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Falon 02-12-2009 07:06 PM

So, is not working with MGC Chatbox evo v2.2.1.?
I have installed v2.2.1. because i though i will can to integrate with my vbadvanced cmps.

Ranger187 02-13-2009 01:17 AM

Stangger5, I can confirm this works on 2.2.1.

And to Digitnumbnuts, take a midol. If you think thinks just magically work, you should try runnning a FFMPEG server with IIS on 2008. Possible, but a huge pita. And don't give me a linux reply.

DigitALL 02-13-2009 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by stangger5 (Post 1739260)
Please read what this add-on is compatible with before wasting your time:;)
MGC Chatbox Evo Version: 1.0.0 and MGC Chatbox Evo Version: 1.1.0

Than this thread should be closed. There is no point to be offered to a defunct software.

Ranger187 02-14-2009 07:05 AM

It works with 2.x

DigitALL 02-15-2009 01:08 PM

Is this module be updated to work with the latest ChatBox? It is true, it is listed as to work with version 1 and not further, but I was just wondering, what is the point to still be listed/active in the forum instead to be closed with an announcement that no further updates?

DigitALL 02-15-2009 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ranger187 (Post 1743625)
It works with 2.x

How so? Is there an update or better info on what to do to to make it properly work with the latest version?

Ranger187 02-15-2009 02:35 PM

3.8 with chat 2.x with cpms 3.x works with this module.

There are 22 pages for a reason. People found the way. Do you expect every developer to update stuff instantly? Be realistic. We all have lives. Either go through the past few recent pages and find the answer, or don't. If your chat works outside of this module you didn't follow instructions. If your chat doesn't work without this and vBadvanced installed, it has nothing to do with this. It's the chat. Which means you probably installed that wrong.

Your lack of details are why you probably get crap support.

DigitALL 02-15-2009 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Ranger187 (Post 1744907)
3.8 with chat 2.x with cpms 3.x works with this module.

There are 22 pages for a reason. People found the way. Do you expect every developer to update stuff instantly? Be realistic. We all have lives. Either go through the past few recent pages and find the answer, or don't. If your chat works outside of this module you didn't follow instructions. If your chat doesn't work without this and vBadvanced installed, it has nothing to do with this. It's the chat. Which means you probably installed that wrong.

Your lack of details are why you probably get crap support.

Hold your horses bro, don't kill me! Try to be more flexible, not everyone is talented as yourself.
Version 2 of the ChatBox is out from quite some time, so nobody expect an instant update, but after a month or so you would expect to see some update or notes, or is it unrealistic especially when that pice of s/w is posted as "supported"?

"3.8 with chat 2.x with cpms 3.x works with this module." If you look above, the developer replied that the hack it was made for version 1 and not 2. I have read all posts and there is contradictory information and that is the problem! I did followed the mods to the letter and did not worked for me. Moreover, I had to fix my db because it did screw up something. Most likely that there are some details that are missing and people with less familiarity, don't know all the tricks.
So bottom line in this case: it is NOT the lack of info provided by the poster but it is the lack of info provided by the developer. And most likely, that it is not to be condemned too because when many hacks are released, somehow the developer expect the same type of knowledge from all users, which is not the case.

So Ranger187, I would kindly suggest this: why not write a guide on how to make it work with version 2.x under vb3.8.x and perhaps the developer will include it in the first post/release?

Ranger187 02-15-2009 05:19 PM

Keep in mind, this is an add-on. He's not the developer to the chat itself. So unless he subscribes to VBDev's MGC thread, he won't know. Also during the 1.x to 2.x transition, VB 3.7 to 3.8 and 4.0alpha are around. Takes time to update. And sometimes DEV's hold off cuz a new release is just about out which could make the change fail..

If you had to fix DB issues, it wasn't from the chat or this. They generally never are, unless you start running queries, OR you don't uninstall stuff like the readme says. Which is HIGHLY the case with the chat.

If you think this thread is contradictory, goto the chat thread. 250+ pages. Hehe.
And honestly, I would, but I get nothing outta it. I know how to install/troubleshoot it. I do all the support for the actual chat. I've installed it on about 200 forums. I got nothing. No donations. And it's not my product. ;)

There's going to be another chat version out 2.2.1 just came out. There are too many variables. And I hade coding to begin with. ;)

Not to mention, I work about 15+ hours a day on servers. So when I get free time....LOL...

My advice though....

Bottom line:
1. It's your fault for not doing a database backup prior to doing any changes. If it's not common practice for you, make it so. If you didn't know to do that.. Now ya do. Takes a few seconds to do a full db backup. Lose 30 days of posts due to a bad plugin or template edit or whatever, and you won't argue #1 ever. I wrote a script that does this automatically every 3 days. ;)

2. If you have errors, give as much detail as you can. Sometimes if you are using FireFox, open up error console. That might show.

If you want, hit me up on AIM/Yahoo or PM me a s/n and I'll try to help you. What would take you a long time, takes me minutes to do.

