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nivek911 05-24-2013 09:18 PM

Thanks Chris,
Looked over everything closer and made a few changes - and working great!

I know you said the only way to delete an ad is to have it moderated before posting. If there is not a way to override the ad once it is posted, is there a path to where the AD is stored? And then manually remove it?

Otherwise it's working great right now!

Thanks !!

joeychgo 05-24-2013 09:24 PM

What about adding new ads to new posts / today's posts?

sadiq6210 05-25-2013 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by nivek911 (Post 2424000)
Thanks Chris,
Looked over everything closer and made a few changes - and working great!

I know you said the only way to delete an ad is to have it moderated before posting. If there is not a way to override the ad once it is posted, is there a path to where the AD is stored? And then manually remove it?

Otherwise it's working great right now!

Thanks !!

Wait, you mean the admin cannot delete any classified in his website?
I don't want to moderate the classifieds before posting, let my users to post anything and see it direct after posting but in some cases the admin may need to delete a classified or even modified it to change the category, the title, ....etc

Please Chris, we want to have control in our website classifieds, at least give the permissions to the admin (user id=1)

AURFSCAN 05-25-2013 05:54 AM

looks good, ill take a look but what about -

latest auction in

activity stream
whats new
forum side block


Christos Teriakis 05-25-2013 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by AURFSCAN (Post 2424054)
latest auction in

This is the thread for Classifieds, so my reply is for Classifieds


Originally Posted by AURFSCAN (Post 2424054)
activity stream

Didn't found any documentation for it, and I don't think that not native vb content can be add there.


Originally Posted by AURFSCAN (Post 2424054)
whats new

It has its own What's new menu


Originally Posted by AURFSCAN (Post 2424054)
forum side block

Already exists as CMS Widget and Block for Forum sidebar

AURFSCAN 05-25-2013 07:08 AM

sorry man youve got too much going on.. kinda like me.. my bad ill repost in proper thread

please disregard the above

sadiq6210 05-25-2013 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2423650)
Is there a simple way to add color to ([for sale] - [wanted] - [for trade] - [free offer])

I mean how can I make [for sale] in green color everywhere and [wanted] in red color everywhere in the classifieds. (In main, categories, right menu, view items ...)


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2423651)
For a coder is very easy... For an average admin is not. Needs additional code in php file (files for sadiq) and template (templates for sadiq).


I believe it is not the ideal way to do this, but it is working ^_^

This is the result
The screenshot is for my forum (RTL) but it is working in (LTR)


Until Chris add this feature, I will share it here if anybody need it

In template (classifieds_categories_bit)


<a href="{vb:raw adlink}"><span>{vb:raw title}</span></a>
Above, add:

{vb:raw adtype}
{vb:raw adtypecolor}

In file (classified.php)


              if ($classified["adtype"] == 1)
                  if ($classified["price"] > 0)
                      $price = getFormatShortPrice($classified["price"]);
                  } else {
                      $price = $vbphrase["classifieds_make_offer"];
              if ($classified["adtype"] == 2)
                  $price = $vbphrase["classifieds_wanted"];
              if ($classified["adtype"] == 3)
                  $price = $vbphrase["classifieds_fortrade"];
              if ($classified["adtype"] == 4)
                  $price = $vbphrase["classifieds_freeoffer"];

Replace it with:


              if ($classified["adtype"] == 1)
                  if ($classified["price"] > 0)
                                          $adtypecolor = '<font color="green"> ['.$vbphrase["classifieds_forsale"].']</font>';                                                                     
                      $price = getFormatShortPrice($classified["price"]);
                  } else {
                      $adtypecolor = '<font color="green"> ['.$vbphrase["classifieds_forsale"].']</font>';                                 
                      $price = $vbphrase["classifieds_make_offer"];
              if ($classified["adtype"] == 2)
                  $adtypecolor = '<font color="red"> ['.$vbphrase["classifieds_wanted"].']</font>';
                                  $price = $vbphrase["classifieds_wanted"];
              if ($classified["adtype"] == 3)
                  $adtypecolor = '<font color="gray"> ['.$vbphrase["classifieds_fortrade"].']</font>';
                                  $price = $vbphrase["classifieds_fortrade"];
              if ($classified["adtype"] == 4)
                  $adtypecolor = '<font color="blue"> ['.$vbphrase["classifieds_freeoffer"].']</font>';
                  $price = $vbphrase["classifieds_freeoffer"];


$templater->register('adtype', $item["adtype"]);
Add after:


$templater->register('adtypecolor', $adtypecolor);

Christos Teriakis 05-25-2013 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2424069)
Until Chris add this feature, I will share it here if anybody need it

Please allow me to add some goodies to a special version for those who paid (including you) for Copyright removal.

