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-   -   Create a working vBa Module for Inferno vBShout 1.1+ (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=163395)

m002.p 11-21-2007 10:00 PM

Create a working vBa Module for Inferno vBShout 1.1+
1 Attachment(s)
This has been requested by many users who have downloaded the lite addition of Inferno Techs vBShout Mod found here

What does this tutorial enable you to do?

As the title suggests, this enables you to create a module in vBadvanced for your Shoutbox opposed to having it on the portal (ie the variable <!--{%SHOUTBOX%}--> within the "adv_portal" template or similar).


See http://www.sog-team.co.uk/index.php (center module half way down)

  • Inferno Tech vBShout 1.0.1 or above
  • vBadvanced (Any versions)
How is it done?

Firstly upload the module attached using the feature within the "Admin CP > vBa CMPS > Download / Upload Module"

Create a new template in your style called "adv_portal_vbshout", and copy the following into it and click save:


Ensure the module uploaded is active and on your desired page and linked to the template above.

To get the Shoutbox to link to the Javascript file correctly, edit the template "inferno_shoutbox_box" and find:

Before the code above, place your whole forum URL. Eg: "http://mywebsite.com/", so the code then becomes:


To get the JavaScript file to now link to the correct PHP files you need to open up the following file; "infernoshout.js" located from this path below:

Open the file with a txt editor and find the several occurances of:


In every instance, change this to your full site URL, for example:


Save file and / or re-upload and you are done!

Re-Edit the template "inferno_shoutbox_box" and find:


Replace with your whole forum URL, example being:


Also take note that "adv_index" needs to be added to the page deployment. Remember to seperate the scripts by commas! eg. "index,adv_index"


Admin CP > Vbulletin Options > Inferno VbShout Settings > Page Deployment

Extra Hints:

- If your center module or module space is quite compact for the shoutbox editor underneath your SB display, you can make a simple change to remove a few options to conserve width space.


Admin CP > vBulletin Options > Inferno vBShout Settings > Editor Tools
Un Check some of the tools that you could do without. Example; "Smilies"

- If your text box for the shoutbox is 'crushed' or looks non existant within the module, dont panic as you can make one simple edit to make the shoutbox more 'module friendly' and space saving.


Admin CP > Styles & Templates > Search In Templates
Search for "Inferno" then browse for the template "inferno_shoutbox_editor" in your style. Now find (located at the top of your template):


                <input type="text" name="vbshout_pro_shoutbox_editor" style="width: 100%" class="bginput" id="vbshout_pro_shoutbox_editor" />

Underneath ADD:


Save the template and ensure you update any other templates in the styles used.

Note if the text box looks odd after this change, be sure to play around with the following percentage found in the "inferno_shoutbox_editor" template:


<input type="text" name="vbshout_pro_shoutbox_editor" style="width: 100%" class="bginput" id="vbshout_pro_shoutbox_editor" />

Try a range between 90-100% as I wanted to match the length of the text input box to match the editor tools width below it.

Also note, that these edits above will change your global layout not just for your module

Display Problems?

Try this solution which should ensure the shoutbox works correctly in vbA & forums index.

- Make the inferno shoutbox plugins run AFTER the vbadvanced ones, in the plugin manager you'll be able to set the execution order of plugins, by default things are 5, try setting inferno shoutbox ones to 6


May I also take this opportunity to encourage users with the "Lite" version to purchase the "Pro" which is better supported and with more features for so little money.



stud 11-27-2007 08:57 PM

Thanks for your efforts Princeston

Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to be working.

vBadvanced CMPS v3.0 RC1
vBulletin Version 3.6.8
vBShout Pro v2.0.0

Followed everyone one of your steps and the shoutbox will not show on my CMPS index.php still

m002.p 11-28-2007 07:48 PM

Firstly, Princeton just moderated it, and I actually released this fix / how to lol.

Secondly, I have exactly the same versions as you and it works for me and a few other friends of mine, so this would suggest you have made an error somewhere ;)

If you PM me your URL & a working ADMIN CP login with access to settings & styles only, I can take a look for you.

stud 11-29-2007 12:26 PM

woops - sorry about that m002. Allow me to correct the improperly given credit :)

I'll start from scratch and keep you posted.

m002.p 11-29-2007 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by stud (Post 1391648)
woops - sorry about that m002. Allow me to correct the improperly given credit :)

I'll start from scratch and keep you posted.

Nps mate, easily done.

On topic, when starting again, ensure that you review each step by double checking what you do with that ive posted here.

Let me know how it goes :)

stud 12-03-2007 10:34 PM

grrr, this still won't work for me

m002.p 12-04-2007 06:29 AM

if you want me to take a look, I can do. I would require a URL, admin CP login to styles & settings only via PM, and I can review this.

Offer is open to anyone who gets a problem ;)

stud 12-07-2007 02:30 PM

thanks Matt! One step you may want to add to the instructions above is to ensure "adv_index" is added to the the Page Deployment for the shoutbox.

Vbulletin Options > VbShout Settings (Pro) > Page Deployment

m002.p 12-07-2007 06:28 PM

Done ^^^

Thanks for the feedback

PennylessZ28 12-07-2007 09:19 PM

Module won't show up on integrated vbadvanced pages

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