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-   -   Suite Style - Avenger Blue Style by TheLastSuperman (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=269253)

TheLastSuperman 12-16-2011 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2278211)


Your welcome!
*I can't like another post of yours just yet!

Matscolan 12-16-2011 10:28 AM

Would you ever consider replacing the default navbar in your theme? The vBulletin one isn't that great looking or overly user friendly.
Something with oval buttons and nice drop downs when you hover over them might look nicer rather than just a bar.

If that would be too difficult perhaps just add an extra navigation sort of like on this theme at the top right:
I could do it myself but I found it hard making it look exactly like the rest of the theme (shadows/border).
My favourite way of doing it would be to take the area where your current navbar is and replace it with a navigation similar to that in the above theme (very top right).

ragecools 12-16-2011 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2278051)
Are you using the version for 4.1.7 and below or the version for 4.1.8? Also site link?


I am using version 4.1.8 (fixed) for your theme and the forum itself. My url is http://www.rndpro.com

As you will notice on any page you have the header (where the image is) spread across to the right which makes the website untidy.

TheLastSuperman 12-16-2011 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Matscolan (Post 2278272)
Would you ever consider replacing the default navbar in your theme? The vBulletin one isn't that great looking or overly user friendly.
Something with oval buttons and nice drop downs when you hover over them might look nicer rather than just a bar.

If that would be too difficult perhaps just add an extra navigation sort of like on this theme at the top right:
I could do it myself but I found it hard making it look exactly like the rest of the theme (shadows/border).
My favourite way of doing it would be to take the area where your current navbar is and replace it with a navigation similar to that in the above theme (very top right).

I'll see what I can do, I don't like the current design either and have done quite a few custom ones so I'll think of something savvy and throw it in on the next update ;).


Originally Posted by ragecools (Post 2278329)
I am using version 4.1.8 (fixed) for your theme and the forum itself. My url is http://www.rndpro.com

As you will notice on any page you have the header (where the image is) spread across to the right which makes the website untidy.

Fixed shouldn't do that... makes me think your still using the 4.1.7 style on a 4.1.8 forum instead of the 4.1.8 style on a 4.1.8 forum but I'm unsure because again, it shouldn't do that...

I would normally tell someone using the Fluid version to try this - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=255 but it's fixed... I'm going to get back to you on this, when you have a minute PM me some type of admin login information to check (it can be a temp admin account with only access to styles etc) if you don't mind? Thanks!

ragecools 12-17-2011 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2278431)
I'll see what I can do, I don't like the current design either and have done quite a few custom ones so I'll think of something savvy and throw it in on the next update ;).

Fixed shouldn't do that... makes me think your still using the 4.1.7 style on a 4.1.8 forum instead of the 4.1.8 style on a 4.1.8 forum but I'm unsure because again, it shouldn't do that...

I would normally tell someone using the Fluid version to try this - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=255 but it's fixed... I'm going to get back to you on this, when you have a minute PM me some type of admin login information to check (it can be a temp admin account with only access to styles etc) if you don't mind? Thanks!

Sure ill set it up for you and drop you a PM

Matscolan 12-17-2011 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2278431)

Fixed shouldn't do that... makes me think your still using the 4.1.7 style on a 4.1.8 forum instead of the 4.1.8 style on a 4.1.8 forum but I'm unsure because again, it shouldn't do that...

I would normally tell someone using the Fluid version to try this - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=255 but it's fixed... I'm going to get back to you on this, when you have a minute PM me some type of admin login information to check (it can be a temp admin account with only access to styles etc) if you don't mind? Thanks!

Just thought I should add my site is doing the exact same as this for no reason at all so it may be related to the style?

mitch84 12-17-2011 05:07 PM

I liked this style but it is too complicated in this options now (Questions and Answers), because I do not understand enough English. For me style is just having a folder and upload a file to import, sorry but uninstalled

TheLastSuperman 12-17-2011 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by ragecools (Post 2278565)
Sure ill set it up for you and drop you a PM

Thanks ;)


Originally Posted by Matscolan (Post 2278574)
Just thought I should add my site is doing the exact same as this for no reason at all so it may be related to the style?

Ok we should have a fix here soon, I feel it's just how I have the header going 100% and it simply needs some adjustment is all :cool:.


Originally Posted by mitch84 (Post 2278627)
I liked this style but it is too complicated in this options now (Questions and Answers), because I do not understand enough English. For me style is just having a folder and upload a file to import, sorry but uninstalled

Not trying to sound any way but funny when I say this however "You don't seem like the quitting type" :D meaning that any error or whatever you have read into here that is confusing you should not. If anything ever confuses you namely a problem then wait for a fix - now you can do nothing but upload a folder and import the styles .xml files and on top of that mitch, if your not wanting to post due to the language difference... PM me and if need be I'll use Google Translator... hey it won't be perfect but I will try to work with you which is the bottom line.

