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4number8 04-23-2005 09:13 PM

Installed perfectly on 3.0.7 and works flawlessly...Thanks alot for you time on this.

clicks installed

RichieBoy67 04-24-2005 06:26 AM

I figured out my html problem!! Recently I changed my settings for optimization to store my ccs sheets as files..... lol man - I was ready to pull my hair out...

works fine now... I will just disable this option before e-mailing... or I'm sure I could change the path... works though again!!!

dethfire 04-26-2005 07:34 PM

this thing craps out with large forums and servers without a lot of memory

memobug 04-26-2005 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by dethfire
this thing craps out with large forums and servers without a lot of memory

You should probably be specific about the errors you're receiving.

My bonsaitalk.com forum is ~6000 members and 1.5GB sql and it seems to do okay. I pay about $5 hosting per month through some noname server farm.

Maybe reduce the number of members you're sending to at one time and increase the delay between page refreshes if you are using an auto refresh.

There's no doubt this code could be improved if it cached the results and sent out the mailings periodically all day long.



clanlife 04-28-2005 01:46 PM

Is there a way of automating this so it runs itself every say friday?


GetGamer.com 04-28-2005 02:46 PM

I've used it with over 22,000 members and it works perfectly fine (although it takes hours to run through the entire process).

The only problem that I (STILL) have is that members cannot change their bulletin preferences. The options appear, but if they make changes, they aren't saved. This is a serious problem and no one seems to have any suggestions.

Horsham R/C 04-29-2005 12:14 AM

Before I go ahead and install this, is there a way to do this based on a paid subscription only?

memobug 04-29-2005 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Horsham R/C
Before I go ahead and install this, is there a way to do this based on a paid subscription only?

It know it is capable of filtering based on primary usergroups. I don't think it observes secondary usergroups. I think I hacked mine about six months ago to respect a particular secondary group title but now I can't remember :(



memobug 04-29-2005 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by GetGamer.com
I've used it with over 22,000 members and it works perfectly fine (although it takes hours to run through the entire process).

The only problem that I (STILL) have is that members cannot change their bulletin preferences. The options appear, but if they make changes, they aren't saved. This is a serious problem and no one seems to have any suggestions.

I didn't see your earlier post, but it sounds like you didn't make the modifications to profile.php or didn't make them right. That's about the only explanation for it. I reinstalled this in 3.0.7 yesterday and it went fine.



fixer 05-06-2005 09:44 PM

thanx for the hack
it works fine in 3.0.7

But in admincp, Where could i find the link to commbull.php?

memobug 05-07-2005 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by fixer
thanx for the hack
it works fine in 3.0.7

But in admincp, Where could i find the link to commbull.php?

Expand the User section of the menu and look toward the bottom - "Send Community Bulletin" or similar

If you have a blank line there you might need to refresh one of the commbull phrases to make them all appear. Go into your phrases menu, search on commbull and pick a phrase to edit and save.



greenhybrid 05-14-2005 06:00 PM

My "threads without replies" table shows the title "posted most recently." Any idea why?

memobug 05-15-2005 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by greenhybrid
My "threads without replies" table shows the title "posted most recently." Any idea why?

I think I documented it somewhere before, but commbull.php Line 809 has a bug in it, making the HTML title for topic group 4 the same as topic group 3:

PHP Code:

 $HTML_threadspreview4 .=" <td colspan=\"7\"><b><i>$title3</i></b></td>\n"

should be

PHP Code:

 $HTML_threadspreview4 .=" <td colspan=\"7\"><b><i>$title4</i></b></td>\n"



greenhybrid 05-15-2005 01:34 PM

Thanks. I actually edited some of the code to add a new table with the custom message inside of it, so it wasn't just sitting on the background. You may want to include that in the next release, if you have one?

memobug 05-16-2005 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by greenhybrid
Thanks. I actually edited some of the code to add a new table with the custom message inside of it, so it wasn't just sitting on the background. You may want to include that in the next release, if you have one?

Actually, it's not mine. I don't think this hack is supported by the author(s) any longer. However, you might want to post your mods as an attachment or a screenshot of what you mean. I'm not sure exactly what your change does.



biagrin 05-16-2005 09:37 AM

ive put my forum title image into the newsletter but it has a blue border stuck round the outsdie - does anybody know how to remove the title image border

*ignore this i ve got the answer*

biagrin 05-17-2005 09:35 PM

actually i do know have a problem. when in admincp, if i click on an option from the left hand column and it goes to the page ive clicked on, the left column disappears. anybody know why?

Lee 05-23-2005 09:14 PM

Any reason why members receiving the bulletin would receive 3 copies to the same email address?

nnjj.net 05-28-2005 04:25 AM

hi everybody,

is it wprking on 3.0.7?

cmiller1014 05-28-2005 04:33 AM

Depends on what you consider "working" . It has a ton of bugs, and sends links to threads that are deleted. The entire thing is a waste of time in my opinion.

Is there ANY OTHER option out there for something like this???

greenhybrid 05-28-2005 04:40 AM

It does? Not for me. At least not that I've noticed...

cmiller1014 05-28-2005 04:49 AM

It must just be me who has all these problems with this hack. Or everyone else is blind to the fact that calendar events dont show up, deleted posts are displayed, and there are a number of other small bugs. Sorry to be so blunt, but the entire thig is just sloppy.

nnjj.net 05-28-2005 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by cmiller1014
Depends on what you consider "working" . It has a ton of bugs, and sends links to threads that are deleted. The entire thing is a waste of time in my opinion.

Is there ANY OTHER option out there for something like this???

well this is not a happy idea :disappointed:

mikehawk 05-30-2005 04:54 AM

Dear god is this good sh!t! INSTALL AND USED! Just what I needed...

mikehawk 05-30-2005 05:14 AM

I wish you could send e-mail to all users (even ones that have declined Admin e-mails) like you can in the "send e-mail to users" option....


