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-   -   Shoutbox Hack 1.04b (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=68861)

PennylessZ28 11-24-2004 07:03 AM

HTML Code:

Warning: DB_Sql_vb::halt(./includes/functions_log_error.php) [function.halt]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /disk3/home2/web/beginner/fbody/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389

Warning: DB_Sql_vb::halt() [function.include]: Failed opening './includes/functions_log_error.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /disk3/home2/web/beginner/fbody/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE language ADD `phrasegroup_shoutbox` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL
mysql error: Duplicate column name 'phrasegroup_shoutbox'

mysql error number: 1060

Date: Wednesday 24th of November 2004 04:04:38 AM
Script: [url]http://www.hr3rdgen.org/install/hack_install.php?do=install&step=dodatabasequeries&hacks=Shoutbox_Hack[/url]
Referer: [url]http://www.hr3rdgen.org/install/hack_install.php?do=install&step=dotemplates&hacks=Shoutbox_Hack[/url]


PennylessZ28 11-24-2004 09:17 PM

No Updates, are we still getting support for this item?

Zachery 11-24-2004 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by HR3rdGen
HTML Code:

Warning: DB_Sql_vb::halt(./includes/functions_log_error.php) [function.halt]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /disk3/home2/web/beginner/fbody/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389

Warning: DB_Sql_vb::halt() [function.include]: Failed opening './includes/functions_log_error.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /disk3/home2/web/beginner/fbody/includes/db_mysql.php on line 389

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE language ADD `phrasegroup_shoutbox` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL
mysql error: Duplicate column name 'phrasegroup_shoutbox'

mysql error number: 1060

Date: Wednesday 24th of November 2004 04:04:38 AM
Script: [url]http://www.hr3rdgen.org/install/hack_install.php?do=install&step=dodatabasequeries&hacks=Shoutbox_Hack[/url]
Referer: [url]http://www.hr3rdgen.org/install/hack_install.php?do=install&step=dotemplates&hacks=Shoutbox_Hack[/url]


Did you have a differnt showbox installed?

PennylessZ28 11-24-2004 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Did you have a differnt showbox installed?

I had yours installed, I installed vbadvanced cmps. I un-installed yours and attempted to reinstall it, get the above errors.

edeab220 11-25-2004 05:08 AM

I know we have to edit templates, but what do we edit? The new installer didn't tell me what templated to edit...

Sorry if I missed this, but I didn't see anything on this in the last 22pages :p.

TheDPQ 11-27-2004 06:57 AM

Installed, no issues what so ever.
The only complaint i can make is i want to make a sub usergroup that has access to the shoutbox, but can't post. (IE they are a registered member, but i also add them to the 'Banned From Shoutbox'). When i try this, they still have access because i guess registered users have access. Only when i make it their main usergroup does it work.

Otherwise, great hack. Thank you for sharing.
For those of you who are getting a 'denied by usergroup' error. Make sure your usergroup has access. If you don't see the shoutbox options in your usergroup then make sure when you installed the hack that you did the LAST STEP.

Vman 11-27-2004 04:44 PM

Is there a way to Auto Prune Old Shouts instead of manually deleting each one!?!???

kall 11-28-2004 11:10 PM

Hmm..on the new installer, I am getting the following:


Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home3/nzboards/public_html/forums/install/his_files/hack_install_b3.php on line 30

Warning: main(./global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home3/nzboards/public_html/forums/install/his_files/hack_install_b3.php on line 31

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home3/nzboards/public_html/forums/install/his_files/hack_install_b3.php on line 31

X-Anthype 11-30-2004 10:32 AM

hmm worked fine for me, i only get that error when i try installing it on VB2.2.6 but the hack aint made for that ;)

WebTechTalk 12-01-2004 02:11 PM

How can I change the background of the Shoutbox?

blackpheonix 12-01-2004 03:20 PM

FORUMHOME template weres templates just installed an im total noob to this im using vb3

Jason McConnell 12-01-2004 03:27 PM

hey guys, I've used this Shoutbox on a number of other sites, and wanted to use it on my own, but I'm getting a couple of Parse Errors. I did read most of the thread here, but I didn't see anything that related to the errors I'm getting.

