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apokphp 03-21-2004 06:44 PM

Is this working for vbGold?

Alien 03-21-2004 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Link14716
Finally, someone doing a Non-HTL install to tell me what errors I have in it.

The last query in shoutbox.sql should be this:
[sql]DELETE FROM phrase WHERE varname LIKE '%shoutbox%';[/sql]

And I suggest you run it as well. The error in phrases.sql - I'll look into it and release a fixed shoutbox.sql and phrases.sql today in 1.03e.

1.03e still coming down the pipeline? :)

Dark Dragon 03-21-2004 08:26 PM

Hey, nice hack but I can't get it to work.

I tried installing it through HTL, but it didn't work, then I tried it manually and it still doesn't work.. The template edits and new templates, as well as all the phrases and stuff seem to be there. But it doesn't appear on the main page, or when I run shoutbox.php it's blank.


Edit: I was able to get it on the main page, but it's still "blank" just as if I typed out the URL.

FleaBag 03-21-2004 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by FleaBag
Link is there an SQL query I can run to update the Shoutbox rather than using do=update? This refuses to go past the first page, whether I set it to do 1 or 100 users at a time. I have no problems with any other line of PHP on my site, so I was hoping maybe you'd have a solution.


Just incase you missed it first time mate. My users and I are eager to get it working again.

The General 03-21-2004 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by apokphp
Is this working for vbGold?

Yeah it does. Except for the fact that I get a runtime error. But it functions normally.

The General 03-23-2004 01:43 PM

What's a coventry user??

FleaBag 03-23-2004 05:00 PM

A user ignored globally.

djohn 03-23-2004 05:23 PM

Fixed my first problem, however the bug with wysiwyg editor is still there. Also, I have a rather template question. How can i remove that grey part around the shoutbit (when iframe is enabled)? See screenshot.

sabret00the 03-23-2004 06:03 PM

i'm getting this error

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ELSE in K:\Network\xampp\htdocs\forums\admincp\usergroup.p hp on line 124
also my forumhome shoutbox has no box surrounding it :(

oh and i'm getting no permission when i try and go into the shoutbox?

edeab220 03-23-2004 09:41 PM

Sorry if it's been asked...

I'm having this error:

Parse error: parse error in /home/.rafferty/palmforu/palmforums.org/forums/admincp/index.php on line 900
Happens when...obviously...when I access AdminCP. What do you think when wrong?

Link14716 03-23-2004 10:45 PM

I'm sorry my support has seemed non-existant lately. Hold on and I'll try to answer everyone's questions and such.

Link14716 03-23-2004 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by SmasherMaster
LINK! I get a "cannot add phrases" error during install!!! >:[

Run these queries and try again:
[sql]ALTER TABLE language DROP phrasegroup_shoutbox;
DELETE FROM phrasetype WHERE fieldname='shoutbox';[/sql]

Link14716 03-23-2004 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by TcmDeb
Hey Link, I just gotta say you are to be commended for your work and your patience with all of us :)

On to the issue: I too get the "cannot make a blank shout" when using the wsywig to shout. I noticed a couple pages back it was mentioned that you had fixed it back in beta 5 but I didn't see any manual fix for this. I'm running 1.03d and everything else is working perfectly. Also, could you tell me what to edit to have a title for my shoutbox? Any help is appreciated :)

Beta 5 was a long while ago. WYSIWYG has been a +++++ all throughout the developement of this hack. I'll work on fixing JS/WYSIWYG problems in 1.04.

Link14716 03-23-2004 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by FleaBag
Link is there an SQL query I can run to update the Shoutbox rather than using do=update? This refuses to go past the first page, whether I set it to do 1 or 100 users at a time. I have no problems with any other line of PHP on my site, so I was hoping maybe you'd have a solution.


I'll look into it, as well as improving the process (although it has worked for me).

