Thx for this hack, currently testing it out.
A question.
The sticky option is nice to have but I realy would like to be able to select in which forums I want to allow this option to work
Same goes for other options that effect forums
Another question:
The setting: "Expires X Days after Purchase" does this mean that the item disappears from the users itemlist after the ammount of time (if he didn?t use it)?
Or does it mean that after X Days the thread he sticked will get unsticked again?
The second option would be very usefull
Or what about denieing some colors for usernames for example.
So that users can?t change there username color and layout so that they look like admins or mods
A short "how to" for implementing other hacks using eBux would be nice too.
I for example use
PhotoPlog Lite and I would like to limit the number of photos users can upload by default (can be set via the photoplog options) but I would like to have another eStore item that will increase the number of photos +10 or such.
How would I do that?
And one more.
Would it be possible to remember if a pager message has already poped up?
If I have multiple tabs from my forum open in Firefox, then it pops up on every tab.
I also noticed that when I got a pager message on my forum tab I can?t write in this message window (happend to me 4 times during writing this) until I go to the tab with the pager message and then back
Another "Bug":
If you deposit an ammount of money into your bank the "next time of interests" is set to the new time.
It would be good if it was stored at the first deposit and then never changes.
If you deposit a new amount of money 5mins before you would get interests you would lose a whole day ;)
The richest member display only shows points a user has not in the bank.
To realy show the richest member you would need to take the bank into account too ;)