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AndrewD 04-18-2004 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by welo
I set it up on my test board today and it seems pretty nice. My forums are closed until May 1st so it won't be live there until then. I'm liking it so far though. I'll have a couple of suggestions in a sec.

Meanwhile though, how hard would it be to add a link harvester to this app? I had a quick one I put together awhile back to find links in posts in IPB. Should be pretty similar here:

Anyway, would be nice for the script to harvest everything then put the results in a temp category you could just go through to edit links and shuffle them around. Regardless, very nice script. :)

Thanks for your feedback. Actually, a number of us seem to have the same needs - I wrote this hack because we have a site full of links that regularly need harvesting and reclassifying.

I've written some php which is not that different from your suggestion. But I suspect that "not that different" is rather important - everyone will have a slightly different requirement, so we will need different harvesters feeding a standard farm.

Could we specify an interface between the harvester and the farm? For example, should the harvester generate an xml file or should it just dump links straight into a default category in this hack's database?

Am happy to give some thought to this, with your suggestions.

welo 04-18-2004 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
...everyone will have a slightly different requirement, so we will need different harvesters feeding a standard farm.

Could we specify an interface between the harvester and the farm? For example, should the harvester generate an xml file or should it just dump links straight into a default category in this hack's database?

Well, ideally, if your script contained a link harvester designed to nab links from the posts table, the results should be queued somewhere else. This way someone would be able to mark what links were already checked so when they run the harvester next time, it won't return all the links it already gave them. Someone could run it once a month or so (or if it had a scheduler built in you could just set it to run automatically and email a designated person so they know a new set of links are ready for review and filing) and see what new links having been posted might be worth moving to an appropriate existing category (or indicate the need for a new category). Would also be nice if the results showed what forum/thread/post the link came from.

lasto 04-18-2004 07:25 AM

[high]* lasto clicks installs

what an easy hack to do :) - 2 misn from start to finish and no editing of any files either top stuff.

Works a treat as well - cheers m8

Skyline_GT 04-19-2004 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
I poked around your board, tried your links, and found one that was broken in the way you describe (War3TFT_115a_beta_English).

What is downloaded is actually the html for your home page, which is then being given a zip filename, so it looks like a corrupt zip file.

Let me know what you were trying to set up as the correct link. Either you've given a bad link or the hack isn't handling it correctly.

This is the link that I am trying to put in..

AndrewD 04-19-2004 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by Skyline_GT
This is the link that I am trying to put in..

The link you've given simply redirects to your home page. It does not download the zip file. The same thing happens if I click it here in VB or if I cut and paste the link to the address line of Internet Explorer.

r00t3d 04-19-2004 10:13 AM


firstly: nice hack/mod :D
secondly: is there any way to stop non-logged in or non-registered users from downloading files? I tried by setting the permissions to a forum which wont allow not-loggedin or unregistered users to download attachments, will that permission work for the downloads.

The downloadable files are just dumped into a directory, and directly linked to the mod.
Do I need to add the files as attachments to the forum and then use that forums attachment link rather than the direct link to stop unregistered users from downloding? or is there another way round it?


AndrewD 04-19-2004 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by r00t3d

firstly: nice hack/mod :D
secondly: is there any way to stop non-logged in or non-registered users from downloading files? I tried by setting the permissions to a forum which wont allow not-loggedin or unregistered users to download attachments, will that permission work for the downloads.

The downloadable files are just dumped into a directory, and directly linked to the mod.
Do I need to add the files as attachments to the forum and then use that forums attachment link rather than the direct link to stop unregistered users from downloding? or is there another way round it?


This is exactly what the forum permission setting is for. Every time you associate a link or a category with a forum, then it is only visible to users who are allowed to *visit* that forum. (Access to forum attachments is not the issue - it is forum accessibility.)

You do not need to add the files as attachments - just dump them in a directory. You need to take care that the file and directory names are not that obvious, otherwise people could just go straight there. The hack hides the information from the casual user.

r00t3d 04-19-2004 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
This is exactly what the forum permission setting is for. Every time you associate a link or a category with a forum, then it is only visible to users who are allowed to *visit* that forum. (Access to forum attachments is not the issue - it is forum accessibility.)

You do not need to add the files as attachments - just dump them in a directory. You need to take care that the file and directory names are not that obvious, otherwise people could just go straight there. The hack hides the information from the casual user.

Sorry I should have been more precise.
I am using vbadvanced homepage, and a hack ontop of that which shows the latest 5 downloads available on the main page. on the top right you will see latest downloads block, if you click on latest downloads it wont show you anything as you are not logged in, but if you were to click on the actual downloadable link in the same block it will allow you to download.

Is there a work around for that?

