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I use the version 6.6.1 and don't the numbers correspond to the reality at times they are of big long superior as it is possible?
Is there a way that I can change the width of the top posters names? Many of the top posters names get cut off and There name appears with "...." in the name. I would only need to extend the width by about 5 characters.
Members: 38,805 Threads: 103,206 Posts: 1,319,250 Around 180-200 online at the time it kills the server ... Running 3.8.4PL1 of vBulletin now ... Previously I was running 3.6.8 and the 3.6 version of this mod and did not have the same issues .. |
1 Attachment(s)
this seems to be great product seems to SUCK. I dumped it.
When you, the user, turns off the stats you can't turn them back on. I see the code in the install info but that not work, that ENABLE code. Anyone able to HELP? This has great info in the stats but no good it cant turn it back on!
Just installed. Works great, thx. Clicked as installed.
I don't know if this is a bug or just oversight, but there doesn't appear to be any way to limit the viewing of "More stats" to privileged users only. For instance, if you put the main registered users group in "Usergroups not allowed to view more results", you block the viewing of more results from everyone, admins included. So if you have privileged users set up as a secondary user group, there is no way to limit that page to them only.
The option should be reversed; it should be "Usergroups ALLOWED to view more results". Does anyone know how to edit this mod to make that possible? The author hasn't posted in months unfortunately... |
Come on people. This is a "free" mod from someone who creates these mod to share with all of us on his "free" time. It's really rude to say that this mod is crap/sucks/POS/etc. just because you are having an issue and Cyb doesn't get back to you within a day or two. If you want that kind of support, I suggest you pay him for his time. Hell, if it takes him 2 weeks to answer a post of mine, then so be it. I didn't pay him anything and he doesn't owe me anything. He can take all the time he wants to reply when he is good and ready.
I just read all 62 pages of this thread. And from reading all those pages I have learned that most of the problems that people are having and posting about have already been posted by someone else earlier. You just need to look for it. Also, why do most people (especially those new to Vbulletin) seem to think that the Cyb or any other mod creator, is going to assist them with every single little detail on their boards, especially if they have not taken the time to learn Vbulletin or read the previous postst in their threads. I personally have only been using Vbulletin for 2 week, but in those 2 weeks I have read about 75% of the Vbulletin Manual, search the vbulletin.com forums, search the vbulletin.org forums, and search multiple other vbulletin support sites on the net (do a google search). Also, because I am using a custom theme, I use the support forums of where I purchased the theme for assistance also. For all those people who are having trouble with this mod, I suggest the following to you: 1) READ ALL THE POST IN THIS THREAD FIRST - FROM THE BEGINING (62 pages at this writing) 2) If after you have read all the posts in this thread, and still could not find an answer to your issue; then it is time to create a new post with the problems you are having. 3) In your post give "detailed" information - What version of Vbulletin are you running - What version of vBadvanced are you running - What internet browser are you running / and version - Take screen shots of your errors and insert them in your post - Are you running a custom theme? Default theme? - and any other information that may be useful 4) Do not get upset if your post does not get answered, especially if the answer to your questions can be found just by taking time to read all the posts in this thread. Why should anyone help you if you aren't willing to put the time in to research it yourself first. Thats just being lazy. 5) If you are new to vbulletin and this is one of your first mod installs, be sure that you are following the instructions to the letter. 6) If you do not understand the instructions, DO NOT INSTALL. The instructions assume you have a working knowledge of Vbulletin. If you do not know how to modify templates, access the AdminCP, navigate the Admin CP, update code, create links, etc. then do not install this or any other mod yourself. I suggest getting a friend who knows what they are doing to install it for you or pay someone to install it. 7) If you want to learn for yourself, I highly recommend you backup your board and database. If you don't know how to do that, learn it. Read the Vbulletin manual and talk to your hosting company. Then, when/if you screw something up, you can restore from backup. 8) Ensure you have read all the posts in the thread before you ask for a certain update in the next version. 9) Quit asking for this mod to do things that the Cyb did not intend it to do. (there are some wierd requests being asked). 10) Remember, Cyb made this for his own use, not ours. If you do not like the new version, do not criticise him for it because it is missing things it had in a previous version. Either use the old version, attempt to recode it yourself, or pay someone to code it the way you want it. I'm probably going to take some heat for this post, but so be it. It wouldn't surprise me if Cyb said "screw it" and decided not to give support anymore just because of all the whiners and lazy people not looking for the answer to their problem in the previous posts. I love this mod Cyb (if you do read this). It installed very quickly and I was able to fix my problems by reading previous posts. I have 1 issue (which is not a big deal) and will post it seperate from this. Keep up the great work. :up: |