Parse Error #1:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ')' in /home/unifiedx/public_html/forum/index.php on line 57

I don't see anything wrong with that line, after comparing it to the original file.

Parse Error #2
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ELSE in /home/unifiedx/public_html/forum/admincp/usergroup.php on line 141

This was the file edit:

// set default yes permissions (bitfields)
                        $ug_bitfield = array(
                                'showgroup' => 1,
                                'canview' => 1,
                                'canviewmembers' => 1,
                                'canviewothers' => 1,
                                'cagetattachment' => 1,
                                'cansearch' => 1,
                                'canmodifyprofile' => 1,
                                'canthreadrate' => 1,
                                'canpostattachment' => 1,
                                'canpostpoll' => 1,
                                'canvote' => 1,
                                'canwhosonline' => 1,
                                'allowhidden' => 1,
                                'showeditedby' => 1,
                                'canseeprofilepic' => 1,
                                'canusesignature' => 1,
                                'cannegativerep' => 1,
                                'canuserep' => 1,
                                'shoutpost' => 1,
                                'shoutedit' => 1,
                                'shoutdelete' => 1,
                                'shouthdelete' => 0,
                                'shouteditothers' => 0,
                                'shoutdeleteothers' => 0,
                                'shouthdeleteothers' => 0,
                                'shoutip' => 0,
                                'shoutcoventry' => 0,
                        // set default numeric permissions
                        $usergroup = array(
                                'pmquota' => 0, 'pmsendmax' => 5, 'attachlimit' => 1000000,
                                'avatarmaxwidth' => 50, 'avatarmaxheight' => 50, 'avatarmaxsize' => 20000,
                                'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000,
                                'shouthierarchy' => 5, 'shoutmaxdaily' =>0

But this is what appears:

139 print_table_header($vbphrase['add_new_usergroup']);
140 {
141 else
142 $usergroupid = intval($_REQUEST['usergroupid']);

Same deal here with first error, after comparing it with the original file, those lines appear exactly as they should be. And no, I didn't use Dreamweaver for the file edits, I used UEdit. Gonna go back and try again with Notepad :ermm:

*EDIT* I got the Usergroup.php problem taken care of, but still having the Parse Error in Index.php on line 57

Got the Index.php problem taken care, WITH Dreamweaver. I need a beer :o :D

TruckMuddr 12-01-2004 08:01 PM

I love the shoutbox, but I got one thing I'd like added, if possible.

I'd like it if there is a way to have it auto-prun after x amount of days.

The Avatar 12-02-2004 12:10 AM

Great hack dudes!!

I loved your ushop & ucash hack, and I also love this one.

Once my board is up and running fully (and I start making some money), I will donate some cash your ways :D

Vman 12-05-2004 05:34 AM

Maybe I missed it, BUT is there a way to PRUNE the shouts?????

My hand is tired of hiting the "Delete" button on 10 plus pages!!!

If there is not, could you make a option for this????


sirstone 12-05-2004 02:59 PM


how can i display the last 3 shouts in the forum home? I´ve installed the hack, and the shoutbox.php works fine, but there is nothing in the forumshome?

Jason McConnell 12-06-2004 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by sirstone

how can i display the last 3 shouts in the forum home? I?ve installed the hack, and the shoutbox.php works fine, but there is nothing in the forumshome?

You have to add the last file edit to the Forumhome template. At least I'm assuming so, your homepage link takes me right back to vb.org :ermm:

@ GeekyDesign guys...

Awesome hack :) It definitely helps keeps the posts in my forums on track, and all the non-consequential stuff stays neatly where it should :) Congratulations :D

If I may offer a suggestion for a future version though.. to have the shoutbox accessabile thru a popup shoutbox like on deviantArt.com.