Thanks again.

lasto 04-19-2004 11:27 AM

the hack works but when i go to add new link how come in the small box in bottom left hand corner where it says based on which forums permissions it is just blank ?

Have i missed somethign out.

Also i may be on wrong track but does this auto link to attachments added to the board or does it only do ones that u specify ?

AndrewD 04-19-2004 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by r00t3d
Sorry I should have been more precise.
I am using vbadvanced homepage, and a hack ontop of that which shows the latest 5 downloads available on the main page. on the top right you will see latest downloads block, if you click on latest downloads it wont show you anything as you are not logged in, but if you were to click on the actual downloadable link in the same block it will allow you to download.

Is there a work around for that?

Thanks again.

I haven't looked at the vbadvanced integration but I pointed out a similar problem to Natch who wrote the vbindex integration. Without looking at their code, I'm not sure how the vbadvanced hack handles permissions - I'll try to look this week.

r00t3d 04-19-2004 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
I haven't looked at the vbadvanced integration but I pointed out a similar problem to Natch who wrote the vbindex integration. Without looking at their code, I'm not sure how the vbadvanced hack handles permissions - I'll try to look this week.

Thank You, very much.
I appreciate your help :)

AndrewD 04-19-2004 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by lasto
the hack works but when i go to add new link how come in the small box in bottom left hand corner where it says based on which forums permissions it is just blank ?

Have i missed somethign out.

Also i may be on wrong track but does this auto link to attachments added to the board or does it only do ones that u specify ?

a) Have you set up any forums on your site? If you have none, then that box will be empty.

b) No, it does not auto link to attachments - but I assume that it works ok with attachments provided you give a valid url to the attachment - has anyone tried this?

lasto 04-19-2004 03:57 PM

yeah i have forums set up on my site but they deffo dont show in that box.The box above that one shows the sections i have made but thats about all.

Was there anything i should of changed in admin settings as i noticed forum was set to -999 or something so i set that to 8 which is a valid forum on my forum and still no luck.

AndrewD 04-19-2004 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by lasto
yeah i have forums set up on my site but they deffo dont show in that box.The box above that one shows the sections i have made but thats about all.

Was there anything i should of changed in admin settings as i noticed forum was set to -999 or something so i set that to 8 which is a valid forum on my forum and still no luck.

Maybe you could pm me with your site url so I can take a look?

AndrewD 04-19-2004 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by r00t3d
Thank You, very much.
I appreciate your help :)

As far as I can see from your site, everything is working correctly.

The people who did the vbadvanced integration have lifted the integration code that Natch wrote for vbindex. This code ignores the forums-based checking that is in my hack. It means that the vbadvanced (and vbindex) home page shows links regardless of whether you are allowed to access them or not. If a user tries to access a link that is not available to that user, then she will get an error message (link #N not available).

So the bottom line (which I tested on your site) is that the protection works, but you get to see things you can't access.

Natch felt that it was better to show all users all the available links as a way of encouraging them to register to use the site.

r00t3d 04-19-2004 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
As far as I can see from your site, everything is working correctly.

The people who did the vbadvanced integration have lifted the integration code that Natch wrote for vbindex. This code ignores the forums-based checking that is in my hack. It means that the vbadvanced (and vbindex) home page shows links regardless of whether you are allowed to access them or not. If a user tries to access a link that is not available to that user, then she will get an error message (link #N not available).

So the bottom link (which I tested on your site) is that the protection works, but you get to see things you can't access.

Natch felt that it was better to show all users all the available links as a way of encouraging them to register to use the site.

Thanks for that info, I am also thinking of allowing people to see the links without having to be registered, but not download them until they are.

The vbadvanced latest downloads block is ignoring the permissions like you said.
Did Natch by anychance post the edited code?


pseudocode 04-19-2004 07:28 PM

Great hack!! I'm having some difficulty though. I'm sure I'm just missing something. The only thing that displays for me is "alt2" in the box on the portal page. What am I missing? I've gone back over my changes several times. Thanks in advance for your help!

AndrewD 04-20-2004 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by pseudocode
Great hack!! I'm having some difficulty though. I'm sure I'm just missing something. The only thing that displays for me is "alt2" in the box on the portal page. What am I missing? I've gone back over my changes several times. Thanks in advance for your help!

Sure - will try - sounds as if you've got a template error. Which portal are you using? Easiest way to sort these things out is to send me a pm or email with details of your site, including ideally a userid that has admin privs

AndrewD 04-20-2004 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by r00t3d
The vbadvanced latest downloads block is ignoring the permissions like you said.
Did Natch by anychance post the edited code?


I don't know if Natch posted it. This was the code I suggested to him for get_hotlinks.php - I have not tested it recently as I do not run either the vbindex or the vbadvanced integrations myself. You may need to do some editing - certainly if you want to have category based integration. I don't want to get caught up in this.