Thank you

sadiq6210 05-25-2013 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2424089)
Please allow me to add some goodies to a special version for those who paid (including you) for Copyright removal.

Thank you

Thanks Chris, we are waiting :)

This is my suggestions list (Dream List :D)
- Admin can moderate all classifieds i.e delete/edit/stick/....
- Profile tab
- Classifieds prefix (with color)
- The closed classifieds should be disappeared but keep all classifieds as archive and do not delete any page. If I enter the profile of any user I want to see if he posted before in classifieds or not.
- The admin should know how many items sold, offered, how many pending? ...... etc. The admin should know everything about his website classifieds.
- The user can see his pending classifieds - closed classifieds - ....etc

It is just my suggestions list .. not more :)

Muhammad Rahman 05-25-2013 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2424100)
Thanks Chris, we are waiting :)

This is my suggestions list (Dream List :D)
- Admin can moderate all classifieds i.e delete/edit/stick/....
- Profile tab
- Classifieds prefix (with color)
- The closed classifieds should be disappeared but keep all classifieds as archive and do not delete any page. If I enter the profile of any user I want to see if he posted before in classifieds or not.
- The admin should know how many items sold, offered, how many pending? ...... etc. The admin should know everything about his website classifieds.
- The user can see his pending classifieds - closed classifieds - ....etc

It is just my suggestions list .. not more :)

wait for it,, :up:

oliver22 05-27-2013 11:17 PM

What about those features?

Option for:
- disable expiration date
- disable condition selector
- disable clicking "accept terms" to show publish button
- disabling option to add for wanted/trade/free offer ad - i want to have simple classifield

+ if you are user, that posted ad, you would be able to see "edit button" when you are viewing ad.
+ option to use "simple plain text"
+ ad detail view should have more layouts to choose

Also, i think, that description near pictures ale useless so there would be option to hide them.

My thoughts - user love simple solutions. So, classifield would be simple, so sometimes "less is more".


Christos Teriakis 05-28-2013 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by oliver22 (Post 2424552)
What about those features?

  1. Just curiously. What's the nickname of your primary account? A bit difficult to believe that you've 3 posts in 2 1/2 years:rolleyes:
  2. About hidding terms. As the description says, leaving this setting empty will hides the need to accept rules and the buttons will be initially visible.
  3. Some of the requested features already implemented in the special edition, but I can't add switches to any field because someone don't wants to use it. In general use the condition is a must exists value for classifieds. From the condition the visitor can counts if the price is good or not. The same applies for Adtypes. Maybe "For Trade" is not so important, but 99% of the sites needs the type "Wanted".

Christos Teriakis 05-28-2013 10:01 AM

The "Greatful" version is ready, I just need to open a site to be able to give it away. Most probably I'll use http://www.teriakis.com

First of all why I'm calling it "Greatful" and not "PRO". Because it actually has no price. I'll give it for free to those who have paid for Copyright removal. The fee of copyright removal is my only income, but it will be increase a bit. Really "a bit".

The extra features (you can see some of them in the screenshots):
  1. Extra Profile Tab showing the user's active (and only active) Classifieds. Can be trun off.
  2. "View Classifieds" in user popum (the one which appears in forums when you click the username. Can be turn off.
  3. Total Classifieds in Thread postbit. Can be turn off.
  4. Different color for showing the Classified type.
  5. User and/or Moderators can Edit/Delete the Classified when they are on View page.
  6. My Offers to others listing.
  7. Offers that I got listing
  8. ...... and offcourse without Copyright Link. Legally !!

sadiq6210 05-28-2013 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2424602)
The "Greatful" version is ready, I just need to open a site to be able to give it away. Most probably I'll use http://www.teriakis.com

First of all why I'm calling it "Greatful" and not "PRO". Because it actually has no price. I'll give it for free to those who have paid for Copyright removal. The fee of copyright removal is my only income, but it will be increase a bit. Really "a bit".

