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futureal 09-11-2002 07:48 PM

Yea, I played a game there and it seemed to work fine. I gave your users something to shoot for in Pacman. :)

One thing to watch out for is that by default on your forum, users are not browsing the board with cookies. This can cause erratic behavior with the arcade, since people are often playing for longer than the sessiontimeout value -- they may be asked to log back in rather than having their scores recorded.

On forums that don't have people browse with cookies by default, I suggest adding something to the game templates letting your users know that they may want to turn cookies on.

Audionuts 09-11-2002 07:59 PM

i see, for some reason since vb 2.2.3 i've had lots users having problems when browsing with cookies option on...

eckels2 09-11-2002 10:31 PM


Originally posted by futureal

What happens after the game for you? (Error, blank screen, etc...)

And which browser are you using?

Sorry about the delay...

After the game I go immediately back to the Games listing screen.

It doesn't give me any screen to add a comment or anything, although I understand it works for most of my users. I also found out that at least ONE of my users has the same problem as I.

my site is afterblur.com. I'm using IE 5.50 and the user that has the same problem is using IE 6.0.26.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Tigga 09-12-2002 12:21 AM

I just installed this on my site and it seems to be working ok for the most part. The only problem I'm having is when I try to access the admin page for it, I get this error...

safeupload is: 1
tmppath is: /home/virtual/site72/fst/var/www/html/temp

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: dotableheader() in /home/virtual/site72/fst/var/www/html/forum/admin/proarcadeadmin.php on line 26

Any idea's what I'm doing wrong?

Apok2002 09-12-2002 01:41 AM

I have the latest proarcadeadmin.php file...when I try to upload the graphics...this is what I get:


safeupload is: 1
tmppath is: /home/httpd/vhosts/ez-company.net/httpdocs/tmp
vbProArcade Error: is not a valid file type for images (only gif/jpg/png are supported)
That is when I upload the scoreboard.gif...but it says the same for every icon/gif no matter where I try to upload it (crown icon, games, etc....)

also, re: the tmp folder...where should this be located? I use vbPortal...so I have it installed at my server root...my FORUM and where the games are installed, is root/forums/

so should it be: root/tmp ?
should it be: root/forums/tmp ?

futureal 09-12-2002 02:22 AM


Originally posted by PlurPlanet
I just installed this on my site and it seems to be working ok for the most part. The only problem I'm having is when I try to access the admin page for it, I get this error...

safeupload is: 1
tmppath is: /home/virtual/site72/fst/var/www/html/temp

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: dotableheader() in /home/virtual/site72/fst/var/www/html/forum/admin/proarcadeadmin.php on line 26

Did you make the necessary changes to adminfunctions.php? It looks like you are missing one of the functions there.

futureal 09-12-2002 05:17 AM

Good news, everybody...


Please replace your current proarcadeadmin.php with this version. It contains all of the current bugfixes for Beta 1.03. This will (probably) be the last Beta 1.x file I post, since I am now working on incompatible versions for Beta 2.

I will be updating the zip file in the first post with this file as well. As always, please report any problems right away.


Apok2002 09-12-2002 05:19 AM

woohoo! gj! :) I see that it works now. :) What was the problem?


lol I see you doubled the previous top scorer's score on Pacman...they'll never top that. Now did you PLAY it? Or did you modify the score via myphpadmin. haha

In any event, the graphics look great man...thanks for the hard work. :)

*edit again*

Now how do I get the crown to be in the postbit of each of the King's posts? Did I miss that post in this thread?

futureal 09-12-2002 05:24 AM

Heh, nope, I actually played it. Pac is the only game of the five that I actually play, I've actually logged a few hours in it. I average in the 45K range, but that one was actually my best ever. :)

The problem was a single line of code that was incorrect. I also found a few more small bugs (mainly logic issues) in the process, so I fixed those along the way.

futureal 09-12-2002 05:29 AM


Originally posted by Apok2002
Now how do I get the crown to be in the postbit of each of the King's posts? Did I miss that post in this thread?
There are some posts about it somewhere in there. Right now, though, the Beta 1 is basically designed for a "text only" champions system. This will definitely be improved in the next release. If you can live with it until then, that is obviously the easiest.