PennylessZ28 12-09-2004 06:22 AM

I'm uninstalling this hack, 2 weeks and no support? Is anyone getting any support? Doesn't seem like it.

noppid 12-10-2004 07:36 PM

We tried and and did not like the templates at all. The smiles mess up the layout and the java to TX the smile code the the input box don't work.

Impulse 12-15-2004 01:47 PM

Is there anyway to auto prune the 'older' shouts?

Zachery 12-15-2004 01:57 PM

Hmm, hadnt noticed any new posts in the thread for abit,

Impulse I don't think so but we will conisder adding it to the next version

I check GeekyDesigns.com daily, so does matthew it is the quickest way to get support.

tides 12-19-2004 10:15 PM

for template and file modification step, there is no readme file was fond. The ifram displays nothing during installation.

noppid 12-21-2004 01:21 AM

Got this installed and working and formatted rather well on our second attempt. Just took some editing for our style.

We are however having a problem with posting to the shout box. When we post the redirect does not work, it goes to a server message that the page has moved and you have to click a link. It does redirect on posting an edited shout though.

All of the other redirects work fine.

Any hints?

Thanks and Regards.

d-talk 12-21-2004 08:53 AM


I get this error:

Warning: chdir(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 20072 is not allowed to access /srv/www/htdocs/web2/html/vb/upload owned by uid 0 in /srv/www/htdocs/web2/html/vb/upload/install/his_files/hack_install_b3.php on line 30

Warning: main(): Unable to access ./global.php in /srv/www/htdocs/web2/html/vb/upload/install/his_files/hack_install_b3.php on line 31

Warning: main(./global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /srv/www/htdocs/web2/html/vb/upload/install/his_files/hack_install_b3.php on line 31

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /srv/www/htdocs/web2/html/vb/upload/install/his_files/hack_install_b3.php on line 31

What can I do?

noppid 12-21-2004 09:30 PM

Since this is no longer supported, can I release my fixes?

Zachery 12-21-2004 09:31 PM

What do you mean no longer supported?

noppid 12-21-2004 09:49 PM

Well I've posted here and at your recommneded site and got no replies.

I figured ya moved on. I got parts worked out but need a hand. Specifically the input box controls on the main shoutbox.php page not working, but working on any other posting page.

I figured the work was worth improving on amoung those of us that want to use the code.


Zachery 12-21-2004 10:10 PM

It is supported however right now we are trying to get the next version of ucs out as it is abigger priority, I have poked matt about the support he should get to it today or tomrow and look into the bugs / fixes

noppid 12-21-2004 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
It is supported however right now we are trying to get the next version of ucs out as it is abigger priority, I have poked matt about the support he should get to it today or tomrow and look into the bugs / fixes

Cool, thanks a bunch. I don't need instant gradification on the help. It's cool to know you're out there. Good luck with the new code. Hope to see a reply in the near future.

stamos2003 12-25-2004 09:21 AM

the smilies and vbcode in the textbox arent working, gives some kind of error message:

'theform.message' is zero or no object ?!

fonzerelli_79 12-27-2004 06:54 AM

installed without a hitch

i cannot locate the readme file - the installer doesnt locate it

can someone post the code i add to my forumhome template (from the posts ive read, i think a lot of people have had this problem)

great hack

also - to all the people who are getting errors etc and are perhaps a little inexperienced with adding hacks. Id strongly reccomend backing up your database and files before adding a major hack like this. Also, make a test forum and apply the hack to that forum first before applying it to a live forum. Ill admit its a pain doing this but better safe than sorry :):)

p.s. members should be nicer to the hack authors - a lot of work clearly went into this hack with the installer etc :)

noppid 12-27-2004 05:43 PM

Speaking of installers, this one, as you point out, is top notch. It's also where you get the instructions for the template and php mods. If you uploaded all the files properly, you can use the installer, and I think that was the intention, to get that info.

edeab220 12-27-2004 11:18 PM

Could someone help?


If you take a look at the shoutbox with IE, it shows the color of the background (which is white). This theme is not the primary theme as set in the vB Admin panel.

