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Gio Takahashi 06-11-2005 01:47 AM

Erm. All the applications just...disappeared. I have no log entries indicating any of my staffers ever deleting them.

osariase 06-15-2005 04:33 AM

I have all the posts concerning this hack I don't seem to know where to find answers so here is my problem.

I have installed it didnt get any error messages

did the cron job i see the options in admincp. But whenever i click on rate application in admincp, I get a white page saying page cannot be found

so what i'm i doing wrong can someone who have installed this please show me the way thanks

sabret00the 06-17-2005 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Gio Takahashi
Erm. All the applications just...disappeared. I have no log entries indicating any of my staffers ever deleting them.

i have no clue how that happened? what does the cron log show exactly?

sabret00the 06-17-2005 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by osariase
I have all the posts concerning this hack I don't seem to know where to find answers so here is my problem.

I have installed it didnt get any error messages

did the cron job i see the options in admincp. But whenever i click on rate application in admincp, I get a white page saying page cannot be found

so what i'm i doing wrong can someone who have installed this please show me the way thanks

the last of the file edits are contained in the installer you have to finish that.

sketch42 07-10-2005 08:29 AM

how do i run this cron thing.. i followed the instructions edited all the files... including the maf_cron.php and admin and modcp index.php fixed all the settings in the vboptions but i still cant figure out where to go to run this cron daily.. i dont see any options for it

***Edit*** forget that i figured it out its in schedueled tasks

ok but i have another problem i made one app and i got 2 threads after i ran the cron
also theres no information in the thread as wgere to go to rate the applicants

***Edit2*** lol. forget that too i found it...

but is it possible for the thread to be created as the applicants name in the description or something like that??
and i still have that 2 thread problem

XrayHead 07-10-2005 08:38 AM

Please can someone give me the steps to remove this hack and the tables ETC I need to remove from my SQL database?



sketch42 07-10-2005 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by XrayHead
Please can someone give me the steps to remove this hack and the tables ETC I need to remove from my SQL database?



well these are the queries i could find that are in the databse



// The query should probably be enclosed by '
// Be sure you include TABLE_PREFIX
// Replace 'build' with either 'new', 'uninstall', or the build number the query is meant to upgrade FROM.

$query['uninstall'][] = 'DROP TABLE `maf_application`;';
$query['uninstall'][] = 'DROP TABLE `maf_ratings`;';

there may be more but its late so i didnt finish looking

also if you want this is the contents of the uninstaller
PHP Code:


// ###################### Uninstall ###########################
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'uninstall') {
        if (
$step == '0') {
// Put the hacks in an array and print some text.
$hacks explode("|||"$_REQUEST['hacks']);
"These are the hacks you have selected to uninstall: <ul>";
                foreach (
$hacks as $key => $hack) {
// Put the hack name in an array.
$hackd $hack;
$hack['name'] = $hackd;
$hack['displayname'] = str_replace("_"" "$hack['name']);
// Check for installed varsions and set some variables.
                        // Some sanity checking as well.
if (isset($installedhack[$hack[displayname]])) {
// There is a record of the hack being installed.
$hack['installed_build'] = $installedhack[$hack[displayname]]['build'];
$hack['installed_version'] = $installedhack[$hack[displayname]]['version'];
$hack['path'] = $path_to_install "hacks/$hack[name]/";
$hack['build'] = $hack['installed_build'];
                        } elseif (!isset(
$override)) {
// We can't find a record of the hack being installed and override is not enabled.
echo "There is no record of $hack[displayname] being installed. It cannot be uninstalled.";
$ohnoes true;
                        } else {
// The hack hasn't been found to be installed, but we have override on.
                                // Path to the hack directory.
$hack['path'] = $path_to_install "hacks/$hack[name]/";
$hack_dir opendir($hack['path']);
// Find all the builds.
while (($file readdir($hack_dir)) !== false) {
                                        if (
is_numeric($file) && $file != "." && $file != "..") {
$hack['builds'][$file] = $file;
// Find the latest build.
if (!empty($hack['builds'])) {
                                        foreach (
$hack['builds'] as $build) {
$hack['build'] = $build;
// Sanity checking and require the file.
if (file_exists("./hacks/$hack[name]/$hack[build]/index.php")) {
                        } else {
                                if (!isset(
$ohnoes)) {
$hack['displayname'] . " build #" $hack['build'] . " contains no index.php containing hack information and cannot be uninstalled.<br /><br />";
$ohnoes true;
// If we are still sane, print out the hack name.
if (!isset($ohnoes)) {
                        } else {
// Print some text and some links and continue.
$hacks implode("|||"$hacks);
"</ul><p>We're sorry you didn't like these hacks. Running this script will remove all settings and templates created.</p>";
"<p><a href=\"hack_install.php?do=uninstall&amp;step=1&hacks=$hacks$fileurl$override\">Click here to uninstall --&gt;</b></a></p>\n";