Skyline_GT 04-20-2004 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
The link you've given simply redirects to your home page. It does not download the zip file. The same thing happens if I click it here in VB or if I cut and paste the link to the address line of Internet Explorer.

Thanks.. it seems is my hot link problem..

Natch 04-20-2004 09:22 AM

As AndrewD said, the code I wrote ignores the permissions deliberately. It is a teaser so that unregistered users, or users without permission do not see an Empty Box in your portal, but see the links. If they decide to try and download, they get told they do not have permission, and if unregistered they are prompted to register.

This seemd to me to be the cleanest way to do it - I can test the altered get_hotlinks.php code and get back to you on how it looks, but my guess is that it will not be as clean on your portal page.


Originally Posted by pseudocode
Great hack!! I'm having some difficulty though. I'm sure I'm just missing something. The only thing that displays for me is "alt2" in the box on the portal page. What am I missing? I've gone back over my changes several times. Thanks in advance for your help!

I do not know what might be causing your error - but as AndrewD said as well, it sounds like a template error to me.

lasto 04-20-2004 09:42 AM

i installed this links database yesterday and then installed your addon Natch and it worked first time.It shows me the top 5 downloads.

Well done to both of u for a good hack :)

Natch 04-20-2004 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Natch
As AndrewD said, the code I wrote ignores the permissions deliberately. It is a teaser so that unregistered users, or users without permission do not see an Empty Box in your portal, but see the links. If they decide to try and download, they get told they do not have permission, and if unregistered they are prompted to register.

This seemd to me to be the cleanest way to do it - I can test the altered get_hotlinks.php code and get back to you on how it looks, but my guess is that it will not be as clean on your portal page.

I do not know what might be causing your error - but as AndrewD said as well, it sounds like a template error to me.

I've tested the updated [permissions-based] get_hotlinks.php file with my board, and the only question I have [for AndrewD] is what is returned if there are no links available for the user to view ?

It does work by reducing the links that the Guest / limited access usr can see in the CustomBox, but what happens if the number of returned links is zero (0) ?

AndrewD 04-20-2004 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Natch
I've tested the updated [permissions-based] get_hotlinks.php file with my board, and the only question I have [for AndrewD] is what is returned if there are no links available for the user to view ?

It does work by reducing the links that the Guest / limited access usr can see in the CustomBox, but what happens if the number of returned links is zero (0) ?

My impression, looking at the code, is that get_hotlinks() will just return a null string. If this is problematic, it could be fixed by modifing the vbindex_custom template, e.g. (not sue if my syntax is correct)

PHP Code:

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="tborder" width="100%"
table cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]border="0" width="100%"
td colspan="2" class="tcat" style="text-align: center"
a name="hotties" style="float:$stylevar[right]href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('vbindex_customblock$box')"><img id="collapseimg_vbindex_customblock$boxsrc="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$collapseimg_vbindex_customblock.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a
strong><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/local_links.php" title="Visit the Downloads section">Hottest Downloads</a></strong
tbody id="collapseobj_vbindex_customblock$boxstyle="$collapseobj_vbindex_customblock"
condition="$hotlinks">$hotlinks<else />There are no downloads available to you</if>
br /> 

Natch 04-20-2004 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
My impression, looking at the code, is that get_hotlinks() will just return a null string. If this is problematic, it could be fixed by modifing the vbindex_custom template, e.g. (not sue if my syntax is correct)

PHP Code:

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="tborder" width="100%"
table cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]border="0" width="100%"
td colspan="2" class="tcat" style="text-align: center"
a name="hotties" style="float:$stylevar[right]href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('vbindex_customblock$box')"><img id="collapseimg_vbindex_customblock$boxsrc="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$collapseimg_vbindex_customblock.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a
strong><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/local_links.php" title="Visit the Downloads section">Hottest Downloads</a></strong
tbody id="collapseobj_vbindex_customblock$boxstyle="$collapseobj_vbindex_customblock"
condition="$hotlinks">$hotlinks<else />There are no downloads available to you</if>
br /> 

Looks good to me ! :) I'm happy to roll-up my hack into yours with this facility and be logged for support in the one place (if you are OK with that ?)

r00t3d 04-20-2004 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
My impression, looking at the code, is that get_hotlinks() will just return a null string. If this is problematic, it could be fixed by modifing the vbindex_custom template, e.g. (not sue if my syntax is correct)

PHP Code:

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="tborder" width="100%"
table cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]border="0" width="100%"
td colspan="2" class="tcat" style="text-align: center"
a name="hotties" style="float:$stylevar[right]href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('vbindex_customblock$box')"><img id="collapseimg_vbindex_customblock$boxsrc="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$collapseimg_vbindex_customblock.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a
strong><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/local_links.php" title="Visit the Downloads section">Hottest Downloads</a></strong
tbody id="collapseobj_vbindex_customblock$boxstyle="$collapseobj_vbindex_customblock"
condition="$hotlinks">$hotlinks<else />There are no downloads available to you</if>
br /> 

would this be the same for vbadvanced homepage v1.1?