Is there any fix for this?

fonzerelli_79 12-28-2004 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by noppid
Speaking of installers, this one, as you point out, is top notch. It's also where you get the instructions for the template and php mods. If you uploaded all the files properly, you can use the installer, and I think that was the intention, to get that info.

all the files have been uploaded correctly and i have the latest zip - several members have actually pointed out that the info isnt there (or at least there is a problem with the installation file finding the info)

edeab220 - can you tell me the html you placed above the $forumbits field in the forumhome template :) I believe the code your looking for is class="thead" - this should be placed in the column header of the code which i am seeking (im assuming - i cant be certain til i get the info;))

Zadkiel 12-28-2004 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by d-talk
Warning: main(): Unable to access ./global.php in /srv/www/htdocs/web2/html/vb/upload/install/his_files/hack_install_b3.php on line 31

Warning: main(./global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /srv/www/htdocs/web2/html/vb/upload/install/his_files/hack_install_b3.php on line 31

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /srv/www/htdocs/web2/html/vb/upload/install/his_files/hack_install_b3.php on line 31

I had similar errors. If you are not using the default admincp path, you need to change $admincpdir = "admincp"; in the hack_default_config.php file. Worked for me.

edeab220 12-28-2004 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by fonzerelli_79
edeab220 - can you tell me the html you placed above the $forumbits field in the forumhome template :) I believe the code your looking for is class="thead" - this should be placed in the column header of the code which i am seeking (im assuming - i cant be certain til i get the info;))

This is what I have under $navbar


<!-- [START HACK='Shoutbox Hack' AUTHOR='squall14716' VERSION='1.03' CHANGEID= 4 ] -->
<if condition="$vboptions['shoutbox_forumhomeshouts'] == 1">
<!-- shoutbox hack (by squall14716) -->
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
        <td class="tcat" colspan="2">
<a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('forumhome_shoutbox')"><img id="collapseimg_forumhome_shoutbox" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$vbcollapse[collapseimg_forumhome_shoutbox].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
<a href="shoutbox.php?$session[sessionurl]">
<if condition="$vboptions[shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts] == 1">
<phrase 1="$vbphrase[shoutbox_forumhome_latest]" 2="" 3="$vbphrase[shoutbox_forumhome_shout]">$vbphrase[shoutbox_forumhome_x_y_z]</phrase>
<else /><phrase 1="$vbphrase[shoutbox_forumhome_last]" 2="$vboptions[shoutbox_numberofforumhomeshouts]" 3="$vbphrase[shoutbox_forumhome_shouts]">$vbphrase[shoutbox_forumhome_x_y_z]</phrase>
<tbody id="collapseobj_forumhome_shoutbox" style="$vbcollapse[collapseobj_forumhome_shoutbox]">
<tr valign="top">
        <td class="alt2"><a href="shoutbox.php?$session[sessionurl]"><img src="$stylevar[imagesfolder]/icons/icon2.gif" alt="" title="" border="0" />       
<if condition="!($permissions['shoutboxpermissions'] & SHOUTVIEW) || $bbuserinfo['shoutbanned'] == 1">
        <td class="alt1" width="100%"><span class="smallfont"><b>$vbphrase[shoutbox_noviewperms]</b></span></td>
<else />
<if condition="$vboptions['shoutbox_iframe'] == 0">
        <td class="alt1" width="100%"><span class="smallfont">
<div class="smallfont" style="height:150px;width:100%;overflow:auto"><hr>  $latestshouts<br/> </div>  <if condition="$vboptions['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome'] == input && $permissions['shoutboxpermissions'] & SHOUTPOST && $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] != 1"><form action="shoutbox.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="do" value="addshout"><input type="text" name="message" value="" size="60" <if condition="$vboptions['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit'] != 0">maxlength="$vboptions[shoutbox_shoutcharlimit]"</if>>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value="$vbphrase[shoutbox_shout_now]" class="bginput" accesskey="s"></form></if> <if condition="$vboptions['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome'] == textarea && $permissions['shoutboxpermissions'] & SHOUTPOST && $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] != 1"><center><form action="shoutbox.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="do" value="addshout"><textarea name="message" rows="5" cols="60" class="bginput" wrap></textarea><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="$vbphrase[shoutbox_shout_now]" class="bginput" accesskey="s"></form></center></if>
<else />
        <td class="alt1" width="100%"><span class="smallfont">
<if condition="$vboptions['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome'] == input && $permissions['shoutboxpermissions'] & SHOUTPOST && $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] != 1"><form action="shoutbox.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="do" value="addshout"><input type="text" name="message" value="" size="60" <if condition="$vboptions['shoutbox_shoutcharlimit'] != 0">maxlength="$vboptions[shoutbox_shoutcharlimit]"</if>>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value="$vbphrase[shoutbox_shout_now]" class="bginput" accesskey="s"></form><br /></if>
<iframe src="shoutbox.php?$session[sessionurl]do=iframe" width="100%" height="165" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" name="forumhome_shoutbox" id="forumhome_shoutbox"></iframe>
<if condition="$vboptions['shoutbox_shoutonforumhome'] == textarea && $permissions['shoutboxpermissions'] & SHOUTPOST && $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] != 1"><center><form action="shoutbox.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="do" value="addshout"><textarea name="message" rows="5" cols="60" class="bginput" wrap></textarea><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="$vbphrase[shoutbox_shout_now]" class="bginput" accesskey="s"></form></center></if>
<br />
<!-- end shoutbox hack (by squall14716) -->
<!-- [END HACK='Shoutbox Hack' AUTHOR='squall14716' VERSION='1.03' CHANGEID= 4 ] -->

