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ssvp 02-26-2014 12:27 AM

I just applied it.. The first column works fine. The second one as you'll see from the previous link looks like the column is null or 0px high?

booble 03-16-2014 12:12 PM

This mod change some color fonts of my styles. any solution?

ozzy47 03-16-2014 12:14 PM

Have you tried on a unmodified default style?
What and where is it changing, " some color fonts " is not very descriptive.

booble 03-16-2014 07:18 PM

I tested on 2 styles and default too.

The text changed to blue color is:

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booble 03-17-2014 02:41 AM

ok I solved it. This fonts involved had not a defined color font (inherits)

DragonByte Tech 03-18-2014 12:27 AM

Hi everyone,

A new update for vBDonate (1.4.6) brings about a few new changes and features, as well as a small number of bug fixes. The changes include reorganizing some of the files, as well as making it possible to now add the hours/minutes/seconds to manually submitted donations. A major change is the system now uses the server date and time as opposed to the user's date and time to store donations information, improving how this is later displayed to the users.

Finally, a new features is that the confirmed contributions area now allows users to load only a specified length of time (optionally months or years) and also allows for a default option to be selected for users first landing on the page.

Lite version is available here, vBDonate DragonByte Tech - vBulletin Mods & Addons or here vBulletin.org. The Pro version is available in your Customer Area if you have purchased a license and it is still valid.

If you like the product you can show your support by rating it to help cancel out the users who 1 star our mods, vBDonate Donations - Donate Manager - vBulletin.org Forum.

A full changelog is below:

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: Style Border issue when no contributions are displayed in the table
Fixed: MySQL error when no valid transaction ID and the system attempts to post a thread (in the Pro version only)

Changes To Existing Features:
Changed: Files reorganized and improved to help organize the Lite and Pro versions better
Changed: Date and time used by vBDonate to store data is now taken from the server time and not the user's local time
Changed: Hour, minute and second can be included in a manually created donation

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Feature: Ability to select specific time periods when viewing confirmed donations


ForceHSS 03-18-2014 02:54 AM

I find the new version (pro) has slowed my forum load time a lot

DragonByte Tech 03-18-2014 12:45 PM

Is it still slow if you disable the mod?

Is it possible to put it into config mode and get some details of how long queries are taking to load, etc?

Do you use any sort of caching?

You could try reuploading the older version (1.4.5 PL3) and see if it still runs slow (this should be possible in this case as the changes between versions are just templates and files, not database changes).


ForceHSS 03-18-2014 02:41 PM

I can pm you access info if you wish to test

DragonByte Tech 03-18-2014 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by ForceHSS (Post 2488030)
I can pm you access info if you wish to test

If you can, that would be great. I'll take a look as I get time this week. :)


Barbecue_Eater 03-29-2014 07:03 PM


We're using vBulletin 4.2.2 PL 1 and tried different currencies (USD and EUR), the specified amount (f.e. "5.0") will always ignore the dot after being redirected to paypal

For example I choose: 5.00, get redirected to paypal and it shows up as 500 USD/EUR.
This must be a bug of some kind and also doesn't get fixed when I chose USD instead EUR.

DragonByte Tech 03-31-2014 04:22 AM

Thanks matey. Do you use a separator other than . to mark currency in your language settings?


Can you also post what exactly you have in your DragonByte Tech: vBDonate - PayPal - Payment Settings > Suggested Donate Amounts settings?


Barbecue_Eater 04-01-2014 08:10 PM

No, we don't use anything else except the dot.

Suggested amounts were default, I changed it to

but that has the same bug.
If I'd change it to 5.00 it'd be 500 USD/EUR whatever.

The setting about suggested or custom amount don't matter.
It's simply that the dot gets ignored anyways.

Our vBulletin language is German

DragonByte Tech 04-03-2014 04:36 AM

I'm not sure what's causing this issue. If you set your suggested amount to '5', does that throw out the same error?

It might be worth redownloading the files again just in case there's been an issue of some sort in the download process.


Barbecue_Eater 04-06-2014 03:07 PM

If we set it to

it can not produce the same error as there is no dot that could be ignored.
The result is as expected: 5 EUR
Same is for


BUT it doesn't matter if I choose 5.0 or 50, both gives the same result.

I'll redownload the files and try it again.

It still doesn't work, I completely re-downloaded and re-uploaded every single file and re-installed the add-on.

DragonByte Tech 04-07-2014 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Barbecue_Eater (Post 2491804)
If we set it to

it can not produce the same error as there is no dot that could be ignored.
The result is as expected: 5 EUR
Same is for


BUT it doesn't matter if I choose 5.0 or 50, both gives the same result.

I'll redownload the files and try it again.

It still doesn't work, I completely re-downloaded and re-uploaded every single file and re-installed the add-on.

Thanks for doing the checks for me. Can you tell me what version of PHP you are using? :)


Barbecue_Eater 04-10-2014 01:09 PM

PHP 5.3

DragonByte Tech 04-11-2014 04:14 AM

I'll dig into the issue again. Can you PM me some details to your site so that I can login and have a look at some of the settings and test some ideas out?


Barbecue_Eater 04-14-2014 06:57 PM

I couldn't find in the changelog what was changed in the update.
Were you able to reproduce the problem?

I'll try to update and test it again.

ruger 04-21-2014 11:13 PM

I just uploaded the files and xml. 2 of the images in the admin panel are not showing for some reason and when I look in the dbtech/vbdonate/images/admin file they are definitely there. Ive tried reimporting the product as well and still doesnt fix the issue.


Any ideas?

DragonByte Tech 04-22-2014 04:59 PM

Not sure I'm afraid. Maybe try a hard refresh, or clearing the cache of any caching software you use just in case. I've not come across that issue before. :(


PS the last update fixed issues with links that Google might have, nothing more.

katie hunter 07-21-2014 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by ruger (Post 2494069)
I just uploaded the files and xml. 2 of the images in the admin panel are not showing for some reason and when I look in the dbtech/vbdonate/images/admin file they are definitely there. Ive tried reimporting the product as well and still doesnt fix the issue.


Any ideas?


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2494167)
Not sure I'm afraid. Maybe try a hard refresh, or clearing the cache of any caching software you use just in case. I've not come across that issue before. :(


PS the last update fixed issues with links that Google might have, nothing more.

Fillip, i also have the same issue with these two images not showing. Try installing the lite version and see. I am testing the lite version around and i like it, i might consider buying the pro version however few things i'd love to see happening

1. The contribution list. Adam had a pretty contribution list with members' avatars displaying and the style was displaying in yui (it was pretty sleek) https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...light=donation (his plugin is dead though as many know)

2. The donation bar for the donation goal was progressive and animated in many nice ways when you refresh the page, you would see the progress bar moves.

3. He had many user-group control like which usergroup can (this is actually very important setting for me) :
- see the donation goal
- can see the donate button and donate
- can see the contributor list

Barbecue_Eater 07-24-2014 01:27 PM

So I found the bug that causes 5.00 turning into 500 that I stated here:

Originally Posted by Barbecue_Eater (Post 2490311)

We're using vBulletin 4.2.2 PL 1 and tried different currencies (USD and EUR), the specified amount (f.e. "5.0") will always ignore the dot after being redirected to paypal

For example I choose: 5.00, get redirected to paypal and it shows up as 500 USD/EUR.
This must be a bug of some kind and also doesn't get fixed when I chose USD instead EUR.

The bug is caused by:

put this in your dodonate.php file replacing line 23 with these and see the difference:
PHP Code:

echo "actual amount: ".$_REQUEST['amount']."<br/>";
"broken amount by the gpc function: ".$vbulletin->GPC['amount']."<br/>";

do not use this on your actual vbulletin systems, it's only for the dbtech team!

the result for me is:

actual amount: 5.00
broken amount by the gpc function: 500

I just don't want to fix this by myself as this is a good hint for you guys to fix something and also I don't want to make any errors regarding security, as clean_gpc is needed somehow anyways.
I don't know how to use it and at the same time fix the bug....

