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Lynne 04-09-2013 10:00 PM

[vB5] User Profile Fields in the postbit templates
1 Attachment(s)
Using your User Profile Fields on your site

This article is written with the assumption that you have already created your own User Profile Fields in the User Profile Field Manager. If you need help with this, you may read about it in the manual here - http://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/profile

For the Purposes of this article, I will be referring to "fieldx" as the name of your profile field. Your real name will be found in the User Profile Manager in the "Name" column - field1, field2, etc.

First thing to do is figure out which fields you want to add to your postbit. Go to your Admincp > User Profile Fields > User Profile Field Manager and note both the Field Name (field1, field2, etc) and the Category the field is in (see image 1). The Profile Fields are listed under their Category Title on this page. It should either be "(Uncategorized)" or have some other category listed. To then get the Category ID, go to User Profile Field Categories, click to Edit the category you want the ID of, and it will be listed at the top - id x (see image 2). Uncategorized Categories have no Category ID.
Image 1:

Image 2:
So, now that you have a list of field ids and category ids, you can now easily add them to your postbit.

First make sure your hook system is active (it is turned off by default). Go to Admincp > Settings > Products/Hook System > Enable/Disable Hook System > Yes.

Now, go to Admincp > Products & Hooks > Manage Hooks and click the link that says "[Add New Hook]". In that new hook, set the following:
Hook is Active: Yes
Hook Location: conversation_userstats
Title: Show Profile Fields in Postbit
Template Name: conversation_fields
Hook Arguments: conversation=conversation
Now go to Admincp > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Add New Template and on that page, set the following:
Title: conversation_fields

{vb:data userInfo, user, fetchProfileInfo, {vb:raw conversation.userid}}
For each field you want shown, you will need to add this code under that line:

<vb:if condition="$userInfo['fieldX']"><li><label>{vb:phrase fieldX_title}:</label> <span>{vb:raw userInfo.customFields.default.fieldX_title.val}</span></li></vb:if>
Replace the X in "FieldX" (three times) with the fieldid and, if your field is in a Category other than Uncategoried, then replace "default" with "categoryY_title" where Y is the category id.

So, for instance, say I have the following I want to add:
Name Category
field5 (uncategoried)
field7 New Cat(id 1)
Then my template would look like this:

{vb:data userInfo, user, fetchProfileInfo, {vb:raw conversation.userid}}

<vb:if condition="$userInfo['field5']"><li><label>{vb:phrase field5_title}:</label> <span>{vb:raw userInfo.customFields.default.field5_title.val}</span></li></vb:if>

<vb:if condition="$userInfo['field7']"><li><label>{vb:phrase field7_title}:</label> <span>{vb:raw userInfo.customFields.category1_title.field7_title.val}</span}</li></vb:if>

That's it!

If running 5.1.0, there is a code fix to apply here.


Originally Posted by Zachery
In the templates, after applying the following change to



PHP Code:

 if (!$canseehiddencustomfields)
// Get profile fields information
$fieldsInfo vB_Cache::instance(vB_Cache::CACHE_STD)->read('vBProfileFields');

if (empty(
$fieldsInfo $this->assertor->getRows('vBForum:profilefield');
vB_Cache::instance(vB_Cache::CACHE_STD)->write('vBProfileFields'$fieldsInfo1440, array('vBProfileFieldsChg'));

foreach (
$fieldsInfo as $field)
$fields['field' $field['profilefieldid']] = $field['hidden'];

Change it to:

PHP Code:

// Get profile fields information
$fieldsInfo vB_Cache::instance(vB_Cache::CACHE_STD)->read('vBProfileFields');
  if (empty(
$fieldsInfo $this->assertor->getRows('vBForum:profilefield');
vB_Cache::instance(vB_Cache::CACHE_STD)->write('vBProfileFields'$fieldsInfo1440, array('vBProfileFieldsChg'));
  foreach (
$fieldsInfo as $field)
$fields['field' $field['profilefieldid']] = $field['hidden'];

abdobasha2004 04-12-2013 10:41 PM

thanks lynne
great work

Wayne Luke 04-13-2013 03:18 PM

Great tutorial thanks.

greygaming 05-02-2013 02:12 PM

how would you go about adding the link as an attribute inside of an img tag?

or is it more involved than just chopping up that string and putting it in whatever tags you need?

Lynne 05-02-2013 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by greygaming (Post 2419615)
how would you go about adding the link as an attribute inside of an img tag?

or is it more involved than just chopping up that string and putting it in whatever tags you need?

I don't know what you mean at all. Can you give an example? You can change the template up however you want. I was just giving an example to make it look like the other stuff under the avatar, but you may format it/change it however you want.

greygaming 05-03-2013 11:58 PM

I would like to take the text string from the text field and have it inserted in the href attribute of an anchor tag. I would then use the anchor tag to wrap around an icon.

any thoughts?

thanks for the reply

Lynne 05-04-2013 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by greygaming (Post 2419827)
I would like to take the text string from the text field and have it inserted in the href attribute of an anchor tag. I would then use the anchor tag to wrap around an icon.

any thoughts?

thanks for the reply

So you aren't talking about using a profile field at all, but the text. That isn't what this tutorial is about.

greygaming 05-04-2013 12:18 PM


official vbulletin support pointed me here and said it could be done.

thanks anyway

--------------- Added [DATE]1367674280[/DATE] at [TIME]1367674280[/TIME] ---------------

I am unable to create new articles on this site, and vBulletin support is no help.

Would you have any information or resources that I could read up on this topic by myself?

I'm just getting surprised at this point by the lack of help and resources on modifying vbulletin 5.

Lynne 05-04-2013 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by greygaming (Post 2419898)

official vbulletin support pointed me here and said it could be done.

thanks anyway

--------------- Added [DATE]1367674280[/DATE] at [TIME]1367674280[/TIME] ---------------

I am unable to create new articles on this site, and vBulletin support is no help.

Would you have any information or resources that I could read up on this topic by myself?

I'm just getting surprised at this point by the lack of help and resources on modifying vbulletin 5.

This article is about using the Profile Fields in the postbit template. If that is what you are talking about, then it isn't apparent to me. Perhaps you can be a lot more specific about what you want and then we could help. Vague questions will not get very specific responses.

greygaming 05-05-2013 05:27 PM

I'm sorry for crappy explanations, I do appreciate you taking the time to read these posts


The picture above is the postbit I am looking to create.
Each image is tied to a link, each link is just the contents of the corresponding profile field.
What I am asking is how to make the output an image of my choice, and have the contents of the field be the link for the image.
Does that make sense?

Isn't that essentially what this tutorial is about, minus the images?
(note: I don't need help with the styling, I can figure that out)

sorry for any misunderstanding or time wasted, i did not mean to offend

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