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Supramania 03-30-2010 12:32 AM

Sometime over the last month/few weeks, something has gone wrong with my install.

My forms all submit one letter per question, even if users type in a lot of data, radio button choices are ignored and they default to the first choice - you can see it when you preview the form before you submit.

Sound at all familiar?

your24hourstore 03-30-2010 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Supramania (Post 2012554)
Sometime over the last month/few weeks, something has gone wrong with my install.

My forms all submit one letter per question, even if users type in a lot of data, radio button choices are ignored and they default to the first choice - you can see it when you preview the form before you submit.

Sound at all familiar?

have you tried to reinstalled over it? ..install 406 see if that works. probibly from the 4.0.2 patch level 4 ypgrade messed a bunch o stuff up

your24hourstore 03-30-2010 02:37 AM

You spend a lot of time making code for peeps LOL

I was wondering if you could make this archive the thread your form creates after 30 days or so maybe even make it customizable close and delete it after x many days

What you got in your bag o tricks for something like that ? maybe a kool plugin we could use to do it :D

your24hourstore 03-30-2010 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Supramania (Post 2012554)
Sometime over the last month/few weeks, something has gone wrong with my install.

My forms all submit one letter per question, even if users type in a lot of data, radio button choices are ignored and they default to the first choice - you can see it when you preview the form before you submit.

Sound at all familiar?

mine is displaying numbers where text should be shown...
not sure when it started doing it :>

or if it is something i did when applying my new plugin for thread submit:eek:

stuky4ever 03-30-2010 04:16 AM

How can I change the output it sends to {q_1}? On title it shows numbers instead of the actual answer. E.G You want? Cat Dog Turtle it would display {q_1} Animal = 1 Animal instead of the actual result Cat Animal.

bananalive 03-30-2010 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by stuky4ever (Post 2012642)
How can I change the output it sends to {q_1}? On title it shows numbers instead of the actual answer. E.G You want? Cat Dog Turtle it would display {q_1} Animal = 1 Animal instead of the actual result Cat Animal.

Use {qo_1}

bananalive 03-30-2010 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by harleyparts (Post 2012623)
mine is displaying numbers where text should be shown...
not sure when it started doing it :>

or if it is something i did when applying my new plugin for thread submit:eek:

If you are using custom output try using {qo_1} instead of {q_1}

bananalive 03-30-2010 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by harleyparts (Post 2012610)
You spend a lot of time making code for peeps LOL

I was wondering if you could make this archive the thread your form creates after 30 days or so maybe even make it customizable close and delete it after x many days

What you got in your bag o tricks for something like that ? maybe a kool plugin we could use to do it :D

There is a another modification which does this, it's calledsomething like: Auto Prune Threads

bananalive 03-30-2010 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Supramania (Post 2012554)
Sometime over the last month/few weeks, something has gone wrong with my install.

My forms all submit one letter per question, even if users type in a lot of data, radio button choices are ignored and they default to the first choice - you can see it when you preview the form before you submit.

Sound at all familiar?

No-ones ever reported anything like this before.

What field type are you using?

Have you got anything in your form hooks?

Have you modified any of the templates?

valendono 03-30-2010 09:07 AM

for the Question Dropdown, the Output only number... only me or this the bugs ?

bananalive 03-30-2010 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by valendono (Post 2012756)
for the Question Dropdown, the Output only number... only me or this the bugs ?

Are you using custom output? If so try using {qo_1} instead of {q_1}

your24hourstore 03-30-2010 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2012743)
Use {qo_1}

not using custom

your24hourstore 03-30-2010 12:11 PM

i uninstalled the 406 version and reinstalled it and got the same error numbers as answers instead of words or letter, so i uninstalled again and installed 403 and it worked as it did when i made the forms so its in that new version whatever it is

your24hourstore 03-30-2010 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2012746)
There is a another modification which does this, it's calledsomething like: Auto Prune Threads

vB Version: 3.5.0 Rating: (13 votes - 4.85 average) Installs: 162
Released: 01 Nov 2005 Last Update: Never Downloads: 382
Not Supported DB Changes Uses Plugins


bananalive 03-30-2010 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by harleyparts (Post 2012824)
i uninstalled the 406 version and reinstalled it and got the same error numbers as answers instead of words or letter, so i uninstalled again and installed 403 and it worked as it did when i made the forms so its in that new version whatever it is

I cannot replicate issue, what question types are you using?

