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vonedaddy 06-26-2005 01:35 PM

It does have GD2 installed, I beleive. Is there somewhere I have to give a path or something to GD?

Cloudrunner 06-26-2005 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by vonedaddy
It does have GD2 installed, I beleive. Is there somewhere I have to give a path or something to GD?

nope, no paths needed, but you'll need to check and make sure that PNG compatibility in enabled...without it yer gonna get blanks...I'm strongly suspecting that this may be your problem as I haven't heard of anyone else running into issues with that part of the system yet...

caimakale 06-27-2005 04:58 AM

Cloudrunner, I checked my logs today (I haven't checked them in a long time) and found that this error still exists:


PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/########/public_html/includes/pp_image.php:46) in /home/########/public_html/includes/pp_image.php on line 47
This is the exact same problem I had before, and although it doesn't produce any errors on my site or cause any problems that I can see, it is showing up in my server error logs.

Any ideas???

DemonJester 06-27-2005 12:50 PM

I have a question regarding the "Show my donation status" in the users options. If they select to not show their status will this hide their donations in the "vbadvanced block" and on the top donators page, or does it simply hide it from their profile and post bit??

There are some users that would rather keep their name off of the donation list and block and others that dont care, according to a poll we ran in regards to using this.

Snake 06-27-2005 02:51 PM

Question. Do I've to be a verified paypal user inorder to use this hack?

Oap JTRipper 06-27-2005 02:51 PM

thx for this hack CR

just one problem

the donations bar doesnt update & it still says 0% has been donated when I have paid a paypal donation

If i go into the admin & edit it then it does show up

ps it was from funds in my paypal account so its not a cc issue

rinkrat 06-27-2005 03:27 PM

Ahh I thought I did the upgrade ok and when I changed my invisible preference I got an error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.5:

Invalid SQL:
styleid = 0,
showvbcode = 0,
pmpopup = 1,
maxposts = -1,
daysprune = 0,
timezoneoffset = '-8',
startofweek = 1,
languageid = 0,
threadedmode = 0,
autosubscribe = -1,
donor = ,
showdonor = 1,
options = 15831
WHERE userid = 1

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '
showdonor = 1,
options = 15831
WHERE userid = 1' at li

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Monday 27th of June 2005 09:21:01 AM
Script: http://www.letsgokings.com/bbs/profile.php
Referer: http://www.letsgokings.com/bbs/profi...do=editoptions

The Realist 06-27-2005 04:29 PM

Installed 1st time, no errors and working 100%

Nice one M8.


rinkrat 06-27-2005 04:40 PM

The line "donor = ," looks like it should either say 1 or 0.

mamboking 06-27-2005 06:41 PM

I ran the upgrade and it still shows all users as donors

|Jordan| 06-27-2005 08:46 PM

I'm using version 1.06 and the donation image in postbit_legacy doesn't display for me. When i remove both IF statements it displays, but with them i get nothing.

Anyone else having the same problem?

Trana 06-27-2005 10:17 PM


I'm not sure if you saw my last message, but I am having trouble upgrading. I uploaded the 1.06 files and tried to uninstall and received the following message:

Warning: explode() [function.explode]: Empty delimiter. in \admincp\donation_install\donation_uninstall.php on line 20

This is on the same screen as "Removing Tables..."

Do you have any idea what I should check?


Cloudrunner 06-27-2005 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by DemonJester
I have a question regarding the "Show my donation status" in the users options. If they select to not show their status will this hide their donations in the "vbadvanced block" and on the top donators page, or does it simply hide it from their profile and post bit??

There are some users that would rather keep their name off of the donation list and block and others that dont care, according to a poll we ran in regards to using this.

Yes, it hides all the donor recognitions...

Cloudrunner 06-27-2005 11:54 PM

Verified no, premiere or Business member, yes...

Originally Posted by Snake
Question. Do I've to be a verified paypal user inorder to use this hack?

