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-   -   Anti-Spam Options - KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA with Social Features (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=257294)

KeyCAPTCHA 04-19-2013 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by flyaddict (Post 2416647)
no, just wanted to make sure before installing, thank you.

You are welcome.

kandhro 04-20-2013 06:53 AM

i have installed and paid for yearly subscription , waiting for it

KeyCAPTCHA 04-22-2013 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by kandhro (Post 2417452)
i have installed and paid for yearly subscription , waiting for it

Hello kandhro,


Best regards,

kandhro 04-23-2013 12:47 PM

Hello ,
would google or other search engine bots browse the site have installed KEY CAPTCHA ??
or would this effect or make it hard for search engine bots ?

KeyCAPTCHA 04-24-2013 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by kandhro (Post 2418062)
Hello ,
would google or other search engine bots browse the site have installed KEY CAPTCHA ??
or would this effect or make it hard for search engine bots ?

Hello kandhro,

All CAPTCHAs including KeyCAPTCHA are equal for search engine bots.
If you restrict an access to a page by using CAPTCHA, that page will be unavailable for bots.

Best regards,

Fary 04-24-2013 10:38 AM

hi buddy I think ur site is down or some other problems
www.keycaptcha.com its not open

KeyCAPTCHA 04-24-2013 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Fary (Post 2418235)
hi buddy I think ur site is down or some other problems
www.keycaptcha.com its not open

Hello Fary,

Are you sure?
We don't see any issues. Maybe it was something with your ISP?

Best regards,

sadiq6210 05-06-2013 08:00 AM

I want to say that I tried it for one month. The results is great
I just paid for another one year for the enhancement services.

Keep it up :up:

KeyCAPTCHA 05-07-2013 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2420184)
I want to say that I tried it for one month. The results is great
I just paid for another one year for the enhancement services.

Keep it up :up:

Hello Sadiq,

Thank you for your excellent review.

Best regards,

KeyCAPTCHA 05-07-2013 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by fxdigi-cash (Post 2415663)
works great on vb4.2 pl3


Hello fxdigi-cash,

Thank you for the feedback.

Best regards,

KeyCAPTCHA 05-07-2013 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by zascok (Post 2414076)
Nice works like a charm and on the Mobile one as well. Only one more question: has google made you an offer yet? :)

Hello zascok,

When it happens we will reflect upon their offer :)

Best regards,

solomak 05-07-2013 04:02 PM

I was using a classifieds script for my website and purchased the M+ keycaptcha to prevent spam. I had spam in my forum even though I was not actively promoting it at all, as there is no link yet to my main site. And after reading rave reviews in this forum, I decided to give it a go as it looks fun for my visitors without subjecting them to hard to read captcha :(

anyway, I didn't know how to install the codes into my site so I requested for support. Lo and behold, they help to install the code to my site and it looks great! I will like to thank Andrey for being so helpful to meander through the php codes of my classifieds scripts. He even had it in my back end admin panel for me to select other options. I'm very impressed as my own classifieds support is not very helpful. thumbs up for keycaptcha!:up:

vbresults 05-09-2013 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by solomak (Post 2420517)
I was using a classifieds script for my website and purchased the M+ keycaptcha to prevent spam. I had spam in my forum even though I was not actively promoting it at all, as there is no link yet to my main site. And after reading rave reviews in this forum, I decided to give it a go as it looks fun for my visitors without subjecting them to hard to read captcha :(

anyway, I didn't know how to install the codes into my site so I requested for support. Lo and behold, they help to install the code to my site and it looks great! I will like to thank Andrey for being so helpful to meander through the php codes of my classifieds scripts. He even had it in my back end admin panel for me to select other options. I'm very impressed as my own classifieds support is not very helpful. thumbs up for keycaptcha!:up:

It certainly is strange how spam shows up on forums that have no connection to the web (yet). Maybe google indexed your site? Maybe the domain was recently unregistered and you picked it up? Maybe they were targeting the IP and not your forum domain.

solomak 05-10-2013 02:22 AM

Actually my site is new as there are no previous owner. So, I'm notsure how the spam bots can find my forum as I was busy setting up the main site. Imagine my shock when I see many posts on my forum which are totally irrelevant and obvious spams. Have to waste my time to delete them :(

So far, keycatcha works great and I'm very happy with it.

andyv72 05-13-2013 11:39 PM


Installation 1A.