Would you please fix this asap?


DragonByte Tech 07-24-2014 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by katie hunter (Post 2507619)
Fillip, i also have the same issue with these two images not showing. Try installing the lite version and see. I am testing the lite version around and i like it, i might consider buying the pro version however few things i'd love to see happening

1. The contribution list. Adam had a pretty contribution list with members' avatars displaying and the style was displaying in yui (it was pretty sleek) https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...light=donation (his plugin is dead though as many know)

2. The donation bar for the donation goal was progressive and animated in many nice ways when you refresh the page, you would see the progress bar moves.

3. He had many user-group control like which usergroup can (this is actually very important setting for me) :
- see the donation goal
- can see the donate button and donate
- can see the contributor list

I'll try and look over what might be causing the missing images, I'm slightly puzzled by it. If possible, could you check what the exact broken link is to the image and post it here?

I will take a look at trying to implement your ideas when we do our big update on vBDonate which is due soon. I'm currently working on getting the v2 of the DBTech Classifieds ready and then I'll be concentrating on vBDonate.

@Barbeque_Eater, thanks for the headsup. I'll take a look and see what might be causing the issue. So far I've not been able to replicate this bug myself, but that info might just help me. It may be that I need to test somethings on your install, would that be possible?


Barbecue_Eater 07-24-2014 03:08 PM

Sorry, I'm not too sure about giving a 3rd party access to our installation.

Though I'd love to work together and do everything you need me to by myself or give you all neccessary information.
If you want, we can talk on Teamspeak (preferrably) or Skype.

DragonByte Tech 07-24-2014 03:11 PM

That should be fine. I'll let you know how I get on chasing the bug over the weekend and send you a message if I need to test a few things.


katie hunter 07-25-2014 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2508119)
I'll try and look over what might be causing the missing images, I'm slightly puzzled by it. If possible, could you check what the exact broken link is to the image and post it here?

I will take a look at trying to implement your ideas when we do our big update on vBDonate which is due soon. I'm currently working on getting the v2 of the DBTech Classifieds ready and then I'll be concentrating on vBDonate.

@Barbeque_Eater, thanks for the headsup. I'll take a look and see what might be causing the issue. So far I've not been able to replicate this bug myself, but that info might just help me. It may be that I need to test somethings on your install, would that be possible?


Hi Matt, it simply doesn't link to the image extension, so like this


instead of ex


Shanakar 07-26-2014 11:51 AM

I was wondering if it was possible for you to add an option to the Donation Goals. Right now it has Month and Year. Is there any way to add another option called Project? I would like my users to be able to donate towards projects that they want to be made rather than the monthly, yearly options. Any way to do this please?

DragonByte Tech 07-27-2014 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by katie hunter (Post 2508234)
Hi Matt, it simply doesn't link to the image extension, so like this


instead of ex


I've found what was causing the problem. The options were being displayed from the Pro version that shouldn't exist in the Lite. I've fixed that for the next update.


Originally Posted by Shanakar (Post 2508337)
I was wondering if it was possible for you to add an option to the Donation Goals. Right now it has Month and Year. Is there any way to add another option called Project? I would like my users to be able to donate towards projects that they want to be made rather than the monthly, yearly options. Any way to do this please?

I was thinking of something similar. We'll see what we can do with that for v2. :)

@Barbecue_Eater: I'm still tracing that issue I can't replicate it exactly. Is it possible to test whether you still have the same issue if you use English as the main language if possible? My gut feeling is that the issue is connected to the language somehow.

The only other suggestion I have to try for now (pending some input from Fillip @DBTech) is that you redownload the latest vB4 files and reupload them in case there was something in the way the GPC works that has been accidentally corrupted.