        if (
$step == '1') {
// Put the hacks in an array.
$hacks explode("|||"$_REQUEST['hacks']);
                foreach (
$hacks as $key => $hack) {
// Put the hack name in an array.
$hackd $hack;
$hack['name'] = $hackd;
$hack['displayname'] = str_replace("_"" "$hack['name']);
// Check for installed versions.
if (isset($installedhack[$hack[displayname]])) {
// There is a record of the hack being installed.
$hack['installed_build'] = $installedhack[$hack[displayname]]['build'];
$hack['installed_version'] = $installedhack[$hack[displayname]]['version'];
$hack['path'] = $path_to_install "hacks/$hack[name]/";
$hack['build'] = $hack['installed_build'];
                        } elseif (!isset(
$override)) {
// There is no record of the hack being installed and override is not enabled.
echo "There is no record of $hack[displayname] being installed. It cannot be uninstalled.";
$ohnoes true;
                        } else {
// There is no record of the hack being installed, but we have override.
                                // Path to the hack folder.
$hack['path'] = $path_to_install "hacks/$hack[name]/";
$hack_dir opendir($hack['path']);
// Find all the builds.
while (($file readdir($hack_dir)) !== false) {
                                        if (
is_numeric($file) && $file != "." && $file != "..") {
$hack['builds'][$file] = $file;
// Find the latest build.
if (!empty($hack['builds'])) {
                                        foreach (
$hack['builds'] as $build) {
$hack['build'] = $build;
// Some sanity and require the file.
if (file_exists("./hacks/$hack[name]/$hack[build]/index.php")) {
                        } else {
                                if (!isset(
$ohnoes)) {
$hack['displayname'] . " build #" $hack['build'] . " contains no index.php containing hack information and cannot be uninstalled.<br /><br />";
$ohnoes true;
// If we are still sane, uninstall the hack.
if (!isset($ohnoes)) {
// Kill the settinggroups.s
if (isset($settinggroup)) {
                                        foreach (
$settinggroup as $group => $sg) {
// Kill the settings.
if (isset($setting)) {
                                        foreach (
$setting as $varname => $set) {
// Kill the phrases.
if (isset($phrase)) {
                                        foreach (
$phrase as $varname => $text) {
// Kill the adminhelp.
if (isset($adminhelp)) {
                                        foreach (
$adminhelp as $ah) {
adminhelp_kill_list($ah['script'], $ah['action'], $ah['optionname'], $ah['title']);
// Kill the templates.
if (isset($templates)) {
                                        foreach (
$templates as $name => $content) {
// Run uninstallation queries.
if (isset($query)) {
                                        foreach (
$query as $build => $querie) {
                                                if (
$build == "uninstall") {
                                                        foreach (
$querie as $i => $querieie) {
"<font size=\"1\">$hack[displayname]: Ran removal queries.</font><br />";
// Remove the hack from the installation log, print some text, and unset a lot of crap.
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."his_installed WHERE hack='".addslashes($hack['displayname'])."'");
"<font size=\"1\">$hack[displayname]: Removed from installation log.</font><br /><br /><br />";
                        } else {
$hacks implode("|||"$hacks);
// Print the ending text and some links. We are done.
echo "<br /><b>Hacks Uninstalled!</b><br /><br />";
"<a href=\"hack_install.php?do=install&step=doedits&noinstall=1&hacks=$hacks$fileurl&override=1\"><b>Click here to view these hacks' modifications - you must do them backwards to finish the install. --&gt;</b></a><br />\n";
"<a href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/$admincpdir/index.php\"><b>Click here to log into your Admin CP. --&gt;</b></a><br />\n";
"<a href=\"hack_install.php\"><b>Click here to go back to the hack selection page. --&gt;</b></a><br />\n";

