vb.org Archive

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-   -   Major Additions - CERBERUS: 1 vB4: runs multiple domains with custom styles, forums, universal login (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=254197)

sticky 01-28-2011 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2155851)
I have gone live with this mod however it looks like I will have to remove it as there are far too many issues with it on my site. Most of my other mods don't work but I guess this mod would be ok for stock standard vb installs.

vbDynamics doesn't work (I have 10 instances of this mod)
vbLinks doesn't work
Members who have visited (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=221579) doesn't work
Even after making the changes to the Archives I still get a warning error across the top of the Archives page
Chat room doesn't work as it is licensed to only one domain
Same as vbTubePro...only licensed to one domain
and most importantly once this mod was implemented I noticed an impact on SEO figures

Sorry, the concept is great and would be a great asset to vb if it became a vb feature that was supported so mod developers would develop their mods accordingly.

Still have a great need for this so does anyone have any suggestions on alternatives? I have 6 domains with each one having geographic specific TLDs that need to have a category of forums dedicated to each one with the remaining forums across all domains

I'm surprised you are having so many issues, I'm loving the mod.

What impact did it have on SEO for you? I've noticed a boost.

Also, all my mods work and I see no reason why VBtube wouldn't.

I understand why this isn't supported as just looking at this thread it would be a mess and suck up a ton of time to support. I'm stoked this is out and can't thank them enough for going through with it. It has errors, sure, but it works extremely well and the community has done a great job of fixing the bugs.

el_capiton 01-29-2011 12:33 AM

i've read the thread and i'm using KW802 xml file and i get that issue.
also did anyone get problems with moderators that can't access moderator zone. it keeps loading the login page

KW802 01-29-2011 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by el_capiton (Post 2155908)
i've read the thread and i'm using KW802 xml file and i get that issue.

I could've sworn I responded earlier today (pretty lengthy response, I must've not saved it. It's been a long week. :o)... anyway, if you are seeing the vB archive page at all then it means that something is wrong since the plugin that comes with this product is actually designed to redirect the archive URLs to their production counterpart. If you scroll back a page or two you'll find some additional edits that need to be done to the plugin; those changes aren't in the XML I posted way back since at the time those edits weren't known.

So cliff notes... this product will disable your archive page if you have it enabled, there are edits that need to be done to the plugin, and if you are seeing the archive page then those edits haven't been applied.

iBaker 01-29-2011 02:24 AM

The main issue I am having with this mod is the Styles. I have:
Settings -> Options -> Style & Language Settings
Default Style = <my default style i.e. style_id_1>
- Allow Users To Change Styles = Yes

Styles and Templates -> Style Manager
- I have 7 styles with sequential IDs 1 to 7
- Each style is ticked for "Allow User Selection"
- All styles are parent styles

My navbar menu has links in it to Domain1...Domain2 thru to Domain7

When ever I go from domain to domain the style remains as Style1 i.e. my default style

To fix this I go to each domain and set the style manually in the style chooser in the footer...all domains use the right styles now

Go out of the site and log in to the admincp log out, open the site up and all domains are are back to showing the default style even though I logged in to the admincp using domain2 and opened the site using domain 2 that should be using styleid 2

This is the biggest frustrating thing about using this mod and if this can be fixed then I could look at some of the other issues.

Incidentally the only way to fix the Archive error is to just completely turn the Archive off but isn't the Archive used extensively by search engines???...If I turn it on the Archive works except it has the error warning printed across the top even after making the Archive changes a few pages back

iBaker 01-29-2011 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by el_capiton (Post 2155908)
i've read the thread and i'm using KW802 xml file and i get that issue.
also did anyone get problems with moderators that can't access moderator zone. it keeps loading the login page

Not sure if this helps you but when I first switched the mod on and then later tried to login to the admincp it wouldn't login...it would just keep showing the login page.

