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-   -   Major Additions - Email Integration (New threads/replies by email) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=151222)

glennno 08-14-2007 03:25 PM

Welcome back. Thanks for the heads up. Good luck!

vocoder 08-14-2007 05:32 PM

I am running into a problem. I can reply via email no problem, but when someone else (who is in the same usergroup I am in) does, they get a message saying they don't have the correct permission to reply by email

any ideas what I should be looking for? This person is also a member of the administrators user group (just like me) so I don't understand why it isn't working for him

MikeH2911 08-14-2007 09:44 PM

Just wanted to say, excellent mod, I really appreciate it. got it installed and working fine, only question I have is that the email subject headings are coming up with the thread id number next to the forum title, i.e.

[Test-t-234]Test subjest.

Any idea why? And can this be fixed. Other than this there is absolutely no problem with it it's working perfectly :)

EDIT: Forgot to ask about a digest option for people who don't want to receive every single email. Is this a possibility? It's the only thing I'd add if I could. Was looking at the cron code but I'm not up to speed on it so wouldn't be any help sadly.



dot2slash 08-15-2007 06:45 AM

the mod works fine ....
but if there are more as one email to spool its getting in serious problem ... topics and body mixed ....
or just not processed without any message back, post or log entrys

another thing ....
public posts (if enabled group1 to post) causes some random user is assigned to the post ...

it would be cool in another version to be able assign a user for public posts ...

jzewatsky 08-16-2007 07:25 PM

I'm running my board on a virtual server through godaddy. I've been told that IMAP is not available on a virtual server. I would love to use this mod, it would greatly enhance my board.

Any ideas?

AyeCapn 08-16-2007 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by MikeH2911 (Post 1317656)
Just wanted to say, excellent mod, I really appreciate it. got it installed and working fine, only question I have is that the email subject headings are coming up with the thread id number next to the forum title, i.e.

[Test-t-234]Test subjest.

This is how the hack knows what thread to post the reply to.

Cyricx 08-16-2007 07:38 PM

Haven't abandoned ya guys, just getting slammed hard at work, end of quarter and all that jazz. Bear with me and I'll get 2.2 bugs fixed and moving towards 3.0 :)


Originally Posted by jzewatsky (Post 1319134)
I'm running my board on a virtual server through godaddy. I've been told that IMAP is not available on a virtual server. I would love to use this mod, it would greatly enhance my board.

Any ideas?

This must be something specifically with godaddy. One of the sites I used to help build was hosted on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) with westhost and it allowed IMAP to be enabled.

I have not found any reliable way to pull the information for emails without using imap :(

Cyricx 08-16-2007 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by dot2slash (Post 1317890)
the mod works fine ....
but if there are more as one email to spool its getting in serious problem ... topics and body mixed ....
or just not processed without any message back, post or log entrys

another thing ....
public posts (if enabled group1 to post) causes some random user is assigned to the post ...

it would be cool in another version to be able assign a user for public posts ...

More then one email to spool causes problems? Hmm, on the live board I have this on, I commonly spool 6-7 emails per forum, with 3 forums enabled for this per pass. It hasn't mixed any messages, subjects or users up in my experience.

As for group 1, you mean unregistered users?

Cyricx 08-16-2007 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Marv (Post 1315779)
I know - this is the 3.6 section. But has anyone tested this baby on 3.5.x ? I am looking for this mod since I left 3.0.0 behind me ;)

Hypothetically, it would work with 3.5, you'd have to edit the product xml and remove the execution orders. But this is not tested with 3.5 to my knowledge.


Originally Posted by Big-K (Post 1315048)
nice hack. I cant wait to get this working on my site

I got the following error when I ran cron job. What's wrong?

Are you certain your using the latest build? Please download 2.2 and be sure you are overwriting the emailintegration.php file in your /includes/cron/ file.


Originally Posted by rpainter (Post 1314565)
Installed the new version, and still having issues with attachments. Any ideas?

Please describe your exact issues with attachments, or email me again. I know we briefly discussed it via email.. but things have been nutz lately :)


Originally Posted by Virtex-II (Post 1314557)
On version 2.2 the variable $newpost[postid] doesn't seem to be parsed in the right way in the notification system. That's what I get in the email:



Eek, I'll check this out. Are you getting this from
1) Emails for new threads posted from the forum
2) Emails for replies posted from the forum
3) Emails for new threads posted from email
4) Emails for replies posted from email


Originally Posted by Virtex-II (Post 1314491)
Thanks a lot ChurchMedia for your help! Your post and your tutorial (I registered to your forum) cleared all my doubts.