// Finish up the page with the footer.
if (!isset(
$_REQUEST['no_cp_footer']) && ($_REQUEST['do'] != "genreadme" && $_REQUEST['do'] != "nothing" && $_REQUEST['text'] != 1)) {



you should be able to copy and paste that into a new file and call it uninstall.php and run it. although i dont see how it would make a difference since i just copied it and it crashed on you before but hey worth a try

Neal-UK 07-13-2005 10:17 AM

Going through the hack installation and I get this at around the 3rd or 4th step:

Warning: halt(./includes/functions_log_error.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /******/www/*****/forum/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389

Warning: halt(): Failed opening './includes/functions_log_error.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/share/pear') in /***/www/****/forum/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389

*** = I've hidden my server info

Caveman2k2 07-14-2005 12:18 AM

Hack installed smooth as silk! Thanks for sharing your work on this.

/me clicks Install!

Toky0 07-21-2005 05:08 AM


Warning: main(./includes/cron/maf-cron.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 56

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './includes/cron/maf-cron.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php4/lib/php') in /www/d/darkmasta/htdocs/forum/admincp/cronadmin.php on line 56
I get these errors when I try to run the cron manually.

Marco van Herwaarden 07-21-2005 05:41 AM

Please define 'Manual'.

Do you mean by clicking the 'Run Now' button, or by starting the script by going to the direct url in your browser?

Toky0 07-21-2005 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Please define 'Manual'.

Do you mean by clicking the 'Run Now' button, or by starting the script by going to the direct url in your browser?

By hitting the "Run Now" button.

Marco van Herwaarden 07-21-2005 06:41 AM

Hmm sounds almost like you didn't upload the file to your includes/cron directory, or file permissions are set incorrect.

sabret00the 07-21-2005 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Toky0
I get these errors when I try to run the cron manually.

you didn't edit the file before you uploaded it.

lefteris 07-23-2005 01:00 PM

i have installed that script but i dont see anything.
i put manually the address www.gsmforum.gr/forum/modapp.php and i send it. but i log in in to my AdminCp /modcp and i dont see anything.

what can i have do wrong?

sabret00the 07-23-2005 01:16 PM

not sure what you mean when you go to modapp.php what do you see?

ipodi 07-24-2005 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
ok file changed, i'll make the next official update announcement at midnight, hopefully we find any other oversights before then :)

ok mine has been all installed but how do i get the form to appear on my forum? :s

Yukino_AE 07-29-2005 06:56 PM

alright. i did the install. everything went good until i got to the last file edits and the page was blank.

could someone please tell me what files i have to edit?

Yukino_AE 08-08-2005 02:58 AM

i got a problem. i installed i did everything. everything appeared to be working... now my only trouble is when i go to the admincp and i click on Rate applications all it does is load a Page Cannot Be Found

anyone help me out on why this is happening?

Yukino_AE 08-09-2005 06:09 AM

K i really need help with this. why hasn't anyone responded to me?

sabret00the 08-09-2005 07:31 AM

do the file edits you made in the admin cp match these
PHP Code:

    $printhr false;
    if (
$printhr true;
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['style_manager'], 'template.php?do=modify''<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['search_in_templates'], 'template.php?do=search''<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['replacement_variable_manager'], 'replacement.php?do=modify''<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['download_upload_styles'], 'template.php?do=files''<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['find_updated_templates'], 'template.php?do=findupdates''<br />');
construct_nav_group("$vbphrase[styles] &amp; $vbphrase[templates]"'<hr />');

and above insert
PHP Code:

    // +++ MAF 
construct_nav_option("Automated Thread Settings"'options.php?dogroup=maf''<br />');
construct_nav_option("Rate Applications"'../' $modcpdir '/maf_rateapp.php?do=list''<br />');
construct_nav_option("Delete Applications"'maf_delapp.php?do=find''<br />');
construct_nav_group("Moderator Applicants"'<hr />');
// --- MAF 


Yukino_AE 08-09-2005 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
do the file edits you made in the admin cp match these
PHP Code:

    $printhr false;
    if (
$printhr true;
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['style_manager'], 'template.php?do=modify''<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['search_in_templates'], 'template.php?do=search''<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['replacement_variable_manager'], 'replacement.php?do=modify''<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['download_upload_styles'], 'template.php?do=files''<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['find_updated_templates'], 'template.php?do=findupdates''<br />');
construct_nav_group("$vbphrase[styles] &amp; $vbphrase[templates]"'<hr />');

and above insert
PHP Code:

    // +++ MAF 
construct_nav_option("Automated Thread Settings"'options.php?dogroup=maf''<br />');
construct_nav_option("Rate Applications"'../' $modcpdir '/maf_rateapp.php?do=list''<br />');
construct_nav_option("Delete Applications"'maf_delapp.php?do=find''<br />');
construct_nav_group("Moderator Applicants"'<hr />');
// --- MAF 


alright after the edits i have the following.... and in case you were wondering i had the petz installed before i installed this mod.....

// +++ MAF
construct_nav_option("Automated Thread Settings", 'options.php?dogroup=maf', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Rate Applications", '../' . $modcpdir . 'maf_rateapp.php?do=list', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Delete Applications", 'maf_delapp.php?do=del', '<br />');
construct_nav_group("Moderator Applicants", '<hr />');
// --- MAF

$printhr = false;

construct_nav_option("Main Settings", 'petzadmin.php?do=main', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Shops", 'petzadmin.php?do=shops', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Items", 'petzadmin.php?do=items', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Arena", 'petzadmin.php?do=arena', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Bank", 'petzadmin.php?do=bank', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Adoption Center", 'petzadmin.php?do=adopt', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Store Options", 'petzadmin.php?do=store', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Logs", 'petzadmin.php?do=logs', '<br />');
construct_nav_group("Petz", '<hr />');

if (can_administer('canadminstyles'))
$printhr = true;
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['style_manager'], 'template.php?do=modify', '<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['search_in_templates'], 'template.php?do=search', '<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['replacement_variable_manager'], 'replacement.php?do=modify', '<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['download_upload_styles'], 'template.php?do=files', '<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['find_updated_templates'], 'template.php?do=findupdates', '<br />');
construct_nav_group("$vbphrase[styles] &amp; $vbphrase[templates]", '<hr />');

sabret00the 08-09-2005 05:58 PM

so with that, clicking on any of the links to do with the MAF produces a blank page?

Yukino_AE 08-09-2005 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
so with that, clicking on any of the links to do with the MAF produces a blank page?

nope. just the rate applications. the other links in the admincp regarding the MAF mod work.

sabret00the 08-09-2005 06:30 PM

for some reason you're modcpdir variable ain't working, what you'll need to do it replace it manually

PHP Code:

 construct_nav_option("Rate Applications"'../' $modcpdir 'maf_rateapp.php?do=list''<br />'); 

replace with
PHP Code:

 construct_nav_option("Rate Applications"'../_____YOUR_MOD_CP_DIRECTORY_NAME_____/maf_rateapp.php?do=list''<br />'); 

Yukino_AE 08-09-2005 06:35 PM

in the admincp index right?

sabret00the 08-09-2005 06:39 PM

yup, you're editing the previous edit.

