Rickie3 |
12-05-2005 10:26 AM |
Originally Posted by lsgworldl
I might just got for the otehr hck coz this one dosnt even work right and should not of been released coz its full of bugs we cant ask where to get games and has no real instructions on how to install games, the person who posted this thread expect us to be physic and know this with no input on his end, just a typical coder, tried to write somthing and relaeses it when it does not even work right :devious: :tired:
ahhhh stop ya whinning,what doesnt work right?where's all the bugs, you quick to critisize,but dont point out the problems,as for installing games its as plain as the nose on your face,my 8 year old has no probs installing them lol,if you are that concerned about games PM me,and bagging out the coder is uncoof would you have put the time and effort in to getting this up???,could you do better??? I dont think so.If you dont like what ive said then go with the other hack,it might make you happy :ermm: