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-   -   NNTP Gateway for Usenet ( Newsgroups ), Mailing Lists (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=92588)

ubuntu-geek 07-08-2006 03:09 AM

Just a FYI this works on 3.6.0 beta4 without any known issues yet..

Aylwin 07-10-2006 10:59 AM

Finally found a functions_image.php file and got this mod working.

Has anyone noticed a problem with large attachments/mails? gateway.php seems to hang when it gets to a message larger than 2MB.

Altec 07-11-2006 11:15 AM

Hi everyone,

I've tried to install this hack, everything went well except when I run gateway.php?debug=1 all I get is a blank page. Although setlastmsg worked fine.


bang 08-16-2006 12:38 PM

I assume this hack is very very far from working on 3.6?

TMM-TT 08-16-2006 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by bang
I assume this hack is very very far from working on 3.6?

It works for me.. :)

Rik Brown 08-17-2006 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by ubuntu-geek
Just a FYI this works on 3.6.0 beta4 without any known issues yet..

I've upgraded to vb 3.6.0 but have been waiting to try out this mod. Have you fully upgraded to the 3.6.0 release version? Still no problems?

I also see that there are database changes involved. Hopefully, those don't touch the vb database but only create their own tables?

Would appreciate an update before I try it out.

Thanks. -- Rik

WritersBeat 08-26-2006 07:27 AM

How would I set this up for alt.books.reviews ? I have no idea how to do this.

TMM-TT 08-26-2006 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by WritersBeat
How would I set this up for alt.books.reviews ? I have no idea how to do this.

This is how I set up alt.games.the-sims - just change the data to your settings. :)

KW802 08-28-2006 12:34 AM

Anybody able to hack this yet for 3.6.0 gold?

TMM-TT 09-01-2006 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by KW802
Anybody able to hack this yet for 3.6.0 gold?

I had some problems with attachments, but after some changes (after the above advices about functions_image.php, etc) that worked too. I actually just made it work ;)

(But I still have problems with showing thumbnails)

esfron 09-01-2006 04:36 PM

First of all, thanks for this wonderful hack. I've been using this successfully for months. However it doesn't work correctly with 3.6.

The biggest issue is when i click on the 'go to last post' button on forumhome, it says no thread specified and it leads to: /showthread.php?p=0#post0. I have noticed that last button code does not seem the same between 3.5x and 3.6: .../forum/showthread.php?goto=lastpost... and .../forum/showthread.php?p=...#post...

I didn't test mailing list, attachments, export to usenet.

Thanks for any feedback on this issue

KW802 09-03-2006 05:18 AM

Would appreciate any insight on this one...

vB 3.6.0 -- Incoming feeds are working. Outgoing feeds though are a problem. According to the logs everything is working fine... the outgoing posts are giving a status code of 240 and no errors are record.

The outgoing posts, though, never appear on the news server. :(

Thoughts? Anybody know of a free NNTP server that I can use for testing just to see if the problem is with my site or my news provider?

TMM-TT 09-04-2006 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by KW802
Thoughts? Anybody know of a free NNTP server that I can use for testing just to see if the problem is with my site or my news provider?

I can set up an account for you at news.tornevall.net. Just send me a PM if you're interested. :)

KW802 09-05-2006 05:54 PM


Thanks for the offer. I seem to have solved my issue, though. I switched from Supernews (via Forte's Agent News provider) to Giganews and everything is working fine again.

Thanks, :cool:

TMM-TT 09-05-2006 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by KW802
Thanks for the offer. I seem to have solved my issue, though. I switched from Supernews (via Forte's Agent News provider) to Giganews and everything is working fine again.

Perfect. Just tell me if there's any interest of forum-usenet-accounts.. :)

Another question -

When posts are made into the forum, I sometimes can see duplicate posts; just after the post, the imported one repeats itself so it looks like duplicates in the forum. Does anyone know if there's any dupechecking somewhere, or is it like this for you too?

Edit: My little solution didn't work, so I wonder if there is any other to prevent dupes instead. :P

dethfire 09-06-2006 09:28 PM

I'm finding most free servers are supporting only NNRP, any way to implement this?

TMM-TT 09-06-2006 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by dethfire
I'm finding most free servers are supporting only NNRP, any way to implement this?

200 news.tornevall.net InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.4.3 ready (posting ok).

NNRP is the NNTP server for reader clients, that comes with the INN server package, a news-server running under Linux.

KidCharlemane 09-16-2006 07:41 PM

Are there any decent free servers for text only? I have a Giganews account but they tie you to a single IP so if youre logged in with a client on your home machine, the server cant log in to process messages.

I was hoping using their text only server they might let it slide but alas, they dont.

dethfire 09-16-2006 08:59 PM

I can't connect to anything all of a sudden. Is there something on a server that would deny access? Some security thing?

KidCharlemane 09-17-2006 04:35 PM

Anyone gotten this to work with Google Groups? Not Google's Usenet archive but the Google email groups.

Rik Brown 09-20-2006 12:33 PM

First I want to thank lierduh for his work on developing this mod and krandall for his fixes. We've been importing 3-years of messages from a large newsgroup this week and all appears working well so far (haven't tried exporting yet).

While it would be best to filter out spam and other junk in the importation phase [killfile], one obviously doesn't know what and who to scan for at first. Has anyone developed a series of mySQL commands for the post-importation of messages to work on cleaning up the spam and bad users? If so, could you please advise a sample here that I and perhaps others can build on?

In my case, I would like to:

1) Posts

- delete any post with a URL in it (99% spam)
- delete any post with certain keywords in them
- delete any post by specified users
- delete any post with a URL in the User Name

2) Threads

- delete any thread with a URL in the title
- delete any thread with certain keywords in them
- delete any thread by specified users
- delete any thread with a URL in the User Name

Thanks. -- Rik

KidCharlemane 09-20-2006 03:24 PM

Unfortunately I keep getting an "out of memory" error when I run this hack. Ive used it before with success but for some reason now, it's just not happening. Anyone got any ideas how I can work around the problem? Here is the actual error:

"Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 3840 bytes) in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/trianglecycling.com/httpdocs/includes/functions_newpost.php(181) : regexp code on line 1"

Any ideas?

Aylwin 09-20-2006 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by KidCharlemane
Unfortunately I keep getting an "out of memory" error when I run this hack.

Any ideas?

Have you tried allocating more memory to PHP? I can't remember the syntax right now but you can set it in php.ini or .htaccess.

KidCharlemane 09-20-2006 04:36 PM

I dont think I can.. the domain is on a Plesk based system and I dont have access to the administrator control panel.

This is happening on the initial import so I feel pretty sure if I could get all the messages imported, the recent postings between intervals wont cause this problem. I'm trying to import two groups tho with a lot of posts so I dont know how long it will take to actually get them all. It would be nice if you could import XX amount of posts, have the script terminate and then restart to get them all. I dont think memory usage was ever a consideration to the original author of the hack.

TMM-TT 09-20-2006 05:47 PM

Shouldn't a dedicated (?) server have much memory available?

KidCharlemane 09-20-2006 06:01 PM

Depends on how the server is configured. If you run a lot of forums on one machine, you kind of need to keep scripts in check so nothing goes out of control and slows everything else down.

The box I have the partiulcar forum Im testing this hack on isnt mine and the way its configured, PHP scripts are limited to 8mb of memory.

TMM-TT 09-20-2006 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by KidCharlemane
The box I have the partiulcar forum Im testing this hack on isnt mine and the way its configured, PHP scripts are limited to 8mb of memory.

My php.ini contains this row:

memory_limit = 8M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)

... and I don't have any problem with the gateway-script. Strange?

Aylwin 09-21-2006 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by KidCharlemane
I dont think I can.. the domain is on a Plesk based system and I dont have access to the administrator control panel.

Doesn't Plesk support custom php.ini files? I believe version 7 did but maybe not newer versions. Or maybe the webhost admins need to enable/allow it. Perhaps you could try to check with them.

My webhost uses cPanel which used to support custom php.ini files. Unfortunately though, it doesn't work anymore after they upgraded to PHP5 (I guess cPanel was also upgraded).

Aylwin 09-21-2006 10:00 AM

How to check incoming posts for valid forum users

I use this mod as a mailing list gateway. Many of the people on our mailing lists are also forum members. So I thought it would be good to check for valid forum users. No guarantees whatsoever but if anyone's interested, here's how I did it.

In gateway.php, look for:

                                //Separate name and email address
                                $from_name = from_name($message['from']);
                                $from_email = from_email($message['from']);

Below, add:

                                //Check if the sender is a user
                                $userinfo = $db->query_first("SELECT userid,username FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE email = '" . $from_email . "'");
                                if ($userinfo['userid']) { $userid = $userinfo['userid']; } else { $userid = 0; }
                                if ($userinfo['username']) { $from_name = $userinfo['username']; }

Look for both instances of:

                                        $postid = insert_post($threadid, $forumid, $foruminfo, $subject, $from_name, $from_email, $date, $parentid);
Replace both with:

                                        $postid = insert_post($threadid, $forumid, $foruminfo, $subject, $from_name, $userid, $from_email, $date, $parentid);
In functions_nntp.php, look for:

function insert_post($threadid, $forumid, $foruminfo, $subject, $from_name, $from_email, $date, $parentid = 0)
Replace with:

function insert_post($threadid, $forumid, $foruminfo, $subject, $from_name, $userid, $from_email, $date, $parentid = 0)
Look for:

                '" . stripslashes($from_name) . "', 0, '" . $date . "',
Replace with:

                '" . stripslashes($from_name) . "', " . $userid . ", '" . $date . "',

John Diver 09-21-2006 01:31 PM


I'm not getting pictures, can pictures be included in posts? Almost all posts I'm getting have images.

