topic. All that needed to be said on vb.org about the sale, has already been discussed.

11-23-2005 01:09 PM

MarcoH64... THANK YOU! I just had VB installed with complete plans to integrate vBG but I couldn't purchase due to ordering issues with a Macintosh, only for the weekend to pass and poof gone! So now I am left to finding a alternative, and the really frustrating part of all of this is the fact that I purchased VB because of vBG. PP doesn't have it available for sale as of yet and so while I am waiting I am seeking ALTERNATIVE TO vBG, so as MarcoH64 stated, provide just some options in this thread and give people new to VB hope that the whole community isn't just people full of complainers, moaners, +++++ers but of mature, forward thinking, alternative arrangers!!

Thank you,

Marco van Herwaarden 11-23-2005 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by pcbcom
and give people new to VB hope that the whole community isn't just people full of complainers, moaners, +++++ers

We are not always like that, just when some of us get emotional. ;)

Ramsesx 11-23-2005 04:28 PM

At this time there is no alternative Gallery which is so feature rich as (ex) vbag and pp.
Here are so many talented coders on vb.org, why don't try a new thing and put together the power of all and try like an open source project to produce a new fully vbulletin integrated powerfull gallery with a lot of features? Only my suggestion.

noppid 11-23-2005 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Ramsesx
produce a new fully vbulletin integrated powerfull gallery with a lot of features? Only my suggestion.

Features such as? Let's hear some ideas. It's easier to provide a feature if one knows what features are wanted.

ConqSoft 11-23-2005 05:42 PM

I definately need these features at a minimum:

Browseable Member Galleries by member name, with first letter quick-jump. (Example: http://www.fireblades.org/gallery/br...ages.php?c=500)

Ability for users to organize sub-cats under their Member Gallery (Example: http://www.fireblades.org/gallery/br...c=500&userid=1)

Import from vBadvanced Gallery also. ;)

Ramsesx 11-23-2005 05:46 PM

Ok, perfect for my suits would be same features as vba gallery and additional:

1. everything need to be phrase able to translate custom fields and categories etc. into another language.
2. User comments/posts based upon/integrated to the vb post system (showing on "new threads, today threads etc.)
3. advanced search possibility (keywords, custom fields, categories etc.), for example if having a custom image field with a dropdownmenu
it should be also a dropdown search menu on the searchpage.
4. Additional styling options, for example custom thumbnail borders
5. Easy mass editing/adding of custom fields, descriptions etc.
6. rating system with possibility of resetting manually or time based.
7. Ajax system for quick moving, editing images.
8. An integrated basic auction system.

Thats first, maybe I got later some more ideas. B.t.w. would pay for such a gallery up to 120$

noppid 11-23-2005 06:58 PM

It's easy to see why a full featured gallery would be expensive!

LEAD_WEIGHT 11-23-2005 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by noppid
It's easy to see why a full featured gallery would be expensive!

This will soon be fully integrated with vbulletin board as well with others

-=Sniper=- 11-23-2005 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by LEAD_WEIGHT

I remember this being posted some time ago, gona keep an eye on it, looks very good.

Wayne Luke 11-23-2005 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Kusadasi-Guy

is this good? any experience? as far as i know they have vb-integration.

Hmm.. Albinator looks good. Have to decide between it and PhotoKorn now (http://www.telekorn.com/cms/front_content.php?idcat=21)

Photokorn doesn't have any integration with vBulletin so that is a big minus. If they do release integration soon (was scheduled for beginning of 2005), then it looks like the more polished program.

MPDev 11-23-2005 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
Hmm.. Albinator looks good. Have to decide between it and PhotoKorn now (http://www.telekorn.com/cms/front_content.php?idcat=21)

Just a heads up, you might want to check my post here before you make that purchase. Check their support forums, the product has been dead for over 15 months - the developer abandoned the product a long time ago.

trackpads 11-24-2005 12:45 PM

Ahh... and the depression continues. Aside from zoloft there are no close alternatives to Vbagallery or PP, sorry I have looked. I own Albinator and Photokorn and niether of them are close. Albinator was a wasted purchase and Photokorn is run by really, really nice folks but their support staff is uno. Which is why it has taken 2 years to get to the point they are at.

All I can say is Happy Thanksgiving and leave this for you, maybe it will cheer you up :)


oly51 11-24-2005 01:25 PM

<a href="http://www.cpurigs.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=32" target="_blank">vBPicGallery</a> is a good alternative.

trackpads 11-24-2005 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by oly51
vBPicGallery is a good alternative.

Ona very small scale maybe, but when you get into the thousands good luck.

Also, not be rude but I remember donating and helping with VB Garage which is now dead, why will this not happen with the new project? Same with Cinq, loved his articles and glossary but both are now dead and my members were left high and dry.

Say what you want about PP and VBa atleast the 2 products are still alive and being supported.

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