It turns out that in my .htaccess file I had a redirect of domain.com to www.domain.com - once I removed that in the htaccess file I could log in to the admincp...just a thought that might start some investigation for you

andrefedalto 01-29-2011 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by el_capiton (Post 2155908)
i've read the thread and i'm using KW802 xml file and i get that issue.
also did anyone get problems with moderators that can't access moderator zone. it keeps loading the login page

I posted the solution 2 pages behind:

Originally Posted by andrefedalto (Post 2151665)
For the ones that are having problems to login on AdminCP/ModCP, follow this:

Go to AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Plugin Manager > Edit plugin "Domains Login" from Cerberus. Replace the original code:

PHP Code:

$vb_cerberus_login vb_cerberus_iframe("login");

$templater vB_Template::create('STANDARD_REDIRECT');

$vbulletin->templatecache['STANDARD_REDIRECT'] = str_replace('<div class="standard_error">
$vb_cerberus_login '<div class="standard_error">

for this:
PHP Code:

if ($vbulletin->GPC['logintype'] != 'cplogin' && $vbulletin->GPC['logintype'] != 'modcplogin')
$vb_cerberus_login vb_cerberus_iframe("login");
$templater vB_Template::create('STANDARD_REDIRECT');
$vbulletin->templatecache['STANDARD_REDIRECT'] = str_replace('<div class="standard_error">
$vb_cerberus_login '<div class="standard_error">

This fix the problem with login to panels. Be aware that you need to clear your cookies to get this working also.

Alfa1 01-29-2011 03:30 PM

Please consider the functionality request in here:

sticky 01-29-2011 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2156099)
Please consider the functionality request in here:

That is what it does...

iBaker 01-29-2011 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by sticky (Post 2155899)
I'm surprised you are having so many issues, I'm loving the mod.

What impact did it have on SEO for you? I've noticed a boost.

Also, all my mods work and I see no reason why VBtube wouldn't.

I understand why this isn't supported as just looking at this thread it would be a mess and suck up a ton of time to support. I'm stoked this is out and can't thank them enough for going through with it. It has errors, sure, but it works extremely well and the community has done a great job of fixing the bugs.

Thanks Sticky
The SEO I have noticed is that by now having 7 different domains the traffic is being spread across all 7 thus lowering the rating on the main domain that was rated very highly. This I know is logical and naturally expected however with competing sites so close behind my site and just waiting in the wind to swamp my first place ranking I wonder whether this will have an adverse effect on the placement of my site in Google search. I can see that possibly instead of having first place in Google I may end up with 7 places (that would be good) but much further down in the Google search results (that will be bad)

Alfa1 01-29-2011 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by sticky (Post 2156148)
That is what it does...

Cerberus shares forums between sites. Not blogs, social groups and CMS content. The latter is particularly important if you want to use the CMS for your home pages and want every site to have a different homepage.

KW802 01-29-2011 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2156219)
Cerberus shares forums between sites. Not blogs, social groups and CMS content. The latter is particularly important if you want to use the CMS for your home pages and want every site to have a different homepage.

Are you sure you read this whole thread? This mod is mean to use multiple domains with on vB database which is what you are describing.

Alfa1 01-29-2011 11:08 PM

Maybe Im not describing it clearly enough. I understand that this modification allows us to run multiple sites from one database. Which is excellent. But as the image in the OP shows:

The above explains that you can not use a custom CMS or blog for each domain. Nor can you use custom groups. So if I am understanding that correctly this means that all sites can not have different CMS home pages. And thereby their identity is not completely separated from the other sites. I need to be able to have different CMS homepages per site.

KW802 01-29-2011 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2156233)
... So if I am understanding that correctly this means that all sites can not have different CMS home pages. ...

Again, are you sure you read through this entire thread? If you had, then you'd have seen that one of the edits done & posted in this thread is to allow those running CMS as their home page to define a different CMS page per domain.

Alfa1 01-29-2011 11:59 PM

I did miss your updated version. But consider 2 websites that both have multiple sections and many articles in those sections. So we are not talking about 1 CMS page per site, but hundreds. How could that be resolved?

sticky 01-30-2011 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2156219)
Cerberus shares forums between sites. Not blogs, social groups and CMS content. The latter is particularly important if you want to use the CMS for your home pages and want every site to have a different homepage.