Here is my forum for the posts: http://www.deuceace.com/forumdisplay.php?f=24

It also doesn't seem to be showing much text, am I able to change this or is it a limitation of what I am allowed to take from the sites?

ShawnV 09-23-2006 05:07 PM

Will this work on 3.6.1?


mdevour 09-24-2006 01:13 AM

When I bought vBulletin last February I was depending on the fact that this hack was working and supported, which it at least seemed to be at the time.

Lierduh appears to be busy on other things and hasn't posted to this thread since March. Dave Kendall and others have written many tweaks and bug fixes, but they're not yet integrated into the distribution files, requiring each new user to review 350-plus posts to collect them all.

Thankfully, frakman in post 67 gives me some guidance on my most critical requirement, which is importing a bunch of mbox format e-mail archives to initially populate two of my six new forums.

I knew going in that I'd have to build on this code to get my board and list server to work together the way I need them to, but I had hoped to start from a working code base.

We at least need to:
  • Integrate the current bug fixes
  • Add the new features that a couple of people have coded
  • Update and expand the installation instructions
  • Update the hacker's guide (or incorporate its features as options)
  • Test everything against 3.6.1 and upcoming releases

I'd also like to brainstorm if the mod ought to be upgraded to use the plug-in system, or whatever other ideas anybody has.

If any of this is going to happen either lierduh has to pick it up again or somebody else has to (assuming he agrees, of course...).

Naturally I wouldn't be talking like this if I wasn't prepared to offer myself as a candidate. The trouble with that is I'm not a coder. All my programming experience is 20 years out of date. Every time I pick up this project I have to haul myself a little further up the learning curves for vBulletin's structure, XML, modern HTML, CSS, and PHP. As far as learning curves are concerned, on a scale of one to ten -- where zero is your grandma -- I'm somewhere below two! :cross-eyed:

So, can a guy who's working hard just reading this stuff take what others produce, integrate it, organize it and release it? Project leader as glorified filing clerk? Is that even vaguely realistic?

Is there enough interest here to build a serious collaboration around?

Maybe even enough interest to finance some development work?

What say ye?

I know some of you will think this is a wonderful idea, since you want the hack working again as much as I do, but I'm especially interested in the advice of experienced coders and developers. If I'm hopelessly out of my depth you'll know it, and it'd be better to figure that out now...

Thanks for reading.

Mike Devour

lierduh 09-24-2006 02:21 AM

If anyone who is interested in further developing this hack and provide support for it. I will have no problem hand over the hack. ie. assuming whoever takes over do not turn this into a commercial product.

I have lost the interest to do any work on this for the reasons I might have mentioned before.

1) Hacks are no longer the way the hacks used to be. When I was first on the net around 95, hack means everyone contributes code to make something better. Nowadays hack means free software. I have no problem with that, the problem is most of the people using the hack do not even spend more than a few minutes to read the instruction, let along checking the code, hack the code, help others.

The result is coders start to turn good code into commercial products, creating their own forums to build up the traffic. Not that I blame them.

2) I am not a real programmer, I check php.net regularly for how to use functions etc. I started hacking this when I needed this for my own forums. So I am not interested making money out of this, because my time is much more valuable doing what I do.:)

Aylwin 09-24-2006 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by mdevour
We at least need to:
  • Integrate the current bug fixes
  • Add the new features that a couple of people have coded
  • Update and expand the installation instructions
  • Update the hacker's guide (or incorporate its features as options)
  • Test everything against 3.6.1 and upcoming releases

I'd also like to brainstorm if the mod ought to be upgraded to use the plug-in system, or whatever other ideas anybody has.


What say ye?


Great initiative! I'm willing to help in any way I can.


TMM-TT 09-24-2006 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by mdevour
We at least need to:

I think one thing to do is add support for "handshaking", to forums that connects to peer-servers on the same connection. That thing can be hard to explain, specially in english, but I'll try.

Client connects to port 119 as usual, but so are servers (peers that transfer the news). The difference between a peer and a client is the handshake string (not the authinfo). When a server-to-server connection is established, the string "MODE STREAM" are sent to identify the connection as non-human. Clients are sending "MODE READER" to identify as human readers. This hack does not do that, and that gives me some problems since I'm peering locally from the same server as the forum. I also use a suck-feed for some local groups which automatically makes me identified as a peer. So for now I have to use a dummy ip to connect as a client to the server. I tried to fix that part, but failed.

