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pedigree 11-08-2008 11:44 AM

Im just in the final stages of the statistics/reporting engine but baby, work and travel are getting on top of me at the moment. I have a couple of weeks leave coming up so Im hopeful

Jasmin 11-08-2008 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by pedigree (Post 1493372)
Donations to date

October 2008
"Stuff used to buy my children food with" $0
"Drive to get 0.7 completed" medium

Wow, that's really stupid. This is one of the most essential mods on here!

Personally, it has cut down more than half of my usual spammer volume, all automatically. That saves me and my team a LOT of time. Since time is something we can't replace, and misplaced attention is costly, I just sent you $50 as a thank you. In reality, you deserve more, but I hope the rest of the community starts pitching in, too.

You might want to consider charging for a version of this one (a deluxe version or a commercial key for those make money with their forum?) It might be great to get picked up by vbulletin.com itself. That $55/yr Akismet thing they have on there doesn't do anything useful compared to this. People mostly get false positives w/that one.

Honestly, it really sort of teed me off that I upgraded from my forum in large part to get access to Akismet, only to have it work against against us. Thankfully, your mod rocks, and is part of a total solution to the very real problem spammers bring. Thank you. Thank you!! :)

pedigree 11-08-2008 07:27 PM

Wow, thats fantasic, thanks! I never expected that anyone would donate and $50 is fantasic. This is great motivation and Im going to get stuck into the code again right now.

To address your points, yeah, charging could make me some more money, it certainly would be good but I think I just hate spammers more. Im hoping that people will see value for money in the plugin and see that value in a donation. Im working as a developer on sfs at the moment and working to get the next version of the api set out so that we can really take it to people. We are giving serious though to limiting some of the biggest users as there are some hitting the API several thousand times a day but for people with forums like you and me, its still going to be free.

Thank you again, you made my day

GlowHost.com 11-08-2008 10:42 PM

Where are the use registration logs stored for users who were prevented from registering?

FYI I have this installed on 3.7.4 and everything seems to work other than:

A) I have no idea to see if it is working because I cannot find the logs
2) From install.txt

5 - Edit Usergroup permissions (Optional) (AdminCP -> Usergroup -> Usergroup Manager -> (Group) ->
vbStopForumSpam Permissions - Access / View / Submit
Here you can allow specific usergroups access to details in User Ooptions/ Whos Online etc
This does not appear to be an option in 3.7.4

pedigree 11-09-2008 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by GlowHost.com (Post 1662021)
Where are the use registration logs stored for users who were prevented from registering?

FYI I have this installed on 3.7.4 and everything seems to work other than:

A) I have no idea to see if it is working because I cannot find the logs
2) From install.txt

This does not appear to be an option in 3.7.4

You need to read the thread a bit more but I admit, thats a bit hard as its 22 pages long. The logs are in the admincp, statistics & logs / vbstopforumspam logs. Ill edit the first post and detail one bugs that is easily fixed and detail this issue

if its not there, and as you cant find the usergroup options (that dont work in 0.61,. I jumped the gun) then I dont think you uploaded the files in the "upload" folder.

Delphiprogrammi 11-09-2008 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by pedigree (Post 1662099)
You need to read the thread a bit more but I admit, thats a bit hard as its 22 pages long. The logs are in the admincp, statistics & logs / vbstopforumspam logs. Ill edit the first post and detail one bugs that is easily fixed and detail this issue

if its not there, and as you cant find the usergroup options (that dont work in 0.61,. I jumped the gun) then I dont think you uploaded the files in the "upload" folder.

1) he did not uploaded the bitfield XML file to /includes/xml

2) he did not rebuilded his bitfields /admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields

pedigree 11-09-2008 09:14 AM

buildbitfields, that was the command I was looking for, thanks delphi :) 0.7 doesnt use them but if I delete them, it trashes the usergroup management until bitfields are rebuilt so I was looking at the easiest way to do it automatically inside the script

GlowHost.com 11-09-2008 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by pedigree (Post 1662099)
You need to read the thread a bit more but I admit, that's a bit hard as its 22 pages long. The logs are in the admincp, statistics & logs / vbstopforumspam logs. Ill edit the first post and detail one bugs that is easily fixed and detail this issue

if its not there, and as you cant find the usergroup options (that don't work in 0.61,. I jumped the gun) then I don't think you uploaded the files in the "upload" folder.

