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djsydeburnz 06-02-2005 01:12 AM

oh, also it seems to break the downloads module i have running (by ronin) and it doesnt like any characters in the url very much like & and ?

sorry to bother and thank in advance!

Osiris2k 06-02-2005 02:47 AM

this looks like one of the best banners hax out there..will definately give this a try tmr! :D (if it is bug free)

any forums rinning this?

venomx 06-02-2005 02:57 AM

I too will install this when its not beta and after 3.5 comes out and this has been updated.. got tooo many hacks as it is now that ill have to change over :(

CosmicBlend 06-02-2005 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Osiris2k
this looks like one of the best banners hax out there..will definately give this a try tmr! :D (if it is bug free)

any forums rinning this?

im running it on my beta site.. runs perfectly ive had no issues what so ever.

uReside.com 06-02-2005 03:57 PM

<--- still trying to get it running right

i have that same "Could Not Find GAB Setting Saved" error too

JoeyAnderson 06-03-2005 03:39 AM

Alright, I've got it running near perfectly on my site now.


My questions are these: 1) Why does it seem like my .gif banner ads aren't running all the way through? I've tinkered with the settings repeatedly, but it still seems like it isn't letting the .gifs finish.

2) Is there any way to change the banner-click function to pop up a new window with the link, and leave the bottom window as my forum?

Sweet hack once I got everything to work and editted a few small tidbits. The finish version will likely kick ass.

JoeyAnderson 06-03-2005 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Nuckolsc.com
after doing all of the fields for the banner in the admincp I now have this message:
vBulletin Message

Could not find phrase 'GAB_settings_saved'.

Know whats wrong. Thanks again man...

Disregard that error message, it will be fixed in the final release. The hack works fine even with that error message.

JoeyAnderson 06-03-2005 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by uReside.com
<--- still trying to get it running right

i have that same "Could Not Find GAB Setting Saved" error too

Disregard that error, it will be fixed in the final release. The hack works fine even with that error occuring.

Bernd 06-03-2005 09:32 AM

Does rotating allow the rotation of mixed banners? (flash and jpg for example).

As of now, only the flash banner shows up.

Nuckolsc.com 06-03-2005 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by JoeyAnderson
Disregard that error, it will be fixed in the final release. The hack works fine even with that error occuring.

Not for me. It shows me that error then brings me right back to where you add the banner.

monkeyjoe 06-03-2005 03:39 PM

Don't work for me or would have been good and what i was looking for :(

uReside.com 06-03-2005 03:45 PM

mine acts like it works... but... doesn't show an ad, plus i get the "Could not find GAB_Settings_Saved" error :(

Bernd 06-03-2005 07:28 PM

You have to fill in a value for "what to display if no ad is available" or something along those lines under settings. It didn't work on my site until I did that.

rrr 06-03-2005 07:50 PM

Is it possible to have members "earn" advertising impressions for each post they make?

That way it can be a shared advertising co-op kinda thing that would encourage members to be active in the forum?

Like one post equals 1 impression (or 1 post equals 10 impressions -- or 1 post equals 100 impressions after you are in X membergroup). When you reach X membergroup you get 1000 bonus impressions, etc.

That would make this hack the awesomest :)

uReside.com 06-04-2005 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Bernd
You have to fill in a value for "what to display if no ad is available" or something along those lines under settings. It didn't work on my site until I did that.

where is that setting?!

how do i view the stats also, like views and hits??

uReside.com 06-04-2005 05:12 AM

Variables passed varibales: Usergroup: Administrators (6), script=index (0), forum=Apartments Inside!(30)
Problem No script was passed therefore no ad can be pulled.
Usergroup Passed usergroup. This usergroup is set to view an ad.
Toggle Passed usergroup toggle test. This usergroup could toggle ads on or off.
Script Passed script test. We are in a script that is set to view an ad.
Results: $GAB_ad1

when i test it, thats what i get

The Geek 06-04-2005 08:57 AM

If no ads are showing up, it usually means that there is either:
1- no $GAB_ad set in a template
2- and/or the global settings are not set right (check to ensure the correct scripts are ticked there as well as forums, usergroups set to view ad AND make sure that if the usergroup setting to allow usergroups to toggle ads is ticked, that the field value isnt blank)
3- and/or the forums/scripts settings in the ad itself isnt set right

rrr - Im not sure what you man exactly. I think it wouldnt be hard to do a tie in to Ucash where users get points for clicking ads - but ads getting points for impressions?

Guys - there are many installation bugs with this thing still. All workarounds are minor and listed in this thread but I wouldnt suggest someone install this unless they are cool with doing some playing.
The next version isnt far off but I havent had much time to play with it and the impending vb3.5 is hindering my drive to spend much time in development.
Ill see if I can get a smoother running install for this weekend - but I cant promise anything.


Bernd 06-04-2005 02:45 PM

It has been mentioned before that the ad system only rotates 3 banners at a time despite the settings in the admin section.