Otherwise, you could edit the getpostbit(...) function in admin/functions.php. Right below the vbProArcade line that says "$post[usertitle] .= ..." you could add something like:

PHP Code:

$post[crown] = "<img src=\"someimage\">"

Then in your postbit template, just add $post[crown] in there somewhere, and for the users that are champions, the image you named should appear.

There's a chance this might not work, I'm just making it up as I go along... :)

Apok2002 09-12-2002 05:32 AM

Well...I can wait until the next version if it's in the works. :)

futureal 09-12-2002 05:41 AM

Yea, that was definitely one of the more requested features, along with different crown icons for each game. It is probably the next thing I will work on, now that the safe mode stuff and top score board stuff is all fixed up.

eckels2 09-12-2002 09:02 AM

eh... you missed my post, i think :)


garoboldy 09-12-2002 06:43 PM

well, I have it installed and everything but it doesnt want to load the game. it just sits there like its loading but never does....any idea???

futureal 09-12-2002 07:39 PM

eckels2: Do you have your account set to browse board with cookies? That is the first thing I can think of, that might be a difference between you and your users. Having cookies "on" should eliminate most problems of that nature.

garoboldy: Do you have a link I could look at (with a test account)? Thanks.

eckels2 09-12-2002 07:49 PM


Originally posted by futureal
eckels2: Do you have your account set to browse board with cookies? That is the first thing I can think of, that might be a difference between you and your users. Having cookies "on" should eliminate most problems of that nature.
Nope. Tried it both ways, with cookies off and with cookies on. I even deleted all my cookies and logged in fresh to try it that way, no dice.

futureal 09-12-2002 07:57 PM


Originally posted by eckels2
Nope. Tried it both ways, with cookies off and with cookies on. I even deleted all my cookies and logged in fresh to try it that way, no dice.
Man, I can't think of what might cause that. I created an account on your site and was able to play/record scores just fine. Does it happen with all games?

eckels2 09-12-2002 08:03 PM


Originally posted by futureal
Does it happen with all games?
Yup. just tried them all again to make sure. Any idea at all?

futureal 09-12-2002 08:08 PM

I can't think of anything at all that might cause that. I haven't seen that behavior yet anywhere.. I have to think it's some sort of browser issue, since it works fine for most of your users, but I still can't put my finger on what might cause it. I'm not even sure how it could know to send you back to the scoreboard...

eckels2 09-12-2002 08:16 PM

wait. not the scoreboard. it sends me to the games listing. The screen where it shows the different games you can play, the high scorers, your score, and the game description.

I just tried setting up another administrator username, and playing using that name, same problem. De-adminned the name, and STILL got the same problem. I imagine it's got to be some sort of thing about how it connects to my pc... but i dunno. wait a second....

What version of flash do all the games use? Is it a command in the flash game that redirects the user to the comments screen?

futureal 09-12-2002 08:18 PM

The games are compiled in Flash MX, and it transmits the score data using the HTTP POST method (sending the data through the HTTP header). There is a slim possibility that you have an older or incompatible version of the Flash Player, but I'm not sure how much of an issue that could be.

If it's going back to the arcade main page, then it means that the arcade is not getting the post-game information at all. Definitely some sort of browser/flash player issue then (if the script is called with no variables, it defaults to the arcade main page).

Maybe try upgrading your Flash player?

eckels2 09-12-2002 08:45 PM

I've got the latest flash player, same problem.

cleared all temp internet files. Deleted all cookies. logged in fresh. same problem.

I don't know if this'll matter any, but the link that it says it's linking me to in the status bar is afterblur.com/vb/proarcade.php No extended variables, or anything, just a direct link. I don't know if the other superfluous information would show up in that link, but... it doesn't.

are there any dependancies on linking the user to the comments page? Like, does the script check for something before linking, that I might not have?

futureal 09-13-2002 12:54 AM


Originally posted by eckels2
I don't know if this'll matter any, but the link that it says it's linking me to in the status bar is afterblur.com/vb/proarcade.php No extended variables, or anything, just a direct link. I don't know if the other superfluous information would show up in that link, but... it doesn't.
Since the variables are being sent from the game to the script via POST, nothing should show up in the address bar -- that is the difference between POST and GET. If it were GET, you would see something like:

proarcade.php?var1=something&var2=something (and so on)


are there any dependancies on linking the user to the comments page? Like, does the script check for something before linking, that I might not have?
I'm not aware of any dependencies. I wish I had a good answer as to why this might be happening. Since it works for the majority of users, I'm not sure where to look for a "fix" or even for the problem.

