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Trek 05-05-2009 06:47 PM

Installed, very nice work!

I have a question though. I installed this after realizing I had a problem. How can I go about fixing the problem from current users?

Is there a way to match people by IP so I can see any dupes?

Also, it looks like this mod will check people as dupes whenever they login, is this the case? (If so, it negates my having to worry about issues before I installed this).

Thanks, and again nice work!

Kiros72 05-06-2009 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by Trek (Post 1805248)
Installed, very nice work!

I have a question though. I installed this after realizing I had a problem. How can I go about fixing the problem from current users?

Is there a way to match people by IP so I can see any dupes?

Also, it looks like this mod will check people as dupes whenever they login, is this the case? (If so, it negates my having to worry about issues before I installed this).

Thanks, and again nice work!

Yup. That's correct. This checks logins and registrations. Therefore, you don't need to worry about past problems; if they are currently logging into multiple accounts, this will catch them. And yes, there are IP address options for registration. ;)

ricardoNJ 05-16-2009 06:34 PM

Hi, This hack block a IP user and it show me in a thread (invisible for other, I guess) . My question is: Can I choose or create a thread for the notices that sent to me this hack go there? and how?

Thanks and I'm sorry for my bad english.

Kiros72 05-16-2009 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by ricardoNJ (Post 1812022)
Hi, This hack block a IP user and it show me in a thread (invisible for other, I guess) . My question is: Can I choose or create a thread for the notices that sent to me this hack go there? and how?

Thanks and I'm sorry for my bad english.

No problem ;)

The threads that this modification creates are only private if the forum is private. In other words, if you set MADP to post threads in a public forum, they will be public. If you set it to post in a private forum, then only the people that have permission to view the forum will be able to see the thread.

Anyway, you can make the modification send you a private message instead of posting a thread. To do this, go to the Multiple Account Detection & Prevention Reporting options. You should see an option that will enable reporting by private messages. You have to enable it and you must enter your username (not your User ID) in the appropriate area.

If you need more help finding this option, let me know.

exportforce 05-17-2009 02:19 PM

After a month I yet again ask you:
Please enable an option that bans the first account too and also on multiple logins to ban both accounts automatically. In the last 3 weeks I am extremly encountering ppl that create up to 10 accounts and I can't even ban as fast as they create new accounts.

Please let US decide wether those should be banned too, for myself it is extremly urgent.


Kiros72 05-17-2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by exportforce (Post 1812407)
After a month I yet again ask you:
Please enable an option that bans the first account too and also on multiple logins to ban both accounts automatically. In the last 3 weeks I am extremly encountering ppl that create up to 10 accounts and I can't even ban as fast as they create new accounts.

Please let US decide wether those should be banned too, for myself it is extremly urgent.


Coding takes work. It won't happen if I just think about it. It takes work, and as of late, I've been doubly stressed because of final exams and graduate fiascoes. Now that I'm out of school, I should have two months of freedom (at least from scholastic activities).

Also, I never anticipated on releasing another 1.1.x version. The next planned release is 2.0.0, which incorporates database features and they are still of my highest priority. These database features are not easy to form. It's very complicated in the code, at least for me.

I do not have a release date planned. Just be patient and wait it out. If I do not have version 2.0.0 released within another month, I'll go ahead and work on one, last, 1.1.x version (1.1.4).

exportforce 05-18-2009 06:03 AM

If I pay you $20, will you implement this early ?
I don't know, but I think, that since you already "recognize" those, it can't be hard to activate it for us. I know that coding isn't easy, since I code bymyself a lot, but also some things are really important and if you would see my double, trippleaccounts you'd know how urgent it is for me.

Kiros72 05-18-2009 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by exportforce (Post 1812772)
If I pay you $20, will you implement this early ?
I don't know, but I think, that since you already "recognize" those, it can't be hard to activate it for us. I know that coding isn't easy, since I code bymyself a lot, but also some things are really important and if you would see my double, trippleaccounts you'd know how urgent it is for me.

Sure. Some support always helps, and because I appreciate such support, I'll go ahead and release a 1.1.4 version with the feature you've requested. I should have it out within a few days (a week at most).

exportforce 05-18-2009 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Kiros72 (Post 1812799)
Sure. Some support always helps, and because I appreciate such support, I'll go ahead and release a 1.1.4 version with the feature you've requested. I should have it out within a few days (a week at most).

As soon as you release that, please send me your Paypal-Adress via PM
I like to support, if it does help, and I really know that every $ helps in every way.
No more manual banning for first accounts, multiple login-accounts and stuff *drool*

big thanks in advance!

Rideharder 05-19-2009 11:28 AM

Warning: require_once([path]/madp/detection.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/functions_login.php(185) : eval()'d code on line 3

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/kaplanfo/public_html/madp/detection.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/kaplanfo/public_html/includes/functions_login.php(185) : eval()'d code on line 3

I cant log in ..how can I remove this mod if I cant log back into my fourm?

Rideharder 05-19-2009 11:34 AM

My bad its working! files was not uploaded like it needed to be

Zagis 05-19-2009 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Rideharder (Post 1813419)
I cant log in ..how can I remove this mod if I cant log back into my fourm?

Disable all the plugins by adding this into your confing.php file right after <?php
PHP Code:


Log in to your ACP, remove the mod and then remove or comment // the line above to enable the plugins again.

Edit: Just saw that you've fixed it :up:

Rideharder 05-19-2009 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Zagis (Post 1813422)
Disable all the plugins by adding this into your confing.php file right after <?php
PHP Code:


Log in to your ACP, remove the mod and then remove or comment // the line above to enable the plugins again.

Edit: Just saw that you've fixed it :up:

Thank you for trying to help!:up:

I uploaded everything inside the folder and not the folder itself to my main directory.. Apparently that was my issue..

Kiros72 05-19-2009 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Rideharder (Post 1813437)
Thank you for trying to help!:up:

I uploaded everything inside the folder and not the folder itself to my main directory.. Apparently that was my issue..

Yep. You must upload everything from the 'upload' folder "as is." Sorry about the confusion.

exportforce 05-23-2009 07:33 PM

Any news ?

Kiros72 05-24-2009 08:35 AM

Well, to be honest, I've been busier than previously estimated. So I haven't been able to work on this much, but I'll see if I can finish it up by the end of today.

cynthetiq 05-26-2009 07:26 PM

I didn't follow directions initially re: removing AE completely, but I've done that and now it's working to detect, but it isn't reporting into the forum I list. I'm not sure why. I've added the PM aspect to see if that's works.

anyone have any suggestions?

Kiros72 05-27-2009 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by cynthetiq (Post 1817677)
I didn't follow directions initially re: removing AE completely, but I've done that and now it's working to detect, but it isn't reporting into the forum I list. I'm not sure why. I've added the PM aspect to see if that's works.

anyone have any suggestions?

I've never had this problem. Of course, double check that you have thread reporting enabled and that you have the forum ID correctly input. The forum should be a forum (not a category) and open for posting. You might want to try disabling any modifications that might get in the way.

cynthetiq 05-27-2009 11:19 AM

okay. I got it to PM me with a verbose message. It is working since it banned several accounts this morning, it's just not posting into the forum specified. I don't know why.


Originally Posted by Halx
Multiple login detected from gg44444.

Other recognized logins for this user are:
  1. k55555
  2. kkk555
  3. k666666
  4. kkk6666
  5. g7777777
  6. gg88888


[ :: Verbose Information :: ]

[ Cookie Information ]

Cookie Used: IDstack
Raw Data: ,148212,,148240,,148319,,148345,,148379,,148411,
Clean Data: 148212, 148240, 148319, 148345, 148379, 148411

[ Capture Information ]

Caught by: Cookie

[ Verbose Messages ]

[ Dev Information ]

Verbose Message Bitfields: 0

Kiros72 05-27-2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by cynthetiq (Post 1818030)
okay. I got it to PM me with a verbose message. It is working since it banned several accounts this morning, it's just not posting into the forum specified. I don't know why.

I'll need to investigate this issue on your board. If you'd like me to take a look, please PM me some kind of login details with administrative privileges.

JessicaS 05-29-2009 05:32 PM

Is there a way to prevent it from detecting certain ISPs like AOL? AOL ISP are shared between many users.

I am concerned how it would work with AOL.

Kiros72 05-29-2009 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by JessicaS (Post 1819706)
Is there a way to prevent it from detecting certain ISPs like AOL? AOL ISP are shared between many users.

I am concerned how it would work with AOL.

Yes, one of the features is "Ignored ISPs." AOL is ignored by default, but you can remove the domain from the exclusion if you wish. Also, this only works for IP address detection because it doesn't have to do with the cookie detection. If you don't use the IP address features, then you don't even have to worry about fiddling with the Ignored ISPs.

Hope that helps :)

BlueNinjaGo 05-29-2009 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by cynthetiq (Post 1818030)
okay. I got it to PM me with a verbose message. It is working since it banned several accounts this morning, it's just not posting into the forum specified. I don't know why.

The "user" you have set to post the thread can post in whatever board you wish for it to post in, right?

cynthetiq 05-29-2009 06:19 PM

yes, it's the user account 1 and used by the board owner. I'm going to try a different user account just in case.

W!cKeD 06-01-2009 11:15 AM

* Thanks & Installed * :up:
In the last time, my "Multiple Account-Checker" post in my Forum "_" in the title and in the CODE-Tag :(

peterle1 06-01-2009 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by cynthetiq (Post 1818030)
okay. I got it to PM me with a verbose message. It is working since it banned several accounts this morning, it's just not posting into the forum specified. I don't know why.

Hey, I know that guy whom you mention in your quote ...

I would very much apprecciate, if this mod here would be integrated with a look up at zen.spamhaus.org to stop those spammers.

W!cKeD 06-03-2009 02:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by W!cKeD (Post 1821246)
* Thanks & Installed * :up:
In the last time, my "Multiple Account-Checker" post in my Forum "_" in the title and in the CODE-Tag :(

For better Explain.. ==> Look @ Attach

Dont know what it is :( any hints or fixes?


Kiros72 06-03-2009 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by peterle1 (Post 1821569)
Hey, I know that guy whom you mention in your quote ...

I would very much apprecciate, if this mod here would be integrated with a look up at zen.spamhaus.org to stop those spammers.

I'm sorry, but this isn't a spam detection system. The scope of this modification is all about multiple accounts. If you want to use a spam modification, it should still work just fine.


Originally Posted by W!cKeD (Post 1822760)
For better Explain.. ==> Look @ Attach

Dont know what it is :( any hints or fixes?


You have vBOptimise installed, don't you? Disable it and the reports should work. I've heard that reporting through PM still works while vBOptimise is enabled, so you might want to try that as an alternative. Sorry about the confusion.

W!cKeD 06-04-2009 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Kiros72 (Post 1822861)
You have vBOptimise installed, don't you? Disable it and the reports should work. I've heard that reporting through PM still works while vBOptimise is enabled, so you might want to try that as an alternative. Sorry about the confusion.

Yes, i have vBOptimise installed :( and turned off..i hope you or the coder of vBOptimise find a solution fo this in the future :)

But Thanks for help :up:

Kiros72 06-04-2009 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by W!cKeD (Post 1823248)
Yes, i have vBOptimise installed :( and turned off..i hope you or the coder of vBOptimise find a solution fo this in the future :)

But Thanks for help :up:

Sure thing. Thank you :)

SCRIPT3R 06-05-2009 08:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm about to go read through this thread in case I missed it, but as of today this is NOT working on my forum. See screenshots below.

Kiros72 06-06-2009 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by GearTripper (Post 1824146)
I'm about to go read through this thread in case I missed it, but as of today this is NOT working on my forum. See screenshots below.

My guess is that one user in the screenshot was already registered with a different IP address. When the other user registered, it was with a different IP address and with cleared cookies. When someone is disallowed to register and they really want to register, they think outside of the box.

SCRIPT3R 06-06-2009 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Kiros72 (Post 1824299)
My guess is that one user in the screenshot was already registered with a different IP address. When the other user registered, it was with a different IP address and with cleared cookies. When someone is disallowed to register and they really want to register, they think outside of the box.

It's the same user that just registered another account. Same registered IP address for both accounts.

aleclee 06-06-2009 06:21 PM

I'm trying to come up with a way to get the ban functionality to apply to both the Banned and Suspended usergroups. I've thought about promoting them into a secondary "Sanctioned" usergroup and using that to detect folks but then I'd have to manually remove folks from the sanctioned usergroup.

Any suggestions? TIA!

Kiros72 06-08-2009 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by GearTripper (Post 1824333)
It's the same user that just registered another account. Same registered IP address for both accounts.

I would have to investigate this issue personally. If you would like me to, contact me through PM.


Originally Posted by aleclee (Post 1824696)
I'm trying to come up with a way to get the ban functionality to apply to both the Banned and Suspended usergroups. I've thought about promoting them into a secondary "Sanctioned" usergroup and using that to detect folks but then I'd have to manually remove folks from the sanctioned usergroup.

Any suggestions? TIA!

I'm really not sure what you mean by "get the ban functionality to apply to both the Banned and Suspended usergroups." Could you elaborate?

Kiros72 06-08-2009 09:34 PM

Hmm... Someone gave my modification a 1/5... Wonder why they disliked this modification so much. Maybe they just gave me the lowest rating because I had the highest rated modification with over 450 installs. Oh well.

aleclee 06-09-2009 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Kiros72 (Post 1825979)
I'm really not sure what you mean by "get the ban functionality to apply to both the Banned and Suspended usergroups." Could you elaborate?

The board I manage has issues with Banned and Suspended members creating additional accounts to get around their banishment. I'd like to be able to have suspended members' additional accounts auto-banned just like it does for banned members.


cynthetiq 06-09-2009 02:16 PM

thanks for your help with the reporting, the 15+ posts required was killing it for some reason. Once I disabled it, reporting worked right away!

I'm wondering if this would work in its place, Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count. Anyone using both mods?

Kiros72 06-10-2009 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by aleclee (Post 1826332)
The board I manage has issues with Banned and Suspended members creating additional accounts to get around their banishment. I'd like to be able to have suspended members' additional accounts auto-banned just like it does for banned members.


Roger that. I'll be continuing work on it after I'm better. I'm in a poor state of mind right now because there has been a tragedy in my family.


Originally Posted by cynthetiq (Post 1826393)
thanks for your help with the reporting, the 15+ posts required was killing it for some reason. Once I disabled it, reporting worked right away!

I'm wondering if this would work in its place, Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count. Anyone using both mods?

Good to hear. I haven't used that modification in combination with my modification, but who knows, it might be able to work. Generally, Cyb modifications are well-coded and flexible. The primary coder behind those modifications is an insane coder. I'd love to have his mad skills.

Just to recap, I'll be away for a bit of time while I go to my father's wake and funeral. During the next week, I will probably not be online at all, so everyone will have to be patient with me (especially with questions). If you're having any problems with my modification, try to look through this thread because there's a great deal of information and it will probably let you know what to do.

MarkusB 06-12-2009 04:46 PM

hmmm its only me?

This mod worked fine for me until i made the VB update to version: 3.8.3 now no messages appearing any more.

Yes i deleted the relevant groups in "Ignored Usergroups" and marked No in the "Ignore Child Accounts" by my test

Any Ideas on that before i try to make just a new fresh install of this very superb Mod :up:

Edit: after a reinstall of this Mod still no chance to get it running correct.

cheers, Mark

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