Cloudrunner 06-27-2005 11:55 PM


Ahh I thought I did the upgrade ok and when I changed my invisible preference I got an error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.5:

Invalid SQL:
styleid = 0,
showvbcode = 0,
pmpopup = 1,
maxposts = -1,
daysprune = 0,
timezoneoffset = '-8',
startofweek = 1,
languageid = 0,
threadedmode = 0,
autosubscribe = -1,
donor = ,
showdonor = 1,
options = 15831
WHERE userid = 1

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '
showdonor = 1,
options = 15831
WHERE userid = 1' at li

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Monday 27th of June 2005 09:21:01 AM
Script: http://www.letsgokings.com/bbs/profile.php
Referer: http://www.letsgokings.com/bbs/prof...?do=editoptions
Verified bug...will fix in next update...Thank you!

Cloudrunner 06-27-2005 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by mamboking
I ran the upgrade and it still shows all users as donors

Yeah, I missed a step in the upgrade, will work the deets out and get the next update to you all....sorry...this is a verified bug and I am working on it.

Cloudrunner 06-27-2005 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by MyIS_Jordan
I'm using version 1.06 and the donation image in postbit_legacy doesn't display for me. When i remove both IF statements it displays, but with them i get nothing.

Anyone else having the same problem?

This is designed (with a bug unfortunately that I am working on at the moment) so that the donor thing only shows IF the user is a donor, AND the user has chosen to allow their status to be viewed publicly...

anyway, I goofed on the file edits, and will be updating that portion shortly...please bear with me, all these latest problems are caused by the same single bug...

Cloudrunner 06-27-2005 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Trana

I'm not sure if you saw my last message, but I am having trouble upgrading. I uploaded the 1.06 files and tried to uninstall and received the following message:

Warning: explode() [function.explode]: Empty delimiter. in \admincp\donation_install\donation_uninstall.php on line 20

This is on the same screen as "Removing Tables..."

Do you have any idea what I should check?


If you are getting an explode error then you are running an older version of the uninstall file. Verify that you are truly overwriting the files on your server, I will double check this, but I thought I removed all references to the explode function that was getting so many people headaches...

Trana 06-28-2005 12:26 AM

I checked and the donations_install script says 1.06 when I first log in.

This is the error message:
Warning: explode() [function.explode]: Empty delimiter. in \admincp\donation_install\donation_uninstall.php on line 20

Let me know what I should do to start over.

Cloudrunner 06-28-2005 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Trana
I checked and the donations_install script says 1.06 when I first log in.

This is the error message:
Warning: explode() [function.explode]: Empty delimiter. in \admincp\donation_install\donation_uninstall.php on line 20

Let me know what I should do to start over.

In ./admincp/donation_install/donation_uninstall.php line 19 find:
PHP Code:

foreach($row AS $key => $value){
$table explode(TABLE_PREFIX$value);
$DB_site->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".TABLE_PREFIX.$table[1]);

and replace with:
PHP Code:

foreach($row AS $key => $value){
    if (!empty(
$table explode(TABLE_PREFIX$value);
$DB_site->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".TABLE_PREFIX.$table[1]);
    } else {
$DB_site->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$value);

That should do ya for a fix, lemme know if it doesn't.

Cloudrunner 06-28-2005 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by rinkrat
Ahh I thought I did the upgrade ok and when I changed my invisible preference I got an error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.5:

Invalid SQL:
styleid = 0,
showvbcode = 0,
pmpopup = 1,
maxposts = -1,
daysprune = 0,
timezoneoffset = '-8',
startofweek = 1,
languageid = 0,
threadedmode = 0,
autosubscribe = -1,
donor = ,
showdonor = 1,
options = 15831
WHERE userid = 1

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '
showdonor = 1,
options = 15831
WHERE userid = 1' at li

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Monday 27th of June 2005 09:21:01 AM
Script: http://www.letsgokings.com/bbs/profile.php
Referer: http://www.letsgokings.com/bbs/profi...do=editoptions

Go into your profile.php and remove the line that says
PHP Code:

donor $donor

You are only supposed to add the
PHP Code:

showdonor $showdonor

. that will fix your problem.