Registration = FAIL (Fatal Error)
After Deinstall = no more Registration Possible

KeyCAPTCHA 05-15-2013 06:14 AM

Hello andyv72,

Please open a support ticket at www.keycaptcha.com.
Our experts will be happy to help you.

Best regards,

deadlySniper 05-15-2013 06:49 PM

I would like to thank you for this awesome plugin. Ever since I have installed it, it has stopped 110% of all spammers. I still have Spam-O-Matic installed and its numbers haven't increased one bit.

KeyCAPTCHA 05-23-2013 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by deadlySniper (Post 2422294)
I would like to thank you for this awesome plugin. Ever since I have installed it, it has stopped 110% of all spammers. I still have Spam-O-Matic installed and its numbers haven't increased one bit.

Hello deadlySniper,

Thank you for the feedback!

Best regards,

ru55ian 05-25-2013 09:52 PM

Found it to be conflicting with another VB mod when used together.


Opened a ticket # 3795

hoping for some easy fix.

KeyCAPTCHA 05-27-2013 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by ru55ian (Post 2424223)
Found it to be conflicting with another VB mod when used together.


It's a "Quick Reply for Guests for VB4 by BOP5" feature. To make it work with any captcha other than default/reCAPTCHA/SolveMedia you should add it's support to product .xml file.

For example, to add KeyCAPTCHA support you should modify "Quick Reply for Guests"'s xml in this way:

1. add

PHP Code:

     if ($vbulletin->options['hv_type'] == "KeyCAPTCHA")
$cache[]  = 'humanverify_keycaptcha'

PHP Code:

  if ($vbulletin->options['hv_type'] == "SolveMedia")
$cache[]  = 'humanverify_solvemedia'

2. replace
PHP Code:

if ($vbulletin->options['hv_type'] == "Recaptcha" OR $vbulletin->options['hv_type'] == "SolveMedia"

PHP Code:

if ($vbulletin->options['hv_type'] == "Recaptcha" OR $vbulletin->options['hv_type'] == "SolveMedia" OR $vbulletin->options['hv_type'] == "KeyCAPTCHA"

Best regards, KeyCAPTCHA Team

ru55ian 05-27-2013 05:28 PM

that resolved the issue. Thanks for quick resolution.

KeyCAPTCHA 05-29-2013 10:39 AM

Great news!

Next week we will celebrate 3 years of our service. That is why we have a gift to our customers who registered before June 4, 2013.
The gift is a free 3-month usage of a paid KeyCAPTCHA enhancement.
So, what enhancement would you prefer?
1. Magnetic
2. M+
3. Personal

Please post just 1,2 or 3

We will count the results on June 30 and enable the most popular enhancement for our customers for 3 months.
Please note that the same public poll is also posted on other websites where KeyCAPTCHA plugins are published.
And the final result will depend on all public polls.

Best regards,

KeyCAPTCHA 05-29-2013 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by ru55ian (Post 2424507)
that resolved the issue. Thanks for quick resolution.

Hello ru55ian,

You are welcome!

Best regards,

RaceJunkies 05-29-2013 11:23 AM

Just installed and KeyCaptcha box does not show...

KeyCAPTCHA 05-29-2013 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by RaceJunkies (Post 2424774)
Just installed and KeyCaptcha box does not show...

Hello Marvin Maduro,

Please open a support ticket at www.keycaptcha.com and our experts will be happy to help you.

Best regards,

Floyd R Turbo 05-29-2013 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by KeyCAPTCHA (Post 2424769)
So, what enhancement would you prefer?
1. Magnetic
2. M+
3. Personal

I can't find any information on what these enhancements actually are. That would sure help me choose!