I still have some questions...The links reported on the e-mail seem to be uncorrect (I use OE), for example:


the red part doesn't make the link work properly.

All the other links are uncorrect (spaces appear in them) but seem to work right.

When someone tries to answer via email, how long does it take to have the new thread on the forum?

When I run the cron job I get this error:


Email Integration
Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {http://webmaildomini.aruba.it/cgi-bin/webmail.cgi:110/pop3/notls}INBOX in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 111
Warning: imap_headers(): supplied argument is not a valid imap resource in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 114
Warning: imap_close(): supplied argument is not a valid imap resource in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 1213



Email Integration
Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {http://webmaildomini.aruba.it/cgi-bin/webmail.cgi:143/novalidate-cert}INBOX in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 111
Warning: imap_headers(): supplied argument is not a valid imap resource in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 114
Warning: imap_close(): supplied argument is not a valid imap resource in /includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 1213

Is there anyway to fix them?


1) Problem with links. What mail browser are you using to view the messages? Outlook, yahoo, gmail, etc?
2) Timeline on emails being posted - Every 10 minutes is the earliest, longer if your board is inactive for awhile. All cron jobs work when the footer template is called.
3) Your using the wrong connection type to try to connect to the mailbox. Try one of the other connection types.

Cyricx 08-16-2007 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by MikeH2911 (Post 1317656)
EDIT: Forgot to ask about a digest option for people who don't want to receive every single email. Is this a possibility? It's the only thing I'd add if I could. Was looking at the cron code but I'm not up to speed on it so wouldn't be any help sadly.



You can do this now by going to the subscribe to forum linka nd selecting daily or weekly. But you will not be able to reply to those emails to post a reply to a thread. I think hypothetically the template for those emails could be editted to enable links but honestly I don't know.


Originally Posted by vocoder (Post 1317489)
I am running into a problem. I can reply via email no problem, but when someone else (who is in the same usergroup I am in) does, they get a message saying they don't have the correct permission to reply by email

any ideas what I should be looking for? This person is also a member of the administrators user group (just like me) so I don't understand why it isn't working for him

Your absolutely certain that they are in the primary or secondary usergroup that is in the field in the forum manager for:
Please enter the usergroup IDs that can post and reply by email.

Cyricx 08-16-2007 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by AyeCapn (Post 1316694)
For some reason 2.2 ignores the group memberships... I have created a publicly-joinable group for email notifications, but it still sends to all registered users...

Resolved this issue via email.

He had previous setup for usergroup 2 to have this forum as a subscribed forum. Then used the script to update everyones subscriptions. Then down the road decided to change what users were in control of that forum. Meanwhile all the people in usergroup 2 continued to get the emails as they had already had their subscriptions setup :)

In the next version I'll try to work up a solution for this. Maybe an admin clear all subscriptions for a forum or something like that.

dot2slash 08-16-2007 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1319149)
As for group 1, you mean unregistered users?

Yes .. it works fine ... but the poster is mostly me (maybe its as iam always there;) )
but a few posts i did see where from another user with no relation to the post/borum or the posters emailadress.

i have a "inbox board" where all groups have post permissions.
i also set all primary groups in mail integration settings to allow.

cronlog -> attachment ..

dot2slash 08-17-2007 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1319149)
More then one email to spool causes problems? Hmm, on the live board I have this on, I commonly spool 6-7 emails per forum, with 3 forums enabled for this per pass. It hasn't mixed any messages, subjects or users up in my experience.

it seems like the problem apears if someone uses Gmail ... OR google apps to post only ...
i just maded some testposts (almost 20) .. with diffrent users ...
no problem at all ! one gmail email ... and problems beginning ...
its also mail send trough gmail Webinterface only ...
not mails send trough gmail or gapps .. with another client

MikeH2911 08-17-2007 09:46 AM

Same thing for me. If the emails are received in my outlook account at work, fine no problem, replying from there is fine too.

For some reason gmail doesn't parse the html in the emails and just dumps the html out on the page leaving the user to sort through the mess to find the content. Also, when I reply from my gmail account I receive a reply from the forum telling me I don't have permission to post. This is a complete kicker because the gmail account is the email address I use for my forum admin account and the outlook one is the one I was using for my registered user testing, when I reply from my outlook account at work it gets added to the forum no prob.

I'm guessing that the problem here is gmail but I wouldn't have a clue where to start...

I also noticed that for some reason, although everything is setup identically and should be working fine, this hack is only working in one forum despite being enabled in four of them.


asiegel 08-17-2007 01:43 PM

First, thanks for a great hack!

