SpyCam |
05-04-2009 05:43 AM |
i'm having problems with this mod.
When i have these settings:
// Backup Options
$backup['LOCK'] = 1; // Lock Tables during dump
$backup['REPAIR'] = 1; // Repair & Optimize Tables before dump
I get this error:
Automatic Database Backup for vBulletin 3.7
An error occured during the Backup : Could not open Destination SQL file for writing
When i have these settings:
// Backup Options
$backup['LOCK'] = 0; // Lock Tables during dump
$backup['REPAIR'] = 0; // Repair & Optimize Tables before dump
I get this error (white page with DB error stuff):
MySQL Error : Table 'datastore' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated
Error Number : 1099
This is my config file contents:
<!-- $Header: d:\cvs/3.7/Auto-backup/includes/mysqlbackupconfig.php,v 3.2 2008/01/06 15:32:44 pem Exp $ -->
Auto-Backup (Lite) for vBulletin 3.7 - Paul M - v 3.7.001
This lite version is adapted from the original 3.0 version by Trigunflame.
// Combine all tables into one file
$backup['COMBINE'] = 1; // 0 = No, 1 = Yes
// Close Forum during Backup
$backup['SHUTDOWN'] = 1; // 0 = No, 1 = Yes
$backup['MESSAGE'] = "Forumas yra laikinai isjungtas, nes yra daroma atsargine duombazes kopija.";
// File Saving Information
$backup['DATE'] = 'Y-M-d'; // Backup file date format (See http://uk.php.net/date)
$backup['PREFIX'] = 'auto-'; // Backup file prefix, applied to all files
$backup['DUMP_PATH'] = '../db_backups'; // Path to backups folder, must have a trailing slash
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Backup Options
$backup['LOCK'] = 1; // Lock Tables during dump
$backup['REPAIR'] = 1; // Repair & Optimize Tables before dump
// Backup Type To Use
$backup['TYPE'] = 2; // 1 = Only Specified Tables, 2 = All except Specified Tables
$backup['TABLES'] = array(); // Table List - e.g. array('table1', 'table2')
// Backup Optimizations
$backup['INNODB'] = 0; // Set to 1 if you have Innodb Tables
// Execution Function
$backup['COMMAND'] = 'exec'; // exec, system or passthru