Did not see this issue come up on previous posts. Maybe someone else out there has seen this error:
Ok, I had 2 of my members report this to me yesterday. They were both running Mozilla Firefox (don't know what version). Whenever they clicked on the link to go into the forums home page, they got the below posted error. But as soon as I disabled this mod, they were able to get into the forums with no problems. Seeing as I use IE8 to setup my site, that is the only browser I will support. So I turned the mod back on and told them to use IE. Anyone have any idea as to why the would get the below error when trying to view the forums with mozilla? + Cas_AFStats_LP.handler.responseText + ''; } } setTimeout('document.getElementById("cybtopstats_l prel_area").style.display = "inline";', (30 * 1000)); } function Cas_getStats(statid, secstat) { if (statid!='cs_blockfir') { Cas_AFStats_F = new vB_AJAX_Handler(true); Cas_AFStats_F.cybcurr_f = statid; Cas_AFStats_F.onreadystatechange(Cas_updateStats); switch(statid) { case 'latestnews': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=latestnews&resul tsnr=5'); break; case 'mostviewedthreads': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=mostviewedthread s&resultsnr=5'); break; case 'hottestthreads': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=hottestthreads&r esultsnr=5'); break; case 'hottestforums': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=hottestforums&re sultsnr=5'); break; case 'classifiedads': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=classifiedads&re sultsnr=5'); break; case 'latestblogs': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=latestblogs&resu ltsnr=5'); break; case 'groupposts': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=groupposts&resul tsnr=5'); break; case 'newestmembers': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=newestmembers&re sultsnr=5'); break; case 'posters': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=posters&resultsn r=5'); break; case 'threadstarters': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=threadstarters&r esultsnr=5'); break; case 'referrers': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=referrers&result snr=5'); break; case 'reputations': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=reputations&resu ltsnr=5'); break; case 'thanked': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=thanked&resultsn r=5'); break; case 'infractions': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=infractions&resu ltsnr=5'); break; case 'visitors': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=visitors&results nr=5'); break; case 'groups': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=groups&resultsnr =5'); break; case 'donations': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=donations&result snr=5'); break; case 'badadmin': Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=badadmin'); break; default: Cas_AFStats_F.send('misc.php?show=hottestforums&re sultsnr=5'); break; } } if (secstat!='cs_blocksec') { Cas_AFStats_U = new vB_AJAX_Handler(true); Cas_AFStats_U.cybcurr_u = secstat; Cas_AFStats_U.onreadystatechange(Cas_updateStats); switch(secstat) { case 'latestnews': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=latestnews&resul tsnr=5'); break; case 'mostviewedthreads': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=mostviewedthread s&resultsnr=5'); break; case 'hottestthreads': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=hottestthreads&r esultsnr=5'); break; case 'hottestforums': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=hottestforums&re sultsnr=5'); break; case 'classifiedads': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=classifiedads&re sultsnr=5'); break; case 'latestblogs': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=latestblogs&resu ltsnr=5'); break; case 'groupposts': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=groupposts&resul tsnr=5'); break; case 'newestmembers': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=newestmembers&re sultsnr=5'); break; case 'posters': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=posters&resultsn r=5'); break; case 'threadstarters': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=threadstarters&r esultsnr=5'); break; case 'referrers': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=referrers&result snr=5'); break; case 'reputations': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=reputations&resu ltsnr=5'); break; case 'thanked': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=thanked&resultsn