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Andre31 04-14-2010 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by entertain (Post 2021244)
Thanks for your donation, Andre! :) .

No Prob., great jobs must be rewarded. Thanks to you for this nice Update / Upgrade !

entertain 04-14-2010 04:51 PM

yes, this is correct. Maybe you could send me an admin access so that i can check it?

chriske 04-14-2010 04:53 PM

Hey Mikez,

Try to upload the xml file one more time (i remmember now i had to to it twice to make it work) An error message got displayed the first time, second time it was good.


entertain 04-14-2010 04:56 PM

Maybe it did not overwrite the old product. You could check the version number. ;)

Alex@Mk3OC 04-14-2010 05:57 PM

Just updated thanks.

I do have one feature request though:

To be able to set the forums that the rate seller button is active in without it being linked to their trader score. Basically we'd like to have the itrader rating dsiplayed in all forums but the rate button in only a couple of forums.

Is this something you'd consider adding?

entertain 04-14-2010 06:35 PM

Since one of the latest updates the rate seller button is depending on the "valid forums" settings - why should be a rate seller button shown in a non-valid forum?

Zaraki 04-14-2010 06:44 PM

Where do I upload this?

Zaraki 04-14-2010 06:52 PM

I'm trying to activate the product but it simply tells me to update the user itrade scores.

what am I doing wrong?

Alex@Mk3OC 04-14-2010 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by entertain (Post 2021320)
Since one of the latest updates the rate seller button is depending on the "valid forums" settings - why should be a rate seller button shown in a non-valid forum?

Not show it in a non-valid forum, but have the option to choose the forum to show it in independantly of 'valid forums' settings.

For examper we have the 'valid forums' set with '0' which enables the iTrader display in postbit on all forums which is what we like to have, but we would like to have the rate seller button shown in 3 forums which we use for selling/trading

Zaraki 04-14-2010 08:17 PM

Ok I know that I'm a noob, yes I am, but can you please help me with this.

Where do I upload the files to? To what directory? Or do I need to create one? We already iTrader for 3.6.4 and since we upgraded to 4.0.3 we wanted to keep it but it's not appearing.

Zaraki 04-14-2010 08:26 PM

Scratch that, I already have it working.

Next question, the ratings that were on the other version, is there a way to upload them to the current one? please say yes.

Zaraki 04-14-2010 08:44 PM

Oh and I can't give any ratings to anyone. It says we don't have permission.

How to change that?

Zaraki 04-14-2010 08:51 PM

When I try to give ratings it now says that the itrader system is currently closed. HELP!

When I try to acess the iTrader on the navbar option, it gives me this error:

Warning: fetch_template() calls should be replaced by the vB_Template class. Template name: navbar in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 3957

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/diver/public_html/diverplace/itrader_main.php(155) : eval()'d code on line 1

Warning: fetch_template() calls should be replaced by the vB_Template class. Template name: itrader_main in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 3957

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/diver/public_html/diverplace/itrader_main.php(156) : eval()'d code on line 2

Zaraki 04-14-2010 09:48 PM

Ok so I know it's possible to "import" the old ratings, the question is HOW?

Zaraki 04-14-2010 09:58 PM

now this happens:
Warning: require_once([path]/includes/functions_itrader_urlcheck.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/itrader_feedback.php on line 374

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/diver/public_html/diverplace/includes/functions_itrader_urlcheck.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/diver/public_html/diverplace/itrader_feedback.php on line 374

entertain 04-14-2010 10:04 PM

You did not upload/overwrite the files.

Zaraki 04-14-2010 10:06 PM

No more error happens for now, just need to know how to import the older version ratings.

entertain 04-15-2010 04:26 AM

Didn't you read the instructions in the first post? You only have to OVERWRITE the product. DON'T remove the old one.

Antonio Pereira 04-15-2010 06:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I Have [AJAX] Post Thank You Hack and with this plugin Itrader show a problem in layout.

Example in attach file:

Best Regards

Retal 04-15-2010 09:27 AM

Entertain, thank you for the new version.

