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6piston 06-18-2009 05:07 PM

hi theOZer and neverbored
sorry to bother you guys again,

This is regarding the search result thumbs be it the new post / regular search and threads by users. I really need to get it working actually

I have been reading your replies over and over again and editing the search.php countless of times using the one from the zip and the default one i have and then editing it with your code and I still can't get the thumbnails to display correctly on the search results.

I have also tried your Thread Thumbnail - all forums plugin xml code theOZer and then disabling the stand Thread Thumbnail plugin and still no good.

I got it HALF working and this is what i found:
-New post thumbnails work but only in 2nd page
-Certains terms when searched will display thumbnails in the search result, other terms when search will not display any thumbs at all and looks just like the default search result page.
-Find all Threads by User when clicked on certain members will display thumbnails in search result. other members not at all, like default.

Have anyone had this before?


Arkham 06-18-2009 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by 6piston (Post 1832056)
hi theOZer and neverbored
sorry to bother you guys again,

This is regarding the search result thumbs be it the new post / regular search and threads by users. I really need to get it working actually

I have been reading your replies over and over again and editing the search.php countless of times using the one from the zip and the default one i have and then editing it with your code and I still can't get the thumbnails to display correctly on the search results.

I have also tried your Thread Thumbnail - all forums plugin xml code theOZer and then disabling the stand Thread Thumbnail plugin and still no good.

I got it HALF working and this is what i found:
-New post thumbnails work but only in 2nd page
-Certains terms when searched will display thumbnails in the search result, other terms when search will not display any thumbs at all and looks just like the default search result page.
-Find all Threads by User when clicked on certain members will display thumbnails in search result. other members not at all, like default.

Have anyone had this before?


Have you rebuilt the attachment counters? Try adding a new thread with an img attachment and see if the new one works. I've run into situations where sometimes existing threads with existing thumbs don't show up.

Don't replace the search.php file entirely -- just edit your existing vB version's search.php and add the single line (or 2, including the comment line). I think it's around line 2600-ish. You shouldn't have to fiddle with the search.php much.

theOZer 06-18-2009 11:59 PM

which vB version?
vB templates or other?
other issues, like, are you running just vB or do you run vBSEO, whatever?
If you have Manage Attachments turned on, and if in the first thread post and the user used vB Manage Attachments to load an image this mod will display that attachment's thumbnail, if coded to do so. The mod's trick is an outer join that relies on the fact that there's a thread first post id that can find/grab the associated attachment postid, enabling the outer join, piggybacking the attachment's row info onto the select.
Create a testvb. Do all your testing there.
After I set up a clean/virgin vB383 testvb, I put together a 'My Way to Install Thread Thumbnails' write up as I updated this testvb to use thread thumbnails in forums/new posts, searches, and tag searches. PM me if you'd like a pdf of this write up.
Ciao, Oz

6piston 06-19-2009 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Arkham (Post 1832105)
Have you rebuilt the attachment counters? Try adding a new thread with an img attachment and see if the new one works. I've run into situations where sometimes existing threads with existing thumbs don't show up.

Don't replace the search.php file entirely -- just edit your existing vB version's search.php and add the single line (or 2, including the comment line). I think it's around line 2600-ish. You shouldn't have to fiddle with the search.php much.

hi Arkham

Do yours work fully? Then i gotta try your way right now.

I'll also try to use a fresh copy of 3.7.2 search.php again and include the lines.
Let me get this right:
-Fresh 3.7.2 search php
-Add the 2 Jason lines that is included in the TT's Zip's search.php