No to you :P

I have CMS content working, yes, particularly important and it works great.

sticky 01-30-2011 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 2156247)
Again, are you sure you read through this entire thread? If you had, then you'd have seen that one of the edits done & posted in this thread is to allow those running CMS as their home page to define a different CMS page per domain.

People just aren't reading the thread, you were the key to getting it to work and I thank you.

Alfa1 01-30-2011 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by sticky (Post 2156392)
No to you :P

I have CMS content working, yes, particularly important and it works great.

Hahaha. Show me how the CMS works on your sites. I need more than 1 page and more than 1 section per domain.

sticky 01-30-2011 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2156457)
Hahaha. Show me how the CMS works on your sites. I need more than 1 page and more than 1 section per domain.

I don't see why you could not have more than section per domain but how I have it set up now is a section per domain.

I suggest you just read the thread and if you can't get it to do what you want ask someone nicely to help you.... or not, whatever.

FReeSTER 01-30-2011 06:23 PM

we need few more votes guys, we are almost on top for Mod of The Month which will close I think today.

C'mon guys this Mod is great if not the best posted in vB.org

Follow up here

sticky 01-30-2011 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by FReeSTER (Post 2156569)
we need few more votes guys, we are almost on top for Mod of The Month which will close I think today.

C'mon guys this Mod is great if not the best posted in vB.org

Follow up here

It's the best ever, period.

FReeSTER 01-30-2011 08:10 PM

I know bro, 52 installed out of 277 Downloads and not even 40 MOTM votes. People are so lazy. Tehn they come and ask to get support from the originator. errrrrr

Alfa1 01-30-2011 11:50 PM

I voted for it.

I now went trough the entire thread for a second time and did a test install to find out as much as possible.

Both domains have a different CMS homepage. But how do you hide the sections that belongs to domain A, from users that are browsing on domain B and vice versa?

All article comments reside in one and the same forum. So the comments relating to the articles of both domains will reside in the same CMS comments forum. And that will make comments from both domains visible on 'new posts'. I dont know how to resolve that one.
It seems that the CMS comments forum needs a category above it and that needs to be activated on every domain. Otherwise CMS comments do not seem to work on each domain.

Does anyone have a tip on how to hide the style of the other domain, while still showing several styles attributed to the domain the user is on?

When searching in quick search I get results from both domains. In cerberus settings Local Search Scope is ON.

FReeSTER 01-31-2011 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2156711)
I voted for it.

I now went trough the entire thread for a second time and did a test install to find out as much as possible.

Both domains have a different CMS homepage. But how do you hide the sections that belongs to domain A, from users that are browsing on domain B and vice versa?

All article comments reside in one and the same forum. So the comments relating to the articles of both domains will reside in the same CMS comments forum. And that will make comments from both domains visible on 'new posts'. I dont know how to resolve that one.
It seems that the CMS comments forum needs a category above it and that needs to be activated on every domain. Otherwise CMS comments do not seem to work on each domain.

Does anyone have a tip on how to hide the style of the other domain, while still showing several styles attributed to the domain the user is on?

When searching in quick search I get results from both domains. In cerberus settings Local Search Scope is ON.

You do that from the Cerberus Options at AdminCP. There you have options for CatID where you will put the categories ID you want to show per sub-domain

FReeSTER 01-31-2011 07:11 PM

One question guys.

How can I Totally disable google adsence from one subdomain?
One of the forums have made are against google adsence policy and I will like to not add any adsence on that sub-domain.

How can I do this from Cerberus?

oz_moses 01-31-2011 08:42 PM

Use a custom style on that domain that doesn't show your ads

FReeSTER 01-31-2011 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by oz_moses (Post 2157103)
Use a custom style on that domain that doesn't show your ads

Damn that is great. lol How come I didnt thought about this. lol
But I think it can be done from the mod itself. Sometimes we use the blocks ect to add this adsence.

I will be more then please to see if it can be done from Cerberus itself

Alfa1 01-31-2011 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by FReeSTER (Post 2157020)
You do that from the Cerberus Options at AdminCP. There you have options for CatID where you will put the categories ID you want to show per sub-domain

Thanks, but I dont understand which of my questions you are answering.

