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Crinos 02-02-2003 01:49 AM


As far as I know, meta tags are not given as high a priority as it once been given ... it's still all about relevancy ... there is no unifying rule that covers all search engines :)

TECK 02-02-2003 02:01 AM


Originally posted by Crinos

As far as I know, meta tags are not given as high a priority as it once been given ... it's still all about relevancy ... there is no unifying rule that covers all search engines :)


SkuZZy 02-02-2003 07:39 AM

meta tags dont matter in google, they are used very rarely. They are mainly only used for incomplete spidering sessions by google. Im not saying meta tags arent important for other search engines, but they dont matter much in google.

SkuZZy 02-02-2003 07:54 AM


Originally posted by TECK
Stefan, from my experience with search engines (and I did searched a lot), indexes will drop your site for the following reasons:
1. no unique meta tags for each page (most important)
2. popups or any other external links, that direct your crawler outside the site
3. deprecated html code

Now, others will argue with me and tell me: "heh my archive is listed..."
Let me know for how long. I guarantee you that by the end of the month your links are dropped.
The best way to test your links is to go to Google and search for:
site:yoursite.com archive

So, I strongly recommend you Stefan to update your code, related to those issues I mentioned above, orelse the archive pages will NOT be indexed.
vBulletin.org decided to install my archive because of "no. 1 reason", listed above.

I know that "some" people (same who rated 1 my archive) will consider this as "spam" or "advertising" my own code... believe what you want, I simply try to help.
Feel free to read more here to see that what I say is true:

I'm not going to bother trying to change your mind anymore, but you are wrong TECK and I will prove that to you. Google doesn't kick because of lack of unique meta tags. That is the biggest joke i've ever heard. And #2 is even more rediculous. Guess what, I use 3 popups on my archive and an exit window and I get over 7,000 uniques a day from google, just from this archive. Please don't spread these kind of remarks around, you are misunderstanding how google works. If you don't believe me, then post what you just posted below at SearchEngineForums (which you seem to preach) and they will tell you that you are wrong also. Google doesn't even open javascript files, so how would they know it contains a popup window? As far as #3 goes, there is no proof that google drops old pages that haven't been updated, but i'm sure that they will at some time. That is irrelevant anyways.

You seem to doubt the stuff I say teck, and i'm not too sure why. I've been working on search engines for over 2 years and i've been hired by some of Canada's top companies to search engine optimize their sites for them. My archive isn't as pretty as yours, but it works and I prefer it over yours for a few reasons. First off, the archive is meant for one purpous... to get your posts spidered, not to have users surf on! My archive is dull and has a nice big link pointing to the original thread. Yes, your archive is nice... so nice that most people will probably end up surfing it and never actually visiting the real forum and signing up. This isn't what I want, I want users to get to my forum.

As far as multiple pages, why does it matter? Listen. No one is going to be visiting the actual "index" of threads, only google. That is fine though, because each month it will continue to spider your site, so all your new threads will get added. I know what I am talking about, my forums have 1200+ threads and I continue to get 3000 pages added to google monthly. I have 5500 pages with them now and 3 months ago I had only about 10. Now, people coming from google will go directly to the post, so they wont have to see "50,000 threads" as you so called it. However, you are right, some larger forums that have forums with 10,000 or more threads in a single forums should not use my hack, they should use yours, otherwise alot of their current threads wouldn't get spidered.

As far as what you are saying being true, teck... man... you need some serious lessons. I don't know what threads you were reading over at searchengineforums, but I imagine you chose to read only the ones that would confirm your own opinions. I also urge anyone here to go surf around searchengineforums and you will see that my hack isn't "the devil" that teck makes it out to be. Is teck's hack better than mine? If you want a flashy archive and want your visitors surfing your archive (rather than your forum) then I suggest you go with his. I also suggest you use his if you have an overly large forum with several tens of thousands of threads. But for all the smaller forums out there, I guarentee you will get better results with my hack than teck's. Everything in mine is optimized, where as teck's archive has many small things that will hurt him in the search engine. For instance, on posts in your archive teck... you list the title of the forum first, then the title of the thread. Don't you know that the title is the most important part in google? And google only counts the first 59 characters of the title. anything after that is wasted space. So by putting the title first, you are wasting alot of characters.

There are many other small thinggs like that in teck's archive, but he can figure them out for himself. The bottom line is though, that my forum is recieving 7,000 unique hits from google per day. If you want to see proof, then go to my stats tracker, http://extremetracking.com/open?login=bforums - The proof is in the pudding. So teck, where are your results? Is your archive bringing you over 7,000 uniques a day from google?

- SkuZZy

Smoothie 02-02-2003 09:00 AM

google seems to love this script on my site;
Results 1 - 10 of about 6,510. Search took 0.21 seconds.

SkuZZy 02-02-2003 09:13 AM


Originally posted by Smoothie
google seems to love this script on my site;
Results 1 - 10 of about 6,510. Search took 0.21 seconds.

That's great smoothie. Have you noticed a traffic increase?

Smoothie 02-02-2003 09:24 AM

Yes I have! Not to mention 350 new members in the month of January.

floridaideal 02-02-2003 10:17 AM

Hi, I seem to have a problem being spidered

I have not had a link on Google yet although looking at the cashed index page that Google has recently stored the text link I put at the bottom of my page its clearly visable and works fine.


Google has spidered the first archive link I made that was another hack (not that it spidered all the pages just the link).

Will I have to wait or is there a problem?

Anyone got any ideas please?



SkuZZy 02-02-2003 10:21 AM

Google has probably spidered your archive already. Unfortunately, your pages won't be added right away. If you put your archive up after the 18th of January (which you must have) then your pages won't be added to google until next month's update, which will be around mid-late Febuary.



Originally posted by floridaideal
Hi, I seem to have a problem being spidered

I have not had a link on Google yet although looking at the cashed index page that Google has recently stored the text link I put at the bottom of my page its clearly visable and works fine.


Google has spidered the first archive link I made that was another hack (not that it spidered all the pages just the link).

Will I have to wait or is there a problem?

Anyone got any ideas please?



TECK 02-02-2003 01:08 PM


Originally posted by SkuZZy

I'm not going to bother trying to change your mind anymore, but you are wrong TECK....

- SkuZZy

Is obvious you are in the competition of having people installing your hack, I was expecting to see a reaction like that from you.
You are the person who's wrong thinking that I care people will install your hack and not mines, heh... is funny.

Is up to them what script they like better, not to you or me.
To prove you how much I care about this, I'm going to add a link to your archive in my first post so people can have an alternative, before they install my script.

cklaszlo 02-02-2003 01:32 PM

we've seen an increase of traffic too. but not as many people converting to registered users. Only 5-10 more a day. Which isn't horrible simce our site is very specific.

We have now over 8300 pages in Google. :)

What are your feelings forcing people to sign up? To even read the boards?

SkuZZy 02-02-2003 01:34 PM


Originally posted by TECK
Is obvious you are in the competition of having people installing your hack, I was expecting to see a reaction like that from you.
You are the person who's wrong thinking that I care people will install your hack and not mines, heh... is funny.

Is up to them what script they like better, not to you or me.
To prove you how much I care about this, I'm going to add a link to your archive in my first post so people can have an alternative, before they install my script.

I don't care either. I've reffered countless people to your script who didn't like mine for whatever reason. But i'm not trying to start up a "which script is better" thing. Both scripts have their UNIQUE features. I just don't appreciate you saying things which are completely not true. I think you have quite a bit to learn about search engines before you can start critisizing my script in my own thread.


cklaszlo 02-02-2003 01:44 PM


As far as multiple pages, why does it matter? Listen. No one is going to be visiting the actual "index" of threads, only google.
Actually for us loads of people are browsing the archive for some reason. Is it possible to ad a meta tag redirect on the thread and post pages for the script? To redirect automatically to the real boards?

TECK 02-02-2003 02:02 PM


Originally posted by SkuZZy

I don't care either. I've reffered countless people to your script who didn't like mine for whatever reason. But i'm not trying to start up a "which script is better" thing. Both scripts have their UNIQUE features. I just don't appreciate you saying things which are completely not true. I think you have quite a bit to learn about search engines before you can start critisizing my script in my own thread.


I'm sorry if you got this impression. I only posted what I read from others. I don't consider myself an expert that's why I asked fastforward and many other people about the best techniques used for search engine spiders.

My points listed above, were based on the information obtained from those people.

saint_seiya 02-02-2003 03:34 PM


Originally posted by saint_seiya
I know this is offtopic but can anyone help me, thanks:


I want my urls to be rewritten with mod rewrite like:

PHP Code:




with /
with /
with /
with /

At the end add .html (after 384

Maybe just a link to a good tutorial :(

Btw, i cant wait until i see the increase of traffic :)
I paid inktomi for 2 day spidering so so... :nervous:

SkuZZy 02-03-2003 07:52 AM


Originally posted by cklaszlo

Actually for us loads of people are browsing the archive for some reason. Is it possible to ad a meta tag redirect on the thread and post pages for the script? To redirect automatically to the real boards?

Adding a redirect is against google's rules. If you were to add a meta-tag refresh or permanant redirect, google wouldn't spider the post pages. Someone a while back posted a method which seemed to make sense to me, which would forward only people using normal browsers directly to the thread, but if it was GoogleBot, it would refer it to the text archive as normal. This would probably work, however, it is still against google's rules and if someone reported you (it happens alot) then you'd get a nice vacation from google.

cklaszlo 02-03-2003 01:01 PM

Ok. Thanks for the Info. I see inktomi has found us again. :)

@ SkuZZy I just sent you a PM. thanks.

