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tidy_boy 06-13-2005 09:11 PM

Ok got a strange problem

When you click on currently active users I can see the users name and it says they are in the arcade but it then say that there is a guest in the arcade with the same ip.

Any ideas

TunerNetwork 06-14-2005 04:25 PM

Does anyone have the code to add to the "Forum Statistics" which will show how many games are installed, if you can, pm this to me, I know it's in here somewhere, but dont feel like going throuhg 250 posts on this thread,lol. THANKS!

ex: Threads: 2,397, Posts: 23,378, Members: 88 ****** <-- (want it to list Arade Games here)
check mine out: http://www.tunernetwork.com/forum/arcade.php?

dsboyce8624 06-14-2005 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by tidy_boy
Yeah I know that this hack is for vbulletin I have installed it on mine

What I want is the arcade section on the forum homepage like the link I provided.


Is there a hack for this for vbulletin

I've not seen anything liket that, but it would be an interesting thing to do, add the arcade to the forums list on fourmhome.

tidy_boy 06-14-2005 05:37 PM

itr would be great if someone could make a hack to do this :-)

sphinx 06-14-2005 07:06 PM

installed no problem but when I clcik on the arcade no page loads,just a blank one pointing to arcade php which I have uploaded to the correct place,any ideas please I looked through this thread for what seemed like hours but coulsdn't find a reference any help appreciated.

TunerNetwork 06-15-2005 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by TunerNetwork
Does anyone have the code to add to the "Forum Statistics" which will show how many games are installed, if you can, pm this to me, I know it's in here somewhere, but dont feel like going throuhg 250 posts on this thread,lol. THANKS!

ex: Threads: 2,397, Posts: 23,378, Members: 88 ****** <-- (want it to list Arade Games here)
check mine out: http://www.tunernetwork.com/forum/arcade.php?

Anyone have this hack?!!

TunerNetwork 06-15-2005 04:35 AM

Found it:


MissKalunji 06-15-2005 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by TunerNetwork

great thanks!

L3e 06-15-2005 06:18 PM

I installed this and everything worked fine, but in the admincp there is no link for Install New Games. How do I fix this?

I tried going to it like this:

And it has the table that says "Game Installation" and then button to submit it but nothing in between.

Any clue on how to fix this?

dsboyce8624 06-15-2005 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by L3e
I installed this and everything worked fine, but in the admincp there is no link for Install New Games. How do I fix this?

I tried going to it like this:

And it has the table that says "Game Installation" and then button to submit it but nothing in between.

Any clue on how to fix this?

Games come with an installer, you run that program to install them. Each should come with instructions.

L3e 06-15-2005 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by dsboyce8624
Games come with an installer, you run that program to install them. Each should come with instructions.

Is there anywere that still has this games available for download?

dsboyce8624 06-15-2005 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by L3e
Is there anywere that still has this games available for download?

I found about 1500 to 2000 of them, with dupes I'm sure scattered throughout this thread and this site.

Just search.

mustang_lex 06-15-2005 06:57 PM

252 pages?? I was thinking about this hack. Couple questions

1) the vbarcade site is down. Is there a place I can still get games?
2) does the vbarcade install come with games
3) is there really 252 pages of problems and should I read all 252 pages before I install it
4) Finally I have 3.0.7 . will this work?

Thank you

dsboyce8624 06-15-2005 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by mustang_lex
252 pages?? I was thinking about this hack.

1) the vbarcade site is down. Is there a place I can still get games?
2) does the vbarcade install come with games
3) is there really 252 pages of problems and should I read all 252 pages before I install it
4) Finally I have 3.0.7 . will this work?

Thank you

1. There are links to a large number right here in this thread and on this site.
2. Yes, but only a few.
3. No, most people have no trouble, many posts are about tweaks and finding/sharing games. It's worth the read.
4. Yeppers.

John Diver 06-15-2005 11:13 PM


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in \includes\functions.php on line 2997
Getting this error.
Saw it being posted by a few others and dreamweaver/wordpad was being blamed, but I haven't even opened it using either of these.
I just downloaded a program for editing vBulletin files because they were giving me problems.