Snitz 05-30-2005 03:22 PM

I wanna ask a question....

can I add a custom text to the generated mailing list email ??

simple_john 06-17-2005 04:46 PM

i love the newsletter.. but have a question..

when specifying who gets the newsletter.. i can check which user group should get it..
The selected groups only send to the members 'primary group' not additional group

meaning: i have user set up as 'registered user' but they also pay subscription so the get an added group called 'sponsor'

if i select to send to 'sponsors' they dont get a letter because it only sends to those whose primary group is set as sponsor... not the additional group.... is there a way to change this so that it sends to additional group types also?

and yes, the obvious suggestion would be to change the subscription manager to change their primary group to 'sponsor'.. But if i do this.. then mods who are sponsors would have their primary group set as sponsor.. so then if i wanted to send a newsletter to only mods.. i would not be able to do this.. because mods would be their added user group not their primary group..

thanks in advance for any suggestions...

pagekeeper 06-21-2005 11:44 PM

Just curious, im sure most of you are aware of godaddy, and if you've ever geninly used their email system ... each email you recieve allows you to contact support back ... i was thinking if there could be a possiblity of adding that ablity to reply to a post in an email ? might be stupid but i guess some people might have long on a computer or cant be bothered logining in or something.. whatever and might reply quickly in the email something like <<<<< reply above this line >>>>>>> becomes a post ???

The Geek 07-01-2005 06:02 PM

Wow - that took the cake for 'the biggest pain in the butt to alter to my liking award' - not that I dont like the hack as it was... I think its a superb mod... I just wanted a very different look and functionality.

It would be cool to see this reworked to use templates and better block configuration.

Once again - cool mod.
You can see how mines coming along here

cmiller1014 07-01-2005 06:10 PM

Would still love to have a good working version of this. I will pay someone to create one for me. CommBull has way too many bugs.

Lionel 07-01-2005 06:28 PM

My version is 90% bug free on 3.07. Someone in this thread fixed the upcoming events issue.

cmiller1014 07-01-2005 06:32 PM

Unfortunately the person who made that fix didnt post it publically and they never got back to me. There is also a bug that displays soft deleted threads which really causes problems, and if you choose to show "Threads with 0 Replies" it puts the title as "Threads with the most replies".

I've found other little bugs too but these are the most annoying. I have to copy the entire html newsletter into dreamweaver to fix it before sending it out, and thats just the html version. Anyone who receives my text version is shown the deleted threads, and incorrect heading for the 0 post thing.

This entire script is a big pain.

cmiller1014 07-01-2005 06:41 PM

I just found another bug where the bulletin shows the same poll 2 times. it only does this with 1 poll, but it does happen.

Anyone else get this?

The Geek 07-01-2005 06:52 PM

could it be that it is attached to a moved thread?

I dont think there are too many bugs with the system (though there are a couple), however the customization of it is a serious pain. It really wouldnt be too hard to make a new and improved version - I would have if I would have known how time consuming it would be to customize. I am sure it would only take about 10 hours of coding to get a really solid customizable version.

cmiller1014 07-01-2005 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
could it be that it is attached to a moved thread?

I just looked and it was never moved. There is only 1 of this poll, but combull still shows 2 of it on the bulletin.

Very odd and annoying. I fixed the problem with the mislabeled header from a few posts back, but I still have to load it up in dreamweaver and edit out the extra poll and clean the entire thing up each time.

I would throw $300 out if I knew I could get a solid working version that will work with vb 3.5.

grandeur_69 07-01-2005 07:03 PM

i'm planning on reworking this whole thing from scratch once the new version comes out .... proper language support, calender, etc, etc
.. i've been kind of out of the loop for awhile because I've been traveling the globe for work ...

SmartGnome 07-02-2005 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by grandeur_69
i'm planning on reworking this whole thing from scratch once the new version comes out .... proper language support, calender, etc, etc
.. i've been kind of out of the loop for awhile because I've been traveling the globe for work ...

If you do that ... your the greatest.

My users love the commbull.


aldamon 07-14-2005 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by grandeur_69
i'm planning on reworking this whole thing from scratch once the new version comes out .... proper language support, calender, etc, etc
.. i've been kind of out of the loop for awhile because I've been traveling the globe for work ...

You'd be our hero for sure. Our board is small and CommBull provides us with predictable traffic every two weeks.

memobug 07-14-2005 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by cmiller1014
Unfortunately the person who made that fix didnt post it publically and they never got back to me.

Hi Chris, If you're talking about me, I have communicated with you directly several times and sent the file with commbull "upcoming events" fixes to you at least twice:
  • Our first contact was in April when you didn't provide me an email address to send the file
  • After I got your address and re-sent the file, you were having problems with your email system. You wrote that your email system trashed the file, but you replied to me using an HTML client.
  • I re-sent in plain text anyway I sent the file to you sent it to you twice and if I recall correctly, you kept losing it.
I really don't mind trying to help people but this is exactly why I don't want to post mods in a thread like this. Your message above might give the impression that I was nonresponsive to your request and that simply isn't the case.

Please let me know by PM if you need the file again, or a gmail invite to get a properly working email client, which is the suggestion I made when we last communicated.

Best regards,


yoyoyoyo 07-17-2005 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
could it be that it is attached to a moved thread?

I dont think there are too many bugs with the system (though there are a couple), however the customization of it is a serious pain. It really wouldnt be too hard to make a new and improved version - I would have if I would have known how time consuming it would be to customize. I am sure it would only take about 10 hours of coding to get a really solid customizable version.

please please please please please!

a geek bull would make my day! :D

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