Thanks for your response. Have you tried this on 3.7.4?

The logs you mention do not show up for me in this version.

Per he install.txt

Upload the upload folder into the root of your forums. If you've changed the admincp folder to something else,
then make sure you move the admincp files into that folder.
They make no mention of the images and includes directories. However, I have in fact uploaded the files in admincp to the admincp dir, the images to the images dir, and the includes to the includes dir.

So either I botched the install somehow, or its not compatible with 3.7.4 OR not compatible with some of the mods I have on here but I don't see why at the very least the menu option for " admincp, statistics & logs / vbstopforumspam logs" would not be generated since none of the mods I have in here should effect side nav in admincp.

pedigree 11-09-2008 08:46 PM

if you have an "upload" folder in the root of your install, then yes, you uploaded the folder instead of its contents. If you go to register (do it yourself) youll get an error if you uploaded the "upload" folder and not its contents. THe easist thing to do is FTP to your server, drag the contents of the upload folder to the root, this will put the files into the rights folders

yes, it works in 3.7.4



the fact that thats a 404 page makes me think you havent uploaded the files correctly

GlowHost.com 11-09-2008 09:00 PM

I definately do not have an upload folder in there and I do understand the concept of which files belong where. I am going to try to re-install the files and see how it goes. Nice catch on the images thing.

pedigree 11-09-2008 09:08 PM

well, your status image files have appeared now so I guess second time works

GlowHost.com 11-09-2008 09:37 PM

Yeah I don't know what happened there. All is well now. Might add 3.7.4 to the list in the first post.

Reported in the thread to work
- 3.6.2, 3.6.9, 3.6.10, 3.7.0, 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 3.7.3

Looking forward to addition of the spamstop controls in admincp and user controls. Cheers and donations sent :)

pedigree 11-09-2008 10:10 PM

Check the links in the first post, there is a mod there that adds the ability to submit


Wired1 11-09-2008 11:02 PM

There's also a link to a plugin version of his submittal code I made so you don't have to hack files.

pedigree 11-09-2008 11:45 PM

Oh, thats the link that I thought I linked... Next time, I should check... Here it is


GlowHost.com 11-10-2008 01:34 AM

I checked it out earlier but didn't see it mentioned in the post where thise files are to be uploaded to or if they are supposed to go through the plugin manager in admincp.

I also read you had put the settings in usergroups but they did not do anything yet. I figured perhaps you might eventually bundle in the files referenced above so they were supported along with functionality for the usergroups settings in a possible future release.

pedigree 11-10-2008 09:16 AM

Yeah, I jumped the gun and before I could work in incorporating the functionality that they provided, the scope of the next version balloned about the same time as my work load, my travel times and a new born.

What I will do is update the zip file so that it doesnt have these files, change the install instructions and reupload it. The problem that this might have if someone downloads and reimports this is that it will cause a database failure if you delete a usergroup without rebuilding the postbits, not a biggy but it could throw people.

I just checked my email, thanks Glowhost for your donation, its really great motivation :)

The plugins linked in the posts above are a single import via the plugin manager with no file uploads required to the folders in your vBulletin install. Just import the version of the mod that you want, either just for the administrator user or just for the administrator group. All this is built into 0.7.

GlowHost.com 11-10-2008 09:17 PM

Ahh thanks for the clarification and you are welcome. I think I'll wait for v 0.7 in that case.

I am happy to report the usual 1-10 spam posts per day in our forum have completely stopped since this script was installed. Very very good mod, the logs were filled with would-be spammers in just a few hours after installation.

mmurtha 11-13-2008 10:41 AM

I've installed this Mod on a VB 3.7.4 forum and have no problems with it whatsoever. Actually, I'm quite tickled with it. It caught 17 spammers while I was in bed last eve! I think it's awesome we don't have to wake up in the morning only to find out that common spammers took over our boards while we were sleeping.

