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Sho 08-20-2002 05:39 AM

Anyway, using fresh & clean 2.2.6 files there are at least two code snippets you can't find using the original installer, because JelSoft rewrote them. talon3dhq posted the new 2.2.6 snippets and Boofo applied bira's changes to them.

Also, there is a wrong find/add after in the original installer - it makes you add bira's code where it doesn't belong. Birdie501 pointed this one out.

Finally, there are some very unclear find/replace instructions. For example, you have to search for "...lastactivity" and change it to "...away,lastactivity". Now, in 2.2.6, the line is "...lastactivity,lastvisit". If you just replace the whole line, you loose the "lastvisit". I wrote down the complete new lines and their correct replacements in the new installer.

It's not like you should add errors to your hacks only to make "newbies" work harder, imo. ;)

Sho 08-20-2002 05:46 AM

Some more information about the changes:

Using fresh & clean 2.2.6 files there are at least two code snippets you can't find using the original installer, because JelSoft rewrote them. talon3dhq posted the new 2.2.6 snippets and Boofo applied bira's changes to them.

Also, there is a wrong find/add after in the original installer - it makes you add bira's code where it doesn't belong. Birdie501 pointed this one out.

Finally, there are some very unclear find/replace instructions. For example, you have to search for "...lastactivity" and change it to "...away,lastactivity". Now, in 2.2.6, the line is "...lastactivity,lastvisit". If you just replace the whole line, you loose the "lastvisit". I wrote down the complete new lines and their correct replacements in the new installer.

Boofo 08-20-2002 05:53 AM

That's the key word...experience. After we do enough hacks, we gain the experience to be able to modify sections of code to fit our needs. Apparently, you didn't do the file compare on the upgrade. That is the only way to go for the minor upgrades (i.e 2.2.5 to 2.2.6) as far as I am concerned. :)

All I was trying to point out that for us who have been around this a little longer, it is easier than it is for the new ones coming along. What is easy for us, can be a nightmare for them. We have all been through that part of it at one time or another and anyone who says he wasn't scared when installing their first few hacks is either a damned genius or a damned liar. :)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by JJR512
When I upgraded to 2.2.6, no, I didn't have it installed. I had it installed in an earlier version, but in an earlier upgrade I didn't reinstall it. Besides, having it already installed shouldn't matter. Having it already installed only saves you the trouble of doing any database changes and possibly adding templates; those are the easy parts. The hard parts are doing the file modifications, and upgrading completely destroys file modifications, because you're using new, clean files.

I understand what you're saying about being a newbie...but it's because I had to figure things out on my own that I'm not a newbie anymore. ;)

But I'm not saying there's anything wrong; I'm just saying that, in my experience, I don't have any problems.

ULTIMATESSJ 08-20-2002 10:46 AM

I also found a few problems when i installed the old one on my localhost, hopefully this one will work, good job

/me clicks install

ZiRu$ 08-20-2002 01:35 PM

yes....this one is complete

/me installs it...hope it works good

Attrox 08-20-2002 03:26 PM

I like this one better, nice job! Now to install it...

Schorsch 08-20-2002 03:34 PM

in postbit I want to leave out the away image, instead I want just text ("Schorsch is away!"), located over "registered since", just like it's here in vbulletin.org forums.

how can I do this ?


Sho 08-20-2002 03:47 PM


First change your "postbit_away" template to something like this:

PHP Code:

$post[usernameis away

Now, you have to understand that this hack changes how $onlinestatus behaves. When a user is away, the online/offline icons in his posts are replaced by the "postbit_away" template. That certainly makes sense, since the online/offline status doesn't really matter when a user is away. Now here's what you *can* do: modify "postbit_online" and "postbit_offline" as well: "$post[username] is online", "$post[username] is offline". Then, move $onlinestatus in your "postbit" template to whereever you want it - above "registered since", for example.

Schorsch 08-20-2002 04:02 PM

cool, thanks Sho, I'll try it this evening :)

Sho 08-20-2002 04:06 PM

Glad I could help. :)

Dean C 08-21-2002 06:05 PM

what's different from the previous version...

i.e. what has been fixed/modified :D?

- Mist

Sho 08-21-2002 06:12 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sho
Some more information about the changes:

Using fresh & clean 2.2.6 files there are at least two code snippets you can't find using the original installer, because JelSoft rewrote them. talon3dhq posted the new 2.2.6 snippets and Boofo applied bira's changes to them.

Also, there is a wrong find/add after in the original installer - it makes you add bira's code where it doesn't belong. Birdie501 pointed this one out.

Finally, there are some very unclear find/replace instructions. For example, you have to search for "...lastactivity" and change it to "...away,lastactivity". Now, in 2.2.6, the line is "...lastactivity,lastvisit". If you just replace the whole line, you loose the "lastvisit". I wrote down the complete new lines and their correct replacements in the new installer.

Schorsch 08-22-2002 02:25 AM

I installed this hack now, works like a charm :) :banana:

Thank you very much!!!!