Anyone know what is going wrong?

dsboyce8624 06-16-2005 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by John Diver
Getting this error.
Saw it being posted by a few others and dreamweaver/wordpad was being blamed, but I haven't even opened it using either of these.
I just downloaded a program for editing vBulletin files because they were giving me problems.

Anyone know what is going wrong?

It'd be easier if you gave us a few lines around the one specified, and told us what you use to edit files.

John Diver 06-16-2005 06:32 AM


function convert_bits_to_array(&$bitfield, $_FIELDNAMES)
        $bitfield = intval($bitfield);
        $arry = array();
        foreach ($_FIELDNAMES AS $field => $bitvalue)
                if ($bitfield & $bitvalue)
                        $arry["$field"] = 1;

                        $arry["$field"] = 0;
        return $arry;

I am using a program called PSPad.


d19113 06-16-2005 11:10 AM

I gave up looking. How do you get more games to be displayed on a page.Basically I want to show more games on page 1.

TunerNetwork 06-16-2005 03:39 PM

<a href="http://www.tunernetwork.com/forum/arcade.php?" target="_blank">http://www.tunernetwork.com/forum/arcade.php?</a>

This is my arcade running on 3.0.7. Installed no problems, if you need help installing, let me know.

dsboyce8624 06-16-2005 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by d19113
I gave up looking. How do you get more games to be displayed on a page.Basically I want to show more games on page 1.

Look on the first post and search the rest of the forums, there are several good addons. I have 30 games in 3 columns on my pages.

dsboyce8624 06-16-2005 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by John Diver

I am using a program called PSPad.


I don't see anything different than what I have in mine, this probably means that somewhere in the edits you either placed something wrong or added something extra.

If you have a backup of that file you should go back to it and redo whatever the arcade install had you do.

I've never used PSPad so I can't speak for it, I use TextPad.

XenaHosting 06-17-2005 04:38 AM

Everyting seemed to install fine, except whenever I try to access the arcade it says I dont have permission. The arcade is turn on and admins arcade permissions allow us to view it..what the heck is going on?


zigsterfrag 06-17-2005 10:29 AM

Has anyone fixed this bug yet!.

Marco van Herwaarden 06-17-2005 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by zigsterfrag
Has anyone fixed this bug yet!.

What bug? This is your first post.

zigsterfrag 06-17-2005 12:33 PM

Yeah sry

I have set all the permissions to yes but still keep getting the you dont have permission error.

I use 3.07

dsboyce8624 06-17-2005 01:13 PM

If you're getting an error, try setting permissions to all groups.

Some hacks, I can't remember if this is one, only see primary membership.

If you set permissions to registered users and your admins or mods are primary to the admin or mods group then it may not let them in.

zigsterfrag 06-17-2005 02:05 PM

i have set the permissions so that every group can play but still no joy.If i knew where to look in th db i would just change it there instead save all the mucking around!

Injektilo 06-17-2005 02:06 PM

it might sound stupid, but is it possible to include vbarcade somewhere else rather than the forum?

dsboyce8624 06-17-2005 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Injektilo
it might sound stupid, but is it possible to include vbarcade somewhere else rather than the forum?

Like where?

Injektilo 06-17-2005 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by dsboyce8624
Like where?

on a main page, not on my vbulletin.. The thing is, i already have ibproarcade on my vb and i dont know if i can install vbarcade (also on forum) so i am thinking to set it up for my main page, were users will be able to play arcades without login in (guests) and without submiting score

dsboyce8624 06-17-2005 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Injektilo
on a main page, not on my vbulletin.. The thing is, i already have ibproarcade on my vb and i dont know if i can install vbarcade (also on forum) so i am thinking to set it up for my main page, were users will be able to play arcades without login in (guests) and without submiting score

Sorry, that sounds awfully messy. First, two arcades, then set it up outside vB.

I don't think the first is advisable, and I don't think the second is doable.

Of course I could be wrong.

