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Harry72 11-18-2005 12:58 PM

Yes, the hack is wonderful, but i can't see the text under the username in the PopUp.
And yes, there is an input. :nervous:
I think that's an individual styleprob. :tired:

Robert Basil 11-18-2005 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by TonysDesigns
Installed! One problem.....

I dunno if this has been posted before, but IN FIREFOX my map is missing the "Show entry and Your Entry" buttons

Click here to see a snapshot of what I am talking about

I am running version 1.0.3, btw

Right click where the buttons should be and view the location properties. Your images are not in the right directory on your server. Unlike IE which displays red X's for missing images Firefox displays nothing when the image is missing (if you don't have an "alt" tag for the image)

stonyarc 11-18-2005 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by TonysDesigns
Installed! One problem.....

I dunno if this has been posted before, but IN FIREFOX my map is missing the "Show entry and Your Entry" buttons

Click here to see a snapshot of what I am talking about

I am running version 1.0.3, btw

This is a feature. You have to be logged in to show the buttons.

stonyarc 11-18-2005 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Harry72
Yes, the hack is wonderful, but i can't see the text under the username in the PopUp.
And yes, there is an input. :nervous:
I think that's an individual styleprob. :tired:


Look for the template VBGooglemap_display_map

Look for:

var content = "<div align=\"center\"><strong>"+title +"</strong></div>" + "<hr width=\"100\"/><div align=\"left\" style=\"width: 20em\">" + text +"</div>";
replace by

var content = "<div align=\"center\"><strong>"+title +"</strong></div>" + "<hr width=\"100\"/><div align=\"left\" style=\"width: 20em;color:#000000\">" + text +"</div>";
color:#000000 can be set to the color you want.

Harry72 11-18-2005 05:32 PM


thx a lot. *Voted for Hack of the Month* :nervous:

Kihon Kata 11-18-2005 05:43 PM

my buttons have been found here since I installed it:


is that NOT the right place?


Originally Posted by Sportbikeworld
Right click where the buttons should be and view the location properties. Your images are not in the right directory on your server. Unlike IE which displays red X's for missing images Firefox displays nothing when the image is missing (if you don't have an "alt" tag for the image)

Kihon Kata 11-18-2005 05:44 PM

Eh? lol... I am the admin there and don't log out. The snapshot I sent is of me logged in.


Originally Posted by stonyarc
This is a feature. You have to be logged in to show the buttons.

stonyarc 11-18-2005 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by TonysDesigns
my buttons have been found here since I installed it:


is that NOT the right place?

That is the right place.

Harry72 11-18-2005 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by TonysDesigns
my buttons have been found here since I installed it:


is that NOT the right place?

If u are not using the Original vB-Style, you must place the buttons in every styledirectory (/buttons). I did the same. :nervous:

Kihon Kata 11-18-2005 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Harry72
If u are not using the Original vB-Style, you must place the buttons in every styledirectory (/buttons). I did the same. :nervous:

Thanks Harry,

That worked! One problem. Markers not showing up after entry. Is there a trick?

Harry72 11-18-2005 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by TonysDesigns
Thanks Harry,

That worked! One problem. Markers not showing up after entry. Is there a trick?

################################################## ##############
Set the file permissions on the marker.xml file to 777 or 766
################################################## ##############

You did this ?

Kihon Kata 11-18-2005 06:43 PM

Si! err I mean yes....cmodded to 766


Originally Posted by Harry72
################################################## ##############
Set the file permissions on the marker.xml file to 777 or 766
################################################## ##############

You did this ?

Harry72 11-18-2005 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by TonysDesigns
Si! err I mean yes....cmodded to 766

Try 777.

stonyarc 11-18-2005 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by TonysDesigns
Si! err I mean yes....cmodded to 766

Your markers.xml gets build correctly. Strange that the markers don't show.

Did you change anything in code.

I cannot register at your site. Whatever name I use I gives an in use error?

Moreover I find it a bit annoying that you bluntly removed the copyright notice without prior permission.

lazytown 11-18-2005 07:01 PM

LOVE THE MOD. One problem. I'm having some users that have been able to enter more than one marker (one has 3). They are in slightly different locations and I can see their entries in the XML file. How is that possible and how do I prevent it?