SONOFSAM 03-23-2004 10:52 PM

A stupid question, and probably right in front of my face...but where in the coding can I change the backgorund behind the shouts? Im using an image for my background on my forums, and do not wish it to be in the shoutbox as well.

forums: www.ggkthnx.com/forums

Link14716 03-23-2004 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by nealparry
I've installed this hack but and everything went fine. However, when I go to forum home there is nothing there - www.burnleyweb.com/forum

What have I done wrong?


Originally Posted by dmatthams
i have that same problem

then again im not to clever when it comes to VB

shoutbox works fine, here, just cant get it to show on the homepage. Im pretty sure ive done all the modifications :o

Make sure you have edited the FORUMHOME template, and have it turned on in the options (vBulletin Options -> Shoutbox Settings) - and make sure you have updated usergroup permissions (edit a usergroup and save without changing anything).

Link14716 03-23-2004 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by SONOFSAM
A stupid question, and probably right in front of my face...but where in the coding can I change the backgorund behind the shouts? Im using an image for my background on my forums, and do not wish it to be in the shoutbox as well.

forums: www.ggkthnx.com/forums

You're not even using my shoutbox hack, so how can I help you?

Link14716 03-23-2004 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Blackbeard
I seem to have a small problem, i can only get the shout box to post if i use the basic editor box, the Show Standard Editor Toolbar and Show Enhanced (WYSIWYG) Editor Toolbar return error and will not allow to post

error i get:- Could not find phrase 'shoutbox_1000_blankshout'.

please help

I'll work on getting everything working for 1.04.

Link14716 03-23-2004 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Nexus[l33t]
great hack, thanks a bundle. had to clean up the non-HTL queries. attached is the cleaned up text. i make no promises or guarantees, but it worked for me. thanks again for the sweet hack.

If it works completely, then that'll save me some time. ;)

Link14716 03-23-2004 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by martinchan
just want to find out, it's possible that someone can hack into the shoutbox and shout or changed his username to shout because I had a incident this morning. The fellow came from no where and make a shoot and I cannot find his particulars at all.

This would happen only if you allow guests to shout (via usergroup permissions) or something else is going on that is unrelated to this hack.

Link14716 03-23-2004 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by djohn
Here's a screeshot.
First questoin: how do i remove that ugly line right above "Today's shouts:" (forumhome)?
Second question: How can i make the bit with the actual shouts be equal distance from the edge (notice it's about twice as far from the corner of the table on the right, then on the left)?
Another thing, how can I add the Refresh and Archive buttons right oppsite the Shout Button on forumhome?


Both have to do with the shoutbox_iframe template.

1: Find:

<hr> <if condition="$therewasatoday ==
Simply remove the <hr> from that line.

2: Find:

Add under:

<style type="text/css">
body {
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;

It will be like that by default in 1.04.

EDIT: Noticed you asked another question. Refresh button is simple. Still in shoutbox_iframe, find this:

<if condition="$therewasatoday ==
Add right before it:

<a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="shoutbox.php?$session[sessionurl]do=iframe">[Refresh]</a>
This was taken out by accident before and will be placed back in in 1.04. As for the "archive" link - there is no archive. If you are talking about shoutbox.php, then "Shoutbox - Latest x Shouts" would be a link to it.

Link14716 03-23-2004 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by djohn
I also have this problem (see screenshot)
Any way to fix the width ?? the input field?

Either turn off the smilie box or make it use a standard textarea field - both are options in 'vBulletin Options -> Shoutbox Settings'.

Zachery 03-23-2004 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Link14716
Either turn off the smilie box or make it use a standard textarea field - both are options in 'vBulletin Options -> Shoutbox Settings'.

Matt if you get a moment can you say hi on aim

Link14716 03-23-2004 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by The General
Excellent hack! Thanks heaps!

I keep getting runtime errors however, while some of my users don't. Any idea what might be wrong?

Working on fixing JS issues for 1.04.

Link14716 03-23-2004 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
Hey, nice hack but I can't get it to work.

