Bitsys |
02-21-2003 09:35 PM |
Originally posted by Moreliator
The only thing I have a question about now is styles. Your instructions say specifically not to choose more than one template set when installing. If my board has multiple styles that users can picks, is there a simple way to implement this hack on all styles? Because right now, if the user isn't on the specific template set the hack was installed on, there won't be the RPG options in their user CP and this may confuse a lot of people.
Whenever I tried applying the hack to all template sets, vbhacker would create each template once per set. At the time, my forum had 3 template sets. 51 new templates times 3 template sets equals 153 new templates. I wasn't very happy about this. To avoid confusion, I put that part about not selecting all of the template sets in the install file. I am not sure if there is an easy way to do the template edits on all of the template sets, however, you can try the following:
Go to vbhacker and start to install the hack as usual. When you get to the screen that lists which file edits, template edits, new templates, and queries you want to do, make sure that you select the template edits only (there should only be one). Then, at the bottom of the page, select all of the template sets that you did not do the template edits for when you originally installed the hack.
I have not tested this, but I think it will work. I would suggest backing up the template sets before doing it though, just in case.