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Andrew Green 10-12-2007 05:41 PM

Styling is definitely something I need to clean up before I call it version 1.0 :D

Mark.B 10-12-2007 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew Green (Post 1358432)
Styling is definitely something I need to clean up before I call it version 1.0 :D

I think it's pretty close at the moment to be honest. Other than the table thing, I've only made minor alterations, and added a column down the side of the lottery pages. That's pretty much it. I prefer to keep things clean and uncluttered, too much clutter puts people off.

The main thing I've done really is added a casino navbar that's common to every page in the casino, for ease of navigation (and to match what I did with my arcades). This was simply a matter of creating a template casino_navbar, calling it in the relevant files, and then adding $casino_navbar into each template under [i]$navbar[i].

There may well be a better way of doing that, but I'm no programmer. :D

Andrew Green 10-12-2007 05:59 PM

What I mean is some buttons need to be redone, the chips need a little polishing, I'll never go for a cluttered interface, but I do still plan on a little clean up work for what is there :)

As for the navbar, that's pretty much the proper way to do it, although depending on how you did it turning a game off might not take it out of there.

Mark.B 10-12-2007 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew Green (Post 1358442)
What I mean is some buttons need to be redone, the chips need a little polishing, I'll never go for a cluttered interface, but I do still plan on a little clean up work for what is there :)

As for the navbar, that's pretty much the proper way to do it, although depending on how you did it turning a game off might not take it out of there.

Yes, that's definitely an issue with my navbar. Turning off a game wouldn't remove the link. I might have a play about sometime and see if I can sort that. It hasn't been a big issue for me since I plan to run all the games.

Andrew Green 10-12-2007 06:11 PM

wouldn't really worry about it as a change for your site, slightly speedier your way, as oppose to pulling a list of active games first.

deezelpope 10-12-2007 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Mark.B (Post 1358406)
Thanks...seems to be ok now. :D

I should add, whilst I'm in the thread pointing out bugs, that this modification is fantastic and it's proving very popular on my site.

My ultimate aim now, as I also have both v3arcade and ibproarcade, AND the inferno quiz running, is to install vBcredits and integrate all four via that, as they are all compatible.

One small template bug, in slots_main you have a rogue apostrophe. Up to date browsers seem to just ignore it, but in IE6 it makes the "Payout" block in slots have no background, instead of the thead background it is meant to have.


<td style='vertical-align:top;width:150px;text-align:center;' 'class='thead'><p style='font-size:18pt;'>Payout<br/><span style='font-size:36pt;font-weight:bold;' id='outcome'></span></p></td>
Change to:

<td style='vertical-align:top;width:150px;text-align:center;' class='thead'><p style='font-size:18pt;'>Payout<br/><span style='font-size:36pt;font-weight:bold;' id='outcome'></span></p></td>
The rogue apostrophe is just before class='thead'.

Really minor but worth noting.

Looks good, Mark B.!! Thanks for mentioning it, and showing the correction. Like you said, it's minor, but looks better now.:up:

And Andrew, I think things look "polished" as they are!!:up:

rwilkins108 10-12-2007 10:28 PM

I've been playing slots a lot, but i've yet to get any payout other than 1 or 2 cherrys. anyone getting 3 of a kind at all???

deezelpope 10-12-2007 10:35 PM

<i>No, not so far.</i>

Andrew Green 10-12-2007 10:37 PM

They are rare, but do happen. Like a real machine, it's weighted towards certain stop points, but all combinations are possible. I've hit 3 cherries, strawberries and lemons ;)

3 x Strawberries are the most common, and will occur about 1.5 % of the time.

Put everything together and do the math gives pretty much dead on 100% payout though.

rwilkins108 10-12-2007 10:40 PM

Is it possible to put in a lenient setting or something like that for slots, it's fun, but annoying to not ever get any 3 of a kind.

Thanks again for the great casino!

ChaosProgrammer 10-12-2007 10:43 PM

A few advices:

1-Increase the odds on lottery and slots
2)Blackjack in blackjack game should pay 1.5 to 1
3)More gamesssss!!! Roulette, crap, poker, pai-gow, maor!
4)Quicker playing system

Some dreams :

1)Team play
2)Texas hold en
3)Daily bonuses.


deezelpope 10-12-2007 10:48 PM

From what I can tell, the author has been working his @$$ off on this mod. It's come a long way in a few short weeks! He's working on it, just be patient, please.:)

Andrew Green 10-12-2007 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by ChaosProgrammer (Post 1358573)
A few advices:

1-Increase the odds on lottery and slots

Odds are to keep things balanced, all games pay out apx 100% over time.