K4GAP 12-20-2011 04:55 AM

Please forgive the OT but, some of these folks must obviously be doing something wrong.

With a fresh install and no changes your style works perfectly. I think a lot of the problem folks have is because of other mods and or template changes that interfere with the styling.

Machoo 12-20-2011 08:23 AM

Cheers, will be installing after christmas :)

ragecools 12-22-2011 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2279296)
Please forgive the OT but, some of these folks must obviously be doing something wrong.

With a fresh install and no changes your style works perfectly. I think a lot of the problem folks have is because of other mods and or template changes that interfere with the styling.

I have a fresh Vbulletin install and never had any mods installed before this style was installed, only after and the problem was the same

EuroBeat2 12-22-2011 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by ragecools (Post 2280179)
I have a fresh Vbulletin install and never had any mods installed before this style was installed, only after and the problem was the same

If this is the case, did you make sure that all appropriate files were correctly uploaded to your server. Something might have to go wrong, I would guess.


TheLastSuperman 12-23-2011 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2278167)
I'm sorry. So the donation end of that question, which I assume would be still valid... Is do you accept donations outside of paypal ?

I asked publicly for those, like myself, who may in the future make a donation for the hard work you have put into this template, but like myself, can not use paypal.

Well tbo I checked your site and on my style there's no copyright when there should be it's in the file here when you download, it's free for download and use as long as that condition is met.


Originally Posted by ragecools (Post 2278329)
I am using version 4.1.8 (fixed) for your theme and the forum itself. My url is http://www.rndpro.com

As you will notice on any page you have the header (where the image is) spread across to the right which makes the website untidy.

You edited the copyright as well, shouldn't be edited and should remain intact including the link otherwise please don't use the style, it's free for download and use as long as that condition is met.


Originally Posted by ragecools (Post 2280179)
I have a fresh Vbulletin install and never had any mods installed before this style was installed, only after and the problem was the same

Did you try that fix I linked to earlier?

OldSchoolDSL 12-23-2011 04:01 AM

Thanks to a member of my community for pointing this post out. :)

I do not follow every reply to every template or modification I have installed. So without anyone sending me a quick message... I wouldn't have been aware of this post.


I have A LOT of modifications and edits (over 100). And typically all my templates / skins are a signed as "child skins" to the system default. Saves on having to edit all of them one at a time.

This was obviously an oversight and you have my deepest apologies.

I assume this would go into the footer (correct?).

Could you please point me where and exactly what I should add here to restore your footer link?

TheLastSuperman 12-23-2011 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2280301)
Thanks to a member of my community for pointing this post out. :)

I do not follow every reply to every template or modification I have installed. So without anyone sending me a quick message... I wouldn't have been aware of this post.


I have A LOT of modifications and edits (over 100). And typically all my templates / skins are a signed as "child skins" to the system default. Saves on having to edit all of them one at a time.

This was obviously an oversight and you have my deepest apologies.

I assume this would go into the footer (correct?).

Could you please point me where and exactly what I should add here to restore your footer link?

Install the style again under a different name and snag the code from the footer template then you can copy/paste easily and I would post the code but to some that might seem like a excuse to promote hope you understand and thanks for realizing ;).

OldSchoolDSL 12-23-2011 05:25 AM

Found it.

As a point of reference for anyone else who may need to locate this.

Search for in your footer

{vb:raw vboptions.copyrighttext}
Add directly below it,


        <div>Style by: <a href="http://www.innovationbyinstinct.com" target="_blank" title="Custom Online Services for vBulletin Communities" alt="Custom Online Services for vBulletin Communities">Innovation by Instinct, LLC.</a></div>
Save and reloaded.
View in another window or browser tab and see the results.

Thank you for understanding TheLastSuperman and I again do offer my deepest apologies for the error.

Happy Holidays :)

CharlieDelta 01-04-2012 02:51 AM

Great big thank you to TheLastSuperman!!
He helped me add the extra navbar from DBTech's mod to his most excellent style.:up:

EuroBeat2 01-07-2012 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2276810)
Ahh thanks for the catch, I'll include a fix in the new version :cool:.


Happy New Year. Are you planning on doing updates as you previously promised. Waiting with anticipation. :)

Thank you.


gsmworldone 01-08-2012 12:13 PM

hi.. How can I resize the font size? i can't see it on styles and templates on my vB4...