Martyh 03-30-2010 05:54 PM

Hi BannaLive, is there anything being done with the auto-subscribe function. I still can't get the user to be subscribed to the new thread, thanks.

Bobbo 03-30-2010 05:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I thought someone posted about this one, but I cant seem to find the post, unless I am simply confused which is not uncommon. :rolleyes:

I only allow access to the Forms navbar tab for admins. Site users access the individual forms via direct links from different places in the site. Since they dont have access to the forms navbar tab, the selected navbar ends up defaulting to the Forum tab, which might be confusing to a site member.

I was thinking there may be 2 different ways I could address this. One would be to figure out how to get the selectednavtab to work with a different tab. I tried adding a conditional on the 'Easy Forms - Forms Tab' plugin to set the selectednavtab to, for example, 'vbcms', but end result is that no tab is selected when viewing a form. (this is cleaner than having the forum tab selected, but not ideal)

The other option I thought of was modifying the navbit section, which I circled in the attached image. What would be ideal is if rather than linking to site.com/misc.php?do=forms it could link to a custom URL based on the form I was using. Then at least, the site user could easily navigate back to where they had been previous to selecting the form.

Supramania 03-31-2010 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by harleyparts (Post 2012596)
have you tried to reinstalled over it? ..install 406 see if that works. probibly from the 4.0.2 patch level 4 ypgrade messed a bunch o stuff up

I just did, with allow overwrite. No effect.


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2012748)
No-ones ever reported anything like this before.

What field type are you using?

Have you got anything in your form hooks?

Have you modified any of the templates?

It's happening with all of my forms, they are a mixed bag, radio buttons, free text, etc.

Here's some screenshots to show you what's happening.

Here's the form before you fill it in:

Here's the form after I've filled it in:

Here's the "preview":

Here's what it looks like in the form results:

I've checked the tables, no errors in structure.

Here's what the sdata field looks like:


a:13:{i:32;s:4:"1979";s:0:"";s:1:"'";i:33;s:5:"Targa";i:34;s:18:"Normally Aspirated";i:35;s:1:"B";i:36;s:4:"M-EU";i:37;s:10:"W50 Manual";i:38;s:1:"W";i:39;s:1:"t";i:40;s:1:"t";i:41;s:1:"t";i:42;s:1:"t";i:43;s:1:"'";}
So it's getting mauled before insertion into the table.

Any ideas?

LifesGreatestGift 03-31-2010 07:29 AM

In template form_view delete <div class="body_wrapper"> on line 1 and its closing </div> at the end.

Template conflict.

( not responding to anyone's problems, just something I noticed :) )

your24hourstore 03-31-2010 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2012961)
I cannot replicate issue, what question types are you using?

HTML Code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

        <description>post part in Alabama</description>
        <category>alabama parts</category>
        <polloptions />
        <pollquestion />
        <submitmessage />
        <formoutput>{qn_2}:  {q_2}
{qn_3}:  {q_3} ({qn_4}:  {q_4})

{qn_5}:  {q_5}</formoutput>
        <pref />
        <pstf />
        <beforesubmit>$disabled_updateuserids = true;</beforesubmit>
        <formstart />
        <email />
        <pmrec />
        <prefixid />
                <question id="1" fid="1" displayorder="10" type="1" compulsory="0" rows="3" cols="40" maxlength="255" size="40" perrow="1" guestonly="0" minlength="">
                        <question>Part Name</question>
                        <description />
                        <options />
                        <ereg />
                        <custom />
                        <reference />
                <question id="2" fid="1" displayorder="20" type="5" compulsory="1" rows="0" cols="0" maxlength="0" size="0" perrow="0" guestonly="0" minlength="0">
                        <question>What Model</question>
                        <description>the model if known</description>


