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-   -   Yet Another Awards System 3.5 v2.1.2 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=94836)

carpzone 05-31-2006 08:52 AM

Tnx MTornback I can use it.

Sombody nows how to fix my problem, i can't find it :(

mtha 05-31-2006 04:06 PM

Thanks, Gaskell for your help on support. good that you love the hack :)

for translation, edit phrase: award_pm on Email Subject Text
Congratulation! You have got a new award!


Originally Posted by MThornback
If anyone wants to add this to their ModCP, I made a simple plugin for it...don't forget to put award.php in your modcp folder if you use it...

My problem is...how do I let Mods do this without giving them supermod permissions...maybe I just need sleep and it'll come to me. Suggestions anyway?

you need to setup permission right. In my award.php, i have "canadminusers" check, you might want to modify it "somehow", to let other moderator to do the job. sorry that I dont have enough time to do it right now.

mtha 06-01-2006 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by carpzone
I got this error when reading posts after installing de xml

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:


Invalid SQL:

SELECT a.*, au.*, post.userid, post.postid
FROM vb_post AS post
INNER JOIN vb_award_user AS au ON (au.userid=post.userid)
INNER JOIN vb_award AS a ON (a.award_id=au.award_id)
WHERE post.postid IN (0,2789,2790,2799,2808,2820) GROUP BY post.postid

GROUP BY au.issue_id
ORDER BY au.issue_time DESC;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'GROUP BY au.issue_id
ORDER BY au.issue_time DESC

Did all of the template changes, i installed YAAS 2.1.2 On VB 3.4.5

I hope sombody can help me with this error.
The error occures when sombody try's to klik a forumpost.:confused:

P.S. I readed al of the post in this tread, its defenitly no Guest post


Where/how did you get the error? do you have any other hack/mod that could interfere with this one?

why "GROUP BY post.postid got inserted into the query??

MThornback 06-01-2006 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by mtha
Thanks, Gaskell for your help on support. good that you love the hack :)

for translation, edit phrase: award_pm on Email Subject Text
Congratulation! You have got a new award!

you need to setup permission right. In my award.php, i have "canadminusers" check, you might want to modify it "somehow", to let other moderator to do the job. sorry that I dont have enough time to do it right now.

Maybe the best way is to add a condition for specific userids..its a stop gap...but i'll play with it....i'll share my results if they work as always.

carpzone 06-01-2006 03:54 PM


Where/how did you get the error? do you have any other hack/mod that could interfere with this one?

why "GROUP BY post.postid got inserted into the query??
Well i have some hacks installed
Thanks Mod
Arcade mod

Both for 3.5 offcorse

I get the error on every tread clicked, so on every tread in every forum :cross-eyed:
When i set the option of postbit display on off in the admin Cp. I having no errors.

But then nobody can't see the awards in the postbit offcorse :)

When i get the error after clicking a tread a get the default database error page. With description from my previeus post.

Must i remove somthing from the original code or somthing ?

This is my Query in postbit query from the hooks


// [START HACK='Yet Another Award System' AUTHOR='HacNho']
if ($vbulletin->options['aw_postbit'])
if ($vbulletin->options['aw_postbitawardorder'] == 1)
$awardsdisplayorder = "ORDER BY au.issue_time ASC";
else if ($vbulletin->options['aw_postbitawardorder'] == 2)
$awardsdisplayorder = "ORDER BY a.award_displayorder ASC";
else if ($vbulletin->options['aw_postbitawardorder'] == 3)
$awardsdisplayorder = "ORDER BY a.award_displayorder DESC";
$awardsdisplayorder = "ORDER BY au.issue_time DESC";

// Obtain list of awards for current user
$alluserawards = $db->query_read("
SELECT a.*, au.*, post.userid, post.postid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "award_user AS au ON (au.userid=post.userid)
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "award AS a ON (a.award_id=au.award_id)
WHERE $postids
". iif((!empty($cache_postids)), "post.postid IN (" . $cache_postids . ")") ."
GROUP BY au.issue_id
while( $ua = $db->fetch_array($alluserawards))
$userawardscache[$ua['userid']][$ua['issue_id']] = $ua;
// [END HACK='Yet Another Award System' AUTHOR='HacNho']

carpzone 06-01-2006 06:30 PM

OK Problem fixed, a hooked file from Photoplog Lite (gallery) did the Job for the errors.

I d'ont now the reason but i just disabled the the hook an the YAAS works very fine now.

Awesome Mod
Thank u for this Addon ;)

buyinflatables 06-07-2006 03:04 AM

I installed this and it sems great!!! The only problem I am having is the request reward link.

When I click on it I get page that says:

Username, you do nothave permissions to access this page etc...

And I get this as a user or admin?

Did I miss something?

Im using 3.5.4

Thank you


MThornback 06-07-2006 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by MThornback
Maybe the best way is to add a condition for specific userids..its a stop gap...but i'll play with it....i'll share my results if they work as always.

As promised...it will work in the ModCP...I decided not to add the per user condition....but if you want it...it should be something like:


if (!can_moderate('canmoderate') AND $vbulletin->GPC['userid']=='x,y,z')
x,y,z are userids...that bit is untested....but I think it should work....if it doesn't try putting () around the userid condition....

Gaskell 06-07-2006 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by buyinflatables
I installed this and it sems great!!! The only problem I am having is the request reward link.

When I click on it I get page that says:

Username, you do nothave permissions to access this page etc...

And I get this as a user or admin?

Did I miss something?

Im using 3.5.4

Thank you


Daft question - have you allowed your usergroups to request awards in Usergroup Manager? :)

buyinflatables 06-07-2006 08:38 PM

Thank you... Didnt realize that option was added there.