Originally Posted by theOZer (Post 1832324)
which vB version?
vB templates or other?
other issues, like, are you running just vB or do you run vBSEO, whatever?
If you have Manage Attachments turned on, and if in the first thread post and the user used vB Manage Attachments to load an image this mod will display that attachment's thumbnail, if coded to do so. The mod's trick is an outer join that relies on the fact that there's a thread first post id that can find/grab the associated attachment postid, enabling the outer join, piggybacking the attachment's row info onto the select.
Create a testvb. Do all your testing there.
After I set up a clean/virgin vB383 testvb, I put together a 'My Way to Install Thread Thumbnails' write up as I updated this testvb to use thread thumbnails in forums/new posts, searches, and tag searches. PM me if you'd like a pdf of this write up.
Ciao, Oz

hi theOZer thanks for the reply!

it's 3.7.2

I do have VBSEO. The thread thumbnails in my selected forums run beautifully right from the start. so i'm not sure if it's anything to do with VBSEO

My main goal is to get the
-regular searches with thumbnails to work in those selected forums.
-find all users' threads to also display the thumbs

Just in case it makes any difference, some of my search links aren't the default ones, for example, my "new post" links only display relevant new posts from certain forums:

I did try it without excluding the forums and it's the same.

I will also create a test site to do this :)

Please do PM me the pdf file you made. i;m sure it'll help me much! great job getting all of it to work and more :)

unforgotten 06-19-2009 02:36 PM

I have a question, when I have these forum permissions set for the unregistered not logged in user group:

Can View Forum: Yes
Can View Thread Content: No

Unregistered users can not see the thumbnail, is there a way they can see see the thumbnail even if they can't access the topics, thanks!!

theOZer 06-19-2009 10:41 PM

After a little testing, my educated guess is apparently not. If you can't see the thread and the attachment is part of that thread, hmmmm.
If you have set up thumbnails to display in forum thread lists, new posts, searches, and tag searches hopefully that will be enough encouragement to make someone join, become a member of your forum, so they can see that thumbnailed image fully.

unforgotten 06-21-2009 02:12 PM

well is there a way maybe for the attachments to be hosted outside the thread so they can preview it?

Greeksgal 07-28-2009 02:18 AM

Does this work with 3.8.3?

MissKalunji 07-28-2009 03:03 AM


Cerbero1000 07-28-2009 11:10 AM

Hi guys,
I can't see thumbs in search page only (added 2 line code on my 3.7.5 search.php).
In forumdisplay all works fine.
Can you help me?

Cerbero1000 07-28-2009 05:42 PM

Is there a way to exclude thumbs from certain forums in the search?

vktechnology 07-30-2009 09:09 PM

It's working with VB 3.8
if install this plugin here

spmatrix 08-01-2009 08:38 AM

Great work

but I have a problem,

alone that I have not made, it is replace search.php ,

while I put id, it presents nothumbs pics in all forum

in other words, it reads the id and shows thumb in particular forums, but in all rest, it presents nothumb.

How I could have predetermined icons in rest forum, except of course from there that I have declared to it the id?

I'm using vb 3.8.3

Any help ?


Cerbero1000 10-20-2009 08:07 AM

How can I see attachment in showthread, above postbit? Is there a variable I need to use?

clausv 10-21-2009 06:30 AM

at the moment the Thumbnail is shown in the thread, even if I have moderated attachments. Is there a possibility to show the thumb only for confirmed pictures?

JHarford 11-10-2009 08:07 PM

Thanks, Included this on my 3.8 board as there isnt much else out there better right now .

theOZer 12-07-2009 03:20 PM

As of vB4 Beta 5 the thread thumbnail 'issue' still applies; there is no vB4 option anywhere to display on the forumdisplay.php thread listing the thread thumbnail next to the thread, nor in searches and/or tag searches. This truly befuddles me; why has this never been addressed; am I the only art forum out there with posted art attachments?

