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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Complete Wordpress/Vbulletin Bridge - Share Users And Postings (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=177625)

desi-boy 01-24-2009 09:15 AM

there is instructnz for upgard but not for new instalation

Help me plezzz if any 1 know somethinggggg ???


GlitterKill 01-25-2009 06:16 PM

I see the comment that it works in VB 3.8 and WordPress 2.7, which is perfect! I am planning on moving to this setup as our main article CMS script. There is one issue in the directions which may end up being a sticking point for me, though.

I run two different content-driven sites that posts reviews and articles and has used our own, home-brewed, CMS since they started over 5 years ago. The CMS is definitely showing it's age nowadays with the lack of features and usability. The main thing is that it connects to our forum database for users and uses the forum for article comments.

The part that may make it very tricky is that both PCApex.com and GameApex.com now use the same forum for their communities which is located at ForumApex.com. Each of the main content sites have their own sections on the forum for discussions and there are general forums for either site as well. It is basically just one big community that has it's articles sorted between two different domains based on their content (one is PC hardwre and modding articles and the other is game reviews).

So, what do you all think? Can I make it work through some cookie tweaking? Any suggestions for me to try?

dreamhost 01-26-2009 06:54 PM

After a serious amount of hacking to this code, I can finally say that I have it running on wordprss mu perfectly.

There is one thing that I would like to change though, and maybe someone here has an idea of the direction that I should attack this problem.

I have mu setup so that when a person signs up and add's a blog to their account that they have to select a category for their blog, sports, weather, news, etc....

I have created corresponding article categories in mu for articles.

Here's what I want to happen:
When a person adds an article to mu, currently they can choose a forum to post their article to as well. (this is normal operation for the bridge). Problem is they have access to post their article to any forum that exists, I have no control over where they choose to put it.

what I want is to force them to have all 'weather' posts go into their designated blog category in the forums.

This will make is so that everything 'weather' related from all 'weather' category blogs will automatically be forced to have their wpmu posts put into the proper vb category.

And if they are going to write an article on their blog that doesn't belong in 'weather' they can put it into a personal category, which does not get put into vb.

make sense?

--theory being that I can use the forums to aggrigate all the wpmu articles into specific vb forums, on a per blog type basis. Gives me a vb 'central repository' of related articles to draw from.


PET 01-28-2009 01:21 AM


I did exactly as asked in the file.

My blog is in:


and my forum is in


I set up the path correctly, however when I go to wordress to post something, I press publish and the script goes directly to a HTTP 500 error. The script stops at post.php

I noticed the message is saved but only as DRAFT. If I want to edit and publis it again, I get that 500 error.

Any sugestions please?


deepmartini 01-28-2009 02:11 AM

Hi, I have been trying to get this plugin to work. My problem is that I am using Wordpress CMS upfront and vbulletin as my forums. I want the website visitor to login via Wordpress first and then be automatically logged into vbulletin when they click on the forum link.

From what I understand, this plugin here only works by importing vbulleting users INTO wordpress. How do I get it to work the other way around? Wordpress into vbulletin?

Please help anyone?!

PET 01-29-2009 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by PET (Post 1726737)

I did exactly as asked in the file.

My blog is in:


and my forum is in


I set up the path correctly, however when I go to wordress to post something, I press publish and the script goes directly to a HTTP 500 error. The script stops at post.php

I noticed the message is saved but only as DRAFT. If I want to edit and publis it again, I get that 500 error.

Any sugestions please?


So any suggestions to my problem? What's causing the HTTP 500 error when I want to make a new post in wordpress?

AzzX 01-29-2009 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by PET (Post 1727759)
So any suggestions to my problem? What's causing the HTTP 500 error when I want to make a new post in wordpress?

It has to be a path issue - checking your error logs may help targeting the problem.

EGF_Mafia 01-29-2009 10:47 PM

How would I get this to work along side vBadvanced? I mean I know this plugin has the purpose to make WordPress the CMS, but I love the features of vBa, like the recent posts box and stuff... but when I have vBa activated along with the WP integration I get these errors.


Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_template.php on line 42

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_template.php on line 50

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/init.php(293) : eval()'d code on line 24

Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/imenigma/templates/forums/includes/class_core.php
Line: 3239

Any Help?

amjadz4 01-31-2009 09:08 AM

Okay people! I'm using Wordpress v2.7 and vBulletin v3.8.1. I will post my progress here as I'm doing it.

UPDATE 1: Installing the plugin
So far so good. everything went smooth. The installation instructions were straight forward. done with no problems. users mapped correctly....blog post posted to forum.
# Having login problems. Going to dashboard directly [not logged in on vB] redirects to forums.
Solved - First login to vB, then go to dashboard and you will be logged in automatically. If not first time, then open the wp-admin/ page again and you are in.

UPDATE 2: Applying VB Comments...
All instructions applied carefully. Comments posted in WP are not posted as posts in vB. Its a template issue and I am trying to fix it. will update here.

So here is the good news: The plugin works with the latest versions of both WP 2.7 and vB 3.8.1 :)

SWFans.net 02-02-2009 12:57 PM

I have this bridge installed and working about 95% up to what I need. The last 5% appears to be an issue I have discovered causing the user bridge to not work for many of my users, including an Administrator and an Author/Moderator.

Usernames do not bridge at all, nor is there an error of any kind if the user has an apostrophe in their registered vBulletin name.

Example: One of my admins registered name is Lilaena De'Ville. I have tested this with other names with apostrophes and had the same problem. It refused to log them in or bridge them at all while names without apostrophes work perfectly.

AzzX 02-04-2009 11:59 AM

Changing vb to use the UTF8 character set should fix that issue.

SWFans.net 02-05-2009 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by AzzX (Post 1734137)
Changing vb to use the UTF8 character set should fix that issue.

Already tried that one as well as the other way around (changing WP to ISO-8859-1), no joy.

pypons 02-06-2009 02:35 PM

thanks for this fantastic plugin.

There is a solution for scheduled post ?
There is a new hook in wordpress for future post.
There is future_to_publish...

Check this link


moethelawn 02-09-2009 02:26 PM

I've had this bridge running for quite awhile and now Wordpress 2.7 and vB 3.8.1 with a custom homepage - it still works just fine :)

kudos to jafo

pypons 02-09-2009 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by moethelawn (Post 1738717)
I've had this bridge running for quite awhile and now Wordpress 2.7 and vB 3.8.1 with a custom homepage - it still works just fine :)

kudos to jafo

Hi moethelawn,

work fine with future scheduled post ?

swiftor 02-09-2009 04:17 PM

Thank you!


Originally Posted by Shaliza (Post 1718918)
It should be fine. My forum is installed on a subdomain, while WP is installed on the main domain. I'm having no problems with this.

myHybridcar.com 02-09-2009 07:42 PM

I installed this bridge the other day on 3.8 and everything (including vB posting) worked just fine. Then, for some reason, it stopped posting new comments into the forum (although new entries/threads worked just fine). The setting is still activated in the WP settings. What did I mess up?

[Separately, as I understand it a reply in vB should NOT post a comment under WP, is that correct?]


roots549 02-09-2009 08:21 PM

Has anyone figured out a way to get media files such as, images or youtube videos, that one posts in the wordpress blog to then appear in media format within the target vbull forum?

I have tried several wp plugins and so far, no luck.

thanks in advance

myHybridcar.com 02-09-2009 09:40 PM

I seem to be a little confused about the abilities of the bridge. With everything enabled, this is how I understand it:

(1) Comments may only be posted using the vBulletin Reply to Thread page.
(2) Comments may NOT be posted using WordPress.
(3) Comments may NOT be posted using vBulletin Quick Reply.

Is this all correct? So, I have to disable both Quick Reply and WordPress commenting, neither of which are bridging?