KeyCAPTCHA 05-29-2013 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Floyd R Turbo (Post 2424779)
I can't find any information on what these enhancements actually are. That would sure help me choose!

Hello Floyd R Turbo,

The rules of this website don't allow self-promotion. That is why we didn't publish here any detailed info on our paid enhancements. But you can find all info in Demo section of our website and in your account at www.keycaptcha.com

Best regards,

RaceJunkies 05-29-2013 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by KeyCAPTCHA (Post 2424778)
Hello Marvin Maduro,

Please open a support ticket at www.keycaptcha.com and our experts will be happy to help you.

Best regards,

Support ticket opened and problem solved!

Thank you very much KeyCAPTCHA Team!:)

KeyCAPTCHA 05-30-2013 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by RaceJunkies (Post 2424789)
Support ticket opened and problem solved!

Thank you very much KeyCAPTCHA Team!:)

Hello RaceJunkies,

Thank you for your feedback.
We are happy when we read such messages.

Best regards,

KeyCAPTCHA 05-31-2013 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Floyd R Turbo (Post 2424779)
I can't find any information on what these enhancements actually are. That would sure help me choose!

Hello Floyd R Turbo,

Have you made your choice?

P.S. KeyCAPTCHA mod has been nominated for Mod of the Month!
Thanks to everyone who nominated our mod.

We would appreciate if you would vote for your favorite mod at MOTM for May 2013.

Please note that to vote you should be logged in.

Best regards,

Judith2 06-10-2013 12:21 PM

Does it cost anything if I register on and log-in to your site (https://www.keycaptcha.com)?

KeyCAPTCHA 06-11-2013 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Judith2 (Post 2427086)
Does it cost anything if I register on and log-in to your site (https://www.keycaptcha.com)?

It will cost nothing.
You may use free version of captcha, it has the same secrity level (KeyCAPTCHA demo free-version)

Jurg 06-13-2013 07:22 PM

How long does it take for you to moderate custom images?

KeyCAPTCHA 06-14-2013 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Jurg (Post 2427944)
How long does it take for you to moderate custom images?

Usually it takes not more than one day. We are not in office all the time.

sross 06-25-2013 07:42 AM

Hi have been running your system on 2 forums, and it's been great -but the last 7-10 days one forum is getting hit with Movie DVD spam. It appears 2 bots register then dump 40 posts into the forums of Movie DVD titles. I'm pretty sure it's bots. I have a tool that catches the key words of their spam sites and places it in a moderation queue automatically, however it's getting old that they keep sneaking past my captcha. Have you seen anything like this? Thanks

KeyCAPTCHA 06-25-2013 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by sross (Post 2430334)
Hi have been running your system on 2 forums, and it's been great -but the last 7-10 days one forum is getting hit with Movie DVD spam. It appears 2 bots register then dump 40 posts into the forums of Movie DVD titles. I'm pretty sure it's bots. I have a tool that catches the key words of their spam sites and places it in a moderation queue automatically, however it's getting old that they keep sneaking past my captcha. Have you seen anything like this? Thanks

If you have only two bots and huge amount of spam then it looks like manual registraition and automatic spam (if you don't have human checking on register user post)
For more detail please open support ticket at keycaptcha.com
Best regards, KeyCAPTCHA Team

KeyCAPTCHA 07-03-2013 10:15 AM

Hello vBulletin.org Members,

Looks like that the format of our poll (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=2424769) was too difficult to take a part in this poll.

This week we will update our poll and publish a new link to a page where everyone will be able to vote.

In any case the poll ending will be postponed till the end of July.

Best regards,

KeyCAPTCHA 07-19-2013 05:31 AM

Hello vBulletin.org Members,

The poll is available here. Voting ends on July 31.

Best regards,

owning_y0u 08-18-2013 06:37 AM

Why should we pay for something when there are tons of free working interactive captcha's??

KeyCAPTCHA 09-10-2013 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by owning_y0u (Post 2439469)
Why should we pay for something when there are tons of free working interactive captcha's??

You may use it fo free.

Regards, KeyCAPTCHA Team

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