Now I have a really silly question that I hope you guys can help me with. I am going to install this hack and got caught up on one piece. In the instructions it says- create a new mail box on your server. I'm not quite sure what to do with this bit. Let me break down my setup for you.

I have vBulletin running on a server outside of my organization. And I have an exchange server in-house that handles all of our email. And our domain is handled by yet another server. I would like to setup email integration for several different forums that we have running off of this one vBulletin install.

If you could please tell me what mailbox (do I need a separate mailboxes for each forum?) I need to setup and how I go about all of this I would really appreciate it.

Sorry for being such a novice!


Tralala 08-17-2007 02:35 PM

Yes, seperate mailboxes for each and every sub-forum.

Create a mailbox like you would if you had a new employee who needed a new email address.

Antivirus 08-17-2007 03:45 PM

Hi Cyricx, will this also include text from Private Messages if the member has "Receive email notification when receiving a new private message" turned on?

dc3dreamer 08-17-2007 10:50 PM


In the next version I'll try to work up a solution for this. Maybe an admin clear all subscriptions for a forum or something like that.
My latest code drop to you has this handled in a more elegant way, I think. I added a rather small bit of PHP/SQL code to NotifyEmailForNewPosts that removes all thread subscriptions for the user who is about to receive the forum subscription email, for that forum. As things progress, the thread subscriptions just disappear as needed. No admin or user activity required. It's working perfectly here on my VB system.

dc3dreamer 08-17-2007 10:57 PM


For some reason gmail doesn't parse the html in the emails and just dumps the html out on the page leaving the user to sort through the mess to find the content.
I alerted Cyricx about this. Don't chase rainbows ... what's happening is that if someone has a thread subscription for the current thread as well as a forum subscription for the forum in which the thread is contained, Email Integration first sends the HTML message from the forum subscription, then after the plugin exits, VB goes to send the notification message for the thread subscription. For some reason which I could not spook out, the contents of the VB thread subscription email (and the subject) are from the EMail Integration message. The rest of the mail headers, though are the normal VB thread subscription ones. The result is that the message is typed as text/plain, yet it contains the HTML body from EMail Integration, which the message receiver sees as raw HTML. I know this is hard to follow, but I found this and failed to squash it the "right" way. Instead, as my prev. message explains, I just remove the thread subscriptions, preventing those (redundant) emails from being sent :-)))))

tekguru 08-18-2007 10:12 AM

Chris any feedback as to why 2.2 failed to import mail for us?

We've had to go back to 2.1 to get it to function and as you know that has the SQL bug still in there..... Desperate to get that fixed but until we can find out whay it fails to import we can not go back to 2.2.

lionheart53 08-19-2007 08:36 PM

I believe this addon will be a great addition. I eventually want the full implementation but for now I'm trying to install and just get the instant notification of new posts via email, but it doesn't seem to work. So I'd like to have it so each forum can get instant notification posts via email but nobody able to reply and post yet. Is this doable? Can I use one email address for all forums for the time being?

I tried setting it up with one email address for all forums as pop3 and just didn't put in any user groups to post via email and so far no posts are being sent out. Any help is appreciated (i'm reading through the pages of posts here to see if this was already answered anywhere).


Big-K 08-19-2007 09:19 PM

We have noted in tests that some posts/threads sent via email includes advertorials and email signatures. I have noticed this with Yahoo advertorials in particular. This is a problem. Is there a way to parse out the actual posts without posting advertorials and signatures?

Also would the solution described here make this Mod work with gmail?

Cyricx 08-20-2007 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Antivirus (Post 1319699)
Hi Cyricx, will this also include text from Private Messages if the member has "Receive email notification when receiving a new private message" turned on?

No, this does not currently handle private messaging.


Originally Posted by tekguru (Post 1320161)
Chris any feedback as to why 2.2 failed to import mail for us?

We've had to go back to 2.1 to get it to function and as you know that has the SQL bug still in there..... Desperate to get that fixed but until we can find out whay it fails to import we can not go back to 2.2.

Tek, I'll get with you today via email to see if we can determine whats going on :)


Originally Posted by lionheart53 (Post 1321185)
I believe this addon will be a great addition. I eventually want the full implementation but for now I'm trying to install and just get the instant notification of new posts via email, but it doesn't seem to work. So I'd like to have it so each forum can get instant notification posts via email but nobody able to reply and post yet. Is this doable? Can I use one email address for all forums for the time being?

I tried setting it up with one email address for all forums as pop3 and just didn't put in any user groups to post via email and so far no posts are being sent out. Any help is appreciated (i'm reading through the pages of posts here to see if this was already answered anywhere).


To set this up to only send out notifications of new threads and posts, but NOT allow reply emails.

