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Gutspiller 02-08-2002 09:28 PM

OK here's my page. http://www.gameforumz.com

First off, how do I change font size and font color?

I tried this: <font face=\"#FF7800\"></font>, but it didn't work. :(

I am also having this error displayed at the top of the news:

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /my/path/forumz/news.php:6) in /my/path/forumz/admin/functions.php on line 1500
(I added the /my/path/ instead of my real path though :) )

But the wierd thing is, when I click "Search The News" and then click my browser back button, it's gone. What does that mean? My users complained about this too. How do I fix this error? :confused:

Also I would like to get the news and headlines on the same page, but one or the other error out.

Instead of the headlines taking you to the forum, how about having it take you down the page to that news post?

I tried to put this on a forum with a moderators queue and I got an error. Is this just my board, or does it not support that? If it doesn't support it, that is a really needed feature.

It would be nice if it got the time of the post from the CP of the person that has logged in and their time settings instead of the server.

It would be a nice feature to only show a certain amount of lines of the full post. That way you could post something big and it would be say 250 characters or so and then it would have some text at the end saying "read more" that you could click and it would take you to the actual post in the forum.

When clicking the comments it would be nice if it took you straight to the 2nd post and not the very first which is just a repeat of where you just came from.

It would be cool to set the search to be defaulted to the forum where the hack is getting the news.

To have an archived news by day, with text buttons on the front page that says, see yesterdays news, etc. maybe up to week old news, then it goes into a main archive or something.

The catagories that you have talked about are much needed. It would be nice to have some check boxes where you could check what catagories you would like to see.

Just a few ;) ideas I have that I think could make this hack even better.

If somebody can help me with my problem up at the top of this post though, that would be great.

Thanks! :)

FWC 02-08-2002 09:38 PM


Originally posted by Gutspiller
First off, how do I change font size and font color?

I tried this: <font face=\"#FF7800\"></font>, but it didn't work. :(

No, that wouldn't work. You are assigning a color where you should be assigning a family.

It should be something like this:

<font face=\"Verdana\" color=\"#FF7800\">

Gutspiller 02-08-2002 09:49 PM

got it. Thanks. What about that other error? I editted it in. :)

DrkFusion 02-09-2002 10:26 PM

I want to include my avatar on the news display. How would I go about doing this?

anders 02-10-2002 05:42 AM

This script doesent work out of the box in another directory than within the forum directory any plans on releasing something that does?

Gutspiller 02-11-2002 04:00 PM

Can somebody please help me with this error. Sometimes it shows and sometimes it doesn't. It seems like I can get the error toe quit showing if I go to the actual forumz and then come back to the news page and it doesn't show the error again. Here's the error:

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /my/path/forumz/news.php:6) in /my/path/forumz/admin/functions.php on line 1500
(I added the /my/path/ instead of my real path though :))

I posted it a few messages above and got no reply. Also in my admin/functions here are lines 1496 - 1504

PHP Code:

// ###################### Start show_nopermission #######################
function vbdate($format,$timestamp) {



// ##################### Save birthdays into template ################### 

Can somebody please help me with this problem? :(


SaintDog 02-11-2002 06:05 PM

This may have already been done by someone, or maybe I missed it already, but could someone please bare with me and try to help me out?

Instead of all of the news appearing at once from a single post, is there a way to shorten it to a few sentences? (See below)

Say I have this:

Welcome to my site, this is the grand opening, I hope you like the site. We have been working hard to get the site up and running and we hope that you will enjoy your stay here.

But I would like it to be like this:

Welcome to my site, this is the grand opening, I hope you like the site. We have been working hard to get the site up and running and we hope that...... Click Here To Read More

Has someone already done this or would someone know how to do this, help is appreciated with this modifications.

Thanks ahead of time :),

- SaintDog

Gutspiller 02-11-2002 06:44 PM


Originally posted by SaintDog
This may have already been done by someone, or maybe I missed it already, but could someone please bare with me and try to help me out?

Instead of all of the news appearing at once from a single post, is there a way to shorten it to a few sentences? (See below)

Say I have this:

Welcome to my site, this is the grand opening, I hope you like the site. We have been working hard to get the site up and running and we hope that you will enjoy your stay here.

But I would like it to be like this:

Welcome to my site, this is the grand opening, I hope you like the site. We have been working hard to get the site up and running and we hope that...... Click Here To Read More

Has someone already done this or would someone know how to do this, help is appreciated with this modifications.

Thanks ahead of time :),

- SaintDog

You may want to try this hack: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...ghlight=latest

There is a setting that allows the latest threads to show part of the first post. The only modifing it would really need would be to make it so that when somebody replied to a post it DIDN'T move up.

Gutspiller 02-12-2002 07:50 PM

Can somebody help me. I keep getting tons of emails getting these errors in them:

Database error in vBulletin: Invalid SQL: DELETE FROM session WHERE sessionhash=''
mysql error:
mysql error number:
Date: Tuesday 12th of February 2002 01:37:52 PM
Script: /forumz/news.php

here's another:

Database error in vBulletin: Invalid SQL: UPDATE session SET lastactivity=1013550154,location='/forumz/news.php',styleid=1 WHERE sessionhash='5a3ac06c8b6e9a7bceb5f8fd6f6b70d0'
mysql error:
mysql error number:
Date: Tuesday 12th of February 2002 01:42:39 PM
Script: /forumz/news.php

and another:

Database error in vBulletin: Invalid SQL: UPDATE session SET lastactivity=1013550104,location='/forumz/news.php' WHERE sessionhash='b2b3b1dcce9e3cd2f3efec7496232263'
mysql error:
mysql error number:
Date: Tuesday 12th of February 2002 01:41:54 PM
Script: /forumz/news.php

Can somebody please help me resolve these errors. :(

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Hamma 02-12-2002 07:59 PM

I am getting almost the same:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE session SET lastactivity=1013550858,location='' WHERE sessionhash='553fdfe1c73db55a6e4db8d940df67b4'
mysql error:

mysql error number:

This happens when I try to include headlines and news on the same page.. I want to be able to include at least 3 headline files.. and the news.

I posted about this before but I really need help :(

Hamma 02-12-2002 08:03 PM

btw, I also get an error on the page..

Warning: 1 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /path/edited/forums/admin/db_mysql.php on line 93

Check it out here:

Gutspiller 02-12-2002 09:16 PM


Originally posted by Hamma
I am getting almost the same:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE session SET lastactivity=1013550858,location='' WHERE sessionhash='553fdfe1c73db55a6e4db8d940df67b4'
mysql error:

mysql error number:

This happens when I try to include headlines and news on the same page.. I want to be able to include at least 3 headline files.. and the news.

I posted about this before but I really need help :(

If you are having the problem, with only 1 headline and 1 news on 1 page, then go around pages 12 - 15 of this thread and they talk about running the include statement in the header or the index file you are running to call your news. That should fix it with just using 1 headline, 1 news, per page.

My problem is that I need to run 4 headlines, 4 news, that look at 4 different configs, but they all need to be on one page.

Any help for me? :confused:

Hamma 02-12-2002 09:20 PM

Exact same thing I am trying to do ;) I will want to run 4 headlines if not more, and one news. With different config files

Gutspiller 02-13-2002 01:30 AM


Originally posted by anders
This script doesent work out of the box in another directory than within the forum directory any plans on releasing something that does?
Why don't you just put it in your forum directory like I did? Full functional using vbcode, etc.

just use the refresh command to redirect to it. No biggie.

See: http://www.GameForumz.com :)

Gutspiller 02-13-2002 02:03 AM


Originally posted by Hamma
Exact same thing I am trying to do ;) I will want to run 4 headlines if not more, and one news. With different config files
Don't use 1 news, use 4 different news and just place them right under each other. :up: That is what I am planning to do. I have read every single post in this thread and I saw what you are trying to do hamma and that is the same error I get. It gives that error when you try to have multiple headlines, but it is ok to have multiple news and 1 headline, but as soon as you add 2 headlines into the index file it gives the error.

Maybe this info will help somebody troubleshoot this problem.

Hamma 02-13-2002 10:50 AM

This happens even when I use one news and one headline =\ The second i post the headline file it errors

Gutspiller 02-13-2002 02:29 PM


Originally posted by Hamma
This happens even when I use one news and one headline =\ The second i post the headline file it errors
Are you inlcuding them correctly into your file? Some people use the pluhnews file and then put their stuff in the header and footer, but I just created a brand new php file and then included the headline and news parts into it. Either way, you need to make sure you have the require statements for the config,and admin/config in there. That could be your problem. Check on pages 10-15 on this thread. I believe it's in there. They talk about making sure to put it before the < html > tag in the file.

let me know if you need more help. :up:

Hamma 02-13-2002 02:41 PM

Yep, did all that ;) I have the includes on the top of my index page. Like I said it works perfect till I place headlines on the same page. Ive messed with the Pluhheadlines file a bit and still havent been able to get it going

Gutspiller 02-13-2002 02:54 PM

You have taken out the require lines at the top of your headline file, or placed "//" infront of the lines?

Hamma 02-13-2002 03:09 PM

hmm, I didnt put in any //'s

But I took out the require lines that i moved to the top of the page... the require line for the config file remains in it. Because im using multiple config files

Soma 02-13-2002 08:16 PM

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat script and my first post w00tit00t I feel so good to own vb finnally I love the community.
/me smiles

SystemLogic 02-14-2002 02:03 PM

I have another question. Is it possible to output something along the lines of this:

Title of thread with link to thread
First paragraph of the post <IMAGE HERE TO READ ON (Goes to actual thread)>

So it would like something like this:

http://www.slcentral.com/sldbbetatemplate (Where it says news coverage)

Gutspiller 02-14-2002 02:30 PM

I think so if I am understanding you right. Are you saying you want both the title and the image to link to the thread?

If so I believe that is possible, infact I think the title links to the thread by default. I took mine off, because with such a big ass page it loads slow, and I figured cutting those urls out of 50+ messages on the page would help out a lot.

if you want to see what I have done with the hack you can check it out here:


SystemLogic 02-14-2002 04:52 PM

Actually the main issue is getting it to just take the first paragraph of a post rather then an entire post. So for example if my post looks like this:


Mozilla has reached another milestone, and is now at version 0.9.8. While it's obvious that this is a horrendously slow process for one of the largest open-source program developments, it is happening.

A number of improvements have been made since the last release, including load times, RAM usage, and of course numerous bug fixes (and, as is the usual fair, a few new bugs too). I have actually come to the point where I can use it in place of either Opera 6, or IE 6. It loads quickly enough so that it is no longer horrendous waiting in comparison to the integrated IE (though there is an option to keep Mozilla in memory even after it's closed).

What does everyone else think? Of all the sites that I go to, I've had few, if any problems. The only thing I currently find lacking is the dearth of usage for the scroll wheel on my mouse (admittedly a microsoft one). Does anyone know of a workaround for this? I'm too lazy to look it up myself
On the frontpage it will only show this line:

Mozilla has reached another milestone, and is now at version 0.9.8. While it's obvious that this is a horrendously slow process for one of the largest open-source program developments, it is happening.

with a link to read more which will go to the actual thread with the rest of stuff on it...

Gutspiller 02-14-2002 05:20 PM


Originally posted by SystemLogic
Actually the main issue is getting it to just take the first paragraph of a post rather then an entire post. So for example if my post looks like this:

On the frontpage it will only show this line:

Mozilla has reached another milestone, and is now at version 0.9.8. While it's obvious that this is a horrendously slow process for one of the largest open-source program developments, it is happening.

with a link to read more which will go to the actual thread with the rest of stuff on it...

See this post in this thread: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...323#post178323

It helps, because I have been through every post in this thread a few times so I know it pretty well. :D :up:

As long as you know basic html, I believe you should be able to change the "...More..." text to an image, and probably be able to adjust the character limit to your liking.

SystemLogic 02-14-2002 05:22 PM

Yeah I can figure out the image thing....but as for the character limit, I don't even want that....I need it to be specifically the first paragraph because it will purposely be an overview of what the actual post is about...

Gutspiller 02-14-2002 05:38 PM

hmm, so you want the first paragraph, no matter how many characters it has in it? I believe that could take some serious work. I don't know about that. You may want to ask FireFly, but I doubt you will get somebody to do this, without paying. But, you may get lucky.

Or did I completely misunderstand? :D

SystemLogic 02-14-2002 07:37 PM

You're right, but it really shouldn't be too hard to do....I don't know enough PHP but I remember reading about something along these lines......for example, what if it just looks for 3 a break...Not really sure though as I don't know how to do it myself.

Courage 02-16-2002 06:10 PM

When I acces the online userlist i see something like:
Unknown Location:...
Those ppl are seyng the newsboard..

I want to know what modifications i need to make in online.php


sianews 02-17-2002 05:13 AM

Is there anyway to force the headlines to be written in all lowercase letters?

Gutspiller 02-17-2002 07:01 AM

Can I get some help here? Anytime I try to add the hack mutliple times I get errors. Can somebody PLEASE help me with this?

Also when I run the error just once on a page I get this at the very bottom of the page:

Warning: 1 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /my/path/forumz/admin/db_mysql.php on line 93

(changed the path for privacy)

There seems to have been a slight problem with the database. Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Database error in vBulletin: Invalid SQL: UPDATE session SET lastactivity=1013936279,location='/forumz/news.php' WHERE sessionhash='ec886e6a12d4f5e1118d7cc698d1884a'
mysql error:
mysql error number:
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2002 12:58:01 AM
Script: /forumz/news.php

Gutspiller 02-18-2002 08:12 PM

I would I get it so that the headlines and news only show the latest news that was posted within the last 24 hours?

This would be really useful, that pages that have a lot of news don't take so long to load up, from loading old news.

If anybody can help with this, it would be greatly, appreciated.


SystemLogic 02-20-2002 01:51 PM

I'm getting this error in the headlines:

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /root/path/indexcopy.php:16) in /root/path/boards/admin/functions.php on line 1490

And this when I call the news:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare stripslashesarray() in /root/path/boards/global.php on line 11

Any ideas what it is?

Gutspiller 02-20-2002 03:31 PM

SL you are only running 1 headlines and 1 news on the same page right?

SystemLogic 02-20-2002 03:34 PM

Right, http://www.slcentral.com/temp2/indexcopy.php

Gutspiller 02-20-2002 03:45 PM

OK, make sure in your headlines php file that the only require line in there is


Then in your php file that is calling the headlines and news files make sure that that these are before the < html > tag


Rename the PluhConfig.php line if you renamed your headlines/news/config files. Let me know if this fixed it. :up:

SystemLogic 02-20-2002 03:48 PM

It looks like it fixed the first error with the headlines header thing, but I'm still getting this error from the news:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare stripslashesarray() in /usr/home/syslogic/public_html/boards/global.php on line 11

Any ideas on that one?

Gutspiller 02-20-2002 03:56 PM

Oh I forgot. Check your news file and take out all the require lines there. I was messing around and I think we can actually take the require line out of the headlines file as well. So all the required lines should be in the main file calling the headlines and news. I think that should fix the news problem too.

SystemLogic 02-20-2002 03:59 PM

Now I'm getting this:

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.1:

Invalid SQL: SELECT smilietext,smiliepath FROM smilie
mysql error:

mysql error number: 0

Date: Wednesday 20th of February 2002 09:49:54 AM
Script: http://www.slcentral.com/boards/temp2/indexcopy.php

Gutspiller 02-20-2002 04:08 PM

hmm, I think I have seen that error before. I believe these are the only changes I made from the install. I do know that the hack was designed to place the files in your forum directory and not in a site root or anywhere else. Try looking through this thread. The most helpful stuff is around pages 10 - 15 I have read this entire thread a few times over so I know what most peeps problems are.

For those lines I gave to you, did you put the right path in?

Like I said put this line in


but that's because my file that is calling global.php is in the same directory as global.php so if yours is in another directory then you would need to change the path to the global, admin/config, and news config files.

Right now that's the only thing I can think of. If that doesn't work you may want to try putting the file that is including the headlines, news, etc. in your forum directory where VB is installed in and see if that works. I think that could be a lot of peoples problems, but I'm not sure. :confused:

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