I tried installing it through HTL, but it didn't work, then I tried it manually and it still doesn't work.. The template edits and new templates, as well as all the phrases and stuff seem to be there. But it doesn't appear on the main page, or when I run shoutbox.php it's blank.


Edit: I was able to get it on the main page, but it's still "blank" just as if I typed out the URL.

Sounds like the templates weren't installed to the style you are using. Make sure the templates are all there on all the styles (be it by them actually being on all styles or through style inheritance).

Link14716 03-23-2004 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by djohn
Fixed my first problem, however the bug with wysiwyg editor is still there. Also, I have a rather template question. How can i remove that grey part around the shoutbit (when iframe is enabled)? See screenshot.

WYSIWYG should be working in 1.04 when it's released.

In template shoutbox_iframe:

Add under:

<style type="text/css">
body {
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;

It will be like that by default in 1.04.

Link14716 03-23-2004 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
i'm getting this error

also my forumhome shoutbox has no box surrounding it :(

oh and i'm getting no permission when i try and go into the shoutbox?

Paste about 20 lines above and below that line from admincp/usergroup.php and I'll see if I can find what went wrong. When it is working, update a usergroup and the no permission screems should go away.

Link14716 03-23-2004 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by edeab220
Sorry if it's been asked...

I'm having this error:

Parse error: parse error in /home/.rafferty/palmforu/palmforums.org/forums/admincp/index.php on line 900
Happens when...obviously...when I access AdminCP. What do you think when wrong?

That isn't related to my hack as it does not modify admincp/index.php.

edeab220 03-24-2004 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Link14716
That isn't related to my hack as it does not modify admincp/index.php.

Oh...yea i forgot :p. Must have been a prob when I installed HTL.

Thanks for narrowing the problem down for me ;).

FleaBag 03-24-2004 12:04 AM

Thanks for the response mate, I've so far been using do=update&userid=X - I took a peek at the script and realised it could be done. It seems only around a 3rd of users haven't been updated so I'm going through The Shoutbox page by page and checking the userid's of users not assigned and showing as '0' and then updating them. My Shoutbox is 750 pages... I'm 200 pages in lol. :)

sabret00the 03-24-2004 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Link14716
Paste about 20 lines above and below that line from admincp/usergroup.php and I'll see if I can find what went wrong. When it is working, update a usergroup and the no permission screems should go away.


        if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'add')
                if (!empty($_REQUEST['defaultgroupid']))
                        // set defaults to this group's info
                        $defaultgroupid = intval($_REQUEST['defaultgroupid']);
                        $usergroup = $DB_site->query_first("
                                SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroup
                                WHERE usergroupid = $defaultgroupid

                        $ug_bitfield = array();
                        foreach($_BITFIELD['usergroup'] AS $permissiongroup => $fields)
                                $ug_bitfield = array_merge(convert_bits_to_array($usergroup["$permissiongroup"], $fields) , $ug_bitfield);
// [START HACK='Shoutbox Hack' AUTHOR='squall14716' VERSION='1.03' CHANGEID= 3 ]
                        // set default yes permissions (bitfields)
                        $ug_bitfield = array(
                                'showgroup' => 1, 'canview' => 1, 'canviewmembers' => 1,
                                'canviewothers' => 1, 'cagetattachment' => 1, 'cansearch' => 1,
                                'canmodifyprofile' => 1, 'canthreadrate' => 1, 'canpostattachment' => 1,
                                'canpostpoll' => 1, 'canvote' => 1, 'canwhosonline' => 1,
                                'allowhidden' => 1, 'showeditedby' => 1, 'canseeprofilepic' => 1,
                                'canusesignature' => 1, 'shoutview' => 1, 'shoutpost' => 1, 'shoutedit' => 1,
                                'shoutdelete' => 1, 'shouthdelete' => 0, 'shouteditothers' => 0,
                                'shoutdeleteothers' => 0, 'shouthdeleteothers' => 0, 'shoutip' => 0,
                                'shoutcoventry' => 0
                        // set default numeric permissions
                        $usergroup = array(
                                'pmquota' => 0, 'pmsendmax' => 5, 'attachlimit' => 1000000,
                                'avatarmaxwidth' => 50, 'avatarmaxheight' => 50, 'avatarmaxsize' => 20000,
                                'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000,
                                'shouthierarchy' => 5, 'shoutmaxdaily' =>0
// [END HACK='Shoutbox Hack' AUTHOR='squall14716' VERSION='1.03' CHANGEID= 3 ]                }
                $usergroupid = intval($_REQUEST['usergroupid']);
                $usergroup = $DB_site->query_first("
                        SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroup
                        WHERE usergroupid = $usergroupid

                $ug_bitfield = array();
                foreach($_BITFIELD['usergroup'] AS $permissiongroup => $fields)
                        $ug_bitfield = array_merge(convert_bits_to_array($usergroup["$permissiongroup"], $fields) , $ug_bitfield);
                construct_hidden_code('usergroupid', $usergroupid);
                print_table_header(construct_phrase($vbphrase['x_y_id_z'], $vbphrase['usergroup'],$usergroup[title], $usergroup[usergroupid]), 2, 0);

hope this helps

Link14716 03-24-2004 10:44 AM

I see the problem.

// [END HACK='Shoutbox Hack' AUTHOR='squall14716' VERSION='1.03' CHANGEID= 3 ]                }
Change that to

// [END HACK='Shoutbox Hack' AUTHOR='squall14716' VERSION='1.03' CHANGEID= 3 ]

Now edit and save a usergroup to update the cache and you should be all set. :)

sabret00the 03-24-2004 11:00 AM

thanks that totally fixed the usergroup problems btw :D

ok more issues :(

the templates are all ++++ed up in there

all my shouts are by 0

and everytime i try to make a shout i get "you cannot make a blank shout.

also the box thing(table) for my shoutbox on the forumhome isn't there :(

oh and everytime i try to make a shout on the forum home it puts me inside the shoutbox :(

djohn 03-24-2004 01:29 PM

Thanks for your reply, Link14716. I've done all the edits that you suggested and now my shout box looks like this:
The grey part still remains on the right of shoutbox, the left is okay. Is there any way to remove that grey part?

PS: Your shoutbox owns no matter what! Any news about the release date of 1.04? Also, how ill the updating thing work? Will it update fine, even if I have customized some shoutbox templates?

sabret00the 03-24-2004 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
thanks that totally fixed the usergroup problems btw :D

ok more issues :(

the templates are all ++++ed up in there

all my shouts are by 0

and everytime i try to make a shout i get "you cannot make a blank shout.

also the box thing(table) for my shoutbox on the forumhome isn't there :(

oh and everytime i try to make a shout on the forum home it puts me inside the shoutbox :(

fixed the templates, although will mod further :)

sabret00the 03-24-2004 02:13 PM

solved all the problems now :D

except i think the shoutbox templates need reviewing :(

Red Blaze 03-24-2004 06:12 PM

I'm not sure if it's because of the upgrade or something but EVERYONE can edit everyone's comment. That includes delete messages, edit messages, even mine. I know this because I tried it as guest. Also, I have it so that guests can not see the shout box, but they can see it anyway. And they can't post a comment in the home forum, but they can post a message in the shoutbox.php. Guests can do everything an admin can do in the shout box, that goes with every other group. Is this because of VB3 Gold? The files are alittle different?

ChurchMedia 03-24-2004 07:57 PM

Sorry if this was posted already -- can't find it. Phrases are not showing up on forum home. shoutbox.php is fine.

Any ideas?

Great hack, BTW! :)

Red Blaze 03-25-2004 01:55 AM

Did you edit the index.php? and/or if you added the phrases. If you added the phrases, then you have to edit index.php.

sabret00the 03-25-2004 01:26 PM

i seem to have an issue where only admins can shout?

keep on getting a message about "your usergroup doesn't have permission"

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