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Sweeks 08-08-2008 01:15 AM

I have tried installing this. I have disabled the auto postbit edit and inserted it under rank images in postbit legacy, not showing there.

I also tried under the rank images in the memberinfo template and it still doesnt show there either.

All images uploaded and JS too.

I have searched this whole thread without much luck or anyone responding with a fix for this issue, well one that has worked.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Thank you
Vaporite 6th element digital vaporizer reviews

Deadly Assassin 08-08-2008 04:57 AM

I have tried and tried to get this working.

I managed to get the images to show in the end, but they were not clickable

It also looked terrible in my welcome box as it sits to the right of the main board, so the template info is actually in the footer.

I could get it aligned using various techniques through the thread here, but it still spills over the bottom of the welcome box. If i move the hook it just sits over existing text for my credits, its bizarre.

Sorry to say it as i really like this hack, but Uninstalled


Went back to 3.6 version and it works a treat, especially with Shelleys sweet looking moods.

You may need to alter the XML file to allow for the size of the new moods.

Sweeks 08-08-2008 07:01 AM

I tried the 3.6 version on 3.72 but no luck, I couldnt see it in vb options.

I guess there must be some conflict somewhere with another mod. I bet it would work just fine on a fresh install of vb
Body Science

Deadly Assassin 08-09-2008 05:05 AM

The old one appears on the Vb options right at the top of the options, rather than near the bottom as they usually show.

Sweeks 08-09-2008 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Deadly Assassin (Post 1594545)
The old one appears on the Vb options right at the top of the options, rather than near the bottom as they usually show.

Still no luck at all, not showing anywhere at all. I would really like for the new or old one to work. I was hoping to be get making some custom images for it too for my forum
Homemade portable vaporizer

BucWiLd 08-11-2008 02:51 AM

for some reason i cant even extract the contents.. thi has never happened to me before

djbaxter 08-11-2008 10:50 AM

Download the zip again - it means it didn't complete successfully.

djbaxter 08-11-2008 12:08 PM

For new registrants, vmood is set to blank ('') and doesn't display correctly. It appears that the add-on is searching for the field to be 'none'. I believe in the previous version, it correctly searched for ''.

This creates a problem for new members because they can't seem to get the script to work. What we've been doing is adding in the name of a valid mood via the ACP and after that everything functions as it should.

The other thing I did is do a database replace for the vmood variable to change all '' to 'none' but that doesn't help with the new registrants problem - only existing members. I cannot remember the name of the variable that I needed to change, though - can you remind me?

However, it obviously needs a more permanent fix.

BucWiLd 08-11-2008 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1596152)
Download the zip again - it means it didn't complete successfully.

i have tried everything. even had a friend dl and send it to me via a transfer and still coudnt extract the files....:(

SavvyPirates 08-12-2008 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Vinyljunky (Post 1589162)
Ive done this but it now pushes over the VBCredits line :confused: (Which is the line underneath VBMood in the NavBar)

I'm having the same problem.

I tried this:


- How can I change the location of the moods dropdown menu navbar

disable the auto edit in the Admin CP, now you will have access to


place that anywhere you want in the navbar template, you can try other templates but I can't say if it will work or not

but when I do, the mood doesn't show up in the navbar.

EDIT: I found that if I add a <br /> tag before the vbCredits block (<if condition="$show['navbar_credits']">)in the navbar template, it moves it down to the next line and the mood doesn't overlap it when it is still set up for auto edit.

This solves my problem, but I'm still curious if there is a reason why the $vmood_form method didn't work.

Thelonius Beck 08-12-2008 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by BuCwIld (Post 1596295)
i have tried everything. even had a friend dl and send it to me via a transfer and still coudnt extract the files....:(

2nd. :confused:

OcR Envy 08-13-2008 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by gpc10347 (Post 1585233)
Hey Steve1966 - I had some luck this morning getting this to work in the arcade! I'm using the newest versions of both as far as I know...