AndrewD 04-20-2004 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Natch
Looks good to me ! :) I'm happy to roll-up my hack into yours with this facility and be logged for support in the one place (if you are OK with that ?)

I'm happy with this. Why don't we do the following -

I'll make a minor change to the basic hack to add a new set of permissions via the admin page (e.g. can_see_links). Usergroups with this setting will be able to *see* (but not necessarily access) links via the portals.

I'll update get_hotlinks.php to use this setting and the forums permission checking.

We'll roll the two hacks together, with you flagged for support.

I'll also contact the vbadvanced thread to see if we can get the same approach taken on board there.

This may take me a few days, as I'm away on two business trips from tomorrow for a week.

AndrewD 04-20-2004 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by r00t3d
would this be the same for vbadvanced homepage v1.1?

I imagine so.

Natch 04-21-2004 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
I'm happy with this. Why don't we do the following -

I'll make a minor change to the basic hack to add a new set of permissions via the admin page (e.g. can_see_links). Usergroups with this setting will be able to *see* (but not necessarily access) links via the portals.

I'll update get_hotlinks.php to use this setting and the forums permission checking.

We'll roll the two hacks together, with you flagged for support.

I'll also contact the vbadvanced thread to see if we can get the same approach taken on board there.

This may take me a few days, as I'm away on two business trips from tomorrow for a week.

Sounds good to me - once it's finalised, I'll edit the other thread to point to here for all support, or maybe see if the two threads can be merged ...

Thanks man - your work is excellent :)

ChrisSy 04-21-2004 08:29 AM

does this also support attachments in filesystem rather than database? an also is there a way of importing old attachments into this links area


AndrewD 04-21-2004 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisSy
does this also support attachments in filesystem rather than database? an also is there a way of importing old attachments into this links area


This hack is *not* connected with the VBulletin attachment system - whether in the database or the filesystem.

You create links by giving the correct URL to what you want to access. To get at a VB attachment, you would give the correct URL for that attachment. To get at a file, you would give the URL that points at that file.

Automatic mass imports are not yet possible, but I am preparing a "links harvest" tool that will scan all posts for links and attachments and allow the admin to insert them into this database. I estimate that this will be released in 2-4 weeks time.

Skyline_GT 04-22-2004 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by 13th_Disciple
now that this thread has grown to over 20 pages, I find it hard to search to see if this has been asked, so if it has, just point me to the correct post..

when you click a link to DL a file, in the status bar of the DL, the file size is not shown nor is the "time remaining"

any idea why that may be? using 1.01 with vB RC3 - upgrading to 3 gold this weekend..

I personally don't mind, but my members get a little pissy about it..

I wonder what I need to change in order it will show the status bar and the time remaining?
I really want this..

Areku 04-22-2004 08:42 PM

Does this hack support subcategories?
If so, how much deep is supported?

If not, are they planned?


OGT 04-22-2004 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Areku
Does this hack support subcategories?
If so, how much deep is supported?

If not, are they planned?


yes areku, unlimited

Areku 04-23-2004 06:21 AM

So coool!

/me licks install!

AndrewD 04-25-2004 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Skyline_GT
I wonder what I need to change in order it will show the status bar and the time remaining?
I really want this..

You shouldn't need to change anything if you have the latest version installed.

What browser are you using? And what file formats are you trying to download?

LoOnEyToOnZ 04-25-2004 02:12 PM

Hi Andrew.

Any idea if you are gonna add the moderation of submitted links into the next version ? Thanks

AndrewD 04-25-2004 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by LoOnEyToOnZ
Hi Andrew.

Any idea if you are gonna add the moderation of submitted links into the next version ? Thanks

Indeed I am...

Wolfy.2k 04-25-2004 03:52 PM

this may sound like a really retarded question...

i installed it fine and everything... but ermm.. how do u make categories>

lol i looked in all of admin section and cant see anything about it :S

AndrewD 04-26-2004 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Wolfy.2k
this may sound like a really retarded question...

i installed it fine and everything... but ermm.. how do u make categories>

lol i looked in all of admin section and cant see anything about it :S

Not at all...

You go to the Links Home, (../local_links.php) then on the left hand drop down menu for this hack, there should be two items - Home and Create Subcategory.

After you have created your first category, then extra items will appear on that drop down menu to allow you to create links.

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