Turn on auto subscription for each of the forums in question. Enter the email address that the emails are coming through (can be admins).

Go to the usergroup manager, enable auto subscription for the usergroup, enter the forum ids they automatically get subscribed to.

Under usergroups use the Auto Subscriptions script to update forum subscriptions.

Now go to languages and phrases and search for "ei_notify" in phrase variable and edit those to your liking, most importantly be sure to remove the you can reply to this.

Lastly... those that DO want to allow replies, DO NOT change the ei_notify! It is very important as currently the script looks for the two -=-=-=-=- lines to remove users sigs and the links to the forum from reposting.


Originally Posted by Big-K (Post 1321206)
We have noted in tests that some posts/threads sent via email includes advertorials and email signatures. I have noticed this with Yahoo advertorials in particular. This is a problem. Is there a way to parse out the actual posts without posting advertorials and signatures?

Also would the solution described here make this Mod work with gmail?

I have not yet found a way to remove the yahoo advertisements. On the sigs, it's the sigs that they setup in their emails right? it's not the forum signatures reposting?

The forum signatures should be getting stripped, as far as stripping signatures that they setup for their email to add to the message. No, I do not believe there will be any way to differentiate the message body from that signature as it is added on their side without a universal separator.

In regards to gmail, I'll check into that :)

TCattitude 08-20-2007 03:18 PM


I am still not understanding how the script would prevent someone with an email address on same domain and a fake header, from posting as someone else.

I would think that a better approach would be to issue a unique hash to each user on the forum and when the email is sent to them this hash must be somewhere in the email so that when users reply the software will authenthicate the user. Or something along the lines.
I will think about the same. That feature IS a must.

Maybe a new setting in usercp to put a new "email posting password", different from the login password (vb's password). Then a user MUST use that password in some part of the email, or in the very beginning of the email's subject in order to be able to post as that user.
So the system internally get that password from the email, validate it, and post the message if its valid. Discard it if its invalid (even log the "email post try", with the content and ip adress to check possible problematics users later).

I will use this mod if some type of security like that is added.
Great job anyways! ;)

cgmckeever 08-20-2007 10:46 PM

So - I am migrating from MailMan to vBulletin, mainly because of this plugin!! Thanks!!

The question is, I have a ton of archived mailing list posts. I was thinking while I am in migration mode, if I added the 'unregistered' group to the email integration and allowed anonymous posting, it would work. I could then forward all the mail as the user to the pop3 and let vB bringing it in.

Then when I am set, I can turn those back off, and lock it down for no-anonymous posting.

Unfortunately, it didnt work that well -- or at all.

Any ideas how I could do this Mailman migration - something simple using the pop retirever in Email Integration would be slick


Tralala 08-21-2007 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Antivirus (Post 1319699)
Hi Cyricx, will this also include text from Private Messages if the member has "Receive email notification when receiving a new private message" turned on?

That's got nothing to do with this hack, really. And you could easily include text from Private Messages in the email notificiation, simply by adding $plaintext_message to the pmreceived phrase.

Cyricx 08-23-2007 12:25 PM

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up :)

I'm starting to work on 2.3 here are some of the changes I'll be adding in from others and working on myself

From Ed:
*Configurable newline character for emails (This may be null depending on the vbmail function)
*Subscription manager interface

From Bob:
*Performance and memory saving
*Handle post parentids correctly - affects threaded and hybrided mode.

My focuses will be:
*Get the system to use vbmail.. the spooling is a nessecity for large boards
*Get rid of all that [quote] stuff. It looks kick ass, but it just will never be reliable. This will also significantly clean up and speed up the email cleaning procedure as half of that is determining what kinda email it is to start and end the quotes on. Not to mention some people like to reply within other's posts.
*Get it to accept html attachments, like forwarded messages if the admin sets to accept all attachments.
*Gmail integration, allow a gmail address to be used to retrieve emails from.
*Allow an alternative install that doesn't allow import emails for those that just want the notifications.

There is no time frame on this as the rewriting of the regex's will be quite an undertaking, not to mention trying to get this thing to work using vbmail to send html emails without editting the files will be quite a trick I think. :)

Anyway. That's what I'm hoping for 2.3 :)

No eta on that release, but keep your fingers crossed!

Slave 08-24-2007 11:39 AM

Just installed 2.2 .. seems to work well .. thanks for the hard work on this :)

The only problem I can see is if it's a quiet forum (say for a small group of friends) and no one visits the forums, but just uses the emails. Wouldn't this mean no email is processed due to it using the vbcron? Is there a way of getting around this?