My guess is that it has something to do with the getURL() method in Flash's ActionScript not doing something correctly (say, headers getting corrupted, or something similar) but I honestly have no idea what I could do to isolate this.

Perhaps somebody out there more experienced with Flash might have an idea on this?

Tigga 09-13-2002 01:20 AM

You rock Futureal! I've got the games installed and working great on my site now. My users love them! I can't wait to see this once it's complete! :)

eckels2 09-13-2002 01:58 AM

The user that I said had the same problem, said he had the problem on other boards with this hack as well. So there's gotta be something....

futureal 09-13-2002 02:12 AM

I will keep thinking about it to see if I can come up with anything. I don't have any ideas at the moment, though... :(

ZiRu$ 09-13-2002 02:51 AM

well....i just installed it.....no errors BUT the games do not show up when i go to...


i'm guessin i missed a query? i installed it once by manual then again by vbhacker...no luck

so it gotta be a query....cant find it though

futureal 09-13-2002 06:23 AM

It looks like the games are not set to active. Go to the Game Options in the Admin CP and make sure each game is individually set to active.

If that isn't the problem, then... I dunno. Check the arcadegames table and make sure that the games are installed into that correctly.

wolfe 09-13-2002 06:28 AM

of where it says url to games in the arcade options i had to change it to


or they were just comeing up black screen or white screen not loading :(

mewgood 09-13-2002 06:28 AM

Hm.. I got no errors now, but I still can't see any images after I upload. All I see is broken images..

Gohan 09-13-2002 08:32 AM


Originally posted by mewgood
Hm.. I got no errors now, but I still can't see any images after I upload. All I see is broken images..

from AdminCP or Acrade Page?

futureal 09-13-2002 05:08 PM


Originally posted by mewgood
Hm.. I got no errors now, but I still can't see any images after I upload. All I see is broken images..

As I said earlier, I believe something is configured incorrectly on your server. Uploading custom avatars in the Admin CP does not work either (which is a standard feature of vBulletin). Since the Arcade uses the same (basic) uploading system it stands to reason that it would not work either.

futureal 09-13-2002 05:54 PM

Oops, in the new distribution file I posted on 9/12, I inadvertently included a proarcade.php from the upcoming Beta 2, which caused a whole ton of errors for anybody who may have tried to install it. Sorry about that!

The zip has been corrected (again) and all should be in order.

InnerSelf 09-13-2002 07:34 PM

it works now :)

thx futureal for making this hack

Prophet2002 09-13-2002 07:50 PM

i'm gettin a d/b error


Database error in vBulletin 2.2.7:

Invalid SQL: SELECT storep FROM user WHERE userid=1
mysql error: Unknown column 'storep' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

any one know how to fix?

ZiRu$ 09-13-2002 08:58 PM


Originally posted by futureal
It looks like the games are not set to active. Go to the Game Options in the Admin CP and make sure each game is individually set to active.

Thanks man that worked....everything is perfect :)

futureal 09-13-2002 10:20 PM


Originally posted by Prophet2002
i'm gettin a d/b error


any one know how to fix?

I don't think that error is related to this hack; I don't know what the "storep" field is, and this hack doesn't touch the user table at all.

Prophet2002 09-13-2002 11:06 PM

i believe it is related to this hack. The error never occured before installing this hack, and it occures when i'm clickin on one of the game links.. I'll try reinstalling, maybe i did someting wrong, i'll post back w/ results


found this in proarcade.php...looks like it is trying to grab info from that table


  // get the relative URL of the forum
  $vpa_bburl = reduceurl($bburl);

  $storepoints = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT storep FROM user WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
  if ($points > 0)
  $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET storep=$points WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
  $storepoints = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT storep FROM user WHERE userid=1");
  $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET storep=$points WHERE userid=1");

ZiRu$ 09-13-2002 11:25 PM


Originally posted by futureal

I don't think that error is related to this hack; I don't know what the "storep" field is, and this hack doesn't touch the user table at all.

yes STOREEP is the original lesanes store hack...i guess he dosent have the latest version or never ran one of the quereys

Link14716 09-14-2002 12:52 AM


Originally posted by eckels2
The user that I said had the same problem, said he had the problem on other boards with this hack as well. So there's gotta be something....
Out of courisity, are you using Nutscrape or Murtzilla?

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