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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - [obsolete!] vbMediaWiki 4.0.2 RC 3 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=235342)

Noerenberg 03-02-2010 01:17 AM

no link in the toolbox is working, why?

Noerenberg 03-02-2010 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by bepe (Post 1994567)
Wirklich komisch, der index.php?xxx=yyy&zzz... teil fehlt
versuche es mit dieser zeile am ende der LocalSettings.php:
PHP Code:

$wgUsePathInfo false

Aber irgendetwas ist da falsch auf deinem server...

Really strange, the index.php?xxx=yyy&zzz... part is missing
Try to add this line to the end of LocalSettings.php:
PHP Code:

$wgUsePathInfo false

But anyway, something must be wrong on your server

i try this and it worked.

but i cant change the stile. nothing is change

daddel80 03-02-2010 10:16 AM

Will subdomains supported by the last release or is it a misunderstanding from my side concerning the Readme?

tested with subdomain. It's working !:)

Noerenberg 03-02-2010 08:02 PM

?? i cant change the stile.

BRotondi 03-02-2010 08:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
O.K. Here the german language pack. Import it both in "Du" and "Sie", ignore Language Version.

New Version: 2010-03-03

InfoNirvana 03-03-2010 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by benjaminlwells (Post 1990008)
Looking forward to advances in this script. So far, it's amazing! If anyone wants to see it in action:



Great site.

I made an account there - for testers.
login: vbMediaWiki
pass: vbMediaWiki1

In this Modification ... can you get Forum Posts and Wiki articles to show up in the same "What's new" query ? Maybe call it "New Posts and Wiki Articles" or just "New" ?

daveaite 03-03-2010 04:26 PM

Mod of the month, eh eh?

I'm going to try and install this right now. wish me luck

I will be donating, no doubt. good job.

karkey 03-04-2010 12:58 PM

Hello there any reason i get this error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function construct_navbits() in /home/jtfcom/public_html/wiki/skins/vbMediaWiki.php on line 356

which is

                * 1. create navbar with place holders
                $navbits = construct_navbits( array('{wiki:raw rootlink}' => $vbulletin->options['mediawiki_name'],'' => '{wiki:raw actualtext}') );
                $navbar = render_navbar_template($navbits);

BRotondi 03-04-2010 05:03 PM


construct_navbits is defined in forum\includes\functions.php. You might set a wrong path or at all forget Install Point 3. in Post 1:

3. Add this two lines to your 'wiki/LocalSettings.php':
Greetings, Bruno

karkey 03-04-2010 07:59 PM

all installed


* My talk
* My preferences
* My watchlist
* My contributions

all go to my forum index and not the correct page any solution

BRotondi 03-04-2010 09:17 PM

Set Options correct?

karkey 03-05-2010 12:45 AM

1 Attachment(s)
seems like i have, see image

it located at http://www.jtf-2.com/wiki/ and my CMS is installed at http://www.jtf-2.com/

any more info will be appreciated

BRotondi 03-05-2010 05:25 AM

Created an account on your site but can't even find the links "My talk" etc. on jtf-2.com/wiki ... Perhaps you should go through your navbar template again... (btw: nice background image! :) )

BRotondi 03-05-2010 11:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
For german users: Perhaps you preferr to remove 4x

  text-transform: lowercase;
in w\skins\vbmediawiki\main.css to capitalize the tabs and headers.

Example with some more modifications here.

BRotondi 03-06-2010 02:52 PM

Interesting News (from Mediawiki Edits in Postbit & Profile): In Template postbit_legacy (or postbit) search for

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts}
and add

<vb:if condition="$post['wikiedits'] > 0">
    <dt>Wiki Edits</dt> <dd><a title="Wiki Edits" href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/{vb:raw post.username}">{vb:raw post.wikiedits}</a></dd>

below to see you wiki edits ({vb:raw post.wikiedits} is set by vbMediaWiki):
(Can someane confirm this? Not sure if really correct, since I first installed and later uninstalled Mediawiki Edits in Postbit & Profile. Or does anyone know how to put this Templatemodification into a plugin instead? {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts} seems to give us this possibility.)

ndahiya 03-06-2010 04:34 PM

hi bepe,

Regarding setting up a starting value for edits (for existing users):

Originally Posted by bepe (Post 1994376)

hm... not that easy for me... might take some time

add the following to the install code section. this will create a column (and index) to get the initial values for wikiedits, and then drop that column. so you start with initial values, and your database looks as it does right now.