Sho 08-22-2002 02:26 AM


DestyNova 08-22-2002 05:30 AM

:thumbup: thanks Sho

curious I already install your hack at my local and it s perfect but not my server yet so I wonder if do I have to delete and install new one? Is there anything I can update without having to delete it? I already have old one at my server and I have some errors that members mentioned at Bira's thead.

thanks again

Sho 08-22-2002 06:05 AM

Since nothing has changed on the database side, download bira's original installer (there's a link to the thread in the first posting; around page 10 someone posted a text-based installer of the old version), find the code snippets you originally inserted into your files, delete them and install my re-release of the hack. Your user's away status won't be affected by it. :)

DestyNova 08-22-2002 06:10 AM

Great, thanks Sho :)

Sho 08-22-2002 06:11 AM

Just don't run the queries listed under "Database Changes", of course. The tables are already there.

carpman 08-24-2002 12:09 PM

hello i am getting an error when i try and edit user in admin cp, it is a mysql error that seems to be pointing this hack:

start error:

Invalid SQL: SELECT *,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) AS lastactivity,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) AS lastpost,FROM_UNIXTIME(awaydate) AS awaydate
avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar
FROM user
LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid
LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid
WHERE user.userid=7
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar
' at line 2

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Saturday 24th of August 2002 01:49:57 PM
Script: http://www.domain.co.uk/forums/forum...=edit&userid=7
Referer: http://www.domain.co.uk/forums/admin...t%26userid%3D7

Sho 08-24-2002 01:43 PM

If you are trying to install this hack on 2.2.6, please try my re-release.

carpman 08-24-2002 02:10 PM

what if i have already installed previous hack?

do i have to unistall or can i just run sql statments and edit files with new code?

Sho 08-24-2002 02:15 PM

On the database side, nothing has changed. You don't have to delete the tables. Just revert the code changes. Find what you added and delete it, than find what you replaced and replace it again with what my installer tells you to find (!). When that is done, follow the instructions in my installer from the beginning. Just don't run the queries again. Templates are still the same, too.

carpman 08-24-2002 02:17 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by carpman
what if i have already installed previous hack?

do i have to unistall or can i just run sql statments and edit files with new code?

Sho 08-24-2002 02:18 PM

Good. I hope my re-release helps you. Good luck. :)

PhoenixBB 08-24-2002 03:58 PM

I don't have the this code in usercp:

if ($buddy['lastactivity'] > $datecut and (!$buddy['invisible'] or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6) and $buddy['lastvisit'] != $buddy['lastactivity']) {
} else {

I have:

if ($buddy['lastactivity'] > $datecut and !$buddy['invisible'] and $buddy['lastvisit'] != $buddy['lastactivity']) {
} else {

There is no $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6)

I use 2.26

Sho 08-24-2002 04:04 PM

PhoenixBB, I just opened vbulletin226.zip and checked it again, and found the code. Line 38. On the other hand, I did not at all find the code you quoted.

Please note that the information given in the installer is based on original 2.2.6 files.

PhoenixBB 08-24-2002 04:16 PM

Hi, the above quote I quoted is what I have on line 38 of the usercp. I just checked the original file (VBulletin226 Release Candidate), and the original file I have, is the exact same. IE on line 38 there is not that 'usergroupid==6' bit.

Hmm, what does it mean? Did they change the files at some point??

Sho 08-24-2002 04:21 PM

Hm, there was some sort of "2.2.6 beta package" up for a day, yes. The zip I used to validate the installer was downloaded the same day I put the re-release up.

Sho 08-24-2002 04:22 PM

I quote John from this thread:

[QUOTE]Files changed between 2.2.6 RC and 2.2.6 final:

avatar.php, editpost.php, memberlist.php, newreply.php, private.php, usercp.php, admin/forum.php, admin/usergroup.php


PhoenixBB 08-24-2002 04:30 PM

Everything else has been working on the board thus far - including various hacks. Except for this, one it was always the usercp which gave me a parse error (the ?> ) on last line. As I don't have the usergroup thingy in my original, I'll try removing that bit from the replacement code. It can't be important for me if it wasn't there originally, so it might be better to leave out than in. I'll try both ways. The database changes made didn't refer to that bit did they? I mean it's not a necessary line is it?

Trust me to download on the day they have a beta up! Oy!

Sho 08-24-2002 04:33 PM

I think it should work, yes. The line you have is basically the one bira's original installer tells us to search for - one reason I re-released the hack is because you can't find this line in 2.2.6 final, among other errors. ;)

Good luck!

carpman 08-24-2002 04:56 PM

if upgrading from original hack can i leave templates as is?

Sho 08-24-2002 04:57 PM

Yep, the templates are unchanged. :)

PhoenixBB 08-24-2002 05:15 PM

It works, it works!! Woo and hoo!!

[high]* PhoenixBB does a happy dance

Curiously when I removed the 'usergroupid==6' bit I got a parse error. So I put it back, and it worked fine. So even tho it wasn't there originally, it makes no difference having it there. Everything works a treat. :D

Thank you sooo much!

Sho 08-24-2002 05:18 PM

Good! :classic:

Boofo 08-24-2002 05:51 PM

All "or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6)" means is "or Admins". :)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by PhoenixBB
It works, it works!! Woo and hoo!!

* PhoenixBB does a happy dance

Curiously when I removed the 'usergroupid==6' bit I got a parse error. So I put it back, and it worked fine. So even tho it wasn't there originally, it makes no difference having it there. Everything works a treat. :D

Thank you sooo much!

Gohan 08-30-2002 08:25 AM

Great hack, I've install it on my forum 2.2.7 and fine working.

Sho 08-30-2002 02:49 PM

Great! :)

Joshua Clinard 08-30-2002 11:00 PM

Thank you so much! I tried to install this hack since 2.2.4, and I never got it working, since some of the code changed. Now I have it on 2.2.7, and it works perfectly.

Sho 08-31-2002 12:38 AM

I am currently in the progress of updating my own forums to 2.2.7. If everything works as expected, I will edit my initial posting in this thread to reflect that his hack works with 2.2.6 as well as with 2.2.7. ;)

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