r=5'); break; case 'infractions': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=infractions&resu ltsnr=5'); break; case 'visitors': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=visitors&results nr=5'); break; case 'groups': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=groups&resultsnr =5'); break; case 'donations': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=donations&result snr=5'); break; case 'badadmin': Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=badadmin'); break; default: Cas_AFStats_U.send('misc.php?show=newestmembers&re sultsnr=5'); break; } } } function Cas_updateStats() { if (Cas_AFStats_F) { if (Cas_AFStats_F.handler.readyState == 4 && Cas_AFStats_F.handler.status == 200 && Cas_AFStats_F.handler.responseText) { Cas_AFStats_FDiv = fetch_object('cybstats_fdiv'); cybcurr_f = Cas_AFStats_F.cybcurr_f; cybtarea_f = document.getElementById("cybtopstats_ltitle_area") ; switch(cybcurr_f) { case 'latestnews': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Latest Forum News "; break; case 'mostviewedthreads': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Most Viewed Threads "; break; case 'hottestthreads': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Hottest Threads "; break; case 'hottestforums': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Most Popular Forums "; break; case 'classifiedads': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Latest Classified Ads "; break; case 'latestblogs': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Latest Blog Entries "; break; case 'groupposts': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Latest Group Posts"; break; case 'newestmembers': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Newest Members "; break; case 'posters': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Top Posters "; break; case 'threadstarters': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Top Thread Starters "; break; case 'referrers': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Top Referrers "; break; case 'reputations': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Top Reputations "; break; case 'thanked': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Top Thanked "; break; case 'infractions': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Top Infractions "; break; case 'visitors': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Profile Visits"; break; case 'groups': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Latest Social Groups"; break; case 'donations': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Latest Donations"; break; case 'badadmin': cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Forum Stats"; break; default: cybtarea_f.innerHTML = "Most Popular Forums "; break; } Cas_AFStats_FDiv.innerHTML = '' + Cas_AFStats_F.handler.responseText + ''; } } if (Cas_AFStats_U) { if (Cas_AFStats_U.handler.readyState == 4 && Cas_AFStats_U.handler.status == 200 && Cas_AFStats_U.handler.responseText) { Cas_AFStats_UDiv = fetch_object('cybstats_udiv'); cybcurr_u = Cas_AFStats_U.cybcurr_u; cybtarea_u = document.getElementById("cybtopstats_rtitle_area") ; switch(cybcurr_u) { case 'latestnews': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Latest Forum News "; break; case 'mostviewedthreads': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Most Viewed Threads "; break; case 'hottestthreads': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Hottest Threads "; break; case 'hottestforums': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Most Popular Forums "; break; case 'classifiedads': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Latest Classified Ads "; break; case 'latestblogs': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Latest Blog Entries "; break; case 'groupposts': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Latest Group Posts"; break; case 'newestmembers': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Newest Members "; break; case 'posters': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Top Posters "; break; case 'threadstarters': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Top Thread Starters "; break; case 'referrers': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Top Referrers "; break; case 'reputations': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Top Reputations "; break; case 'thanked': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Top Thanked "; break; case 'infractions': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Top Infractions "; break; case 'visitors': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Profile Visits"; break; case 'groups': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Latest Social Groups"; break; case 'donations': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Latest Donations"; break; case 'badadmin': cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "User Stats"; break; default: cybtarea_u.innerHTML = "Newest Members "; break; } Cas_AFStats_UDiv.innerHTML = '' + Cas_AFStats_U.handler.responseText + ''; } } } Cas_getLPStats("startup"); Cas_getStats("hottestforums", "posters"); --> |
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