Here's a link to the fix (well.. "works for me" kind of thing)


No need for a file edit


<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'arcade'">
<if condition="$vboptions[vmoods_active] AND $userinfo[vmood] != 'none'">
<div id="vmoods-container"><p class="smallfont">$vbphrase[vmoods_my_mood]</p>
 <a href="#" id="vmoods">
  <img id="vmoods-mine" src="$vboptions[vmoods_images_path]/$bbuserinfo[vmood].gif" border="0" alt="$bbuserinfo[vmood]" title="$bbuserinfo[vmood]"<if condition="$bbuserinfo[vmood] == 'none'"> style="display:none;"</if> />
  <span id="vmoods-none"<if condition="$bbuserinfo[vmood] != 'none'">style="display:none;"</if>>$vbphrase[vmoods_change_my_mood]</span>
  <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("vmoods", 1); </script>

BucWiLd 08-13-2008 11:45 AM

very nice , i love it!

gamerfu 08-14-2008 01:08 AM

anyone goign to write an update for this?

xarfai 08-15-2008 12:20 PM

Im having problem installing this..
In the MEMBERINFO template



With step 5 the "$customfields" i dont know where to find that.. i cant find that anywhere either in the default template or my own.
Maybe someone knows what im doing wrong here

natecoupons 08-16-2008 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Vinyljunky (Post 1589327)
I highly recommend Shelleys work at http://www.vbimageworks.com/

Its a bummer. Their registration has been closed temporaryly!! I love their stuff!!

Mazinger 08-22-2008 08:32 PM

Is it possible to not load moods untill the member has clicked the drop-down menu (as happens with vbulletin smiliey drop-menu)?

PoetJA-1975 08-23-2008 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Mazinger (Post 1604743)
Is it possible to not load moods untill the member has clicked the drop-down menu (as happens with vbulletin smiliey drop-menu)?

Um... That's set by default I believe ;)


Mazinger 08-23-2008 03:02 PM

Ok, my forum takes along time to load pages because of this, I think this happens because I've the <table> in the top of my header and </table> in the end of my footer (below the JS codes) that's why it takes longer time to load everything.

Any help with that?

g0dfather1984 08-26-2008 10:38 PM

I have disabled the auto edit. Now how do I get it to show up just once in the postbit? I have posted an image of what I mean.

Thanks for your help.

Shelley_c 08-26-2008 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by g0dfather1984 (Post 1607722)
I have disabled the auto edit. Now how do I get it to show up just once in the postbit? I have posted an image of what I mean.

Thanks for your help.

You can try the following code, I'm using postbit but locate (and i'm assuming you want it above "no of posts") the postbit_legacy template. Insert the following code:


<div class="smallfont" "vertical-align: bottom"><b>$vmood_postbit</b></div><br />
place it above:


                                        $vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]

Hopefully that will help you. :)

g0dfather1984 08-26-2008 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1607742)
You can try the following code, I'm using postbit but locate (and i'm assuming you want it above "no of posts") the postbit_legacy template. Insert the following code:


<div class="smallfont" "vertical-align: bottom"><b>$vmood_postbit</b></div><br />
place it above:


                                        $vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]

Hopefully that will help you. :)

Ah, that works great. Thank you & much respect!

natecoupons 08-29-2008 03:00 AM

Can anyone help me .... with the new moods....they are getting cut off. Is there a way to expand the pm menu to include the entire gif??? I attached a screen shot below. I am eager to get all of the moods from vbimageworks!! I really really love your stuff!! Just waiting to register!!

Sunsetdriver 08-31-2008 02:16 PM

Nice hack. Our members really like it.

However, once I've installed I have no-more pop-ups for messages/PMs notifications. :confused:

kylek 09-04-2008 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by BuCwIld (Post 1596295)
i have tried everything. even had a friend dl and send it to me via a transfer and still coudnt extract the files....:(

I cant extract the folder also. Also had to uninstall it and now have 3.7.3 runing, has anyone been able to get this working as a new install on 3.7.3?