Barbecue_Eater 07-27-2014 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2508451)
@Barbecue_Eater: I'm still tracing that issue I can't replicate it exactly. Is it possible to test whether you still have the same issue if you use English as the main language if possible? My gut feeling is that the issue is connected to the language somehow.

The only other suggestion I have to try for now (pending some input from Fillip @DBTech) is that you redownload the latest vB4 files and reupload them in case there was something in the way the GPC works that has been accidentally corrupted.


Thanks so far.
Which exact language setting are we talking about here?
I'll probably have to download the english language xml, we only have the German one.

I'm pretty sure there is nothing broken about the files, I remember having the bug before upgrading to the newer version (4.2.1 > 4.2.2).

By setting the language to English (US), the problem is resolved.
How do I fix it with the German language?

It's probably because of the decimal separator.
In the US, you use

as a decimal separator - here in middle EU you use


The same applies to the thousand separator: you're using

while we're using

But the code needs to be changed in order for the plugin to work properly.

-- EDIT 2: Our fix that we use from now:

I fixed it by changing Line 26 of dbtech\vbdonate\includes\functions.php to

$dbt_vbd_pp_amount_options = explode('/', $vbulletin->options['dbtech_vbdonate_don_amount']);
and started separating the amounts by the character "/" in the vBDonate settings and using a comma instead a dot as the decimal character.

This will not work for the english language pack though, therefore I suggest you guys implement an automatic parser that converts the amounts to the correlating decimal systems of the language. There is a vbulletin variable that can read the decimal character, you can use that automatically based on the users language setting.


DragonByte Tech 07-28-2014 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Barbecue_Eater (Post 2508556)
Thanks so far.
Which exact language setting are we talking about here?
I'll probably have to download the english language xml, we only have the German one.

I'm pretty sure there is nothing broken about the files, I remember having the bug before upgrading to the newer version (4.2.1 > 4.2.2).

By setting the language to English (US), the problem is resolved.
How do I fix it with the German language?

It's probably because of the decimal separator.
In the US, you use as a decimal separator - here in middle EU you use

The same applies to the thousand separator: you're using while we're using

But the code needs to be changed in order for the plugin to work properly.

-- EDIT 2: Our fix that we use from now:

I fixed it by changing Line 26 of dbtech\vbdonate\includes\functions.php to

$dbt_vbd_pp_amount_options = explode('/', $vbulletin->options['dbtech_vbdonate_don_amount']);
and started separating the amounts by the character "/" in the vBDonate settings and using a comma instead a dot as the decimal character.

This will not work for the english language pack though, therefore I suggest you guys implement an automatic parser that converts the amounts to the correlating decimal systems of the language. There is a vbulletin variable that can read the decimal character, you can use that automatically based on the users language setting.


That's an interesting fix to the problem, I was going to post that it might be the issue. I'll see if I can work forward with that idea.

We have found with several things that the language decimals/separators are usually the issue. Changing the settings in the main options seems to work better than using the language separators.

I'll see if I can work a permanent fix in for you. :)


Maniac199 07-31-2014 11:55 PM

I know many of you have asked for this so here is a widget I made that will show the username, date, and amount of the last 10 donations. You can feel free to modify, use, and do whatever you want with this code. Make it as a PHP direct execution.


$output = "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td width=\"40%\">Username:</td><td width=\"35%\">Date:</td><td width=\"25%\">Amount:</td></tr>";
SELECT userid, amount, dateline
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbdonate_donations ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10");
$i = 0;
while ($array = vB::$db->fetch_array($result))
$thename = vB::$db->query_first("
SELECT username FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE userid = '$array[userid]'");
$output .= "<tr><td width=\"40%\"><a href=\"/member.php?" . $array[userid] . "\">" . $thename[username] . "</a></td><td width=\"35%\">" . date("m/d/y", $array[dateline]) . "</td><td width=\"25%\">$" . $array[amount] . "</td></tr>";
$output .= "</table>";

Barbecue_Eater 08-02-2014 01:16 AM

Though we fixed the comma at the point I told you, the system didn't recognize the money that was contributed.