2)Blackjack in blackjack game should pay 1.5 to 1
It does on more recent updates.


3)More gamesssss!!! Roulette, crap, poker, pai-gow, maor!
beggers can't be choosers :p


4)Quicker playing system
Don't want to kill servers. the only one that has any delay programmed in is slots.


1)Team play
not in the plans


2)Texas hold en
Being worked on.


3)Daily bonuses.
Already there, under casino settings.

Tulsa 10-12-2007 11:01 PM

As far a 3 in a row go, I've hit 3 cherries many times and more so than 3 strawberries. I've also hit 3 oranges but I want those damn apples! ;)

rwilkins108 10-12-2007 11:11 PM

lol, you must be playing all day :D I have been playing for the past few days, but constantly in the past 2 hours while watching tv, not a one, max for me = 2 cherries. once, i got 2 strawberries and it looked like it stopped on the 3rd strawberry, but went around 2 more times on something else, i was like grrrr :D

deezelpope 10-12-2007 11:13 PM

<i>LOL!! I think you're right, rwilkens...Tulsa must be playing ALL day! I haven't come close yet!</i>

aztecboi2003 10-13-2007 12:19 AM

Does this mod automatically add a Casino link to the navbar or do I have to do that myself?

Andrew Green 10-13-2007 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by aztecboi2003 (Post 1358617)
Does this mod automatically add a Casino link to the navbar or do I have to do that myself?

You have to add it yourself, instructions are in the readme file providing your navbar template isn't too different from the standard.

Tulsa 10-13-2007 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by deezelpope (Post 1358587)
LOL!! I think you're right, rwilkens...Tulsa must be playing ALL day! I haven't come close yet!

Well I did manage to mix in a round of golf today between my casino escapades. :D

Hornstar 10-13-2007 03:33 AM

The other day I had 2 cherries and the the 3rd one stopped half way in between a cherry and the other fruit, so I didnt get my 3 cherries which it pretty much looked like it was. I should have taken a screen shot, it was really weird lol

Hornstar 10-13-2007 04:27 AM

If anyone wants the postbit linking to their casino like I have done here: http://www.gamerzneeds.net/forums/fu...514-jokes.html

You can achieve this by doing the following little template modification

instead of adding this

<br />Casino Cash: $$post[casino_cash]
replace that with this

<a href="$vboptions[bburl]/casino.php">Casino Cash:</a> $$post[casino_cash]
Feel free to make that default, it just allows more people to know where the casino is better.

LordDB 10-13-2007 06:21 AM

All seems to be well now with the Slot payout, so thx Andrew!:)

Hornstar 10-13-2007 09:03 AM

Okay got a screen shot of that bug I mentioned in one of my last posts, a member got it as well, and also thinks the blackjack is a little bugged/rigged

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m...zdeath/tgg.jpg they bet 10 got 2 and a half cherries, but should have been 3, and only won 10, when they should have won heaps more.

Here is a quote from his second report, ill see if you can confirm this:

Originally Posted by member on my site
First off im here to tell you that the Black Jack is infact Rigged...
secound there is a bug idk why but it wont load the page every time after u bet and u loose the 100 u bet... /tear http://www.gamerzneeds.net/forums/im...lies/frown.gif

See if you can confirm any of those. Thanks.

Ski-Whiz 10-13-2007 12:51 PM

While I don't want members winning the world, I think the odds seem to be against them.

I think only a few members have actually come out winning more money than they started with.

Mark.B 10-13-2007 01:23 PM

I do see the problem there......I think Blackjack and Poker are about right, but the Lottery and the Slots seem to be a hiding to nothing. Nobody's actually won our lottery jackpot at all yet despite it running every night for a fortnight and people are losing interest.

The lottery could be sorted by making it possible to reduce the number of "balls" even further, from 20 to say 15.

Slots...I don't know. I've won a few times and it *seems* ok but I agree some people might prefer "all three" to come in a bit more often. Maybe "easy/hard" settings might resolve this one, perhaps the payouts could be less on an easy setting but more frequent...or something. I dunno. :D

Andrew Green 10-13-2007 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337 (Post 1358848)
Okay got a screen shot of that bug I mentioned in one of my last posts, a member got it as well, and also thinks the blackjack is a little bugged/rigged

Blackjack is not rigged, the deck is shuffled and dealt from that. Dealer hits until he has 17 or more


http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m...zdeath/tgg.jpg they bet 10 got 2 and a half cherries, but should have been 3, and only won 10, when they should have won heaps more.
It shouldn't be 3, I'm not sure what it should be. That's a javascript error popping up and the 3 wheel just stalling out, so the payout was proper but the display wasn't. I've never had that happen so am wondering if it is a IE thing, was that the browser you where using?