Our users were used to showing the iTrader in postbit everywhere, even in private messages.
If you want to do this, find the iTrader plugin run at the hook postbit_display_complete (btw it should be called "iTrader Postbit Link", not "Navbar Link ;))
and change this
PHP Code:

if ($this->registry->options['itrader_forumid_ok']) 

to this
PHP Code:

if ($this->registry->options['itrader_forumid_ok'] OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'private'

Valid for version 2.7.0

DxSEO 04-15-2010 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Antonio Pereira (Post 2021542)
I Have [AJAX] Post Thank You Hack and with this plugin Itrader show a problem in layout.

Example in attach file:

Best Regards

here is solution

go to itrader settings > Where do you want the "Feedback Score" to appear in the postbit where it is activated? > Below post count on right

Retal 04-15-2010 09:34 AM

iTrader 2.7.0
in template itrader_user some elements <dd> are missing the ">" thus rendering incorrectly the tabs "From Buyers, From Sellers..." in IE and Opera (FF renders correctly).

Corrected template for 2.7.0:
HTML Code:

{vb:stylevar htmldoctype}
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="{vb:stylevar textdirection}" lang="{vb:stylevar languagecode}">
        <!-- no cache headers -->
        <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
        <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1" />
        <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache" />
        <!-- end no cache headers -->
        {vb:raw headinclude}
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{vb:raw vbcsspath}itrader.css,itrader_user.css" />
        <title>{vb:raw pagetitle}</title>

{vb:raw header}
{vb:raw navbar}

<div id="content_container">
        <div id="content" class="floatcontainer">
                <dl class="tabslight">
                        <dd<vb:if condition="$viewuser['viewtype'] == 0"> class="selected"</vb:if>><a href="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/itrader.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}u={vb:raw userinfo.userid}">{vb:rawphrase itrader_all_feedback}</a></dd>
                        <dd<vb:if condition="$viewuser['viewtype'] == 1"> class="selected"</vb:if>><a href="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/itrader.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}u={vb:raw userinfo.userid}&amp;iv=1">{vb:rawphrase itrader_from_buyers}</a></dd>
                        <dd<vb:if condition="$viewuser['viewtype'] == 2"> class="selected"</vb:if>><a href="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/itrader.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}u={vb:raw userinfo.userid}&amp;iv=2">{vb:rawphrase itrader_from_sellers}</a></dd>
                        <dd<vb:if condition="$viewuser['viewtype'] == 3"> class="selected"</vb:if>><a href="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/itrader.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}u={vb:raw userinfo.userid}&amp;iv=3">{vb:rawphrase itrader_from_trades}</a></dd>
                        <dd<vb:if condition="$viewuser['viewtype'] == 4"> class="selected"</vb:if>><a href="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/itrader.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}u={vb:raw userinfo.userid}&amp;iv=4">{vb:rawphrase itrader_left_for_others}</a></dd>
                        <div style="float:right">
                                <span>{vb:raw countposts.total} {vb:rawphrase itrader_total_feedback}
                                <vb:if condition="$viewuser['viewtype'] == 4">{vb:rawphrase itrader_left_by}<vb:else />{vb:rawphrase itrader_received_by}</vb:if> {vb:raw userinfo.username}
                                <vb:if condition="$viewuser['viewtype'] == 1">
                                        {vb:rawphrase itrader_from_buyers}
                                <vb:else />
                                                <vb:if condition="$viewuser['viewtype'] == 2">{vb:rawphrase itrader_from_sellers}<vb:else /><vb:if condition="$viewuser['viewtype'] == 3">{vb:rawphrase itrader_from_trades}</vb:if></vb:if>

                <div class="block">
                        <h2 class="blockhead">
                                <div style="float:right">
                                        {vb:rawphrase options} / <vb:if condition="$viewuser['viewtype'] == 4">{vb:rawphrase itrader_left_for}<vb:else />{vb:rawphrase itrader_from}</vb:if> / {vb:rawphrase date}

                                {vb:rawphrase itrader_comments}
                        <div class="blockbody">
                                <ul class="blockrow"><li class="sgicon floatcontainer">
                                        <vb:if condition="$itrader_userbits">
                                        <div class="block">
                                                <div class="blockbody">
                                                        <div class="blockrow">
                                                                {vb:raw itrader_userbits}

                        <vb:if condition="$pagenav">
                        <div style="float:{vb:stylevar right};margin-top:10px;">
                                {vb:raw pagenav}

{vb:raw itrader_usersidebar}

{vb:raw footer}


Retal 04-15-2010 09:40 AM

Suggestion: It might be a good idea to assign a custom class to the sidebar in the template itrader_user_sidebar. Eg
HTML Code:

<div id="sidebar_container" class="itrader_sidebar">
Users might want to apply different styling from the vB sidebar. We do. :)

entertain 04-15-2010 10:12 AM

(1) is already fixed in dev version, sorry. :o I am updating it today.

(2) In my opinion this isn't a good idea because this is the best way of integrating iTrader into the style. When I change this, other users might come and say "it doesn't use the colors of my style".

Retal 04-15-2010 10:15 AM

Hi Entertain, the added class won't change the appearance of the sidebar, but without it we don't have means to style it separately from the vB sidebar.
For example I wanted to change the width of the iTrader sidebar, make it wider than the vB sidebar we use.

Antonio Pereira 04-15-2010 01:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Users in my forum using 1024 resolution cant click in iTrader (Navbar) using FF, IE8 dont have problems.

Try to resize and you see this problem in attach file:

Best Regards

entertain 04-15-2010 01:44 PM

Hm, but this is a vBulletin bug (caused by too many links in navbar). ;)

Antonio Pereira 04-15-2010 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by entertain (Post 2021687)
Hm, but this is a vBulletin bug (caused by too many links in navbar). ;)

Thanks for your answer, any way to work around ?

Best Regards

Zaraki 04-15-2010 04:36 PM

Yes I read the instructions but it wasn't installing so I removed the older version and then instaled this one.

Retal 04-15-2010 05:06 PM

Antonio, the solution would be specific to your forum and design. You may try to edit the template navbar and remove some links to make more space for iTrader.

Zaraki, you can restore the ratings from a backup. It should work if you just copy the iTrader tables from before you uninstalled the old version and reimport the product.

If you don't have a backup, well then tough luck.

Zaraki 04-15-2010 08:10 PM

Ok, so can you please tell me step by step how to do that?

your24hourstore 04-15-2010 09:29 PM

HTML Code:

Warning: require(./includes/class_bootstrap.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/armrestr/public_html/harleydavidsonpartsforum.com/vb/bootstrap.php on line 30

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required './includes/class_bootstrap.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/armrestr/public_html/harleydavidsonpartsforum.com/vb/bootstrap.php on line 30

got bootstraped :eek:

Andre31 04-16-2010 04:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I have translated a small part of the phrases in German / You. Not all translated, but the beginning has been made. In consultation with the User entertain, I get permission to put the phrases available to all. If you want to translate more or better that can do that.
Thanks to entertain for the permission.

mikez006 04-17-2010 02:36 PM

Feature request: I'd like an option where users can only leave feedback once they have received X positive feedbacks from other members and/or X amount of posts

bigcurt 04-18-2010 01:29 AM

Are there any known bugs for this? Also, does this work for 3.8 by chance? I know there is a 3.8 version but it is buggy and the author isn't around anymore apparently.

entertain 04-18-2010 08:36 AM

This version fixes a few bugs of iTrader 2.5.0 vB3. There aren't any other known issues by now.

No, this version is only for vB4 and I would not try to install it on vB3.^^

Zaraki 04-18-2010 11:21 AM

I ask again, please, can you tell me what to do in order to regain the older ratings?

entertain 04-18-2010 01:00 PM

If you uninstalled the old product you can't do nothing anymore.

Zaraki 04-18-2010 02:23 PM

Not even with the backups?

mikey1991 04-18-2010 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by entertain (Post 2019875)
yes, but only when you overwrite your old product. Don't uninstall the old version!

Thanks! :D

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