TFGoRP 02-21-2009 04:34 PM

I am using the 2.2.1 and my vba is 3.1.0 and my forum software is 3.8.1 When i put this on vba i get Loading nonestop and i couldnt find the answer to this in any of the pages. Can some one help?

cory_booth 02-22-2009 02:44 AM

For those of you who are unable to get the chatbox to "load" on integration....
I had to edit the clientscripts/mgc_cb_evo_functions.js file and change all calls to mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php.

I deleted the jsloc+' part and simply put './mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php' in the quotes.
or if your forum is in forum then:

load the scipt in a GOOD editor - not notepad - wordpad is ok.
I think there was 16-18 occurances so do a well crafted find & replace.

How did I figure this out?

Loading Fiddler2 and watching what my site loads, I saw my site attempt to load the ajx script from
Which translates to "www.mysite.com/home/myname/public_html/vb/mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php"
which is obviously wrong....


the jsloc varible needs to be looked at in the

DigitALL 02-22-2009 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by cory_booth (Post 1751130)
I deleted the jsloc+' part and simply put './mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php' in the quotes.
or if your forum is in forum then:

Could you please be more specific what part to be replaced with what exactly?

cory_booth 02-22-2009 04:53 PM

In this location:

there is this file:

within this file, there are numerous statements:

change this statement to read (approx 16-18 times):
"POST","./mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php" or "POST","./forum/mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php"


DigitALL 02-22-2009 09:38 PM

Thank you very much bud!

Is this issue related to the CMPS module only, or is it applicable to the core chatbox too.
If it is related to the core soft, it should be posted in that thread too, right?

cory_booth 02-23-2009 02:13 AM

It worked for me if I hit chatbox on regular foum pages, but I am pulling chatbox on Arcade and Photopost and other "non-core" modules - including VBAdvanced. All of those suffered the same "loading" problem.

VBDev 02-24-2009 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by cory_booth (Post 1751130)
For those of you who are unable to get the chatbox to "load" on integration....
I had to edit the clientscripts/mgc_cb_evo_functions.js file and change all calls to mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php.

I deleted the jsloc+' part and simply put './mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php' in the quotes.
or if your forum is in forum then:

load the scipt in a GOOD editor - not notepad - wordpad is ok.
I think there was 16-18 occurances so do a well crafted find & replace.

How did I figure this out?

Loading Fiddler2 and watching what my site loads, I saw my site attempt to load the ajx script from
Which translates to "www.mysite.com/home/myname/public_html/vb/mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php"
which is obviously wrong....


the jsloc varible needs to be looked at in the


Just for a test, to see what I could change in the next version of the Evo chatbox (as it's not an issue on stangger5 side), try to do the following.

Edit the plugin of the chatbox named "Global variables of the chatbox", replace its content by :
PHP Code:

require_once(DIR '/includes/functions_mgc_cb_evo.php');


if (
THIS_SCRIPT == 'adv_index' && !empty($forumpath))
$mgc_cb_evo_floc './directory_in_which_your_forum_is/';
$mgc_cb_evo_floc './';

Don't forget to replace directory_in_which_your_forum_is by your directory :)

If this fixes it I will add an option in the next coming release of the chatbox to let you set that directory within chatbox options.

DigitALL 02-24-2009 04:37 PM

Thank you VBDev! Awesome!:)

Please help me out:
My forum is in www.mysite.com/forum/ and when you say: "replace directory_in_which_your_forum_is by your directory", does it mean that means that

$mgc_cb_evo_floc = './directory_in_which_your_forum_is/';
it will look like:

$mgc_cb_evo_floc = './forum/';
Is this correct or do I have to insert full link, please?

SoFresh 02-26-2009 11:07 AM

it's not showing at all for me... it's active and on center... I see nothing :(

kimmer 03-04-2009 02:57 AM

Installed this as directed, but it doesn't show up on my board in standard mode or vbadvanced. I've installed the 1.00 like the instructions said and it never showed up on the standard board. Any help is appreciated. I don't have any errors, but I also have nothing to click to check it. Everything shows up in the admin cp, but nothing on the actual forum.....

stangger5 03-04-2009 11:53 AM

Has anyone tried the edit four post up ??

kimmer 03-04-2009 12:34 PM

Stangers, that file does not exist in my client file. I downloaded 1.0 and that file is not anywhere in clientscript in the download files or in the clientscript in my server. There is a file called clientscript/mgc_cb_evo.js. I'm pretty much a rookie at this, but I can follow directions..haha I did look at the file I do have and it had 14 spots I could change. 13 of them like above stated, but there is also this statement:
function open_help_window()
window.open(bburl + "/forum/mgc_cb_evo.php?" + SESSIONURL + "do=showhelp" , "showhelp", "toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,left= 0 top=0,width=850,height=630");
return false;

I changed it to say "/forum/mgc_cb_evo.php.........I have 2 questions, did I need to mod that one too and posted above they show ./forum/mgc_cb_evo.php, is this correct and do I need that period in the script I posted, or do I need to remove the period from all of the ./forum/mgc_cb_evo.php? And am I in the right file?