Cloudrunner 06-28-2005 01:30 AM

For those of you who upgraded to 1.06 and are now getting all users showing as donors, etc.please verify that the file edits for profile.php have been done properly. You should only have the word showdonor in that file for the required file edits, if you have the word donor in the file edits on your profile.php then remove that line and make sure that your profile.php file is edited according to how the instructions in the installer state.

The confusion happend in the change from 1.05 to 1.06, in 1.05 I had you put the word donor, in 1.06 I changed that word to showdonor due to a mistake I had done in the coding...sorry about that.

To summarize, please change the three file edits to show ONLY what is in the installation instructions and remove any line with the word donor in the code...there are only three edits to profile.php, and only those three will make the system work properly. After you have done this, if there are still problems with the users showing as donors that have not donated, then run the following query to reset the user table and then you will need to manually change the donors back to show their correct status:
PHP Code:

UPDATE *INSERTYOURTABLEPREFIX*user SET donor '0'showdonor '1'

adjust the tableprefix for your site obviously. To reset the users that have donated to your site back to a donor status, then just go into the donations admin and edit each donor individually and then click save, don't change anything, just click save, the system will then mark that user as a donor. All done...

Sorry about the foul up, but unfortunately, there is no real easy fix for this problem that was introduced between 1.05 and 1.06. But we shouldn't run into the problem again from this point forward...

Please let me know how this works out for you all...I really cannot think of another way to fix that problem...

Trana 06-28-2005 01:59 AM

After the uninstall completes it just goes to a blank screen.

I ran the install script but am only presented with 3 options:
File Edits
Templates Only

I don't see the option for the basic install, so where does it install the tables in the database?

rinkrat 06-28-2005 02:03 AM

Ok after removing the donor line in Profile.php it's all good. Unfortunately anyone who changed their profile during the time it was hacked has lost all their user info. Oops!

Good thing you came through with the fix pretty quick!

Cloudrunner 06-28-2005 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by Trana
After the uninstall completes it just goes to a blank screen.

I ran the install script but am only presented with 3 options:
File Edits
Templates Only

I don't see the option for the basic install, so where does it install the tables in the database?

the uninstall should finish in one page completely, if it doesn't give you a button to go back to the installer main page, then it did not uninstall properly...Please re-up the uninstaller completely, but before you do that, delete it from your server. That way you are garaunteed to have the fresh copy...

Once you finish the unistall properly then go back to the installer through the button it will give you the base installer and nothing but.

If you are still having troubles with this tomorrow, then please hit me at bubbabriggs@msn.com on MSN messenger after 6 PM EST and I'll see about fixing your installation on your site, mayhap I'll figure out a fix to the problem that will help the entire crew, but at this point, I'm lost as to what may be causing your problem...

rinkrat 06-28-2005 02:05 AM

I was going to uninstall and then reinstall and got this

Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter. in /admincp/donation_install/donation_uninstall.php on line 20

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.5:

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Monday 27th of June 2005 08:02:10 PM
Script: http://www.letsgokings.com/bbs/admin...ns_install.php
Referer: http://www.letsgokings.com/bbs/admin...ns_install.php
Username: RinkRat
IP Address:

Cloudrunner 06-28-2005 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by rinkrat
Ok after removing the donor line in Profile.php it's all good. Unfortunately anyone who changed their profile during the time it was hacked has lost all their user info. Oops!

Good thing you came through with the fix pretty quick!

how did they lose their userinfo? Just curious...

Cloudrunner 06-28-2005 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by rinkrat
I was going to uninstall and then reinstall and got this

Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter. in /admincp/donation_install/donation_uninstall.php on line 20

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.5:

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Monday 27th of June 2005 08:02:10 PM
Script: http://www.letsgokings.com/bbs/admin...ns_install.php
Referer: http://www.letsgokings.com/bbs/admin...ns_install.php
Username: RinkRat
IP Address:

read the fix to this, I've addressed it just a few posts ago with Trana...

Trana 06-28-2005 02:20 AM

You are saying to run the /donation_install/donation_uninstall.php?

When I call that directly from the browser I get a totally blank page. Are there any edits in order to call it directly?

Cloudrunner 06-28-2005 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Trana
You are saying to run the /donation_install/donation_uninstall.php?

