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Velocd 05-21-2002 12:43 AM

In your Vbhome index.php, make sure the section labeled:

// ################################################## ####################
// ## LATEST THREADS ################################################## ##
//################################################## ####################

and the code inside exists. If it still doesn't work than post the index.php file and I will take a look at it.


MomofThree 05-21-2002 11:23 PM


I sent it to you in emai. Thanks for looking at it.
I'd like to get this to work.


Velocd 05-22-2002 02:38 AM

Checked my email, nothing found. Why don't you just attach it to a post in this thread, that would make it 100x more easier
[high]* Velocd doesn't like going to his email very often

Also, hey Nakkid could you please help me with a question stated in post #320 (no need to answer question in post #318, figured it out)

I've updated my homepage too now, the hack works perfect. http://www.diffusion4.com

TECK 05-22-2002 02:55 AM

velocd, for the 320 post do this...

$getnews=$DB_site->query("SELECT thread.title,thread.dateline,forumid,postusername,postuserid,post2.pagetext as pagetext
REPLACE it with:

$getnews=$DB_site->query("SELECT thread.title,thread.dateline,forumid,postusername,postuserid,lastposter,post2.pagetext as pagetext


then place in your threadbits template the [high]$lastposter[/high] variable to suit your needs.
i didnt test this on ym script, please let me know if it worked. thanks.

MomofThree 05-22-2002 10:54 AM

Edited due to nakkid's post below.

Vel., now you know why I initially did not post my index file here and emailed it to you, but you said you never received it. I emailed it through the email link provided on your profile.

I guess I am done with this hack since I can not get it to work. :(

Thank you for trying.

TECK 05-22-2002 04:56 PM

momo, when you purchased vbulletin, you accepted the license agreement. by posting parts of VB code you infringe it. please remove it (the VB code part). if you need help, please use email or pm's. thanks.

Velocd 05-24-2002 04:33 AM

Thanks for post #326 Nakkid ;)


that is odd, I just did those code changes you mentioned and it still doesn't work :(

Beekon 05-25-2002 01:32 PM

I've got this working after some fiddling around with it.
(still modifying and testing)
But I have a little problem with the private messaging box.
I can't seem to add my titlebar wich I use for all my windows.

My home_pmloggedin template is empty, this is probably why ?
I can't find what to add there tho ..

Anyway, I've added all my other titlebars in the home template before I called the entire variable(?), when I try this with the pm box it just won't shop up, or cluttered like hell.
My html skills are better then my php, but I can't seem to find why it's doing that.

(I forgot that the box wont even show up when you're not registered, I'll up a screenshot)

I'm also looking for the code to add wich members are online, I can't find it in the index.php :(

Beekon 05-25-2002 02:26 PM

More problems ..

The news needs to appear in a scrollable window, I'm currently doing this with an iframe (http://www.f2d.be/v2)
I can't figure out how to do this with vbhome tho :(

This is what I've tried ::

(in template home)
PHP Code:

<IFRAME NAME="iframe1" SRC="news.php" ALIGN="top" HEIGHT="400" WIDTH="400" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"  frameborder="0"

you can see thisyour browser does not support iframes


Then I created the file news.php and added everything from the home_newsbits template into that.
That didn't work, attached screenshot shows the output ..

I somehow expected that :) Can someone give me a hint on how I should do this ?

TECK 05-25-2002 03:43 PM

look at forumfome_pmloggedin for the code that must be added into home_pmloggedin. play with the html code to obtain the look you want. good luck with your site.

Beekon 05-25-2002 03:59 PM

I was looking for that yesterday but must've overlooked it. thank's for pointing it out :)

Khaybel 05-26-2002 03:53 AM

looking for feedback,

I've setup a testsite, on my site, while I match my website layout to V255/Vbhome (lite) and Webtemplates. I'm not using any portal scripts at all. just the systems above, and some of the many wonderful script addon's from this site I'll be trying to intergrate later into the site as well.


Please let me know if I can buy or beta test the non lite version of the script when it is done. It totally rocks.

any back to working on the site...