The alternative option, if I understand it, is to allow WordPress to handle all commenting. If I do things this way, WordPress comments will not count towards a user's forum post count, and the comments can only be managed in WordPress Admin. Again, is this correct?


rcadden 02-10-2009 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by myHybridcar.com (Post 1739092)
I seem to be a little confused about the abilities of the bridge. With everything enabled, this is how I understand it:

(1) Comments may only be posted using the vBulletin Reply to Thread page.
(2) Comments may NOT be posted using WordPress.
(3) Comments may NOT be posted using vBulletin Quick Reply.

Is this all correct? So, I have to disable both Quick Reply and WordPress commenting, neither of which are bridging?

The alternative option, if I understand it, is to allow WordPress to handle all commenting. If I do things this way, WordPress comments will not count towards a user's forum post count, and the comments can only be managed in WordPress Admin. Again, is this correct?


1 and 2 are correct, though 3 is not - I have Quick Reply active and use it quite often on my site with no issues.

As mine is right now, when a post is published on wordpress, the corresponding forum thread is created, and comments on wordpress are pulled from the forum thread and displayed. the wordpress comments system is completely disabled/gone (at least on my site, obviously it's still 'there' in the backend).

You can safely *not* use the feature that maps vbulletin users with wordpress users - I'm not sure what the point of that is, but I turned it off with no ill effects.

Unfortunately, scheduled posting is still not working. The wordpress post goes up just fine, but the forum thread never gets posted, which means there's no way for readers to comment. I have to manually open the post and click publish, which is a huge pain.

AzzX 02-11-2009 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by rcadden (Post 1739280)
As mine is right now, when a post is published on wordpress, the corresponding forum thread is created, and comments on wordpress are pulled from the forum thread and displayed. the wordpress comments system is completely disabled/gone (at least on my site, obviously it's still 'there' in the backend).

How did you achieve this? I have been trying to decide whether to keep the wordpress comment system intact as an alternative or to do it as you have done.


Armyqt 02-11-2009 09:05 PM

I had this professionally installed with no issues. I am experiencing a few minor issues such as the login and being redirected to the forums. When I try to edit a post I am redirected to the forum although the post is not on the forum. This hack is nice, but it doesn't work perfectly.

I am VERY concerned about having duplicate content on my site. It seems like everyone is overlooking this as a possibility to be bad foe SEO. That alone would kill this whole hack. At first I thought this was cool. But with the lack of support in this thread and the many bugs, and the SEO aspect, I'm seriously reconsidering this.

I'm running VB 3.8.1 and WP 2.7.

Armyqt 02-12-2009 10:49 AM

Uninstalled. Too much hassle.

AzzX 02-12-2009 11:13 AM

Were you just trying to edit in wp-admin?

joeymuk 02-12-2009 11:37 AM

I installed this, everything appeared to work but when I created an account on vb it didn't create the user on wp..

Really wished a more feature rich version would be updated.

remotay 02-12-2009 06:10 PM

I keep getting this database error since i installed this bridge. I get it toally randomly, usually once a day (But i have very few users right now, so I expect to get more of these errors later on). How do I fix this..?

The login page on the error areas are WORD PRESS logins, not vbulletin logins, so the login area on the top left IS indeed wordpress login, because I don't want the script to redirect to the forum right away when people login...


Database error in vBulletin :

mysql_connect() [<a href='function.mysql-connect'>function.mysql-connect</a>]: Unknown MySQL server host 'mysql50-09.wc1.dfw1.stabletransit.com' (2)
/mnt/stor1-wc1-dfw1/379363/www.mmohut.com/web/content/forums/includes/class_core.php on line 311

MySQL Error  :
Error Number  :
Request Date  : Wednesday, February 11th 2009 @ 09:02:20 PM
Error Date    : Wednesday, February 11th 2009 @ 09:02:30 PM
Script        : http://mmohut.com/review/perfect-world
Referrer      : http://mmohut.com/review/combat-arms
IP Address    :
Username      :
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

Mr. Mooney 02-13-2009 02:55 PM


I just installed the mod and am having some issues. First of all, when I change any settings I get this error:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge.php:132) in /home/site/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 698

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins/vbbridge.php:132) in /home/site/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 699

The second issue is that when I make a post, it normally chops off a line when posting. For instance, if I post:

"Test line one

Test line two

Test line three"

The actual post will show as:

"Test line one
Test line two"

Any help would be appreciated.:)

remotay 02-14-2009 01:55 AM

I'm getting at least 5-10 of these emails a day now, What's going on? If anyone can help me with this it'll be vastly appreciated. I can even pay for their time!