Thanks! - vissa

stonyarc 11-18-2005 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by vissa
LOVE THE MOD. One problem. I'm having some users that have been able to enter more than one marker (one has 3). They are in slightly different locations and I can see their entries in the XML file. How is that possible and how do I prevent it?

Thanks! - vissa

Vissa can you post a link please.

Can you check the googlemap table if that is the case too.

Normally userid makes it unique.

lazytown 11-18-2005 07:08 PM

Cool Feature Idea (If Possible).

I'm wondering if it would be possible to click on something within a member's profile that would then take you to their marker within the map or something similar. Sort of a member lookup within the map.


stonyarc 11-18-2005 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by vissa
Cool Feature Idea (If Possible).

I'm wondering if it would be possible to click on something within a member's profile that would then take you to their marker within the map or something similar. Sort of a member lookup within the map.


Damm you just discovered one of the secrets for version 1.0.5 (not the next one but the one after that) :mad:

lazytown 11-18-2005 07:15 PM

LAT: 43.16512263158295
LONG: -77.6129150390625
Zoom Level: 9
In that region, PalominoBaby57 has 3 markers.

Here is a link: http://www.horsegroomingsupplies.com...googlemap.html

I just checked with phpmyadmin and there are actually 4 entires for that user. There are also 4 in the xml file.

Note I am using vbseo to rewrite the main map display (but the edit marker feature is not rewritten, it's the standard query URL).

Thanks - vissa


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Vissa can you post a link please.

Can you check the googlemap table if that is the case too.

Normally userid makes it unique.

stonyarc 11-18-2005 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by vissa
LAT: 43.16512263158295
LONG: -77.6129150390625
Zoom Level: 9
In that region, PalominoBaby57 has 3 markers.

Here is a link: http://www.horsegroomingsupplies.com...googlemap.html

I just checked with phpmyadmin and there are actually 4 entires for that user. There are also 4 in the xml file.

Note I am using vbseo to rewrite the main map display (but the edit marker feature is not rewritten, it's the standard query URL).

Thanks - vissa

That is the only reason I can see for the double creation. userid is used to make the table entry unique.


$checkuser = $db->query_read("SELECT userid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "googlemap WHERE userid = '" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . "'");

lazytown 11-18-2005 07:22 PM

Brilliant minds think alike. :) haha j/k

Another Idea: Have the newest/recently updated markers appear in a different color. Perhaps by a user specified time period (last day, week , month, etc).



Originally Posted by stonyarc
Damm you just discovered one of the secrets for version 1.0.5 (not the next one but the one after that) :mad:

lazytown 11-18-2005 07:24 PM

So you think VBSEO is doing it?



Originally Posted by stonyarc
That is the only reason I can see for the double creation. userid is used to make the table entry unique.


$checkuser = $db->query_read("SELECT userid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "googlemap WHERE userid = '" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . "'");

stonyarc 11-18-2005 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by vissa
So you think VBSEO is doing it?


I'll have to do some additional testing but how else can someone enter more than one entry.

I would appreciate however if you don't remove copyright notices.

lazytown 11-18-2005 07:27 PM

No problem -- I was just trying to play with the template to make the top section smaller. I'll add it back later at the bottom if that is ok.



Originally Posted by stonyarc
I'll have to do some additional testing but how else can someone enter more than one entry.

I would appreciate however if you don't remove copyright notices.

stonyarc 11-18-2005 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by vissa
No problem -- I was just trying to play with the template to make the top section smaller. I'll add it back later at the bottom if that is ok.


No problem thanks for understanding the issue.

lazytown 11-18-2005 07:35 PM

So I set VBSEO not to touch the googlemap pages. Let's see if that solves the problem. In the mean time, should I just delete the extra entries from the xml file and table or is it enough to do it in one of them?


stonyarc 11-18-2005 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by vissa
So I set VBSEO not to touch the googlemap pages. Let's see if that solves the problem. In the mean time, should I just delete the extra entries from the xml file and table or is it enough to do it in one of them?