I have 1.04 but when I installed it, it didn't show me the new code I might have had to use, but I have 1.04 :p.

noppid 12-28-2004 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by fonzerelli_79
can you tell me the html you placed above the $forumbits field in the forumhome template :)

As requested, here's mine.

PHP Code:

<!-- shoutbox hack (by squall14716) -->
table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]border="0" width="100%" align="center">
td class="thead" >
a style="float:$stylevar[right]href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('forumhome_shoutbox')"><img id="collapseimg_forumhome_shoutbox" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_thead$vbcollapse[collapseimg_forumhome_activeusers].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
a href="shoutbox.php?$session[sessionurl]">
Shout Box</a></td>
tbody id="collapseobj_forumhome_shoutbox" style="$vbcollapse[collapseobj_forumhome_shoutbox]">
tr valign="top">

            <!-- IF 
td class="alt1" width="100%">
span >
div  >


end shoutbox hack (by squall14716) --> 

Set Use an iFrame on Forumhome?: No
Set Number of Forum Home Shouts?: 1
Set Show an Input Box/Textarea on Forumhome?: None

fonzerelli_79 12-28-2004 08:17 PM

thanks noppid and edeab :)

ive decided to use noppids as its more suited to the design of my site

it doesnt seem to be pulling the shouts to the forum home. First of all, the actual shoutbox is working perfectly.

Is there any other files which you need to manually edit for this to work (eg. index.php) :)

noppid 12-28-2004 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by fonzerelli_79
thanks noppid and edeab :)

ive decided to use noppids as its more suited to the design of my site

it doesnt seem to be pulling the shouts to the forum home. First of all, the actual shoutbox is working perfectly.

Is there any other files which you need to manually edit for this to work (eg. index.php) :)

Let me look, I don't remember. I know I had issues, just don't remember what I did!

EDIT: it appears that all I did was the ACP settings and the standard PHP supplied by the author for index.php.

fonzerelli_79 12-29-2004 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by noppid
Let me look, I don't remember. I know I had issues, just don't remember what I did!

EDIT: it appears that all I did was the ACP settings and the standard PHP supplied by the author for index.php.

i assumed that this was the problem - i dont have the code for index.php either. Surely im not the only one who doesnt have this code in the zip? :)

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