PS: not all the links work yet, since I'm moving my site soon to a dedicated rack server... so if a page doesn't work, I'm working on that now.

Beekon 05-26-2002 09:19 PM

here's what happens when I try to load the news in an iframe
(the iframe is a php file, copied and pasted from the 'home_newsbits' template).

I forgot to attach the screenshot earlier I guess :ermm:

Anyone have an idea what I should do here ?
I tried several things like including and requiring the index file or the global file from vb but none of it worked. I'm pretty new at this :(

Khaybel 05-27-2002 12:00 AM

Possible feature/request to add to VBhome (lite) or Pro, not sure if it has been added or not.

I've been setting up my site, and would love it if there was a section in the control panel to add/modify sections of the Vbhome system.

Example: Toggling how many posts, new threads etc show up on your front page,

I know we can edit templates etc, but having more admin control would be a cool feature. Over all everything seems really stable, just lots of tweaks and trial and error.

TestSite/Example: http://testsite.orbsydia.com/index.php3


PS: Beekon, nice looking site :)

TECK 05-27-2002 02:04 AM

Khaybel, i looked at your site. is really nice.

Emma 05-27-2002 02:43 AM

My queries are currently 171.... lol kinda high, I have everything done right, I think... Ive just majorally customized it....

My question is, I am using a lot of board stuff on the vbhome, like the numbers of members, latest members, members birthdays..... so codes like that need to be listed somewhere special to cut down on the queries?

Also a good bit of my queries say this: Query: SELECT parentlist FROM forum WHERE forumid='50'

and the next query will be: Query: SELECT *,INSTR(',8,1,-1,', CONCAT(',', forumid, ',') ) AS ordercontrol FROM forumpermission WHERE usergroupid=6 AND (forumid='8' OR forumid='1' OR forumid='-1') ORDER BY ordercontrol LIMIT 1

It does this for each of the forums, and theres around 80. Is there anything I can do to fix this?


Khaybel 05-27-2002 09:26 PM

Question about vbhome.

working on update :)


Admin 05-28-2002 11:19 AM

Closed by request of nakkid.

TECK 08-27-2002 07:52 PM

The hack was reopen for the simple reason a comercial version will be available.
The comercial version is called VirtuaNews and is entierly writen by my friend, James Tingle.
The script is designed to support large databases and the install is as simple as vBulletin's. Also, it uses the same database as vBulletin or it can be installed as a standalone.
When available, I will post more information related to this.
For now, here it is a little teaser... (screenshot below)


ExAvIoUr 08-27-2002 10:04 PM

can;t wait for it.

hypedave 08-28-2002 03:04 AM

hey nakkid im glad you decided to pick things back up as this was my last resort. I was almost ready to start coding my own, but anywho good luck and see ya around

Erwin 08-28-2002 03:07 AM

Looks nice... how query-intensive is it? I know that vBPortal was bad.

kira 08-28-2002 07:18 AM

I'm creating a site consisting of a hub and a half-dozen subportals, and am looking for a good way to integrate news, articles, polls and forums without driving myself insane. So if Virtual News is easy, efficient and inexpensive I'll be all over it like white on rice. :)

tingle 08-28-2002 12:04 PM

The script can be set up so that there are only 5 queries on the front page if you want :) All pages are created fast (index.php under 0.05 seconds most of the time). It is able to handle news, polls articles etc, and you dont actually have to edit anything for vbulletin, just install in the same database.

The site is open now at http://www.virtuanews.co.uk should anyone want to take a look :)


hypedave 08-28-2002 04:37 PM

hey looks very nice, I noticed that for the forum you are using IB, how will this tie into vb???

Also can this operate as a site all by itself, jus curios, or shall I wait for Nakkid to feel us in on more details.

tingle 08-28-2002 04:40 PM

better idea to ask me that, i did the coding, nakkid helped out in other ways :)

The answer to your question is yes it does run standalone, or with ibforums, or vb, thats how it does :) All it does is uses the vbulletin user tables to prevent the need to register twice.