SkuZZy 02-03-2003 04:19 PM


Originally posted by cklaszlo
Ok. Thanks for the Info. I see inktomi has found us again. :)

@ SkuZZy I just sent you a PM. thanks.

Glad to hear that. Inktomi doesn't visit me much..... they never did, dont know why ;) But google wuvs me :D :D

I responded to your PM

NTLDR 02-03-2003 09:40 PM


Originally posted by SkuZZy
Someone a while back posted a method which seemed to make sense to me, which would forward only people using normal browsers directly to the thread, but if it was GoogleBot, it would refer it to the text archive as normal. This would probably work, however, it is still against google's rules and if someone reported you (it happens alot) then you'd get a nice vacation from google.
I posted how to do this towards the start of the thread, but I don't use it after taking your advice. I've allready had 1136 vistiors come in from google in the past 3 days compared with rarely getting any serach engine hits previously and the % of users comming in via a search engine compared to other methods is on the increase.

kuska 02-03-2003 09:41 PM

Im the other way around. Inktomi comes alot but google? Never :( And im still waiting for it, i dont care about intkomi because there isint that many polish people (i have a polish board) comming from inkomis search engines. Google has tons of polish sites and polish people visiting it.... :(
Im just gonna WAIT and bite my nails like i did for the past 3 weeks.
Still great hack tho :)

kuska 02-04-2003 02:06 AM

Usefull tool:
Link Popularity Check
Popularity script checks 7 major Search Engines for inbound links to your site.
Checks Google, AllTheWeb, AltaVista, AOL, MSN, HotBot, and Lycos.
Comparison to your competitors.
Option to send the report to your Email address.
Fast and accurate.

THIS IS NOT A SPAM POST!!!!! Just thought it might be usefull for this hack Im in the 0 to 250 references spot : \ ...vb.org has 2,501 to 10,000 references
Here is the link:


Crinos 02-04-2003 05:30 AM

Hmmm, weird ... I got more results from Alltheweb than Google ... news to me ... thanks for the link :)

cklaszlo 02-04-2003 12:54 PM

That site only showed that I have like 74 pages in Google. But Google says I have over 8500. Isn't that a big difference. :)

SkuZZy 02-05-2003 11:33 PM

I don't know what the deal is with marketleap, they are too unreliable for me ;)

cklaszlo 02-06-2003 12:22 PM

@SkuZZy - did you get my email?

cklaszlo 02-06-2003 07:05 PM

FYI guys,

Google is crawling in a major way. I noticed that Googlebot has made the leap from the archive to the real boards. :) anyone else see this?

codewebs 02-06-2003 07:47 PM

google seams to be viewing the printable version of alot of my threads :-/

kuska 02-06-2003 10:10 PM

Still waiting for Google, i just get 2-3 visite per every 4-5 days but never the archive :-/
Intkomi is all over it tho :)

codewebs 02-07-2003 06:47 PM

google has been majorly spidering my site for 2 days now :)

limey 02-07-2003 07:28 PM

Getting google every night, but no archive yet.

limey 02-07-2003 08:08 PM

Anyone getting hit with this bot? http://www.turnitin.com/robot/crawlerinfo.html#turnitin

I'm going to turn em away.

NTLDR 02-07-2003 09:22 PM


Originally posted by limey
Anyone getting hit with this bot? http://www.turnitin.com/robot/crawlerinfo.html#turnitin

I'm going to turn em away.

^^ Good on you! I gave them an IP block too.

Guidster 02-08-2003 02:01 AM


Originally posted by limey
Anyone getting hit with this bot? http://www.turnitin.com/robot/crawlerinfo.html#turnitin

I'm going to turn em away.

I put up a robots.txt file just for them and they have not been back since.

Guidster 02-08-2003 02:02 AM


Originally posted by cklaszlo
FYI guys,

Google is crawling in a major way. I noticed that Googlebot has made the leap from the archive to the real boards. :) anyone else see this?

Yes, I was just going to comment on this. Googlebot appears to be gorging on the threads, posts AND the archive. I have 35 instances of the bot on my site right now!

Crinos 02-08-2003 03:03 AM

Hehehe, yeah, there's a feeding frenzy in my site too:


Xenon 02-08-2003 04:19 PM

yes, goolge indexed my archive and threads same time...

SkuZZy 02-08-2003 11:31 PM

I've also been hit by google. Their big spider should be ending soon. On a side note, I also got a cheque from PopUpSponsor yesterday ... made $168 US in 16 days with them, not too bad! :D ...... I've switched to another place though.

julius 02-09-2003 08:24 AM

Thanks, very simple and quick to install!

I have some threads with more then 2000 posts, is it possible to divide the threads to more pages?

Xenon 02-09-2003 11:43 AM

hmm, i've a thread with about 4k posts and it works also....

but, i'm sure i can work on a way to divide the threads (when i get more time to my hands :))

julius 02-09-2003 12:10 PM

This would be great! :) I think that nobody will open a search engine result page of 2 megabites.

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