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TexasAtvs 02-20-2003 02:25 AM

Okay I had everything installed and worked great on 2.2.9.
I have 2.3.0 on my forums and when I installed it, it works, but it wont list any of the user names....

It will list how many are on, but just not any usernames???

Anyone know what to do?

king98 02-23-2003 07:26 AM

Currently Active Users: 43

Number of Active Users Today: 0
Most users ever online on a day was 153 on 23-02-2003. | The following members have already visited the Board today:

How can this be happened?

I have installed the hack in vb229

Stingray 02-23-2003 07:28 PM

working on 2.3.0

My question, How can I get invisible users names to show for any usergroup?

Also can I take out the "Most users ever online on a day" ?

noelmd2001 03-02-2003 02:28 PM


Originally posted by king98
Currently Active Users: 43

Number of Active Users Today: 0
Most users ever online on a day was 153 on 23-02-2003. | The following members have already visited the Board today:

How can this be happened?

I have installed the hack in vb229

i hae the same problem. i am using vb2.3.0

the problem is when i am logged out, i can see the actie users and their names....

but when i am logged in, i have the same problem:
Number of Active Users Today: 0
Most users ever online on a day was 153 on 23-02-2003. | The following members have already visited the Board today:

please help! i checked and double checked everything but still have the same problem...

thanks... my site is here

thank you.

Xyphen 03-02-2003 07:33 PM

Works Perefectly fine on vB2.3.0.

I made an addon long time ago as I was Webmasta XT back then. I should've posted it here, but I am now.

Download the addon below to make your members appear in color, different colors for Each usergroup.

Sia Bani 03-06-2003 05:42 PM

Hi. I had been getting blank pages come up and couldn't figure out what was causing them, so I had to upload the original php files.

THe blanks were gone. Since then, I've been reinstalling these hacks , day by day, to see which caused the blank pages. I just found out, (the second reinstalled hack!) that this caused the blank pages. Does anyone know why? Is there a fix?

amykhar 03-07-2003 05:27 PM

Mystic, there are indeed some query issues with this hack. I am providing a link to a discussion about some observed problems:


For what it's worth, queries are probably NOT a problem for most users. Most people who install this will either only have one style or will install it for all styles.


club_krome 03-08-2003 11:45 AM

is there a way unregistered visitors / not logged in members can see the the member names that were online today

Mystics 03-08-2003 12:12 PM


Just allow their usergroup to "View Who's Online" or remove this part in onlinetoday.php:

if (!$usergroupdef['canwhosonline']) {

club_krome 03-08-2003 12:50 PM

thats not what i meant
like people can't see the member names in the display on the forum home page and it says 0 members were online today when thats obviously not true

xcel 03-12-2003 04:29 AM

I got this wierd thing that happened and i cant explain why it happened. Soooo I am turning to you:).

I installed this hack with no problem. It worked for about 30 minutes and then I get nothing!

No users online, not even me.
No guests.........no nothing.

Help Please!!

I even attempted to check my work twice, everything turned out fine. I just dont understand i am using 2.3.0 the new one.

maverick1236 03-14-2003 01:23 PM

anyway to get the whos online to show up on my vbportal home page in a center box?

i get this

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/weatherf/public_html/includes/center/php.php(21) : eval()'d code on line 1

ImportPassion 03-14-2003 04:21 PM

Well, i changed the query a bit. I was wondering why the TZ made a diff, and I said screw it, the server is in EST, that is what I will use. Not gonna make it so it is a day from where the person is located, doesn't relly make sense to me. Anyway, here is my new query.
PHP Code:

// first get the current date 
$startdate mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); 
$enddate time(); 
$todayusers=$DB_site->query("SELECT userid, username, usergroupid, lastactivity, invisible FROM user 
                WHERE lastactivity BETWEEN 
$startdate AND $enddate 
                ORDER BY username"

AlexanderT 03-20-2003 03:24 PM

I am trying to solve the timezone problem. How about this approach:

PHP Code:

$enddate time();
$localdate $enddate-(($timeoffset-$bbuserinfo['timezoneoffset'])*3600);
$timepassed $localdate - ($localdate - ($localdate 86400));
$startdate $enddate $timepassed;
$todayusers=$DB_site->query("SELECT userid, username, usergroupid, lastactivity, invisible FROM user 
                WHERE lastactivity BETWEEN 
$startdate AND $enddate 
                ORDER BY username"

The idea:
1) Get the local time adjusted for the TZ == $localdate
2) Calculate the time that has passed between now locally ($localdate) and midnight locally (($localdate - ($localdate % 86400)) == $timepassed
3) Subtract the time that has passed locally since midnight from the servers time now == $startdate
4) Query user activity in the time between server time now ($enddate) and the time when it was midnight locally.

I hope that I expressed myself somewhat clearly. I am an absolute PHP beginner, so I am not sure if what I did above is correct. However, the idea per se should be right.

Would be glad for comments and possible corrections.