Well, anyhow, past the griping…

Things have really changed in vB4 and this mod, at first glance, will NOT be readily interfacable into the new scheme of things that vB has mixed up. Gone, gone are the $dataquery, $items and stuff like that, the Hooks I believe is what they are/were called.
At this point I can not see a way to incorporate this mod’s approach into the vB4 templates and php.
Has anyone else had a gem of wisdom here as to how to proceed, once again, in finding a way in vB4 to display thread thumbnails of forum thread listings, search and tag search listings? Please let us know.
Ciao, theOZer

6piston 12-07-2009 03:56 PM

hi thrOzer, i had to reply because you have help me with the best possible mod i have on my vb forums. i like my 3.8 and i don't think i'll be upgrading to the VB4 until this mod is there. thanks for letting all us know. phew.

good luck on your VB4 thumbnail issue.

powerful_rogue 01-02-2010 09:06 PM

Great mod, however does anyone know how I could stop this applying to sticky threads in the forum?

MrD 01-24-2010 08:20 AM

anyone Works on the VB4 Version?
We Love this Addon, and we use it for a Marketplace

bobster65 02-01-2010 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by theOZer (Post 1926815)
As of vB4 Beta 5 the thread thumbnail 'issue' still applies; there is no vB4 option anywhere to display on the forumdisplay.php thread listing the thread thumbnail next to the thread, nor in searches and/or tag searches. This truly befuddles me; why has this never been addressed; am I the only art forum out there with posted art attachments?

Well, anyhow, past the griping?

Things have really changed in vB4 and this mod, at first glance, will NOT be readily interfacable into the new scheme of things that vB has mixed up. Gone, gone are the $dataquery, $items and stuff like that, the Hooks I believe is what they are/were called.
At this point I can not see a way to incorporate this mod?s approach into the vB4 templates and php.
Has anyone else had a gem of wisdom here as to how to proceed, once again, in finding a way in vB4 to display thread thumbnails of forum thread listings, search and tag search listings? Please let us know.
Ciao, theOZer

well, its easy to get the thumbnail to display, it just looks like crap lol I am messing around with the CSS now so as to have minimum impact on the default CSS for forumdisplay but gah!

not sure how much you've done, but it only requires a couple simple changes to the plugin and adding some code to the threadbit template..

theOZer 02-02-2010 03:50 PM

That's great news. Could you share what you've learned with the rest of us? The 'a couple simple changes,' the 'and adding some code code to threadbit.' Sounds good and I would love to know how you did it.

conheomap 02-03-2010 03:38 AM

Does it work with vbAdvanced CMPS?

bobster65 02-03-2010 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by theOZer (Post 1973166)
That's great news. Could you share what you've learned with the rest of us? The 'a couple simple changes,' the 'and adding some code code to threadbit.' Sounds good and I would love to know how you did it.

Did the Author give you permission to take this over or port it to vb4? If not, I can't just post a vb4 version of this without his consent. If he did, then let me know.

theOZer 02-03-2010 04:21 PM

Thx for you help; what part of Jason Merchant does not support this mod AND HASN'T SINCE HE RELEASED IT and everyone else who uses it has tried to pick up the slack isn't kosher with you?
I did NOT know there was some code of ethics here?
And, stop quoting; any one following this thread can look up at the post above the current post to 'get the drift.'
Ciao, Dennis "theOZer" Osborne

bobster65 02-03-2010 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by theOZer (Post 1974053)
Thx for you help; what part of Jason Merchant does not support this mod AND HASN'T SINCE HE RELEASED IT and everyone else who uses it has tried to pick up the slack isn't kosher with you?
I did NOT know there was some code of ethics here?
And, stop quoting; any one following this thread can look up at the post above the current post to 'get the drift.'
Ciao, Dennis "theOZer" Osborne

Whoa dude.. whats with the attitude towards someone that is wanting and trying to help? I asked you a very simple question on if the original author had given you permission to take over his work. I looked at the Mod Post and didn't see a remark that he gave you permission to take it over and I wasn't going to sift through all the pages to see if he did. He also didn't mark it with REUSABLE CODE (meaning that anyone could borrow his code and release it). Marking a Modification as Un Supported does not mean that anyone can just take it over.