The extra features (you can see some of them in the screenshots):
  1. Extra Profile Tab showing the user's active (and only active) Classifieds. Can be trun off.
  2. "View Classifieds" in user popum (the one which appears in forums when you click the username. Can be turn off.
  3. Total Classifieds in Thread postbit. Can be turn off.
  4. Different color for showing the Classified type.
  5. User and/or Moderators can Edit/Delete the Classified when they are on View page.
  6. My Offers to others listing.
  7. Offers that I got listing
  8. ...... and offcourse without Copyright Link. Legally !!

AWESOME :D cannot wait

One question Chris:
After a classified expired, it will be removed from profile or it will be shown with status (closed classifieds) ?
I prefer to keep all closed classifieds in user profile and user control panel but marked as (expired/closed classified). I don't want to delete any classified, let users know anytime what the posted in our classified.

- (Active classifieds)
- (Closed classifieds[Archive])

And offcourse I appreciate your effort :) Thanks a lot Chris

Muhammad Rahman 05-28-2013 11:24 AM

4 feature again, I would paid (via Paypal) to remove the copyright.

1. add features such as blog comments.
2. specific templates for plugins (like Style Options on Forum Manager).
3. rating systems.
4. Telephone contacts as default, blackberry messenger, or others. every seller certainly can not always be online, with contact (phone number) then the buyer can contact the seller even if the seller is not online. (see picture for example).

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

thank you, may be embodied one of them.

Toorak Times 05-28-2013 12:25 PM

WOW Chris, you've connected to threads, fantastic...

Christos Teriakis 05-28-2013 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Muhammad Rahman (Post 2424611)
4 feature again, I would paid (via Paypal) to remove the copyright.

1. add features such as blog comments.
2. specific templates for plugins (like Style Options on Forum Manager).
3. rating systems.
4. Telephone contacts as default, blackberry messenger, or others. every seller certainly can not always be online, with contact (phone number) then the buyer can contact the seller even if the seller is not online. (see picture for example).

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

thank you, may be embodied one of them.

Sorry but all these features are not for general use.

Christos Teriakis 05-28-2013 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2424605)
AWESOME :D cannot wait

One question Chris:
After a classified expired, it will be removed from profile or it will be shown with status (closed classifieds) ?
I prefer to keep all closed classifieds in user profile and user control panel but marked as (expired/closed classified). I don't want to delete any classified, let users know anytime what the posted in our classified.

- (Active classifieds)
- (Closed classifieds[Archive])

And offcourse I appreciate your effort :) Thanks a lot Chris

In the new version you can set grace period = 0 to keep the ads in your system for ever. But sorry, this will be visible only to user (My Classifieds). As I said the profile will shows only the active classifieds.

jaybolt 05-28-2013 02:52 PM

Hey Christos - thanks very much for this mod. It is exactly what I need to add to my community.

Would you be able to answer me a question please? I am looking at making some of the extra fields compulsory. How would I go about verifying them in the classifieds_addedit_item template?

As an example, I have a drop down list with the name "fields[8]". How could I verify the submitted entry isn't "Select"? My javascript is quite basic but I have a rough idea (but I can't get it to work)

Christos Teriakis 05-28-2013 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by jaybolt (Post 2424640)
Hey Christos - thanks very much for this mod. It is exactly what I need to add to my community.

Would you be able to answer me a question please? I am looking at making some of the extra fields compulsory. How would I go about verifying them in the classifieds_addedit_item template?

As an example, I have a drop down list with the name "fields[8]". How could I verify the submitted entry isn't "Select"? My javascript is quite basic but I have a rough idea (but I can't get it to work)

Thank you for your supporting words. Sorry but there is no way to check the values of extra fields. The only that you can is to avoid adding the option "Select" in the available options.

jaybolt 05-28-2013 03:19 PM

Thank you.

nivek911 05-28-2013 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2424630)
Sorry but all these features are not for general use.

You will contact those who have supported you with a link???

Christos Teriakis 05-29-2013 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by nivek911 (Post 2424694)
You will contact those who have supported you with a link???