If anyone has any further questions please ask in my forums, dont want to get told off by the vb staff now do we :)


Tigga 08-31-2002 02:12 AM

I've been using vBhome for a few months now. It works great, but I seem to be having one small problem with it. When I put the code for the most users ever online in the file and upload it, it always resets to the number of users online (or close to it). When I took out that section of the code it stopped resetting itself. Has anyone else noticed this problem or know how to fix it?

Colon33 09-04-2002 06:42 AM

Is this a replacement of the index.php file already on our servers or can we place the code we need already into our existing files, so we dont have to ++++ around with an all new index file? :) Just wondering cause i am considering installing this but i dont want to lose my original file.

TECK 09-04-2002 08:06 AM

is a different file..
[ index.php (vbhome)
---[ forum
------[ index.php (vbforumhome)

Ron ? DCS 09-08-2002 06:53 AM

I'm getting a blank page. :( Just like everyone else did, but my problem sure ain't commented lines and/or pointing in the wrong direction.

Here is the code right from the index.php!

PHP Code:

// SET YOUR ROOT PATH (this is not your site URL)


The root path is exactly as given in "info.php" ...

Here it is, over and over...

PHP Code:


Man, is this ever frustrating...I really need to get this to work!

Ron ? DCS 09-08-2002 06:57 AM

Figured it out, believe it or not, I was in the wrong style!

It's a little raw right now, but there is no doubt this is going to be awesome when I get this thing working. :D

TECK 09-08-2002 06:59 AM

heh. i was sure you will find out what's wrong. that's why i didnt answer rightaway. congrats.
please take you time to read everything in the install file and you will be ok...
make sure you keep those news and latest threads values lower then 10 orelse you endup with 50queries...
test it and let me know.

EnriqueHavoc 09-13-2002 07:30 PM

i have 2 questions:

1) where would i look to find what fields i can call in the query and the syntax for how to turn them into variables?

thread.title,thread.dateline,forumid,postusername, postuserid,post2.pagetext as pagetext

i want to call the news threadids and replies so i can link them from the index to the forum.

2) like another guy on here, the pagetext isnt showing up in my news. i checked the newthread.php and the newsforum is specified correctly. where else could i look? ive gone over the instructions multiple times



EnriqueHavoc 09-13-2002 10:26 PM

ok i got the thread links working. after MUCH trial and error and checking pluh news for how they did it :P

i added:

thread.threadid and replycount

to the query and then called them with:


ok next up is figuring out why the pagetext isnt working :P


Zachariah 09-14-2002 12:50 AM

Well I'll have to say this is smooth .......

I do, like many others have a request.

A link back to the news post in the forums.(so ppl can comment on it)

PHP Code:

<a href="$bburl/showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$thread[threadid]"><b>$newstitle</b></a

As you know it did not work.

[high]* Zachariah scratchs head

I know i have to tell VBhome what $thread[threadid] is but for the life of me I am stuck.

Any help on this issue would be cool :D

EnriqueHavoc 09-14-2002 12:57 AM

argh, take 1 step forward 2 steps back...:P

i still cant figure out how to get the pagetext to work and after I modified my home template now only 1 news post will show up, and not the latest one either.

come to think of it, even with the original default home template 1 news post would show and the others would be displayed waaaaay down at the bottom of the page. that leads me to think its a table or alignment problem? but i cant seem to find any broken code

man ive been working on this too long. is there ANYONE out there that wants to step up and take a shot at what might be wrong?

heres my page http://www.motionzoo.org/news/index.php

EnriqueHavoc 09-14-2002 12:59 AM

harry, read my post #355 i showed how i added a link

Zachariah 09-14-2002 01:13 AM

ROFL .... we posted at the same time ...... thanks

BTW: your front page looks sweet !!!! :bunny:

EnriqueHavoc 09-14-2002 06:38 AM

thank you :)

well i bit the bullet and asked my brother whos a programmer for help. im not sure exactly what he changed but he commented out some lines and wrote in new ones and now its fixed :P

i wish i understood what he did but im happier it works now

Tigga 09-14-2002 07:24 AM

Is anyone else having the problem with the "Most users ever online" part of the hack or know how to fix it??

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