Niceboy 06-18-2005 09:40 AM

I have installing the vB3Arcade today and everything was fine

i have edit this template file postbit



<if condition="$show['pmlink']">


Above this, add:

        <if condition="$post['arcadesettings'] & 4 AND $post[userid]!=$bbuserinfo[userid] AND $bbuserinfo[userid]!=0">
                <tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="arcade.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newchallenge&userid=$post[userid]" target="_self">Challenge $post[username] in the Arcade</a></td></tr>

When i go to the Usernamei n the postpit i dont see the Challenge USer In the Arcade any idea why this ?

Thankyou :)

MissKalunji 06-18-2005 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Niceboy
I have installing the vB3Arcade today and everything was fine

i have edit this template file postbit



<if condition="$show['pmlink']">


Above this, add:

        <if condition="$post['arcadesettings'] & 4 AND $post[userid]!=$bbuserinfo[userid] AND $bbuserinfo[userid]!=0">
                <tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="arcade.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newchallenge&userid=$post[userid]" target="_self">Challenge $post[username] in the Arcade</a></td></tr>

When i go to the Usernamei n the postpit i dont see the Challenge USer In the Arcade any idea why this ?

Thankyou :)

perhaps u need to use ur posbit legacy?

Outdoor 06-18-2005 05:36 PM

ran into a little problem. a user challenged me, he won but on the challenges page he got a 0 while I got my score and it says I won in the postbit even though he beat me.

He challenged me to a second game which he has not played yet but it already says I won.

Is there a wait before the scores show up?

Oblivion Knight 06-18-2005 06:07 PM

I just figured I'd pass on a message..

It's up to you whether or not to take the advice, but I suggest you do so.


Well guys, this is what I have done after a recent local issue: I have disabled my arcade and recommend all others do the same. Why? It is pretty obvious after a recent string of US court actions, including one here locally:

Guy was found with copyrighted games and images on his IPB site. Small site, with about 500 regular members. The guy claimed most of the games and images he picked up off of download sites. Several of the games listed were the games provided with the ORIGINAL arcade hacks. He had ads and donate links on his site, therefore the court felt he was making a profit off of the display of games/images. Guy had nothing signed in PAPER; no PRINTED agreement from the MANUFACTURER or an AUTHORIZED distributor of the materials. Records and backup files from his ISP were used.

1 year probation
No online site creation or hosting while on probation
$5000 fine plus $10 per game/$2 per image involved
Forfeiture of his online forum licenses.

John would need to enter into an official agreement with these providers as a distributor, with the games having hard-coded copyright data. Then John would have to provide indemnifying software and license agreements to all users of the software.

The above court issue came about because one company complained about use of their games - that company's games are included in the basic install of v3Arcade.

This tells me that John knows enough about copyrights to get us all into trouble.

LEAD_WEIGHT 06-19-2005 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
I just figured I'd pass on a message..

It's up to you whether or not to take the advice, but I suggest you do so.

That is only if u did not get permission to display flash games from the orginal maker of the game. I can get permission for dozen of my games but those who do not want the games displayed @ others site should be in a banned list so ppl do not get in trouble for free games. I can see that for paid.

LEAD_WEIGHT 06-19-2005 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by Injektilo
on a main page, not on my vbulletin.. The thing is, i already have ibproarcade on my vb and i dont know if i can install vbarcade (also on forum) so i am thinking to set it up for my main page, were users will be able to play arcades without login in (guests) and without submiting score

Yes u can do this by a template that has buttons with the url link to game.

LEAD_WEIGHT 06-19-2005 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by Davey-UK
Curveball and Breakout are being requested on my forum........

Any chance of finding the authors of these games.?

I have this game and will ask the creator, only if still around if this game could be released but u have to get the email if that person agrees to it.

LEAD_WEIGHT 06-19-2005 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by MaDCaT75
I e-mailed the author for the fla file for http://www.seethru.co.uk/zine/south_...opter_game.htm but the e-mail bounced back to me.... please can anyone help me find this copter fla file!!!!

Do not download anything u do not have the permission from author. Unless u want to be the next John that gets busted.

Jenta 06-19-2005 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
I just figured I'd pass on a message..

It's up to you whether or not to take the advice, but I suggest you do so.

sounds like a false rumor

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