It works now.

Does anyone know where to get different award images. I saw only a few on here... but could have sworn I seen more elswhere... Just dont remember where.

Thanks again!!


Gaskell 06-08-2006 10:09 AM

Theres these ones on here but you will probably have to make your own using any graphics software you have :)

buyinflatables 06-08-2006 09:51 PM

Gaskell, Did you make all those on your site? Or did you find them elsewhere?



Gaskell 06-09-2006 01:50 PM

On Trackpads? They were made by the big boss guy (goes by the name "trackpads" on here and "Hannibal" on Trackpads). :)

I will be starting to design some now I have exams out the way but they will probably be military related :)

aceofspades 06-09-2006 10:13 PM

Is there no way to display the persons award under their post count in a post?

Gaskell 06-10-2006 12:34 PM

I'm guessing it can be done just by editing the postbit templates.

Give me a few hours and I will see if I can work it out and get back to you :)

mtha 06-10-2006 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by aceofspades
Is there no way to display the persons award under their post count in a post?

isnt that displayed undernead post count now? or you can move the code in postbit (or postbit_legacy) anywhere you want to.

peterska2 06-10-2006 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by aceofspades
Is there no way to display the persons award under their post count in a post?

Do you want the images, or award name text?

aceofspades 06-17-2006 05:32 PM

Either would be great

NR Fatal 06-22-2006 09:12 PM

Nice hack! I love it, I only have one problem though. When I go into my
USER CP>edit profile and then scroll all the way down, I see a field for "awards", lol. I thought I followed the instructions correctly but maybe I didn't. how do i fix this*see attached file*?

Polo 06-23-2006 12:22 AM


mtha 06-24-2006 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by NR Fatal
Nice hack! I love it, I only have one problem though. When I go into my
USER CP>edit profile and then scroll all the way down, I see a field for "awards", lol. I thought I followed the instructions correctly but maybe I didn't. how do i fix this*see attached file*?

did you install AnimeWebby's Awards/Medals/Cards Hack? I dont think my hack has anything like that.

danhaga 06-28-2006 10:52 AM

I like it! Is there a way to setup automatic awards? For example, a user automaticly gets an award for hitting a specific post count or for rating a certain number of threads. Or an auto award for 1 month or 1 year membership...


BoYagoob 07-07-2006 09:15 AM

Hello, does this hack work for vB 3.6?

Snake 07-07-2006 02:09 PM

Nope it should work on 3.5.x only.

HabboHall 07-08-2006 01:41 PM

Hey there.
I love your hack and think its brilliant.

Im having some trouble though. In between the catagories, it repeats the pages background. My pages background is an image, and in the awards page, it looks very bad.

I have screenshot to show my problem.

Can anyone give me a code or help me to get ride of this?


Snake 07-09-2006 12:03 PM

It seems that it has something to do with your skin code. Post up your template bit here, I'll see if I can sort that out.

jluerken 07-10-2006 11:57 AM

I am using this hack in vB 3.5 and want to use it also in vB 3.6
Is this working or will there been an update available soon?

HabboHall 07-10-2006 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Dark Blade
It seems that it has something to do with your skin code. Post up your template bit here, I'll see if I can sort that out.

Ok. I will post an image once my forum is back up (hosting company downtime).

You need a picture of the forum home?

Gaskell 07-10-2006 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by jluerken
I am using this hack in vB 3.5 and want to use it also in vB 3.6
Is this working or will there been an update available soon?

I would guess when 3.6 goes Gold and/or when mtha finds time to do it :)

HabboHall 07-10-2006 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Gaskell
I would guess when 3.6 goes Gold and/or when mtha finds time to do it :)

Most likely. Isn't really widely used yet.

Martin64 07-10-2006 08:02 PM

Lovely hack, just what I looked for. :)

mtha 07-11-2006 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Gaskell
I would guess when 3.6 goes Gold and/or when mtha finds time to do it :)

:) great that you guys like the hack. I've been too busy with other projects, that left no time for both support and development for this one.

However, 3.6 gold is coming soon, will try to find the time for it


Darksky 07-11-2006 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Nachtfalke
am I missing something? I extracted the zip, but in the include dir there was no settings.award.php, only the folder xml with the bitfield and the cpnav_ in it.
Thank you for help!

The same to me !
I downlodade the last file. Someone can help me please ? :confused:

oberheimhaven 07-13-2006 11:22 PM


thxs man "Great Hack"

paul41598 07-16-2006 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Darksky
The same to me !
I downlodade the last file. Someone can help me please ? :confused:

Confirmed. THe hack is missing files

aceofspades 07-16-2006 08:33 PM

It would be cool to be able to put the award in the postbit

VTXCafe.com 07-19-2006 04:16 AM

Great hack!!

In the issue reason it seems to limit the characters allowed, can it be changed to allow more characters?

mtha 07-20-2006 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by paul41598
Confirmed. THe hack is missing files

i think for the latest version, I dont use the setting file anymore, all the settings are in vB Options.
maybe I need to update the installation guide :( (been too bz with work)


aceofspades It would be cool to be able to put the award in the postbit
It does display awards in postbit.


In the issue reason it seems to limit the characters allowed, can it be changed to allow more characters?
which chars are you talking about?

adrenaline786 07-21-2006 02:09 AM

this hack was working perfectly fine for until one day when in clicked on the awards link and nothing appears. The awards are shown in user profile and post bit but the award.php file itself shows nothing :( . Any help will be appreciated :)

mtha 07-21-2006 06:03 AM

maybe you upgrade or lost some templates? check the templates for the YAAS.

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