These are my questions:
  1. Both domains have a different CMS homepage. But how do you hide the sections that belongs to domain A, from users that are browsing on domain B and vice versa?
  2. All CMS comments reside in one and the same forum. So the comments relating to the articles of both domains will reside in the same CMS comments forum. And that will make comments from both domains visible on 'new posts'. I dont want users on domain A to see comments related to the topic on domain B. I dont know how to resolve that one. Does anyone know?
  3. It seems that the CMS comments forum needs a category above it and that needs to be activated on every domain. Otherwise CMS comments do not seem to work on each domain. Is there any way to hide the comments forum, but show the comments in CMS?
  4. Does anyone have a tip on how to hide the style of the other domain, while still showing several styles attributed to the domain the user is on?
  5. When searching in quick search I get results from both domains. In cerberus settings Local Search Scope is ON. Is there any way to fix this?

BirdOPrey5 01-31-2011 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by FReeSTER (Post 2157109)
Damn that is great. lol How come I didnt thought about this. lol
But I think it can be done from the mod itself. Sometimes we use the blocks ect to add this adsence.

I will be more then please to see if it can be done from Cerberus itself

I don't see how this would ever be part of Cerberus itself but you can use this condition in your template to show the google code to every domain but one.


<vb:if condition="$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'www.domainx.com'">



Where "domainx.com" is the domain you don't want to show the code on.

FReeSTER 02-01-2011 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2157160)
I don't see how this would ever be part of Cerberus itself but you can use this condition in your template to show the google code to every domain but one.


<vb:if condition="$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'www.domainx.com'">



Where "domainx.com" is the domain you don't want to show the code on.

OMG bro you are a GENIUS!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from here to japan :D:up::up::up::up:

Fready 02-01-2011 05:20 AM

There is no installation instructions, so how do you add another domain to run off the software?
What else do you need to do to have 2 domains and 2 forums running?

Alfa1 02-01-2011 01:04 PM

You need to configure the domain in your cpanel /directadmin. Then configure it in cerberus, like explained in this thread. Several members have posted their configuration. On page 15 you will find the last version of this software.

BirdOPrey5 02-01-2011 02:40 PM

WooHoo! Mod of the Month!

iBaker 02-01-2011 03:24 PM

Can some advise whether it makes any difference if you use www or not in the settings for this mod?

And, is anyone else suffering like me with this mod that the style doesn't remain attached to the selected domain after you have gone into the admincp. For example I have:
domain1 uses style1 (site default)
domain2 uses style2
domain3 uses style3
After I have gone into the admincp for something and go back to useing the site all domains are using style1 and I have to manually set the style to each domain again using the style selector in the footer.

FReeSTER 02-01-2011 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2157349)
WooHoo! Mod of the Month!

Yeah Baby. !!!!!!!!!! hahahhaa

FReeSTER 02-01-2011 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2157363)
Can some advise whether it makes any difference if you use www or not in the settings for this mod?

And, is anyone else suffering like me with this mod that the style doesn't remain attached to the selected domain after you have gone into the admincp. For example I have:
domain1 uses style1 (site default)
domain2 uses style2
domain3 uses style3
After I have gone into the admincp for something and go back to useing the site all domains are using style1 and I have to manually set the style to each domain again using the style selector in the footer.

I have used www only on the main page or main domain. The others I have add just the domain with out the www

KW802 02-01-2011 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2157363)
Can some advise whether it makes any difference if you use www or not in the settings for this mod?

I would think it would depend on on if you're using any other sub-domains but, for me at least, I am using a .htaccess file to redirect non-WWW to the WWW version and then in the ACP settings I am using just Example.com everywhere and not www.Example.com.


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2157363)
And, is anyone else suffering like me with this mod that the style doesn't remain attached to the selected domain after you have gone into the admincp. For example I have:
domain1 uses style1 (site default)
domain2 uses style2
domain3 uses style3
After I have gone into the admincp for something and go back to useing the site all domains are using style1 and I have to manually set the style to each domain again using the style selector in the footer.

Something is screwy then because one of the plugins should be forcing the style per domain (I'm actually surprised the style selector is working for you; haven't tried turning it on myself yet).