Thanks a ton for coding this. It's one of the best Mods I ran across because I really had spammer trouble. ;)


raymondblog 11-14-2008 12:19 AM

I have 0.6 installed and totally confused on how to upgrade to 0.61?
You mentioned that I only need to edit MEMBERINFO?
Sorry, am a newbie.

pedigree 11-14-2008 12:43 AM

Only need to revert MEMBERINFO if you made the template edits manually in a version prior to 0.61

Its only because I didnt pay attentino to what I was doing. If in 0.6 you made the template changes to show source IP and didnt revert the template, then people could see others IP numbers. Thats the only difference really

Embroidables 11-14-2008 09:28 AM

When I went to install your Stop Forum Spam mod, I got an error message stating that it wasn't compatible with VB version 3.6.1 Is there any reason that it isn't compatible? or has it just not yet been tested with 3.6.1? I know, I know, I probably should upgrade, but I've been putting it off since our forum is highly modified so it could be a real pain to upgrade.

Joe Siegler 11-14-2008 03:41 PM

Installed and it works with 3.80 Beta 2.

pedigree 11-14-2008 03:51 PM

It hasnt been tested with 3.61

You can install it and try and report the results back. Best thing would be to see if 3.61 has the two hooks mentioned in the first post. If it does, then it should work.

- Thanks Joe, Ive updated the mod post to show it working in 3.80beta2

Embroidables 11-14-2008 07:01 PM

It appears to be working with 3.6.1.

I had to change the xml file
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.6.2" maxversion="" />
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.6.1" maxversion="" />

to allow it to install, but so far everything appears to be working just fine. :)

Thanks for the great mod!

pedigree 11-14-2008 07:31 PM

Ill add this to the mod description and re-upload the package with the min version of 3.6.1

raymondblog 11-15-2008 05:29 AM

Thanks for your support pedigree. Weirdly I was unable to find the code that was supposed to install during 0.6 in MEMBERINFO :) So nothing needs to be done.. Great job and keep up the good work.

pedigree 11-21-2008 01:11 PM

Well, this is good news (for this mod anyway) After the tragic lose of the author who write the One touch ban and cleanup mod, Ive been in contact with his brother who said that I can include the code in the next verson, so expect to see a selectable list of users/post by ip/subnet/email address where you can perform actions against them in batch mode... select all users from the same class-C subnet and one click cleanup and ban them all.

Medtech 11-23-2008 02:38 AM

This has been a great mod for me. my forum has almost 6,000 members now. in the last 2 weeks, this mod has stopped over 400 spammer registrations. running vb 3.8.0 Beta 3 and running 46 modifications .:up:

mmurtha 11-23-2008 10:15 AM


That's great news. Although I do hate to hear about the author of the one touch ban mod.


It's been a very good mod for me too. I sware by this one. ;)

Bonemaro 11-24-2008 12:58 PM

Installed, thanks.

DangerousDale 11-25-2008 02:42 PM

I would like to say thanks for this mod, my forum would not be alive without it.

I have recently upgraded to vb 3.8.0 beta 3 and have the latest upgrade of this mod including the submit add on and all is working perfectly.

Thanks again ;)

rapidity 12-01-2008 11:07 PM

To make it work in mySQL 4.0...

Replace in functions_vbsfs.php

            $sql = "SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), '" . $lastseen . "') AS DAYS;";

            $sql = "select floor((unix_timestamp(NOW()) - unix_timestamp('" . $lastseen . "')) / 86400) AS DAYS;";
That should work...

pedigree 12-02-2008 11:50 AM

Thanks rapidity, Ill look at implementing that in 0.7 if mysql < 4.1

ldkaplan 12-08-2008 03:59 PM

Thanks for this great mod. We installed on our forum last week and have been able to stop 30 spammers. Our site is a family oriented site and given the graphic nature of some of this spam, your mod has been a great help.

Keep up the good work!

davewolf 12-10-2008 06:41 PM

After clicking Register i get a white screen, running 3.7.4

If you need any other info let me know.

thincom2000 12-11-2008 12:48 AM

Thanks for this mod. I have extended it to the sendmessage.php form for myself and plan on using it as a SPAM filter for our admin email accounts (using vBMS) once I get the time to code it.

pedigree 12-11-2008 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by davewolf (Post 1682621)
After clicking Register i get a white screen, running 3.7.4

If you need any other info let me know.

This is what happens when you dont read the install instructions, specifically the bit about uploading files to your forum

Manny.Munich 12-13-2008 11:30 AM

Thanks for this great Mod. :-)

Excellent work. :up:

externalaw.com 12-17-2008 03:15 PM

I have been testing this mod on 3.8 for a little over 3 weeks.. and I have to say it is VERY VERY good.

I get logs with all actions taken and it blocks about 20 people a day, never once blocking a sincere new member...

Thank you so much!

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