If a server is configured as a clientserver the "MODE READER" isn't necessary for the handshake, so it says "Hi, I'm a clientserver" first - and that's why this hack works so good. :)

If you're a peer, you have to send MODE READER if you don't want to peer. If a server is configured as a peering server (both methods are made by ip detection), the server immediately acts as streamingserver instead and you have to enter MODE READER to identify as a client. This is where the problems start. When I'm trying to download posts to the forum as a client, the server identify me as a peer and the posts never arrive.

To be short - handshake identification is needed in this hack. :)

And I'm also willing to help. :)

ullo 09-24-2006 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by mdevour
When I bought vBulletin last February I was depending on the fact that this hack was working and supported, which it at least seemed to be at the time.

Lierduh appears to be busy on other things and hasn't posted to this thread since March. Dave Kendall and others have written many tweaks and bug fixes, but they're not yet integrated into the distribution files, requiring each new user to review 350-plus posts to collect them all.

Thankfully, frakman in post 67 gives me some guidance on my most critical requirement, which is importing a bunch of mbox format e-mail archives to initially populate two of my six new forums.

I knew going in that I'd have to build on this code to get my board and list server to work together the way I need them to, but I had hoped to start from a working code base.

We at least need to:
  • Integrate the current bug fixes
  • Add the new features that a couple of people have coded
  • Update and expand the installation instructions
  • Update the hacker's guide (or incorporate its features as options)
  • Test everything against 3.6.1 and upcoming releases

I'd also like to brainstorm if the mod ought to be upgraded to use the plug-in system, or whatever other ideas anybody has.

If any of this is going to happen either lierduh has to pick it up again or somebody else has to (assuming he agrees, of course...).

Naturally I wouldn't be talking like this if I wasn't prepared to offer myself as a candidate. The trouble with that is I'm not a coder. All my programming experience is 20 years out of date. Every time I pick up this project I have to haul myself a little further up the learning curves for vBulletin's structure, XML, modern HTML, CSS, and PHP. As far as learning curves are concerned, on a scale of one to ten -- where zero is your grandma -- I'm somewhere below two! :cross-eyed:

So, can a guy who's working hard just reading this stuff take what others produce, integrate it, organize it and release it? Project leader as glorified filing clerk? Is that even vaguely realistic?

Is there enough interest here to build a serious collaboration around?

Maybe even enough interest to finance some development work?

What say ye?

I know some of you will think this is a wonderful idea, since you want the hack working again as much as I do, but I'm especially interested in the advice of experienced coders and developers. If I'm hopelessly out of my depth you'll know it, and it'd be better to figure that out now...

Thanks for reading.

Mike Devour

I also have bought VBulletin only for this hack.

It work with 3.6.1 ?
For the moment i think to use 3.5.5.
Is this version :
the latest and most recent ?

Aylwin 09-25-2006 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by ullo
It work with 3.6.1 ?
For the moment i think to use 3.5.5.
Is this version :
the latest and most recent ?

I'm using it with 3.6.0 with no apparent problems. But I think I had to tweak something in one of the files. I just can't remember right now. Ihaven't had time yet to upgrade to 3.6.1 but I guess it should still work.

And yes, I believe that's the current version.

Aylwin 09-25-2006 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by mdevour
I'd also like to brainstorm if the mod ought to be upgraded to use the plug-in system, or whatever other ideas anybody has.

My personal interest in this mod is on mailing list support. I've been using it as a mailing list gateway and archive. I'd also like to expand this mod to use it like an email interface to the forums (kinda like phpBB's Mail2Forum mod). I know this is not the original intention of the mod but I think the necessary components are already there. I also know that there's a vB Mail Reply mod but that hasn't had any new development since 3.0.x and the implementation is a bit too complicated.

Having said all that, here's my wishlist:
- IMAP support
- configurable "user check" (I think I can handle this)
- configurable "add to user's post count" (I think I can handle this too)
- multiple forum support instead of 1 list <--> 1 forum
- updated attachment support (no need for an old functions_image.php file)
- support for large attachments (at least I can't get it to work now)

TMM-TT 09-25-2006 07:37 AM

Another thing:

I experience duplicates on posts that goes to usenet. They bounce back to the forum and gets posted one more time, like it was from a usenet-user instead of the original member.

ullo 09-25-2006 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Aylwin
I'm using it with 3.6.0 with no apparent problems. But I think I had to tweak something in one of the files. I just can't remember right now. Ihaven't had time yet to upgrade to 3.6.1 but I guess it should still work.

And yes, I believe that's the current version.

Thank you very much.
Now i will install 3.6.1

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