TheLastSuperman 01-08-2012 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by gsmworldone (Post 2285150)
hi.. How can I resize the font size? i can't see it on styles and templates on my vB4...



Edit the template additional.css and find:


.cms_widget {
        background: #222937 url(images/misc/blog/gradient-black-down.png) repeat-x !important;
        margin-bottom: 15px;

Add below:


.forumtitle {
font-size: 14px !important;

Change the value 14px to the size you would like to use :cool:.

gsmworldone 01-08-2012 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2285318)
Edit the template additional.css and find:


.cms_widget {
        background: #222937 url(images/misc/blog/gradient-black-down.png) repeat-x !important;
        margin-bottom: 15px;

Add below:


.forumtitle {
font-size: 14px !important;

Change the value 14px to the size you would like to use :cool:.

sorry sir not work for me....
where can i find here so that i can adjust the font size, and even change the color...


i saw navbar font and i was able to change the font size....

TheLastSuperman 01-09-2012 03:45 AM

^ There's no stylevar that adjusts that area you must use CSS... Not sure why it didn't work either, mind pasting a link to your site? Something is not quite right as it should have worked but once I view it myself perhaps I'll notice why it's not working correctly.

K4GAP 01-10-2012 01:30 PM

I don't know if they will even consider it but I'm going to suggest to vBulletin that they start including an additional theme to their product. Much like WP and other CMS's do.

What better theme to suggest than this one!

Hey, it won't hurt to ask :)

TheLastSuperman 01-10-2012 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2285981)
I don't know if they will even consider it but I'm going to suggest to vBulletin that they start including an additional theme to their product. Much like WP and other CMS's do.

What better theme to suggest than this one!

Hey, it won't hurt to ask :)

Well thanks for the sentiment however if you think about it more in detail... wouldn't that be like shipping a new PC w/ all the "bloatware" meaning not all would like this style so it should not come included as default because it's one more thing they would need to remove ;).

K4GAP 01-10-2012 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2286141)
Well thanks for the sentiment however if you think about it more in detail... wouldn't that be like shipping a new PC w/ all the "bloatware" meaning not all would like this style so it should not come included as default because it's one more thing they would need to remove ;).

The first thing I do when buying a new pc is remove all the junk they put on it, you are right. But, what if every pc came with photo shop? Your style is far better than some of the junk I see on here. I don't mean to offend anyone but, I see styles on here and other sites that are nothing more than an added background image with a transparent body. Whenever I open a link and see that, I immediately either close the browser or hit the back button. That type of styling reminds me to much of a myspace layout.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. :cool:

Mariner1 01-12-2012 05:37 PM

Installed fine on the forum and cms.Doesnt work with my blog,it shows an old skin i dont use anymore.Any ideas pls

K4GAP 01-13-2012 08:39 AM

Just updated my site to 4.1.10 and the only problem I can find with this style are the tabs in image below (in Blog area) being white.

Eventyret 01-13-2012 06:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
How can i fix this white in comments section Else great theme!

TheLastSuperman 01-14-2012 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Mariner1 (Post 2286990)
Installed fine on the forum and cms.Doesnt work with my blog,it shows an old skin i dont use anymore.Any ideas pls


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2287208)
Just updated my site to 4.1.10 and the only problem I can find with this style are the tabs in image below (in Blog area) being white.

I'll check this for you both tomorrow I'm just about to get off for the night... err morning I reckon :p.

Mariner, site link?

Gary I've fixed that before so maybe I overlooked it between revisions I'm not sure but will post a fix tomorrow just can't remember the CSS and wife will be here any minute so it's off I go to quickly clean the kitchen before she arrives from work... tick tock!


Originally Posted by Eventyret (Post 2287384)
How can i fix this white in comments section Else great theme!

Edit the stylevar postbit_lite_background and change it to #222937

Eventyret 01-14-2012 07:02 PM

Thank you working perfect now!

K4GAP 01-15-2012 12:20 AM

Found another issue. The "Advanced Search" is out of alignment. You can see it here... http://www.livinginkentucky.com

I just noticed the gap is missing below the navbar?

HighJinx 01-15-2012 03:23 PM

really nice style

is there going to be a style update for vb4.1.10 in the future

after my upgrade i got this on the cms, forum is fine


TheLastSuperman 01-16-2012 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2287942)
Found another issue. The "Advanced Search" is out of alignment. You can see it here... http://www.livinginkentucky.com

I just noticed the gap is missing below the navbar?