Yes I'll do. But by the chance is good to ask your attention that the shown price is in Euros and not in USD. There is clearly visible currency prefix and suffix. Also I said that price will be icreade a bit (+5). So I advice you to wait till the file will be ready for download. I believe that this will be around 20:00pm (GMT+3) today.

sadiq6210 05-29-2013 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2424631)
In the new version you can set grace period = 0 to keep the ads in your system for ever.

Maybe this is enough but as administrator how can I see all classifieds for a user (active & closed)? This is very important for us.

BTW, "types" colors is shown only in user profile, there is no colors in classifieds.

Thanks Chris :up:

Christos Teriakis 05-29-2013 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2424720)
BTW, "types" colors is shown only in user profile, there is no colors in classifieds.

Why are you saying it? Have you checked my demo at:

Different colors appearing in main listings, widgets, view page. Even more I've different colors in statistics block. If you can't see them, please clear your browser's cache.

sadiq6210 05-29-2013 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2424725)
Why are you saying it? Have you checked my demo at:

Different colors appearing in main listings, widgets, view page. Even more I've different colors in statistics block. If you can't see them, please clear your browser's cache.

When I wrote my previous post there was no colors in your website (demo), now it is OK :) I believe it is something related to browser cache.
It looks awesome :up:

If you have an answer for this question I will appreciate that Chris :)


Maybe this is enough but as administrator how can I see all classifieds for a user (active & closed)? This is very important for us.

Christos Teriakis 05-29-2013 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2424729)
When I wrote my previous post there was no colors in your website (demo), now it is OK :) I believe it is something related to browser cache.
It looks awesome :up:

If you have an answer for this question I will appreciate that Chris :)

Sorry Sadiq but currently I don't have any reply for this question. For sure it will not be in user profile as it will extends the code a lot. While the active ads can appear in one page without the need of pagination, showing the Sold ads there needs pagination and I don't plan to extend this mod so much.

Maybe at a later time I'll add a special page for moderators with search features and thus the admins can search for any type of ads, any status, any user. But not now.


sadiq6210 05-29-2013 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2424730)
Maybe at a later time I'll add a special page for moderators with search features and thus the admins can search for any type of ads, any status, any user.

I hope that Chris :) Thanks

sadiq6210 05-30-2013 04:18 AM

How can I download it Chris? :)

Christos Teriakis 05-30-2013 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2424873)
How can I download it Chris? :)

PM me your email address to send it by email. Waiting my site to be ready for downloads you need to wait at least a full day more.

Muhammad Rahman 05-30-2013 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2424873)
How can I download it Chris? :)

same cris .. how to download it.
PM sent .. :)

pontello 05-30-2013 07:44 AM

in the widget I can see only the ads with image, not the ads without image.


sadiq6210 05-30-2013 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2424874)
PM me your email address to send it by email. Waiting my site to be ready for downloads you need to wait at least a full day more.

Sent With my appreciation :)

migratoria 06-06-2013 04:32 PM

Hi chris


Christos Teriakis 06-06-2013 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by migratoria (Post 2426173)
Hi chris


have i missed something???:confused: News for what?

Muhammad Rahman 06-07-2013 04:38 AM

where can I download / paid for Copyright removal ?

Christos Teriakis 06-07-2013 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Muhammad Rahman (Post 2426293)
where can I download / paid for Copyright removal ?

Tomorrow morning at: http://www.teriakis.com

Christos Teriakis 06-08-2013 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by Muhammad Rahman (Post 2426293)
where can I download / paid for Copyright removal ?

The direct link is: http://www.chris.teriakis.com/vbulletin-classifieds/

KimK 06-08-2013 10:14 AM

I have a problem:

I'm using this mod "Tabs Add System for vBulletin 4 (sstab advanced)" and I'm unable to get the Classified tab to show up in the main navigation bar. What can I do to fix this problem??


Christos Teriakis 06-08-2013 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by KimK (Post 2426602)
I have a problem:

I'm using this mod "Tabs Add System for vBulletin 4 (sstab advanced)" and I'm unable to get the Classified tab to show up in the main navigation bar. What can I do to fix this problem??


As I know sstab_advanced (great mod by the way I was using it in the past), is for vB4.1x. I mean for vb versions without the Navigation manager. Have you noticed that this mod needs vB4.2.x ??

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