Is there an easy fix for this? (manually changing settings in the database perhaps?).
I've currently found 5 sponsors for my site and would like to show a working rotation before we go live :)

Thanks a billion.

rrr 06-04-2005 08:05 PM


rrr - Im not sure what you man exactly. I think it wouldnt be hard to do a tie in to Ucash where users get points for clicking ads - but ads getting points for impressions?
Well, I don't really want to encourage members to click on the banners unnecessarily by giving them points.

I run a business type forum, so my members would benefit if they could have their banners shown in the forums.

The more you post, the more banner impressions you get.

For example if your postcount is 100 posts, that would equal 1000 impressions (ad views).

Or it might be easier to award banner ad impressions (ad views) by the membergroup the person is in.

That way, if a person reaches say "supercool membergroup", then they are awarded 10,000 banner impressions. If they reach the superdupercool membergroup, then they are awarded 50,000 banner impressions.

Hope that make sense?

Mr.D 06-06-2005 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by rrr
Well, I don't really want to encourage members to click on the banners unnecessarily by giving them points.

I run a business type forum, so my members would benefit if they could have their banners shown in the forums.

The more you post, the more banner impressions you get.

For example if your postcount is 100 posts, that would equal 1000 impressions (ad views).

Or it might be easier to award banner ad impressions (ad views) by the membergroup the person is in.

That way, if a person reaches say "supercool membergroup", then they are awarded 10,000 banner impressions. If they reach the superdupercool membergroup, then they are awarded 50,000 banner impressions.

Hope that make sense?

I agree with rrr this is what i was looking for great idea rrr. Geek can this be done. Will make us all happy :banana:

kafi 06-10-2005 07:15 AM

I just can't wait for full version :-((((((

grecostimpy 06-10-2005 10:44 AM

Great hack! I have it mostly working except no ads are showing up.

I have all the scripts ticked on the setting tab as well as my ad.

I added $GAB_ad1 to my breadcrumb template for the navbar

Here's the results of my test:

Variables passed varibales: Usergroup: (COPPA) Users Awaiting Moderation (4), script=index (0), forum=Knowledge Base(85)

Problem No script was passed therefore no ad can be pulled.

Usergroup Passed usergroup. This usergroup is set to view an ad.

Toggle Failed usergroup toggle test. This usergroup could not toggle ads on or off.

Script Passed script test. We are in a script that is set to view an ad.

Results: $GAB_ad1

Why no script?

Am I adding this to my navabr correctly (pardon the newb question)...this the very end of the code in breadcrumb....


        <!-- / mypopupmenu -->


Not sure if I did that right?

EchoZA 06-13-2005 12:52 PM

O.K. I ran the install and all reported fine, I then uploaded the altered files over the old ones, and now my admincp does not show, just a blank page. Restored the backs and I have access to admincp again. I have gone through this process 5 times and the same each time. Any ideas?

The Geek 06-13-2005 12:58 PM

Do you get the navigation page but not the actuall GAB admin page?

There is a bug in the file change for admincp/index.php that leaves an orphaned =false; line. You can just remove that from that page.
Some users had reported problems with the javascript that is in GAB_admin.php (toward the top of the page).
Do one of the following to sort it:
1- After the javascrtipt, change the <? to <?PHP
2- Delete the javascript.

My guess is that the first should sort it for you.

Greco - a common mistake that you may want to check is that you do not have a usergroup set to turn the ads off with a blank value in the - er - value box (hope that makes sense!).

rrr & madman. So you want to give banners based on postcounts? Im sure that wouldnt be too hard to do - but I will reserve that one for the GUSH add on.

EchoZA 06-13-2005 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Do you get the navigation page but not the actuall GAB admin page?

There is a bug in the file change for admincp/index.php that leaves an orphaned =false; line. You can just remove that from that page.
Some users had reported problems with the javascript that is in GAB_admin.php (toward the top of the page).
Do one of the following to sort it:
1- After the javascrtipt, change the <? to <?PHP
2- Delete the javascript.

My guess is that the first should sort it for you.

Greco - a common mistake that you may want to check is that you do not have a usergroup set to turn the ads off with a blank value in the - er - value box (hope that makes sense!).

rrr & madman. So you want to give banners based on postcounts? Im sure that wouldnt be too hard to do - but I will reserve that one for the GUSH add on.

I get a blank white page, no admin login, nothing... which option should I try?

The Geek 06-13-2005 04:37 PM

you may need to do both.

Remove any line that only reads:
= false;

from admincp/index.php

Then check the other points I mentioned.

EchoZA 06-14-2005 06:43 AM

O.K. that seemed to work, but now I am sitting with 2 GAB Manager sections in my AdminCP

EchoZA 06-14-2005 08:36 AM

I've removed it again, can't seem to get it installed properly. Do you have a manual install list?

EchoZA 06-14-2005 09:22 AM

O.K. I am trying again...

Removed all upload files and all origional files in place, upload files, set CHMOD to 777 on dirs, ran install no errors reported.