                        <ereg />
                        <custom />
                        <reference />
                <question id="3" fid="1" displayorder="30" type="5" compulsory="1" rows="0" cols="0" maxlength="0" size="0" perrow="0" guestonly="0" minlength="">
                        <question>Is this a complete parts Bike</question>
                        <description>complete bike for parts</description>
                        <options>No just  individual part or parts
yes a basket case unwrecked
yes a basket case wrecked</options>
                        <ereg />
                        <custom />
                        <reference />
                <question id="4" fid="1" displayorder="40" type="2" compulsory="0" rows="0" cols="0" maxlength="0" size="0" perrow="0" guestonly="0" minlength="">
                        <question>Has Title</question>
                        <description>has a title yes or no</description>
                        <options />
                        <ereg />
                        <custom />
                        <reference />
                <question id="5" fid="1" displayorder="50" type="8" compulsory="1" rows="3" cols="40" maxlength="255" size="40" perrow="1" guestonly="0" minlength="">
                        <question>Description and contact info</question>
                        <description>describe the parts and leave any contact information</description>
                        <options />
                        <ereg />
                        <custom />
                        <reference />

Heldenverband 03-31-2010 12:44 PM


vB Editor works fine as part of this form but attachment is not working. It is not possible to click this icon.

Any ideas ?

bananalive 03-31-2010 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Heldenverband (Post 2013417)

vB Editor works fine as part of this form but attachment is not working. It is not possible to click this icon.

Any ideas ?

At the moment, users submitting the forum, need permission to attach files in forum, thread is being posted in. Otherwise they will get no permission error

bananalive 03-31-2010 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by harleyparts (Post 2013350)
HTML Code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


Just imported form, and it worked fine on my forum. What vBulletin version are you running?

bananalive 03-31-2010 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Bobbo (Post 2012990)
I thought someone posted about this one, but I cant seem to find the post, unless I am simply confused which is not uncommon. :rolleyes:

I only allow access to the Forms navbar tab for admins. Site users access the individual forms via direct links from different places in the site. Since they dont have access to the forms navbar tab, the selected navbar ends up defaulting to the Forum tab, which might be confusing to a site member.

I was thinking there may be 2 different ways I could address this. One would be to figure out how to get the selectednavtab to work with a different tab. I tried adding a conditional on the 'Easy Forms - Forms Tab' plugin to set the selectednavtab to, for example, 'vbcms', but end result is that no tab is selected when viewing a form. (this is cleaner than having the forum tab selected, but not ideal)

The other option I thought of was modifying the navbit section, which I circled in the attached image. What would be ideal is if rather than linking to site.com/misc.php?do=forms it could link to a custom URL based on the form I was using. Then at least, the site user could easily navigate back to where they had been previous to selecting the form.

On Edit Form page:
  1. Add the following php code in the Form Hook: Form Start box:
  2. PHP Code:

    $navbits construct_navbits(array(
    'customurl' => construct_phrase("yourtexthere"),
    '' => construct_phrase($vbphrase['viewing_form'], $form['title'])
    $navbardone true

  3. Change customurl above to a url like showthread.php?thread=1
  4. Change yourtexthere to text you want displayed, eg. thread 1

bananalive 03-31-2010 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Martyh (Post 2012988)
Hi BannaLive, is there anything being done with the auto-subscribe function. I still can't get the user to be subscribed to the new thread, thanks.

I've been trying to get this working but for some reason it isn't letting me do it atm.

NFLfbJunkie 03-31-2010 03:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I looked through all 23 pages of this thread and don't believe I found an answer to my question. Is there a way to move the radio buttons and the text box more to the right, as well as increasing the width of the question section?

bananalive 03-31-2010 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Junkie (Post 2013520)
I looked through all 23 pages of this thread and don't believe I found an answer to my question. Is there a way to move the radio buttons and the text box more to the right, as well as increasing the width of the question section?

You would have to edit css

AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> Style Variable Editor

Change Forms -> form_columnleft_width

This may effect others areas of the forum which use the same css

NFLfbJunkie 03-31-2010 03:40 PM

I'll give it a try. Thanks.

your24hourstore 03-31-2010 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2013502)
Just imported form, and it worked fine on my forum. What vBulletin version are you running?

402 patch level 4

thats funny isnt it. i will try installing 406 over it and see if it works now.

your24hourstore 03-31-2010 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by harleyparts (Post 2013721)
402 patch level 4

thats funny isn't it. i will try installing 406 over it and see if it works now.

nope wont work for me anymore, did a fresh install made a form with 2 questions the first
one i used the answer in the title . worked in 404 but wont even let me enter the question in the form

Volvoholic 04-01-2010 10:05 AM

The Easy Forms options to edit permissions such as EDIT, DELETE, ADD SETTING are missing at the top of the option page.

Have I missed a step? The two upload files were uploaded to the Clientscript folder and the XML file was imported.

I am running 4.0.6 in VB 4.0.1

Bobbo 04-01-2010 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2013506)
On Edit Form page:
  1. Add the following php code in the Form Hook: Form Start box:
  2. PHP Code:

    $navbits construct_navbits(array(
    'customurl' => construct_phrase("yourtexthere"),
    '' => construct_phrase($vbphrase['viewing_form'], $form['title'])
    $navbardone true

  3. Change customurl above to a url like showthread.php?thread=1
  4. Change yourtexthere to text you want displayed, eg. thread 1

Brilliant, thanks so much.

I've noticed an issue with Internet Explorer 8 and Single Line Textfield type questions. Any of my forms that have questions of this type, I cannot enter any data in the field. (when using the form) In Google Chrome, I don't seem to have any issues entering data.

In IE8, I can click in the field, and I see a blinking cursor. However, I cannot type anything. Do you see this on your system?
(I'm using 4.0.6 btw)
Thanks again,


bananalive 04-01-2010 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Bobbo (Post 2014171)
Brilliant, thanks so much.

I've noticed an issue with Internet Explorer 8 and Single Line Textfield type questions. Any of my forms that have questions of this type, I cannot enter any data in the field. (when using the form) In Google Chrome, I don't seem to have any issues entering data.

In IE8, I can click in the field, and I see a blinking cursor. However, I cannot type anything. Do you see this on your system?
(I'm using 4.0.6 btw)
Thanks again,


Just checked my forms in Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18904 and i'm not getting this error.

If you want you can pm me link to the form with the issue and I'll have at it.

bananalive 04-01-2010 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Volvoholic (Post 2013951)
The Easy Forms options to edit permissions such as EDIT, DELETE, ADD SETTING are missing at the top of the option page.

Have I missed a step? The two upload files were uploaded to the Clientscript folder and the XML file was imported.

I am running 4.0.6 in VB 4.0.1

Permissions are set via:

AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> Easy Form Options

bananalive 04-01-2010 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by harleyparts (Post 2013752)
nope wont work for me anymore, did a fresh install made a form with 2 questions the first
one i used the answer in the title . worked in 404 but wont even let me enter the question in the form

Really weird. I'm not sure what is causing this at all.

your24hourstore 04-01-2010 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Bobbo (Post 2014171)
Brilliant, thanks so much.

I've noticed an issue with Internet Explorer 8 and Single Line Textfield type questions. Any of my forms that have questions of this type, I cannot enter any data in the field. (when using the form) In Google Chrome, I don't seem to have any issues entering data.

In IE8, I can click in the field, and I see a blinking cursor. However, I cannot type anything. Do you see this on your system?
(I'm using 4.0.6 btw)
Thanks again,


me too this is what its doing to me I'm gonna try a multi line text question and see if it works

Selcor 04-01-2010 06:36 PM

First, I commend banalive for your work, consider this one of the best MODs!

I updated to version 4.0.6, and uploaded the files (755 permits).

I have the following problem:


In the resulting post is displayed incorrectly, but in the option Form Results Table is well visualized.


Bobbo 04-01-2010 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2014200)
Just checked my forms in Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18904 and i'm not getting this error.

If you want you can pm me link to the form with the issue and I'll have at it.

Dom, I really appreciate your offer. I figured out what the problem is though. I was ignoring the Maxlength field... I had it set for the default value of 0. In Chrome, this setting still allowed me to enter data in the field. In IE8, it took 0 as 0, and wont let me enter anything... As soon as I entered a real value for the parameter, I could enter data.



Trek 04-02-2010 02:11 AM

I created a new form by using the Copy function of another form.

The new form layout is really messed up and also throws a PHP error

Warning: Division by zero in [path]/misc.php(89) : eval()'d code on line 893

Form: http://www.darkhandofvalor.com/misc.php?do=form&fid=11

The old form is fine: http://www.darkhandofvalor.com/misc.php?do=form&fid=5

Trek 04-02-2010 02:16 AM

Ok, found the problem.

When you create a new field of Radio Button type. The default for "Options per row" is set to 0. I changed it to 1 and the entire form started working correctly and no PHP error.

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