Just a question in general: About when can we count for the new version?

DragonByte Tech 08-03-2014 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Barbecue_Eater (Post 2509390)
Though we fixed the comma at the point I told you, the system didn't recognize the money that was contributed.

Just a question in general: About when can we count for the new version?

What do you mean about it not recognizing? If you can elaborate today I might be able to get the fix out tomorrow. I'm working on it atm in the spare time I get between Classifieds and work. :)


Barbecue_Eater 08-03-2014 09:51 AM

I mean: Using the German language pack - no matter what way you donate, it doesn't show up in the added contributions list and also not in the overall contribution amount of the donation bar.
So for example my donation goal is 100€, I can donate any amount I want, it will not come any closer to the goal.
The sandbox mode is not activated.

Also, the custom amount doesn't work with the commas, showing an error which states that the entered amount is not a number if I have a comma in it. There must be some other part of a script responsible for stripping the custom amount as well.

Don't you have a development version of vBulletin anywhere that you can simply drop the language pack on and see yourself?

DragonByte Tech 08-03-2014 02:36 PM

I'm taking a look at this now to see if I can trace a solution. There have always been problems in the way the language packs pass settings of customized numbers back to scripts.

I've an idea on how we can permanently resolve the issue in v2 which will have to wait until then as it will require some of the additions/changes we plan on implementing. In the mean time, if you can, test it by clearing the language settings for your German pack. If that passes the variable correctly, it is the language pack that is definitely causing the issue. If not, then it's something else.

I've got a Spanish pack installed I used for testing the Classifieds money settings on which I'll have a play around with now. How I fixed it for Classifieds requires the changes I mentioned above for vBDonate. ;)


DragonByte Tech 08-03-2014 04:09 PM

Having looked at this, I think I have a solution. I've tested this as far as I can (On my dev install I can't go beyond the PayPal payment section).

I've created a setting now that let's you choose your separator for the values and the system checks that. My tests show fine. It's my guess that your contributions are going into the 'unconfirmed' section in your tests.

Once I've marked it as confirmed the correct amount is added to the banner.

Let me know if you want to give the code a test as per the PM I sent you and we can see if we've got a fix for you. :)


DragonByte Tech 08-11-2014 09:49 PM

Hi everyone,

An update for vBDonate (1.4.7) includes some bug fixes as well as a new setting aimed at improving support for other languages. It had been problematic trying to create values if the language you had on your site used a comma ',' for the decimal point (separator), i.e. 20,00 instead of 20.00. Now it's possible to use the comma as the decimal point and change the separator we use for the amounts available to users to pick from. Before the amounts needed to be listed like 5.00,10.00,15.00. But with the Amount Separator setting you can choose to use another character such as '/' allowing users who need the comma for their decimal point to be able to do so. Several of the fixes also improved the formatting of the currency values for other languages, something we will be continuing to expand as we move towards version 2 of vBDonate.

Lite version is available here, vBDonate DragonByte Tech - vBulletin Mods & Addons or here vBulletin.org. The Pro version is available in your Customer Area if you have purchased a license and it is still valid.

If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here, vBDonate Donations - Donate Manager - vBulletin.org Forum and also please rate it to help cancel out the users who 1 star our mods.

A full changelog is below:

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: Bad image links in the Lite version Admin Dashboard area
Fixed: Number formatting for total amount received on the main donation bar
Fixed: Redirect Error when returning from PayPal
Fixed: Incorrect links in one phrase

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Feature: Setting to allow for changing the the amount separator for values that can be donated to allow for using a comma ',' as a decimal separator for various languages in the language settings


kamran_dotnet 08-13-2014 04:59 PM

any plan for add new feature to use local vbulletin payment api?
you already done this in db AD

DragonByte Tech 08-13-2014 08:34 PM

We've got a few plans to expand things like that, yes. :)


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