AlexanderT 03-20-2003 03:55 PM

Actually, I changed the way to calculate local midnight in the snippet below. I think now everything is correct.

PHP Code:

$enddate time();
$localdate $enddate-(($timeoffset-$bbuserinfo['timezoneoffset'])*3600);
$date getdate($localdate);
$day   $date['mday'];
$month $date['mon'];
$year  $date['year'];
$midnight mktime(0,0,0,$month$day$year);
$timepassed $localdate $midnight;
$startdate $enddate $timepassed;
$todayusers=$DB_site->query("SELECT userid, username, usergroupid, lastactivity, invisible FROM user 
                WHERE lastactivity BETWEEN 
$startdate AND $enddate 
                ORDER BY username"

With this code, 'Number of Active Users Today' should display the correct number of active users since local midnight of the current user logged in. :)

What is still not taken care of different TZs is the 'Most users ever online on a day' part. With the current implementation of the hack, I don't think this is possible. Why? --

Imagine that in the timezone of your user, until 23:59pm you had 100 visitors on your board. Further imagine that all these 100 visitors visited at 23:50pm (your time). Finally imagine that this is the greatest number of visitors your board has ever seen in one day. So for you, that is for your user and all other users in your timezone, 'Most users ever online on a day' is 100.

So far so good. Now imagine that at 00:10am your time 10 more users logged in. For you, 'Most users ever online on a day' should be still 100, namely from the day before. However, for another user whose timezone is e.g. -1, 'Most users ever online on a day' is now 110, since he still hasn't reached midnight (it is 23:10pm) for him. As a result, the variable holding the Most users contains 110 now. And that means also for you, who is already in the next day, 'Most users ever online on a day' is suddenly 110. You see the problem?!


Elmoe 03-22-2003 04:44 PM

Very strange.. i applied this hack and it didnt display the new modifications at all :confused:

Elmoe 03-22-2003 05:27 PM

ok.. i just tried it on another forum and it worked fine. strange.

laycomp 03-23-2003 05:51 AM


01-11-02 at 02:06 PM Mystics said this in Post #1
Hack Name: Who was online today
Hack Version: 1.0.2
For vB Version:: 2.x

Version type: with usernames on the main Site of the Forum

I am using vb2.3

The hack does not seem to be calculating correct "MOST users ever online..." (I've attached an image capture).

In the top line that reads: "most users ever online was X..." this just keeps a total of how many online users at the moment.

In the bottom line that reads: "Most users ever online on a day was X..." this is just giving me a total for users connected that day.

Seems to me they're both doing similar jobs? first one is telling me how many online users there are, the second line is giving me a total connected users for the day, but none is giving "Most users every online"

Please can someone asssit in correcting this?

magna 03-26-2003 08:38 AM

I have read all 338 posts and cannot find how to make "Currently active users" only visable to admins. There was reference to it by someone.

Could someone please post how to do that. (make Currently Active users" only visable to admins) Thanks

Great hack by the way.

alain4ever 03-26-2003 09:09 AM


03-12-03 at 10:29 AM xcel said this in Post #331
I got this wierd thing that happened and i cant explain why it happened. Soooo I am turning to you:).

I installed this hack with no problem. It worked for about 30 minutes and then I get nothing!

No users online, not even me.
No guests.........no nothing.

Help Please!!

I even attempted to check my work twice, everything turned out fine. I just dont understand i am using 2.3.0 the new one.

i have same problem....

AlexanderT 03-26-2003 03:48 PM

Well, I definitely got it to work on my vB 2.3.0 board using the original hack with my modification. You can see it in action at http://www.turcic.com/forums .

Nyloc 03-27-2003 09:10 AM

I installed the hack... but i got it showing 3 times in a row? like 3 sets of who was online! check it out: http://www.gamersonline.co.nz/forum
^^^ sup wif that? help! how can i get rid of the other 2 sets of it from displaying.. lol

xpguy 03-28-2003 10:15 AM

i installed it and think its great but it doesn't show the people who have been online before the hack was installed??

.:.NetStartz.:. 04-03-2003 06:30 PM

Hey, hows it going...I was wondering if you could help me out with this small prob.

Most users ever online on a day was XXX is never the same. Should it only change if it goes higher? It started at 91 the first day then 81 now it's 61. It's changing to the most on today.

Master Computer 04-03-2003 07:48 PM

Thanx for this great hack.

But I have a question about it:
How do I count the not registered users with the logged in users in the "Who was online today" and "Currently Active Users"?

grace819 04-08-2003 05:36 AM

Yup! Excellent hack! :)

tinbin 04-08-2003 09:37 AM

Prolly asked before in this huge thread, but i got a prob with this hack:
It shows "# of active users today : 0 " to about 1pm UK time.
After that it starts counting.
I've been told it resets about 7am.

Also i think it does not count every user as i'm sure there should be lots more listed.

Is this due to the server? As i've known a forum hosted on the same server (in the USA) and it worked fine there...