Daisyboo 09-06-2008 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by natecoupons (Post 1609571)
Can anyone help me .... with the new moods....they are getting cut off. Is there a way to expand the pm menu to include the entire gif??? I attached a screen shot below. I am eager to get all of the moods from vbimageworks!! I really really love your stuff!! Just waiting to register!!

I have the same problem. I was going to try moving it to under the username instead to see how that looked but I'm not sure how to do that.
Anyone know?

natecoupons 09-09-2008 03:10 AM

can anyone help??

Kinneas 09-09-2008 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by natecoupons (Post 1609571)
Can anyone help me .... with the new moods....they are getting cut off. Is there a way to expand the pm menu to include the entire gif??? I attached a screen shot below. I am eager to get all of the moods from vbimageworks!! I really really love your stuff!! Just waiting to register!!

In the vMoods options, try changing the "vMoods CSS". Where it says #vmoods{ I think you have a height value which is causing it to cut off. Try increasing or removing it.

vitrag24 09-09-2008 09:00 AM

can i have more moods?
i've added this..

i want these also..how to get them?

Kinneas 09-09-2008 09:18 AM

You can add as many moods as you want in the vMoods options. Just add a name in the list and then make a corresponding .gif file (Eg, Confused would be Confused.gif - It's case sensitive)

Daisyboo 09-09-2008 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Kinneas (Post 1618067)
In the vMoods options, try changing the "vMoods CSS". Where it says #vmoods{ I think you have a height value which is causing it to cut off. Try increasing or removing it.

Thank you, that worked perfectly!

Sweeks 09-09-2008 09:12 PM

Does anyone know a fix to get this to show on all the boards that this hasnt worked on so far, or does anyone have any ideas as to why it isnt working for some people? Thank you
Bdsm torture

Shelley_c 09-09-2008 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by J12610AFE2D3 (Post 1618521)
Does anyone know a fix to get this to show on all the boards that this hasnt worked on so far, or does anyone have any ideas as to why it isnt working for some people? Thank you

The script does work. You just have too tinker around with the settings a little to have it showing correctly. Most issues people are having are alignment and size issues which myself and kinneas explained on how to resolve in numerous posts throughout this thread.

Sweeks 09-10-2008 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1618557)
The script does work. You just have too tinker around with the settings a little to have it showing correctly. Most issues people are having are alignment and size issues which myself and kinneas explained on how to resolve in numerous posts throughout this thread.

The problem I and some others are having is it not showing at all. I tried some of the code snippets people have posted to have it show above the post counnt but all that showed in my postbit was a gap because of

< /br>
. I have uploaded all files and images correctly, and also edited the code according to the instructions and still it will not show at all.

If anyone knows how I can get it to work Ill be really grateful, I think this is one of the only mods I have left to install and one of the best too!


Shelley_c 09-10-2008 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by J12610AFE2D3 (Post 1618775)
The problem I and some others are having is it not showing at all. I tried some of the code snippets people have posted to have it show above the post counnt but all that showed in my postbit was a gap because of

< /br>
. I have uploaded all files and images correctly, and also edited the code according to the instructions and still it will not show at all.

If anyone knows how I can get it to work Ill be really grateful, I think this is one of the only mods I have left to install and one of the best too!


Could you possibly provide a link to your forum and I will take a look.

sola 09-10-2008 11:46 PM

So, there is no way to resolve this VMoods on VBA issue that's been talked about here so much? None of the fixes suggested so far works...


zombietom 09-11-2008 10:44 AM

Use the old version it works good, i tried for hours to get this new version to work and then i tried the old version and it worked great.

rmxs 09-14-2008 06:59 PM

Take a look at this
vB_AJAX_vMoods_Init is not defined


var VMOODS_IMAGES_PATH = 'vmoods/images';



slinkyman 09-15-2008 12:49 AM

I can't get it to work on vbadvanced at all. I've tried all of the different combination inside the Portal Output Global Variables and the mood's .js file as stated in this thread. Anyone know what I should do?

SnapOff Racing 09-19-2008 10:15 AM

this mod doesn't seem to work with vbseo...it won't let me change moods.

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