If it helps any, I have "Allow Users To Change Styles" set to "No" and then I have the check boxes turned on for each of the styles that are associated to the various domains in the Cerberus configuration settings.

KW802 02-01-2011 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2157349)
WooHoo! Mod of the Month!

Maybe it'll help motivate the IB crew to check in now that they see that there are indeed people interested in this mod. :p

iBaker 02-02-2011 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 2157576)
I would think it would depend on on if you're using any other sub-domains but, for me at least, I am using a .htaccess file to redirect non-WWW to the WWW version and then in the ACP settings I am using just Example.com everywhere and not www.Example.com.

Something is screwy then because one of the plugins should be forcing the style per domain (I'm actually surprised the style selector is working for you; haven't tried turning it on myself yet).

If it helps any, I have "Allow Users To Change Styles" set to "No" and then I have the check boxes turned on for each of the styles that are associated to the various domains in the Cerberus configuration settings.

Thanks KW...I have tried all different combinations and with me using vba CMPS I changed all the images and icon paths removing the first domain and just having ../images/etc but still have the issue with this mod.

These are my parameters:
bbtitle=Recreational Flying

bbtitle=Recreational Flying Australia

bbtitle=Recreational Flying New Zealand

bbtitle=Recreational Flying Canada

bbtitle=Recreational Flying South Africa

bbtitle=Recreational Flying United Kingdom

bbtitle=Recreational Flying United States

I have search set to per domain and the SALT set to a 6 character string

It all works ok when going back and forth to any of the domains but once I login to the admincp I have to manually set the style per domain the first time I revisit each one

KW802 02-02-2011 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2157616)
Thanks KW...I have tried all different combinations and with me using vba CMPS I changed all the images and icon paths removing the first domain and just having ../images/etc but still have the issue with this mod.

For my image paths, I have vBulletin in my root folder also and am using "../images/etc" path for all of my images (smilies, post icons, stylevars, etc.). Good to see somebody else pick up on that trick. :p As far as my main page, also using vBa CMPS, I am using some code that is not part of Cerberus to have a different vBa CMPS page per domain with different content.


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2157616)
It all works ok when going back and forth to any of the domains but once I login to the admincp I have to manually set the style per domain the first time I revisit each one

As a guest randomly visiting your links I am seeing the same style for every URL.

For reference, you can find some of my Cerberus sites at CinVin, VZ Talk, and Lower Pottsgrove (LP).

Here are the ACP Cerberus settings for those sites (CinVin.com is the "real" site and is where the database actually resides)...


bbtitle=Lower Pottsgrove
hometitle=Lower Pottsgrove
keywords=lower pottsgrove, pottstown, spring city, royersford, birdsboro, sanatoga
description=Online community for Lower Pottsgrove, PA!

bbtitle=VZ Talk
hometitle=VZ Talk
keywords=verizon, fios, dsl, verizon wireless, iphone, android
description=Verizon Talk!  Discussion of all things Verizon.

I have the setting ACP => Settings => Options => Style & Language Settings => Allow Users To Change Styles set to "No".

I have the setting ACP => Settings => Options => Style & Language Settings =>Default Style set to the style that I want to use on the main CinVin.com domain.

Then in ACP => Styles & Templates => Style Manager I have a check box turned on only for the default style for CinVin.com and then for the style IDs specified in the Cerberus settings for the other domains.

iBaker 02-02-2011 02:30 AM

KW, you may think you are seeing the same style however the 0only things that are different are the links used in menus etc - the colour scheme is the same but templates are different to have the different links and on the right side of the footer you can check which style you are using as the country name is listed...each footer template in each style has the country name hard coded so I can tell which style is active.

How I created the styles was exported the default style that had all my template changes (style1), created new standard styles (styles 2,3,4 etc), imported the default style1 into each one of them and made the necessary template changes.

The template changes were things like the navbar where I have the different domains as menu choices so I hard coded the domains into the links, I have a chat room which is only licensed to the main domain so hard coded the chat room popup window to the main domain etc.

All images use the ../images/ address.

I haven't touched anything to do with vba CMPS, its modules, integration or pages etc

So I am at a loss as to why the mod doesn't work properly with styles for my site

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