Yukino_AE 08-09-2005 07:49 PM

k i did that and it fixed it thanx!!

just as a note before i fixed it when i was in my admin cp and viewing the properties of the maf_rateapp.php

the link showed as forum/modcpmaf_rateapp.php?do=list

i think it should have been showing as forum/modcp/maf_rateapp.php?do=list

shouldn't there be a / between modcp and the maf part? is that something that might be mixed up in your code? i dunno. just thought that might be helpful info.

unkemone 08-11-2005 07:21 AM

install went fine and all but it doesnt start the new thread anywhere. i set it to start in forum id 80 and it doesnt do it.

Yukino_AE 08-11-2005 06:52 PM

when i set that for mine (the start a new thread thing) everytime a user view the forum where that was set for it created a new thread. even though there were only 2 applications waiting to be read i ended up with like 172 threads saying that there were applications waiting to be read. -__-;;

so i took that off and viola it's no long a problem.

just curious if you know what might cause that.

alkatraz 08-13-2005 05:06 PM

used some of your application questiosn and "terms" on my custom mod app

just wanted to say thx

Yukino_AE 08-16-2005 05:11 PM

ok last night i had someone use the mod app to submit their application. this morning i had received the following error like over 100 times to my email:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO vb3_thread(title, lastpost, forumid, open, replycount,
postusername, postuserid, lastposter, dateline, visible, sticky)
VALUES ('New Mod Applications To Be Rated', 1124215271, 0, 1, 0, '',
, '', 1124215271, 1, 0)

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near ' '', 1124215271, 1, 0)' at line 2

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Tuesday 16th of August 2005 10:27:22 AM (the times are different for each email error)
Script: http://anime-extreme.net/forum/cron.php?&rand=246654
Referer: http://anime-extreme.net/forum/
Username: ShinobiXX (the usernames are different for each email error)

is this because i didn't specify variables for the automated thread settings?

because when i set those variables it posts the automated threads like 100 times.

csidlernet 08-19-2005 09:58 AM

Nice work thanks man

Yukino_AE 08-19-2005 07:43 PM

any answers on this?

sabret00the 08-19-2005 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Yukino_AE
is this because i didn't specify variables for the automated thread settings?

yup it is i'm afraid

djsydeburnz 08-22-2005 11:02 PM

I have a couple of questions. Would there be a way to send a PM to all moderators rather than having it post to a forum?

Also, once the 14 days is past and the applicant retained a 7 or better rating, are they supposed to be automatically added to the mod usergroup? And, is there a way to shorten the timeframe?

Or better yet, what are all the ways the site takes care of the applicant?

Also, my cron ran fine for a couple days, now im getting an error emailed to me:

/bin/sh: line 1: ./includes/cron/maf_cron.php: No such file or directory

Yukino_AE 08-23-2005 04:07 AM

well after i specify the variables for the automated thread setting and then the cron runs right after that everytime someone views the forum where the automated thread goes it creates a new thread so i end up with like 182 threads about mod reqeusts to rate.

sabret00the 08-25-2005 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Yukino_AE
well after i specify the variables for the automated thread setting and then the cron runs right after that everytime someone views the forum where the automated thread goes it creates a new thread so i end up with like 182 threads about mod reqeusts to rate.

do you intend to use the thread creation aspect of the script?

sabret00the 08-25-2005 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
Would there be a way to send a PM to all moderators rather than having it post to a forum?

yes there would but it requires hacking the hack.

Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
once the 14 days is past and the applicant retained a 7 or better rating, are they supposed to be automatically added to the mod usergroup? And, is there a way to shorten the timeframe?

nope, once the times up, they're officially shortlisted, it needs human power to make them mods

Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
what are all the ways the site takes care of the applicant?

it tells them if they got shortlisted or not.

Originally Posted by djsydeburnz
/bin/sh: line 1: ./includes/cron/maf_cron.php: No such file or directory

you forgot to edit the maf_cron.php

Yukino_AE 08-25-2005 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
do you intend to use the thread creation aspect of the script?

no i don't really need that. i'm frequently in the admin cp so i'm always checking.

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  • (1)post_thanks_navbar_search
  • (1)printthread
  • (40)printthreadbit
  • (1)spacer_close
  • (1)spacer_open 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
  • postbit
  • showthread
Included Files:
  • ./printthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete