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all-in 05-27-2009 07:19 PM

Great. Thanks for the help.

BobbyT 06-02-2009 11:23 AM

Are we able to alternate Google Adsense as ONE Banner, and another company's Banner?

djbaxter 06-02-2009 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyT (Post 1821953)
Are we able to alternate Google Adsense as ONE Banner, and another company's Banner?

Certainly. If you have AdSense and several other banners in rotation in a specific location, you can also increase the frequency of a banner (e.g., AdSense) by adding additional copies of that banner into the rotation pool.

BobbyT 06-03-2009 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1822059)
Certainly. If you have AdSense and several other banners in rotation in a specific location, you can also increase the frequency of a banner (e.g., AdSense) by adding additional copies of that banner into the rotation pool.

Just to confirm, we are able to input the code of Google Adsense, and a Image link for another Company's Banner?


djbaxter 06-03-2009 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by BobbyT (Post 1822476)
Just to confirm, we are able to input the code of Google Adsense, and a Image link for another Company's Banner?

Yes (as separate banners of course). That's what I'm doing.

y2ksw 06-03-2009 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by BobbyT (Post 1822476)
Just to confirm, we are able to input the code of Google Adsense, and a Image link for another Company's Banner?


Sure - any number of banners you wish: from 0 to the number of banners contained in your database ;)

BobbyT 06-03-2009 08:40 AM

Installed. Thanks for your awesome support.

So, when I insert my Google Adsense Code, it'd be into the 'Text' Field, and when I insert a Image Banner, I use the 'Image' and 'URL' field. Am I correct?

EDIT: The Default Banner isn't showing on my Forums. How come? Do I need to change anything? Or is any Template edits needed?
EDIT2: I do not need the earlier versions, right? I just need to install the latest version and I am fine, ya?


y2ksw 06-03-2009 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by BobbyT (Post 1822629)
Installed. Thanks for your awesome support.

So, when I insert my Google Adsense Code, it'd be into the 'Text' Field, and when I insert a Image Banner, I use the 'Image' and 'URL' field. Am I correct?

EDIT: The Default Banner isn't showing on my Forums. How come? Do I need to change anything? Or is any Template edits needed?
EDIT2: I do not need the earlier versions, right? I just need to install the latest version and I am fine, ya?


  1. right
  2. you will need to insert a placeholder in your templates, e.g. open ad_navbar_below, and insert: <div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:0@--></div><br /> in order to show all banners which belong to position 0.
  3. You are fine with the latest version.

BobbyT 06-03-2009 11:59 AM


you will need to insert a placeholder in your templates, e.g. open ad_navbar_below, and insert: <div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:0@--></div><br /> in order to show all banners which belong to position 0.
Done exactly that, but it doesn't seem to show still. If it would be more convenient giving me support via MSN, please PM me.

Thanks again!

y2ksw 06-03-2009 09:35 PM

Is the banner showing in the default style?

BobbyT 06-04-2009 04:10 AM


y2ksw 06-05-2009 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by BobbyT (Post 1823142)

Can you post me the site please? I want to see if the placeholder appears in the HTML. If it does, something is wrong with the entries in the database. If not, something is wrong with your style.

al404 06-05-2009 03:25 PM

sorry but i can't find an answear in those pages, at list what i read

is it possible to output between first and second post in a thread?
if is possible where should i insert the code?


jskoh 06-05-2009 06:41 PM

hi, i deleted a banner on position 0 and id 1, when i try to reset, i could not find id 1. meaning that i have only left 9 banner only. is there a way to make id 1 appear? i try the "new" and reset button but nothing seem to work.

y2ksw 06-05-2009 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by jskoh (Post 1824075)
hi, i deleted a banner on position 0 and id 1, when i try to reset, i could not find id 1. meaning that i have only left 9 banner only. is there a way to make id 1 appear? i try the "new" and reset button but nothing seem to work.

It should really work even on an empty table. If it doesn't, you need to probably reinstall the product.

A better way in any case is to disable the sample banners. They are handy for testing ;)

y2ksw 06-05-2009 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by al404 (Post 1823973)
sorry but i can't find an answear in those pages, at list what i read

is it possible to output between first and second post in a thread?
if is possible where should i insert the code?


Sorry I'm not the guy to ask for possible places to show the banners. As far as I recall, there are templates nested between posts, but once again, I really don't know ;)

y2ksw 06-07-2009 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyT (Post 1823142)

Fixed. Please check your PM's :)

eJM 06-18-2009 09:25 PM


Excellent job on this modification. Your documentation and support are superb too.



y2ksw 06-20-2009 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by eJM (Post 1832222)

Excellent job on this modification. Your documentation and support are superb too.



Thanks, you're welcome :)

jskoh 06-28-2009 02:42 PM

hi.. does this mod work well with flash? i install this plugin. however, i input the script and the url, the flash didnt have the url link to it.

y2ksw 06-29-2009 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by jskoh (Post 1838856)
hi.. does this mod work well with flash? i install this plugin. however, i input the script and the url, the flash didnt have the url link to it.

If you insert the flash in the image field, it works half and half. The Flash needs to have the right link inside, else it won't work.

If you prefer to use the code, you also will need to cover the flash with a transparent gif, as shown here. Then you may use a different link, but still you will have to code each Flash banner manually.
HTML Code:

    <div style="z-index: -1; position: absolute; height: 468px; width: 60px;">
        <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0" width="468" height="60">
            <param name="movie" value="images/banners/yourflash.swf" />
            <param name="quality" value="high" />
            <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
            <embed src="images/banners/yourflash.swf" quality="high" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="468" height="60" ></embed>
    <div style="z-index: 10; position: absolute; width: 468px; height: 60px;">
        <a href="http://www.domain.tld/yourlink" target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0" height="60" src="img/transparent.gif" width="468" /></a>

MaR? 06-30-2009 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 1816146)
New release: Now we have up to 10 locations, although it may be possible to extend the feature to an almost unlimited number. However, for performance reasons and also for easier maintenance and user feedback, it is currently limited. During the upgrade process, also an expired test banner (Shopping Ad) will be disabled, since it may produce blank entries.

The screenshots are not updated yet, since the upgrade is only necessary for handling more than 2 locations.


y2ksw 07-01-2009 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by MaR? (Post 1840395)

Phew, I'm glad you appreciate :D

pauldack 07-02-2009 11:48 AM

Love this mod, now have it running on all of my sites.

Once modification I'd really love to see is to change the option 'Define here the target window' to be configurable per banner. Some banners I want to open a new tab\window and some banners I want to point to locartion on same site.

Any chance of this in a future release please?

jskoh 07-02-2009 12:04 PM

i find that the "reset" doesnt really work well.. when i hit on the reset button. it doesnt reset the ads.

and del button, when i hit the del button, like deleted ID 1, and ID 1 will nv appear again.

y2ksw 07-02-2009 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by pauldack (Post 1841366)
Love this mod, now have it running on all of my sites.

Once modification I'd really love to see is to change the option 'Define here the target window' to be configurable per banner. Some banners I want to open a new tab\window and some banners I want to point to locartion on same site.

Any chance of this in a future release please?

I believe this cannot be done anyway. Neither vBulletin nor the banner system are aware on which browser window they are shown - you may show vbulletin forums on a popup window if you like.

But if you have a way to decide which browser windows are what, you just insert the placeholder in the appropriate template and the banner should look up (if the whole thing is also connected to vbulletin).

y2ksw 07-02-2009 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by jskoh (Post 1841375)
i find that the "reset" doesnt really work well.. when i hit on the reset button. it doesnt reset the ads.

and del button, when i hit the del button, like deleted ID 1, and ID 1 will nv appear again.

The reset button works only for changes you have made before saving. It is not a history button to retrieve changes once you have saved. If you need such a thing, it possible to restore the rbs_banners table from a recent backup.

When you delete an ad, the same ID is never used again for a precise reason: the ID field is a counter field and increments (adds 1) to each new entry, no matter how many have existed before. If I would reuse ID's, a link to an old banner may still work and falsify the statistics.

And by the way, I would really appreciate if you would keep banners 1 and 2 in place, since they are proven to run and provide me a minimal income (like about 10 $cents daily fom all installations) in order to maintain this plugin.

imk 07-06-2009 01:01 PM

GRRRRRRRR i can't get it to work

ive uploaded and installed the plugin

added a banner and put the code within a template in my header and still nothing :(

heres my forum


i donno why its not working man.....i have the 2.1 version

am i using the correct code?

imk 07-06-2009 01:02 PM

ALSO i see nothing under the options setting?

y2ksw 07-06-2009 04:20 PM

If you have the placeholder code in the home page and the product is enabled, there should no placeholder to be found, and in fact there isn't any. This means it does work, but your rules do not fit the condition to show up in home.

Can you please enable one of the standard (first two) banners and check them out before setting up rules, please :) Those two are guaranteed to run, and if they aren't, something else isn't working as supposed to. Once you get them run, you may try your own ;)

jonbaker 07-06-2009 10:17 PM

i installed this and i like it very much.. but i was wondering if there can be a few additions made.
1) I would like to see an interface that an advertiser can upload and create their own add with options for payment.
2) i would like to see a HTML page that lists all the banners on one page, with images and links.

please let me know if this is possible.

y2ksw 07-06-2009 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by jonbaker (Post 1844145)
i installed this and i like it very much.. but i was wondering if there can be a few additions made.
1) I would like to see an interface that an advertiser can upload and create their own add with options for payment.
2) i would like to see a HTML page that lists all the banners on one page, with images and links.

please let me know if this is possible.

  1. Ouw. Sounds like a revolting addition ... allow other people to stock up the ads database. And handle payments, paid subscriptions. See what they got and still have. Browsing their records. Select forum sections they can work on, each section with different pricing, time tables, seasons... Sounds like weeks of work ... anyone? :) No really, I think I have not enough time to follow up this task. It sounds so harmless and easy, it makes me fear ...
  2. I put this on list. Pretty much needed if you have sort of hundreds of banners in the database. Maybe also with a Select All / Select None / Select Some feature and some operations such as enable, disable, delete and so stuff. But not before August (hey I don't tell the year!) :p

y2ksw 07-06-2009 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by imk (Post 1843723)
GRRRRRRRR i can't get it to work

ive uploaded and installed the plugin

added a banner and put the code within a template in my header and still nothing :(

heres my forum


i donno why its not working man.....i have the 2.1 version

am i using the correct code?

I've overseen the 2.1 note, sorry. You will need to use @vbbanners@ placeholders. As the included help tells. Version 2.2 uses the new placeholder format (HTML comments).

jonbaker 07-07-2009 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 1844173)
  1. Ouw. Sounds like a revolting addition ... allow other people to stock up the ads database. And handle payments, paid subscriptions. See what they got and still have. Browsing their records. Select forum sections they can work on, each section with different pricing, time tables, seasons... Sounds like weeks of work ... anyone? :) No really, I think I have not enough time to follow up this task. It sounds so harmless and easy, it makes me fear ...
  2. I put this on list. Pretty much needed if you have sort of hundreds of banners in the database. Maybe also with a Select All / Select None / Select Some feature and some operations such as enable, disable, delete and so stuff. But not before August (hey I don't tell the year!) :p

ha! i thought there was a ad program out there that did that.. cant find it, besides i like how yours works.. was hoping to stay with it. ;-)

y2ksw 07-07-2009 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by jonbaker (Post 1844597)
ha! i thought there was a ad program out there that did that.. cant find it, besides i like how yours works.. was hoping to stay with it. ;-)

I think that is called OpenAds (OpenX for Drupal) ... it has some nice features, but was also terribly difficult to manage at the time I was looking into it...

armthehomeless1 07-08-2009 01:16 AM

Hi, I've tried reading through the comments here to try and understand what the new version does, where you say "Up to 10 different banner locations".

Does this mean that the interface remains the same, i.e. all the banners are listed together, and then instead of just the one horizontal and one vertical placeholders you can have up to 10 locations where up to 10 different banners can be displayed at once? From the existing list?

armthehomeless1 07-08-2009 01:22 AM

Essentially I want more than one place on each page where a banner is randomly displayed, but I don't want two of the same at the same time. I have a list of about 10 banners.

Should I upgrade from 2.1.0??

y2ksw 07-08-2009 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by armthehomeless1 (Post 1844903)
Hi, I've tried reading through the comments here to try and understand what the new version does, where you say "Up to 10 different banner locations".

Does this mean that the interface remains the same, i.e. all the banners are listed together, and then instead of just the one horizontal and one vertical placeholders you can have up to 10 locations where up to 10 different banners can be displayed at once? From the existing list?


Originally Posted by armthehomeless1 (Post 1844906)
Essentially I want more than one place on each page where a banner is randomly displayed, but I don't want two of the same at the same time. I have a list of about 10 banners.

Should I upgrade from 2.1.0??

Up to 10 new locations means, that you are not bound to 2 locations as before: horizontal and vertical only.

If you have 10 banners in your database, and 10 @vbbanners@ on one page, all banners are shown, but none of them more than once.

You need to upgrade only if for example you have 10 styles and you want to show on each style a different banner set.

Feanor_87 07-14-2009 06:42 PM

Works perfectly, thanks for the MOD! :)

CLSSY56 07-20-2009 03:54 AM

What am i doing wrong? I'm trying to set this in a vbadvanced module.


I'm also using 3.8.3, Thanks.

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