Jafo232 02-14-2009 04:55 AM

Just a quick note to everyone, I am rewriting this plugin and will hopefully finish testing this weekend.

The new version (IV) will include the following changes so far:

Integration is complete. Once you turn integration on, usernames and passwords from the forum can be used.

Users and admins can login from the WP login area.

If you log into VB or WP, then you remain logged in, until you log out (from either).

I hope to have time to rewrite the comment code instructions (for the default WP template).

I will be posting it in the 3.8 forum, but will also post a link here.

myHybridcar.com 02-14-2009 06:32 PM

My $vbuser variables will not display, despite the note in the readme. Any idea why? Thanks.

AzzX 02-14-2009 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1743546)
Just a quick note to everyone, I am rewriting this plugin and will hopefully finish testing this weekend.

The new version (IV) will include the following changes so far:

Integration is complete. Once you turn integration on, usernames and passwords from the forum can be used.

Users and admins can login from the WP login area.

If you log into VB or WP, then you remain logged in, until you log out (from either).

I hope to have time to rewrite the comment code instructions (for the default WP template).

I will be posting it in the 3.8 forum, but will also post a link here.

Thanks Jafo, This is the best mod on vborg by far :)

Jafo232 02-14-2009 09:20 PM

Ok, I have released the update:


xlcstaff 03-31-2009 08:59 AM

Hi, this mod is great! I use it wit VB 3.8 e WP 2.7, all work perfectly just one little problem...
When i post to wp and i see the post in vbulletin, i can't see the image...the path image is wrong.
My post is like this: Image (left) text....
I hope someone wants help me!

vbplusme 06-27-2009 11:52 AM

Yep! Your paths are wrong now and the query can't find what its looking for now...

n96search 07-28-2009 08:11 AM

I dont know what i am missing ,as i had installed the plugin exactly as told in readme.txt file .Passing all hurdles got stuck at one error for last 3 days couldnt pass it .

Error i got after clicking Vbridge User Settings link :"Fatal error: Call to a member function query_read() on a non-object in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\"server path"\wp-content\plugins\vbbridge.php on line 475"

Using current version of VBbridge 4.1
Server is window based.

at line 475 code is : " $fs = $vbulletin->db->query_read($sql); "

My Blog and forum folder is on the same level.

For this error , already read full forum but couldnt find any answer .

Any help would greatly be appreciated.

n96search 08-04-2009 09:11 AM

got pass this error .Installed new new blog and reconfigured it again and found that in Vbbridge settings i havn't turned on the plugin.

This time i found that while posting when i click on Upload/Insert to upload image and insert it in the blog post giving error

"Are you sure you want to do this?

Please try again."

Then i deactivate the the plugin and found it working . Dont know is the plugin compatibility problem of the plugin or what?

I am using wordpress 2.8.2 and vbbridge 4.1

Any help will be appreciated.

Jafo232 08-04-2009 07:25 PM

Because this version is no longer supported, see:


n96search 08-05-2009 06:13 AM

sorry posted my query in wrong thread as i had downloaded and installed vbbridge4.01.13.zip on vbulletin 3.8.2 .

posted new query at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...205388&page=49

amjadz4 03-06-2012 06:53 AM

Guys I need your support. All of you who want this plugin to work for the latest versions of vB and WP with extra features that are currently not available and more ... Go here on this page and put 3 votes.


Come on people, lets get this plugin made for vB 4! They just need votes! Also if you can, please post some of your ideas there. :D

Toorak Times 03-07-2012 02:18 PM

Build all the bridges Wordpress, Joomla, even , gulp Blogger...Serif is tasty...love you vBnauts

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