Just the table. The XML is auto-rebuild .

geoff4787 11-18-2005 08:15 PM

Working great for me:

The zip code feature will be a good one!

lazytown 11-19-2005 12:19 AM

Why is it that if I center the map at long: -170 (for example) it doesn't show any of the markers in Australia but shows them in US.. However if I set it to longitude 170 (positive), it shows the markers for Australia, but not the US? That is until I move the map back. I was hoping to center the map on the US but include Australia on the left and western Europe on the right.

Thanks -vissa

ConqSoft 11-19-2005 12:23 AM

I see that this was just added to this plugin:



This has taken quite some work and still will take a lot more. Please give credit where credit is due. You cannot remove any notice without prior written permission.
Are you going to offer a paid branding-free version? If not, I'll have to remove this from my site. :(

Lionel 11-19-2005 02:58 AM

I know this says 3.50. I am using 3.07 and I really would like to have this hack.

I did all the files manually (database, settings, phrases, templates and even placed the hook files where they supposed to go) and it all appears to be in order. However I am getting a blank page. Is that because the php itself contains code exclusive to 3.50 and non compatible with 3.07?

Kihon Kata 11-19-2005 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Your markers.xml gets build correctly. Strange that the markers don't show.

Did you change anything in code.

I cannot register at your site. Whatever name I use I gives an in use error?

Moreover I find it a bit annoying that you bluntly removed the copyright notice without prior permission.

Ok, I chmodded the marker file to 777 and no workie, no workie, no markers.... :(

You cannot register? We had 100 registrations today. Strange Why would that be?

Does the Copywright notice need to be there? I didn't realize you actually copywrited it.(LMK)

I'll add it back in once it works

lazytown 11-19-2005 06:01 AM

Something is generally considered copyrighted once the author says it is. There is no requirement to file anything. So I for one am going to respect his wishes. I am (with his consent) moving the notice to the bottom.



Originally Posted by TonysDesigns
Ok, I chmodded the marker file to 777 and no workie, no workie, no markers.... :(

You cannot register? We had 100 registrations today. Strange Why would that be?

Does the Copywright notice need to be there? I didn't realize you actually copywrited it.(LMK)

I'll add it back in once it works

Harry72 11-19-2005 08:59 AM

Yes, you all should respect the hard work of a coder.

stonyarc 11-19-2005 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Harry72
Yes, you all should respect the hard work of a coder.

You still have all the freedom to edit it or whatever.


Attribution. You must give the original author credit.
Non-Commercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a licence identical to this one.

Vbhacks.de asked me if they could translate it and that wented without a glitch. Why should I worry about that? But they just asked.

if you build on something, just give credit where credit is due like I did on the javascript part in the modification post.

Harry72 11-19-2005 11:16 AM

Yes, i also translated it into german, but i don't delete the Copyright or exchange it against mine. Hope, this is ok.

Robert Basil 11-19-2005 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Moreover I find it a bit annoying that you bluntly removed the copyright notice without prior permission.


I don't have a copyright text on mine. I didn't remove anything from the code (just added some text to the front page). I don't want to step on any toes and want to give you the credit you deserve. I searched through my phrases and don't see any copyright text at all. Maybe it didn't get installed? Can you post the phrase and text that I am supposed to have?

Thanks bro.

Robert Basil 11-19-2005 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by ConqSoft
I see that this was just added to this plugin:

Are you going to offer a paid branding-free version? If not, I'll have to remove this from my site. :(

I would be willing to donate for a branded free version. :)

Kihon Kata 11-19-2005 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Pocketbike Planet
I would be willing to donate for a branded free version. :)

Sorry about that, STONY.

Same here, if someone can help me to get it to work.

stonyarc 11-19-2005 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Pocketbike Planet
I would be willing to donate for a branded free version. :)

Well it's not a question of branding it. It's about giving the creator some credit for what he created.

If you put a reference to the author

Created by StonyArc on the bottom it's fine.

Just, "(c) your site" is not the correct way to brand something that is not your creation. I have to give credit too.

Making something brand free doesn't mean replacing my copyright by yours.


Attribution. You must give the original author credit.
Non-Commercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a licence identical to this one.

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