Cyricx 08-24-2007 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Slave (Post 1324703)
Just installed 2.2 .. seems to work well .. thanks for the hard work on this :)

The only problem I can see is if it's a quiet forum (say for a small group of friends) and no one visits the forums, but just uses the emails. Wouldn't this mean no email is processed due to it using the vbcron? Is there a way of getting around this?

Not that I have yet found. The scheduled tasks are run when the footer template is called from someone visiting if I recall right. This keeps the server from working overtime doing unneeded cleanups and such.

I'm uncertain yet if this is something I want to try to change. On one hand, I'm happy not to be hitting the server every 10 minutes when nothing is going on and maybe if I can get the email processor to pull the time an email was sent to assign that to the post may work well.

On the other hand, I'm unsure of an alternative way to get the cron to run every 10 minutes when noone is visiting from within vbulletin.

If someone has an alternate way to run the cron job from within vbulletin I'd certainly entertain the thought of working it into the mod :)

Slave 08-24-2007 01:46 PM

Oh, one thing I've noticed is that it is dropping the closing quote tag when I reply via email.

Would that have anything to do with me not using html mail in outlook?

Cyricx 08-24-2007 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Slave (Post 1324755)
Oh, one thing I've noticed is that it is dropping the closing quote tag when I reply via email.

Would that have anything to do with me not using html mail in outlook?

Forming the quote boxes around the previous message is very very unreliable. I'll actually be doing away with it in the next version for a few reasons.

1) It's just too unreliable and almost impossible to determine all the multitude of possible email message types out there.
2) some people respond via email by adding their comments in the middle of the previous poster's message (yes.. I hate it when people do that... but they do...), this makes it even harder to discern the previous post from the current when it's put in the quote box.

Summary - has to do with your email format, your using a format that I haven't seen yet so the code wasn't setup for that. :( Next version this will be fixed.

Slave 08-24-2007 02:10 PM

For the quote issue .. it might be worth taking a look at the NNTP Gateway hack ..


They don't put a quote tag around previous messages, but they do seem to colourise them depending on how many >'s there are per line .. it might be something you could use.

As for the cron issue .. have a look at vBMS ..


From what I remember filbert could never get vbcron to work with his hack so setup his own cron job .. not sure if that still relied on page refreshes or not but worth a look perhaps.

Tralala 08-24-2007 08:12 PM

For the cron issue, would this help in any way? vB AJAX cron

lacalvin2000 08-27-2007 01:06 AM


Great program but I cannot figure out why I continue to this error. I have read all 24 pages of this thread:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_open() in /home/socal/public_html/forum/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 111

I have tried all 6 options under mail connections. And receive this error no matter what type of connection I use.

I have manually connected via outlook and outlook express to pop3 and IMAP and can send and receive emails successfully.

When viewing the PHP Info under Maintenance>view PHP - I do show any imap install. But I am successful in send/receive via IMAP

In the FAQ & other posts it mentions line 70 - but mine is line 111.

Thanks for your help.


dot2slash 08-27-2007 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by Slave (Post 1324703)
Wouldn't this mean no email is processed due to it using the vbcron? Is there a way of getting around this?

just add a cron (real cron) ... make a wget to index.php ;-)
and delete it as well ... thats it ..

Cyricx 08-27-2007 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by lacalvin2000 (Post 1326374)

Great program but I cannot figure out why I continue to this error. I have read all 24 pages of this thread:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_open() in /home/socal/public_html/forum/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 111

I have tried all 6 options under mail connections. And receive this error no matter what type of connection I use.

I have manually connected via outlook and outlook express to pop3 and IMAP and can send and receive emails successfully.

When viewing the PHP Info under Maintenance>view PHP - I do show any imap install. But I am successful in send/receive via IMAP

In the FAQ & other posts it mentions line 70 - but mine is line 111.

Thanks for your help.


The lines of the code has changed alittle through the progression :)

it's the same error.

You will need to ask your host to ENABLE imap in php. You do NOT have to have IMAP installed, just enabled in the php.ini file :)

That will fix that error :)

Cyricx 08-27-2007 11:53 AM

Details on enabling imap functions can be found here -

lacalvin2000 08-28-2007 01:44 AM

Thanks - the host did not have this compiled on my server. POP3 works like a charm.

Awesome product. Perfect for transition from Yahoo Groups.

AyeCapn 08-28-2007 08:13 AM

one month in this is the single best hack I have installed. Hands down. Nothing has helped increase member participation like this before.

Thanks Chris!

cgmckeever 08-28-2007 05:06 PM

I have installed email integration with thread prefixes. I have set up both, but when a email response is sent, the title is not reflective of the prefix attached with that message.

is there something that I may have overlooked?

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