When I call that directly from the browser I get a totally blank page. Are there any edits in order to call it directly?

No you have to run the uninstaller from the installer....ie. donations_install.php.

Yer not going to get anything if you call the uninstall file directly.

What I am saying is delete the donation_uninstall.php file from your server, then upload it again with the fixes given earlier. Then run the installer and select uninstall as per usual. This *should* get you back to a clean slate. Let me know if there is an issue...

Trana 06-28-2005 02:34 AM

OK, I deleted admincp/donation_install/donation_uninstall.php

I reuploaded the file from 1.0.6. I also checked the admincp/donations_install.php:
/*================================================= =====================*\
|| ################################################## ################## ||
|| # donations_install -- fileversion 1.06 # ||
|| # Date Version Finalized -- 25 June 2005 # ||
|| ################################################## ################## ||
\*================================================ ======================*/

You should note that I was one of the original alpha testers. I have uploaded all of the files in 1.0.6 zip and also completed the file updates from the 1.0.6 (snce this is the only thing I can do at the moment).

Cloudrunner 06-28-2005 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Trana
OK, I deleted admincp/donation_install/donation_uninstall.php

I reuploaded the file from 1.0.6. I also checked the admincp/donations_install.php:
/*================================================= =====================*\
|| ################################################## ################## ||
|| # donations_install -- fileversion 1.06 # ||
|| # Date Version Finalized -- 25 June 2005 # ||
|| ################################################## ################## ||
\*================================================ ======================*/

You should note that I was one of the original alpha testers. I have uploaded all of the files in 1.0.6 zip and also completed the file updates from the 1.0.6 (snce this is the only thing I can do at the moment).

So are you able to uninstall? If not hit me tomorrow on MSN, I have to get to bed...We'll overhaul your donations system on your server...

Trana 06-28-2005 02:42 AM

No, I am not able to uninstall. When I go to the install page there are only 3 options. When I click on uninstall I get the following error:
Warning: explode() [function.explode]: Empty delimiter. in \admincp\donation_install\donation_uninstall.php on line 20

I will send you an IM tomorrow.


rinkrat 06-28-2005 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
how did they lose their userinfo? Just curious...

Well I changed one user's info and saved it and suddenly all of their fields were empty. It happened a couple of other times.

rinkrat 06-28-2005 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Trana
No, I am not able to uninstall. When I go to the install page there are only 3 options. When I click on uninstall I get the following error:
Warning: explode() [function.explode]: Empty delimiter. in \admincp\donation_install\donation_uninstall.php on line 20

I will send you an IM tomorrow.


That's what I got. I wanted to uninstall then reinstall but I guess I'll let it go and hope for the best tll this gets fixed. Nobody's donated so no big deal :)

Kalakov 06-28-2005 10:02 AM

damn sweet hack nice work !!!

Lizard306 06-28-2005 11:26 AM


The uprgade went of prefectly and the donor names now appear.

Only 1 problem left to solve and that is the progress bar for the goal thats been set. The goal is set to $500. We have recieved 4% ($20). The progress bar however is just black all the way across.

It might be a colors issue... is there anyway for me to change the colors of the progress bar from the Donation Admin or Donation Settings pages.


|Jordan| 06-28-2005 04:56 PM

I tested it with my own account; did a test donation and enabled postbit display. Still can't see anything.

jaks 06-28-2005 05:52 PM

This hack is awesome. just what my site needed.

Thanks Cloudrunner and all else involved. ;)

artonex 06-28-2005 09:53 PM

Installed this on my forums for the 1st time last night.

Got this in my email

Notification of a Pending eCheque Payment Received

This email confirms that you have received a Pending eCheque payment for $40.00 USD from andre bay (***********).

This eCheque payment will remain 'Uncleared' until the funds have cleared from the sender's account, which usually takes four working days. If you are shipping an item, please do not ship your item until the funds have cleared into your PayPal account. You will be notified by email when the funds have cleared into your PayPal balance.

But nothing is showing up, no % of progress bar filed, and the user has no special icon under him, and he isnt even showing up on the donations page.

Do i have to wait untill the money has cleared before he shows up as a donator?

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