And as far as slots go, I'll have a look at the weightings and payouts, see if there is anything I can do and still keep payouts around 100%.

Lottery range can also be decreased, math seems to hold down to 3 x 13, which is a 1 in 286 chance of winning the jackpot, and a minimum jackpot of 68, average around 140.

Captain Kirk76 10-13-2007 01:56 PM

This is very good, one thing that my members suggest:
They seem to think Blackjack is far too lenient, in that it very often gives you a win, is there any chance of changing probability?

Andrew Green 10-13-2007 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Captain Kirk76 (Post 1358958)
This is very good, one thing that my members suggest:
They seem to think Blackjack is far too lenient, in that it very often gives you a win, is there any chance of changing probability?

lol, so one person saying its rigged against them, and another saying it's rigged for them :D

It's not rigged in any way, cards are dealt at random and the dealer follows the standard hold on 17 rule used in casino's.

Robbed 10-13-2007 02:45 PM

Since the upgrade, using slots and firefox the payout number overlaps the word payout.

Another small thing for slots it shows the full url for the title

not Forum Name - Slots

Tulsa 10-13-2007 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew Green (Post 1358954)
It shouldn't be 3, I'm not sure what it should be. That's a javascript error popping up and the 3 wheel just stalling out, so the payout was proper but the display wasn't. I've never had that happen so am wondering if it is a IE thing, was that the browser you where using?

I've had the third wheel stall or miss it's position. I'm using a Mac and Firefox.

Andrew Green 10-13-2007 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Tulsa (Post 1358994)
I've had the third wheel stall or miss it's position. I'm using a Mac and Firefox.

3rd wheel missing it's position occasionally has been fixed, and the odds and payouts for slots have been reworked. Dropped to 6 types of fruit, cherries only payout if they are left aligned and the lottery allows you to select as low as 13 for a range.

So that will all be there for the next update.

evesve 10-13-2007 06:30 PM

All this good support and listening to users ideas gave me an idea...
I clicked on a button "MOD for the month"...
Was that stupid???

deezelpope 10-13-2007 06:37 PM

No, I, and several other members, have, too!:D

stangger5 10-13-2007 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by evesve (Post 1359151)
All this good support and listening to users ideas gave me an idea...
I clicked on a button "MOD for the month"...


Mark.B 10-13-2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by evesve (Post 1359151)
All this good support and listening to users ideas gave me an idea...
I clicked on a button "MOD for the month"...
Was that stupid???

No, that's an excellent idea. I nominated this mod some days ago because I think it's great and has fantastic potential. I'd rate it as potentially as important as the arcades have been, if that type of thing works well on your site (which it does for mine).

My members love the casino, particularly the card games. MOM would be well deserved.

Mark.B 10-13-2007 09:57 PM

Andrew, regarding the Texas Hold'em game that you're working on...I know very little about it, but one of my moderators does, and has asked me to pass the following on. I hope it means something.....:D

"If you know the author, could you ask him/her to include a heads-up-game option? After all, almost every game will reduce to two players at some point"

Andrew Green 10-13-2007 10:09 PM

Right now it's limit texas hold 'em up to 10 players, heads up rules apply when there are 2 people left.

Mark.B 10-13-2007 10:19 PM

Cheers...I shall pass that on....

Tulsa 10-13-2007 10:23 PM

From the "man, that's really anal" department comes: Did you know the reels on the slot machine spin backwards? ;)

From the wish list department comes: Have you ever heard of Pachislo? It's a Japanese slot machine. Similar in respect to an average slot machine except it allows the player to stop each reel individually. This gives a little more interaction for the player as they attempt to hit their targets, called eye-shooting. The Japanese law allows their machines to "slip" up to 4 positions from where the stop button is pressed to control the outcome in the Parlor's favor. As a future addition, it would be a good one.

For the people who think it never lands on 3 in a row... :)

Attachment 70970 Attachment 70969

Mark.B 10-13-2007 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew Green (Post 1359289)
Right now it's limit texas hold 'em up to 10 players, heads up rules apply when there are 2 people left.

Ok...here's the next questions I've been given.

"When it says "up to ten players" do you know if that means you have to have a full table to start the game, or you can start with any number of players? The reason I ask is we're pretty unlikely to get ten players simultaneously on our site.

Also, what will happen if a player leaves the game before he's lost all his chips? Will the computer take over?"

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