$vbulletin->db->query_write("ALTER TABLE mw_user ADD vbusername varchar(255) collate latin1_swedish_ci default NULL");
$vbulletin->db->query_write("ALTER TABLE mw_user ADD INDEX vbusername_idx (vbusername)");

$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE mw_user SET vbusername = user_name WHERE vbusername is null");
        UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user
                SET user.wikiedits =
                        (  SELECT sum(user_editcount)
                        FROM mw_user
                        WHERE user.username = vbusername );
$vbulletin->db->query_write("ALTER TABLE mw_user DROP vbusername");

have to do a roundabout way to get a case insensitive username to compare to the vbulletin username, hence the latin1_swedish_ci for the column...

also, we need to change mw_user to wiki-database-name.mw_user (and mw_ to whatever prefix we are using), in case the wiki database is different. what this will still not populate is pages created (not sure if mediawiki can track that directly?)

a cleaner option might be to provide a link on the config page to update the data (after installing the app). that way no edits required to the xml file. but do not know how to set that up.



ndahiya 03-06-2010 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by BRotondi (Post 1998517)
Interesting News (from Mediawiki Edits in Postbit & Profile): In Template postbit_legacy (or postbit) search for

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts}
and add

<vb:if condition="$post['wikiedits'] > 0">
    <dt>Wiki Edits</dt> <dd><a title="Wiki Edits" href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/{vb:raw post.username}">{vb:raw post.wikiedits}</a></dd>

below to see you wiki edits ({vb:raw post.wikiedits} is set by vbMediaWiki):
(Can someane confirm this? Not sure if really correct, since I first installed and later uninstalled Mediawiki Edits in Postbit & Profile. Or does anyone know how to put this Templatemodification into a plugin instead? {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts} seems to give us this possibility.)

since the field name is the same (wikiedits), it will work. so bepe can just add this to the template mods, and this feature can be activated here too. the other mod is really redundant after bepe's awesome work!

karkey 03-06-2010 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by BRotondi (Post 1997543)
Created an account on your site but can't even find the links "My talk" etc. on jtf-2.com/wiki ... Perhaps you should go through your navbar template again... (btw: nice background image! :) )

Hi probably not a template problem

As non of the wiki links go to the correct place
They all go to

BRotondi 03-07-2010 10:14 AM

Perhaps you don't want any media wiki discussions any more. One solution: Create a Subforum (e.g. "Wiki Articles") and link to this forum instead to the wiki discussion page:
in vbMediaWiki.php search for

                    echo'><a href="'.htmlspecialchars($tab['href']).'"';
and replace with

                    if ($key != "talk") {
                        echo'><a  href="'.htmlspecialchars($tab['href']).'"';
                    } else {
                        echo'><a  href="/forum/forums/69-Wiki-Artikel"';

replacing the bold part with the correct link for your forum.

The same way you can remove the user discussion: In vbMediaWiki.php search for

        foreach($this->data['personal_urls'] as $key => $item) { ?>
            <li><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($item['href']) ?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($item['text']) ?></a></li><?php

and replace with

        foreach($this->data['personal_urls'] as $key => $item) {
            if ($key != "anontalk" && $key != "mytalk") { ?>
                <li><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($item['href']) ?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($item['text']) ?></a></li><?php


Greetings, Bruno

benjaminlwells 03-07-2010 10:46 AM

I like that Bruno! I already have a sub-forum set up for wiki discussion, and it just never occurred to me to do that, I love the idea, will do it later.

benjaminlwells 03-07-2010 11:08 AM

sorry for the double post. I just occurred to me, that though I want to do this, I would rather wait 'till the script is not being updated regularly, as I'm lazy and don't want to have to change the vbMediaWik files each time bepe does an update. Maybe Bebe will incorporate this idea, or maybe have an add-on version with a separate set of files if you want it like this... :D

Mukashi 03-07-2010 12:13 PM

Just to clarify and confirm...with this mod, the username on the forums needs to be identical to the username on the wiki, correct?

We've long had username changes enabled on our forums, and it's a feature a lot of our users would prefer not to lose. Is it possible that as a future extension to this mod, it may be possible for users to link their existing forum and mediawiki accounts together via a password confirm or something similar, so that the link remains permanent between the two no matter what the exact name is on the account currently?

Gargi 03-07-2010 12:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi! This one is a great heack and I testing it on my testinstallation. Just two problems I noticed for now:

a) No css changes are accepted. I edited the common.css via mediawiki and changed colors for the code and pre tag. These changes are ignored. Also changes of the default skins are ignored. And yes, I cleared my browser cache.

b) The divs are misplaced in Opera (checked it with the latest 10.50, see attachment, seen it on another users page here, cause I thought it has something to do with my own installation first ;) )

Additional question: Isn't it risky for security reasons to turn off the magic quotes?

Very, very good work! Keep on rocking!


BRotondi 03-07-2010 12:46 PM

Thanks benjaminlwells :).

@Mukashi: Yes, they must be identical. Perhaps your Idea could be done through two profile custom fields for wikiName and wikiPW for each user... but needs some research and experiments.

BRotondi 03-07-2010 12:47 PM

@Gargi: Did you changed the skin to vbMediaWiki? (LocalSettings and personal if changed.) And yes: Opera support not finished yet.

ndahiya 03-07-2010 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Mukashi (Post 1999052)
Just to clarify and confirm...with this mod, the username on the forums needs to be identical to the username on the wiki, correct?

We've long had username changes enabled on our forums, and it's a feature a lot of our users would prefer not to lose. Is it possible that as a future extension to this mod, it may be possible for users to link their existing forum and mediawiki accounts together via a password confirm or something similar, so that the link remains permanent between the two no matter what the exact name is on the account currently?

they need to be identical, but capitalization can be different.