Hmm the blue bar of the CMS tells me that either:

1) Your using a older version of this style OR your vB version is older either or there.
2) Your simply didn't install all of the .xml files is using the version for 4.1.8 or above.

Not sure why the search box has a 2-3px border around it either instead of 1px but again, the screenshot tells me you took a wrong turn somewhere :(.


Originally Posted by HighJinx (Post 2288187)
really nice style

is there going to be a style update for vb4.1.10 in the future

after my upgrade i got this on the cms, forum is fine


How are you adding those images in the navbar? Remember everyone this style does not automatically sense, adapt, and work out of the box with every modification or style enhancement you try to put in place so some adjustments based on how you have customized your site will be required from time to time.

I feel that many of you using the 4.1.8+ version of the style are simply not installing and merging the three required CMS/Forum/Blog .xml files correctly and that's why I keep repeating to change the same stylevars over and over and over again. Help me help you by reading the instructions carefully :cool:.

K4GAP 01-16-2012 10:05 PM

I did a no no and failed to mention that this started after upgrading to 4.1.10 if that makes any difference.

The things I tried before posting about the problem.

1. Downloaded latest version 4.1.8 Compressed and over wrote exsisting 4.1.8. Compressed with all 3 xml's. (did not work)

2. Removed all files and did complete re-install of style using the latest version 4.1.8. (did not work) and, using all three xml's

I'm very familiar with having to use 3 xml's as it makes perfect sense to me.

As you are probably very aware of my site is VERY low traffic, so I'm in no hurry whatsoever.

Thanks for putting up with all the aggravation as I am aware you have other things to do than babysit rookies :)

Raedahn 01-17-2012 02:46 PM

One of the issues I'm having is that the nav bar buttons don't roll-over anymore, and the text breadcrumbs underneath those buttons are not showing correctly.


K4GAP 01-18-2012 12:56 AM

In order to help solve my issue I'm going to revert my vb to 4.1.8

I am very curious to see if it's in fact a 4.1.10 issue. I'll post results sometime later this evening.

================================================== =====================

UPDATE: I did a complete fresh install of 4.1.8 from 4.1.10 and the problem with the missing gap below the navbar is fixed now.

So, It look to me like the problem was due to the fact that this style has not been updated yet and I knew that when I tried it on the latest version of vb.

That's always a problem when the user gets in a hurry to see if the old style will work with the new vb. It's not the modder who is to blame, he did state that the last version of this style was for 4.1.8

MechCorps 01-19-2012 12:11 AM

Hello All,

I'm a vbulletin n00b, so be kind please. :)

I added the Avenger Blue theme when we installed 4.1.8 suite (my first experience with vbulletin administration). We went through the 4.1.9 upgrade with no problem, but now I have problems after upgrading to 4.1.10. It seems that most of the conflicts are with some of the templates last modified by TheLastSuperman, so 4.1.10 has changed some things which I now need to figure out what does and does not need repair.

There were a handful of Out-of-Date Custom Templates that were successfully merged, which I went ahead and opened (edit) and saved. But there are now 13 templates remaining.

So, using the FireBug Add-On for FireFox, I see that it is identifying vbcms.css is holding the style that needs to be edited and the Out-of-Date Custom Templates page confirms that this is one of the files that has a conflict.

Being the cautious coder, I want to back-up the original code in case I don't like what the upgrade recommends.

I have yet to figure out where the file vbcms.css is in order to back it up.

The other files that have conflicts are:
navbar (I have found this one!)

So, could I get some guidance as to where to find these css files?

TheLastSuperman 01-19-2012 07:37 PM

Thanks for the feedback everyone! This style is pending a update for 4.1.10, please stand by as I have other things more pertinent to take care of before I'm able to update it properly however it will be soon :cool:.

There will be revisions and one new release of this style on the next update:
  • 4.1.4-4.1.7 version.
  • 4.1.8-4.1.9 version.
  • 4.1.10 version will be released.

Stand by :D
That means be as patient as humanly possible and I'll take care of you all.

DaninMS 01-22-2012 02:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Love the skin! However, like others I have a problem with the Profile and the Recent visitors bleeding over the box. I scrolled through the thread but I apparently missed the fix or if it was on the future fix list. I'm using 4.1.7 at the moment.

HighJinx 01-22-2012 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2288700)
1) Your using a older version of this style OR your vB version is older either or there.


2) Your simply didn't install all of the .xml files is using the version for 4.1.8 or above.

Forum 1st then cms merge then blog merge

How are you adding those images in the navbar?

this mod https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=233629

hope this it helps

still a top style even with my bugs :)

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