Mickie D 04-09-2003 09:33 AM

hi mystics first of i have used this hack for ages and it has always worked well for me :)

i just wondered if you was gonna do the update of this hack ??

or just add it so that the active users for today shows the guests aswell :)

thanks very much for the hack, i also understand how busy you are.... but adding a code for the guests to show up aswell would be fab m8

Mickie D

Shawnn 04-10-2003 06:47 AM

Unless you are an admin the Number of Active Users Today is: O. I hade it working with version 2.2.9 and upgraded to 2.30 and reinstalled the hack and can't get it show users unless you are logged in as an admin.

Sanjiyan 04-24-2003 02:09 PM


03-20-03 at 05:55 PM AlexanderT said this in Post #335
Actually, I changed the way to calculate local midnight in the snippet below. I think now everything is correct.

PHP Code:

$enddate time();
$localdate $enddate-(($timeoffset-$bbuserinfo['timezoneoffset'])*3600);
$date getdate($localdate);
$day   $date['mday'];
$month $date['mon'];
$year  $date['year'];
$midnight mktime(0,0,0,$month$day$year);
$timepassed $localdate $midnight;
$startdate $enddate $timepassed;
$todayusers=$DB_site->query("SELECT userid, username, usergroupid, lastactivity, invisible FROM user 
                WHERE lastactivity BETWEEN 
$startdate AND $enddate 
                ORDER BY username"

With this code, 'Number of Active Users Today' should display the correct number of active users since local midnight of the current user logged in. :)

What is still not taken care of different TZs is the 'Most users ever online on a day' part. With the current implementation of the hack, I don't think this is possible. Why? --

Imagine that in the timezone of your user, until 23:59pm you had 100 visitors on your board. Further imagine that all these 100 visitors visited at 23:50pm (your time). Finally imagine that this is the greatest number of visitors your board has ever seen in one day. So for you, that is for your user and all other users in your timezone, 'Most users ever online on a day' is 100.

So far so good. Now imagine that at 00:10am your time 10 more users logged in. For you, 'Most users ever online on a day' should be still 100, namely from the day before. However, for another user whose timezone is e.g. -1, 'Most users ever online on a day' is now 110, since he still hasn't reached midnight (it is 23:10pm) for him. As a result, the variable holding the Most users contains 110 now. And that means also for you, who is already in the next day, 'Most users ever online on a day' is suddenly 110. You see the problem?!


Where do you put this code?

AlexanderT 04-24-2003 02:57 PM

I attached the edited who-was-online-today.txt. You can compare it to the original who-was-online-today.txt to see where the changes apply in case you want to use the extra-window version.


Kaelon 04-24-2003 04:51 PM

Have any of you experienced heightened load with this hack? I installed it, but I noticed a slight peak with it. Any tips?


Sanjiyan 04-25-2003 07:45 AM


Yesterday at 03:57 PM AlexanderT said this in Post #351
I attached the edited who-was-online-today.txt. You can compare it to the original who-was-online-today.txt to see where the changes apply in case you want to use the extra-window version.


I dont use the extra window version, but the version that makes the information appear on the main forum index page, ie below the Who's Online (Currently Active Users)

FFArmageddon 04-26-2003 12:42 AM

"Still in index.php, find this:
if ((int)$maxusers[0] <= $totalonline) {
$time = time();
$maxloggedin = "$totalonline " . $time;
$DB_site->query("UPDATE template SET template='$maxloggedin' WHERE title='maxloggedin'");
$maxusers[0] = $totalonline;
$maxusers[1] = $time;

I cannot find that in index.php 0_0

Sweet Cheeks 04-26-2003 09:52 PM

I installed this awesome hack and its a bit big for our board, is there any way to edit it or maybe just another way to maybe show who has been online in the past 5 minutes instead?

Thanks for your help, either way, I'll use the hack, I was just curious how I'd do the past 5 minutes, thank you :banana:

Radgam 05-08-2003 12:38 PM

I seem be having a rather strange problem with this hack although it's worked fine up until today. Problem:

My board says "Number of Active Users Today: 0" all the time! I've not changed the coding, or the database, or the templates in ANY way but it's just stoped working. Could it be some sort of server screw up? I rechecked all the code for the hack just to be sure and it's unchanged.

I keep checking and other people have definetly been online but it's just not showing up. Infact, it doesn't even show me as being online!

[:: edit ::]
Just for good measure - http://www.gnrforum.com/phpinfo.php
And it now works again after not having worked all morning
:dead: i hate computers!

XFLBret 05-08-2003 07:30 PM

is there a way to modify this hack so that it shows members who browse the board invisibly?

gc1 05-18-2003 02:13 AM

I am a dork and my eyes are bugged out from reading, but could somebody tell me why all my users online today are listed twice in my list?


Floris 05-18-2003 02:17 AM

Check your template, maybe you have it pasted twice on creation.

gc1 05-18-2003 02:21 AM

your probably right, will do it tomorrow

MUST GET SLEEP :) :disappointed:

Thanks for the speedy response


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