Gargi 03-07-2010 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by BRotondi (Post 1999070)
@Gargi: Did you changed the skin to vbMediaWiki? (LocalSettings and personal if changed.) And yes: Opera support not finished yet.

Hi! Just haven't seen the globalWrapper thing in the css. Seems to be something special compared to the regular mediawiki css. Now I have set it to vbmediawiki and was able to do my changes within the common.css.

I only have two css modifications that works on a pure 1.15.1 installation but not within the integrated one:


.mw-warning {
        border: 1px solid #aaa;
        background-color: #d0effb;
        padding: 5px;
        font-size: 95%;
        border-collapse: separate;



body.page-Hauptseite h1.firstHeading { display:none; }
Having those also working would make the hack quite perfect for me :)

Thanks for any help!


Bouncer222 03-07-2010 06:05 PM

Where is this file located? I cannot find it... and these instructions are too vague and actually kinda incorrect!
It's supposed to be Upload the contents of the "forum_upload" directory into your forum root directory. not wiki root, I suggest you fix that, as your readme.txt in the package states the correct way, and some install instructions are missing in your first post.

Anyway where can I find the file to put in these 2 lines? Instructions dont specify this. And my wiki is located at www.brotherhoodofgamers.com/wiki vbulletin forum is in the root (public_html)


Gargi 03-07-2010 06:37 PM

I guess you mean the LocalSettings.php ? This file ist created within the config directory after the mediawiki installing procedure. Just copy the LocalSettings.php with the inserted vbmediawiki lines into the the wiki root directory. Dont't forget to chmod the config directory back to 755.


bepe 03-07-2010 06:55 PM

Sorry, I'm just stepping in to tell u all that I'll be busy some more days... when I'm back I'll take care about the problems and make a new updat

Bouncer222 03-07-2010 06:55 PM

what config directory? yeah I mean that file, but where is it? where to find it? Full directory please? my wiki is contained in www.brotherhoodofgamers.com/wiki and my vbulletin forums is at www.brotherhoodofgamers.com , (the root)

These instructions barely describe how to install this mod.

BRotondi 03-07-2010 07:56 PM

@bepe: Enjoy your days and thanks for your work here! (and last but not least never let your girl hang!! (if you can say so in English :) )

@Bouncer222: First install wiki and vB independent. If they run properly you will have learned most of the things you need. After that installing this mod will be much easier and clearer.

Greetings to all & good night!

Bouncer222 03-07-2010 08:41 PM

How am I supposed to install wiki properly if the instructions lack instructions?

I did everything it says except I cannot find where the localsettings.php file is ??
I have vb installed, this is pretty much the only mod I have seen that has this type of vague instructions.

my wiki is at www.brotherhoodofgamers.com/wiki but it shows it in directory, I guess because its not done yet, I did everything else except that file editing.

karkey 03-08-2010 01:23 AM

Forget it i've remove the dam thing

ndahiya 03-08-2010 02:01 AM

hi bepe,

i had a user complain about his recent edits not showing under what's new (new wiki pages), before i realized that this link only shows new pages and not new edits.

however, the wiki is different from a forum in that a edit is actually the same as a new post... so really we should be capturing it. (wonder if a way to do it is to do a delete and then add to the index to record it as a "new" page in the search index?)

in the interim, i am thinking of adding a link to recent changes (wiki special page) in the submenu under what's new. where do i make that change?


Bouncer222 03-08-2010 02:11 AM

uninstalled...installation instructions are very bad.

Gargi 03-08-2010 03:28 AM

Installation instructions are for the modification itself and not for installing the mediawiki. First you have to learn howto install the mediawiki and get your things together ( http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual...ling_MediaWiki ) . After that, you are able to install the mod as it is described here.

Just for a hint (that worked for me): Install the wiki within your document path where vbulletin 4 is installed so you can call it by http:// my name of my page/mediawiki . That will make it easier to get the vbulletin integration later.

Don't blame bepe's work for not being able to get the basics to run by yourselves! ;)


BRotondi 03-08-2010 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Gargi (Post 1999581)
Installation instructions are for the modification itself and not for installing the mediawiki.

Interesting, that people do not understand this... But since we now had more than one user with this problem, bepe could add this in his installation instructions:

  1. Install vBulletin and MediaWiki. They must run independent and properly. (For MediaWiki consult mediawiki.org and mwusers.com!) After that you can install vbMediaWiki, which is the bridge between them.

starman? 03-08-2010 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 1999552)
uninstalled...installation instructions are very bad.

You are seriously rude. This is a beta and the developer has put many many hours into this. Just because you are unable to install it due to your own lack of knowledge there is no need to take it out on Bepe.


Originally Posted by BRotondi (Post 1999671)
Interesting, that people do not understand this... But since we now had more than one user with this problem, bepe could add this in his installation instructions:

Good point BRotondi. Perhaps it will stop the kind of posts Bepe and yourself have been receiving.

Bepe. Enjoy your time off. See you soon (very soon ;) ) I hope!

dadams982 03-08-2010 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 1999552)
uninstalled...installation instructions are very bad.

Ignored, competence is very low.

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