Step by step

Attempting to auto hack files (in /).
Trying to make gish/gab ... Success!
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0 ... Success!
gish/gab already exists.
gish/gab/Beta 2.0 already exists.
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup ... Success!
copying global.php to gish/gab/Beta 2.0/ ... Success!
copying global.php to gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup/ ... Success!
Modifying file: global.php
Completed step 100
Saving changes to gish/gab/Beta 2.0/global.php

gish/gab already exists.
gish/gab/Beta 2.0 already exists.
gish/gab already exists.
gish/gab/Beta 2.0 already exists.
gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup already exists.
Modifying file: global.php
Completed step 101
Saving changes to gish/gab/Beta 2.0/global.php

gish/gab already exists.
gish/gab/Beta 2.0 already exists.
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0/admincp ... Success!
gish/gab already exists.
gish/gab/Beta 2.0 already exists.
gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup already exists.
Trying to make gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup/admincp ... Success!
copying admincp/index.php to gish/gab/Beta 2.0/admincp/ ... Success!
copying admincp/index.php to gish/gab/Beta 2.0/backup/admincp/ ... Success!
Modifying file: admincp/index.php
Completed step 200
Saving changes to gish/gab/Beta 2.0/admincp/index.php

File Changes complete.
All files I changed are in /Beta 2.0. You will need to copy those over to their forum locations once you are satisfied they are changed correctly.
Completed Install!
Will no copy files across and check again.

EchoZA 06-14-2005 09:54 AM

O.K. had to remove the = false; and now I have access to my ADMINCP, now when I check my GAB menu looks nothing like your screenshots? When I click save settings, I get "GAS_settings_saved" phrase could not be found, and where do I upload the banners? I'm going to read through this thread again!

EchoZA 06-14-2005 10:43 AM

:D Oh! Happy Days, got it all working, read through this thread and checked all the errors and double checked my install, and now is working! Thanks for a GREAT hack, can't wait for the next installment (hopefully a little less troublesome than this install :D)

EchoZA 06-14-2005 12:44 PM

Quick question, how do I get the banners to display on my portal pages, search pages, chat page etc? Working fine on forum, but for the life of me can't figure out how to add it to the other pages. Thanks! www.treatingyourself.com

CaitSith4343 06-14-2005 03:54 PM

I am currently having a little trouble. I installed everything ok I think, but I still have errors. When I click on "add packages" I get the following error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM vb3_GAB_packages ORDER BY ordinal,title,id asc
mysql error: Table 'caitsith_vBulletin.vb3_GAB_packages' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Tuesday 14th of June 2005 12:50:39 PM
Script: http://EDITED/forums/admincp/GAB_adm...isplaypackages
Referer: http://EDITED/forums/admincp/index.php?do=nav
Username: EDITED
IP Address: EDITED

Also, how do I actually add my adsense?


EchoZA 06-14-2005 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by CaitSith4343
I am currently having a little trouble. I installed everything ok I think, but I still have errors. When I click on "add packages" I get the following error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM vb3_GAB_packages ORDER BY ordinal,title,id asc
mysql error: Table 'caitsith_vBulletin.vb3_GAB_packages' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Tuesday 14th of June 2005 12:50:39 PM
Script: http://EDITED/forums/admincp/GAB_adm...isplaypackages
Referer: http://EDITED/forums/admincp/index.php?do=nav
Username: EDITED
IP Address: EDITED

Also, how do I actually add my adsense?


looks like a database issue, are you sure you added all the tables into the database?

CaitSith4343 06-14-2005 05:08 PM

I'm new to all this and I'm not really sure what you mean by tables :nervous:
Anyways, I uploaded the files in the upload folder, I went to the install url and did all the steps until the file changes, then I did them manually because I wasnt really sure how to do it the other way and didnt want to mess anything up. After that I just went to admincp and then got the error. Where and how do I add these "tables"?

The Geek 06-15-2005 11:06 AM

Packages dont work as they were not implimented at the time this beta was uploaded Nor are the packages required for the banners to work.

What you may need to do is add the phrase GAB_add_ad with the text 'Add ad' to the global Control Panel phrases so that you can add the ad so to speak :)

rrr 06-15-2005 08:06 PM


rrr & madman. So you want to give banners based on postcounts? Im sure that wouldnt be too hard to do - but I will reserve that one for the GUSH add on.
Woo hoo...nice to here!

May I ask what a "gush add on" is? :)

venomx 06-15-2005 08:20 PM

Still hoping this will allow people to use UCash to buy ads too :)

iChambers 06-16-2005 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by venomx
Still hoping this will allow people to use UCash to buy ads too :)

You should have in the admin a external html box for other banners such as adsense code, flash banners code, or affiliate banners html that we get from other sites. I currently use PHPAdNews which seems to work great in that since but I do prefer one admin panel to manage the banners and site which would be vB Admin; may want to look into phpAdsNews and possible get some ideas for the have weight, time, day, when, where, etc and another thing is export html code so you can have a group of banners on other sites.

The Geek 06-16-2005 01:36 PM

I dont use adsense so its difficult to test - however I think I have made the next version compatable with adsense or affiliate stuff.
We shall see. Its about ready (please remember that the GUSH stuff is coming AFTER this goes gold - and most likely not until AFTER vb3.5 does too).

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