kimmer 03-04-2009 01:10 PM

made the changes and still nothing......

robbiefritz 03-04-2009 09:15 PM

Couldn't get it to work on 3.7 but I think that was due to other issues. Works great on 3.8. Thanks for your work.

stangger5 03-05-2009 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by kimmer (Post 1760055)
Stangers, that file does not exist in my client file. I downloaded 1.0 and that file is not anywhere in clientscript in the download files or in the clientscript in my server. There is a file called clientscript/mgc_cb_evo.js. I'm pretty much a rookie at this, but I can follow directions..haha I did look at the file I do have and it had 14 spots I could change. 13 of them like above stated, but there is also this statement:
function open_help_window()
window.open(bburl + "/forum/mgc_cb_evo.php?" + SESSIONURL + "do=showhelp" , "showhelp", "toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,left= 0 top=0,width=850,height=630");
return false;

I changed it to say "/forum/mgc_cb_evo.php.........I have 2 questions, did I need to mod that one too and posted above they show ./forum/mgc_cb_evo.php, is this correct and do I need that period in the script I posted, or do I need to remove the period from all of the ./forum/mgc_cb_evo.php? And am I in the right file?

You shouldnt have to edit the clientscript/mgc_cb_evo.js if edited the plugin "Global variables of the chatbox"..Edit found in post #336..

kimmer 03-05-2009 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by stangger5 (Post 1760908)
You shouldnt have to edit the clientscript/mgc_cb_evo.js if edited the plugin "Global variables of the chatbox"..Edit found in post #336..

Ok, put the clientscript back to normal and edited the global. For where you put your own personal directory info, what file does that have to point to? My forum is located in www.mysite.com/forum/ is that what needs to be there? If so, it still doesn't work.

Oh yeah, where it talks about adding the sercurity token "0" in the 1.0, does that need to be done for 3.8.1? Or is 3.8.1 one of the good versions?

Funny i'm asking for help from stanger, when this is for a mustang forum..haha

kimmer 03-07-2009 06:47 PM

Thanks go out to stangger5 for helping me get this thing figured out! It's awsome to have someone that willing to help and feel free to stick around the site!:up:

voter 03-07-2009 07:26 PM

I was getting

The file you have uploaded is not a valid module file
when trying to Load it via Admincp >> vBa CMPS >> Download / Upload Module...

For vBCMPS 3.0 RC1

After upgading to 3.1 upload happens, but seems I am having same problem different folders for vb and vbCMPS main page.

Suggestions from https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=309 dosn't give any effect - Module is not appearing.

Vicros 03-08-2009 03:05 AM

The chat box works perfect for me on my forums page but on my cmps page ( vbadvanced ), it stretches way out of my skin template. I stretches to 100%, and it destroys my page, anyway to fix this?.. thanks

kimmer 03-10-2009 11:51 PM

Stangger5, I noticed an update for chatbox evo today, can we install the latest update, or do we need to just keep 1.0?

Koconem 03-11-2009 01:29 AM

how can i see if its renamed adv_index if i never could install mods that uses the variable adv_index

Vicros 03-12-2009 12:36 AM

I added the "loading" fix, and it still says loading..this only happens with the new version for me..the old version of the actual chatbox worked fine..idk what is going on

carcomp 03-12-2009 09:01 AM

Is anyone having trouble with this working after upgrading to the new 2.3.3 version of the chatbox? My chatbox works fine on my forum pages, but on cmps, it just sits there with Loading... displayed.

DJ_Rguez 03-12-2009 12:40 PM

not working the module and use the version 3.8.1 PL1

it is so

Jasey 03-24-2009 04:46 PM

I'm also having the "Loading..." issue on VBA... Did anyone find a fix for this? Cos i tried the plugin edit and it didn't do anything...

Il Pompa 03-27-2009 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by DJ_Rguez (Post 1766419)
not working the module and use the version 3.8.1 PL1

it is so

It's the same for me:(

oldfart22 04-01-2009 04:45 AM

Was having the loading problem.. This fixed it for me, loading fine on VBA cmps page now. Just had to edit my url links to www.


nexus851 04-04-2009 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by oldfart22 (Post 1781554)
Was having the loading problem.. This fixed it for me, loading fine on VBA cmps page now. Just had to edit my url links to www.


I tried that too, and step #3 and still DOESNT work.. I still get "Loading...." on my vbadvanced page. Please anyone have a solution to fix the loading error?



oldfart22 04-04-2009 12:23 AM

Prolly a dumb question but did you clear your cache and cookies after

nexus851 04-04-2009 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by oldfart22 (Post 1783417)
Prolly a dumb question but did you clear your cache and cookies after

yea, i cleared my browser cookies if that is what you are referring to.. but still gives me loading....

what else did i miss?

P.S - do i need to do the .js file edit in clientscript too??

morrow 04-07-2009 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by stangger5 (Post 1760018)
Has anyone tried the edit four post up ??

Tried it and it doesn't work.

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