I am MORE than willing to create a new Mod for vb4, hell, I was going to just give YOU the code so that you could post it as a new mod and support it, but wow with the attitude. NOT the response I thought I'd get, but then again, it doesn't surprise me here anymore.

theOZer 02-04-2010 04:01 PM

I apologize.
I'll figure it out on my own. And, if I succeeed, I'll share my success with every one that has been following this mod and using this mod and needing the thumbnails to show in their forums.
And, I tried to contact this Jason Merchant. He did not respond. I tried to contact vB.org on how I could help or take over supporting this mod but, also here, I got no response.

Arkham 02-04-2010 04:22 PM

Hope everyone can shake hands and continue with this project. :) theOZer has made substantial contributions to the functionality and longevity of this mod. (Thank you, sir.)

I dropped Jason Merchant an email via his site, in case that helps. Hopefully something will come of it.

I'm still shocked that this functionality isn't available in vB4 by default. It is absolutely required. (For everything from threads to articles to blogs...)

Aceman 02-09-2010 06:40 PM

I have a coder friend of mine who wrote a custom code that did this for my VB3.- forum. I'll engage him to see if he can't figure out how to pull it off with VB4. If he does I'll post the addon here for everyone.

And geez.. play nice kids - it's just a Web site.

PascalR 02-10-2010 05:23 AM

Hey this is a great mod, I love it!
I was wondering , is there a way use the latest attached image to the thread as a thumbnail, instead of the first one?
We are doing work in progress threads on my forum and usually the last attached image is more representative of the work done.



Marco van Herwaarden 02-10-2010 11:04 AM

Let me clear some things up as it seems there is some confusion here.

Any original work is automatically copyrighted to the author. This means that you can not use the code he/she has written without permission from the original author. It doesn't change anything if the original coder has not been online for some time or does not respond to your inquiries.

What you may do is:
- Modifiy the modification yourself to suite your needs. You are not allowed to redistribute such a derived work without the original authors permission.
- Create a new modification coded from scratch implementing the same idea. Such a self coded modification may be distributed at places of your choice.


Originally Posted by theOZer (Post 1974769)
I apologize.
I'll figure it out on my own. And, if I succeeed, I'll share my success with every one that has been following this mod and using this mod and needing the thumbnails to show in their forums.
And, I tried to contact this Jason Merchant. He did not respond. I tried to contact vB.org on how I could help or take over supporting this mod but, also here, I got no response.

mrthe 02-16-2010 04:59 PM

work in vB4 ?

Aceman 02-16-2010 05:59 PM

No it does not work with VB4.

Null Parameter 03-03-2010 07:57 PM

Not sure the policy is on "advertising", but since people here have been asking for a thread thumbnail mod for vB4 I'll just say that the thread thumbnail mod that I wrote for 3.8 is now ported over to vB4 and is available here.

unforgotten 05-21-2010 03:37 PM

How can I get the thumbnails to preview only on a certain forum section been searched? Thanks!! :)

socialvisionsbcn 09-27-2010 08:11 PM

Rare missfunction on our site.

We had it previously installed and worked properly for a long time.
As no cacheable being xml, did slow down perfomance with old server, so decided to disable temporary.

Now on new server, oopps !! doesn't work at all. Any error, any message, just not showing anything. (vB v3.7.3)

Nullparameter's version 2.2 is not working either.

Any suggestion ??

angeljs 10-09-2010 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by conheomap (Post 1973646)
Does it work with vbAdvanced CMPS?

I'd like to be able to show the images with this, too...is there any way? :)

angeljs 10-24-2010 03:58 PM

Can anyone tell me what I need to input into the templates to make the images show up in various locations, such as search.php etc?

newmomsforum 11-06-2010 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by angeljs (Post 2113659)
Can anyone tell me what I need to input into the templates to make the images show up in various locations, such as search.php etc?

I would love this too. The ability to bring up the first thread of a thumb in search results would be awesome :D

SBlueman 11-20-2010 12:57 PM

Just FYI, installed and working on vBulletin 3.6.12:


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