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Dannyloski 07-12-2007 01:12 AM

^ In the future there might be a chance of adding break.com, but that will be once The Geek finishes the coding that he is adding to the Hack now. The coding will allow for the Hack to extract information from the site's content for those sites that do not have the information required to create an embed code in their URL Links. See below for clarification ...

Break.com URL for Videos

Break.com Embed Code for Videos

<object width="464" height="392"><param name="movie" value="http://embed.break.com/MzI5NTc3"></param><embed src="http://embed.break.com/MzI5NTc3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="464" height="392"></embed></object>
If you look at it, you'll see that the URL does not contain the MzI5NTc3, which is what is needed to create the embed code. After The Geek gets the code done, then support for this site will be available ... :up:

iogames 07-12-2007 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1288767)
^ In the future there might be a chance of adding break.com, but that will be once The Geek finishes the coding that he is adding to the Hack now. The coding will allow for the Hack to extract information from the site's content for those sites that do not have the information required to create an embed code in their URL Links. See below for clarification ...

Break.com URL for Videos

Break.com Embed Code for Videos

<object width="464" height="392"><param name="movie" value="http://embed.break.com/MzI5NTc3"></param><embed src="http://embed.break.com/MzI5NTc3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="464" height="392"></embed></object>
If you look at it, you'll see that the URL does not contain the MzI5NTc3, which is what is needed to create the embed code. After The Geek gets the code done, then support for this site will be available ... :up:

I THINK NIX RESOLVED THE ISSUE WITH YAHOO! https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...light=anymedia

:D:D:D I just need to use Yahoo and Break hee with AME...

wastemytime 07-12-2007 06:29 AM

For a better understanding of my problem and my english...

After i edit my post, the Video links looks like this:


Can someone help me please? What i am doing wrong? : )

Dannyloski 07-12-2007 11:52 AM

wastemytime, is that happening for ALL of the Video Sites or just a specific one? Which Video Sites are giving you this error?

iogames, yeah Nix fixed it and added it to the AnyMedia BBCode Hack and so did Coders Shack for passiveVid ... I'm just waiting for The Geek to add it to this Hack as I prefer to use this one rather than the others. In worst case scenario that The Geek doesn't add the necessary extra coding to support those other sites, I'll just uninstall this hack and go with one of the others ... I guess patience is the key here, The Geek already said he was working on it, but has a lot of other things he needs to do, plus he is leaving for vacation ...

Subah 07-12-2007 05:36 PM

i have the some problem here:


but without the color code problem !


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1280430)
@nathan: Try adding wmode="transparent" to the embed element in the replacement code.

how can i do this ?

The Geek 07-12-2007 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Subah (Post 1289314)
i have the some problem here:


but without the color code problem !

how can i do this ?

Just edit the item and put it in the embed code. Ill see if I can get it rolled into a release before I leave on vacation.

FWIW: I have Yahoo working now. It requires the Resolve URL Title setting to be on (and to function). It should now work with any site where the URL does not tie directly to the embed code. Im running some more tests before I release it. I should have a fully working version up by tomorrow night.

Antivirus 07-12-2007 10:03 PM

this looks great, one question please... Does the mod work only when a post gets parsed for bbcode or will it work in other locations where bbcode is parsed? In otherwords, does the "meat & potatoes" of this get called from hooks within the parser or within showthread, view profile, etc... ?

Please let me know, thank you vbgeek!

Dannyloski 07-12-2007 11:06 PM

Antivirus, I believe its only in the Showthread

The Geek, that's awesome news that you got Yahoo working along with the others sites that the URL doesn't work directly with the embed code. One question, what do we put/add in the RegExp for the sites that require the ability of the hack to request the page and get its contents in order to work? Or does it recognize those sites automatically? Anyways, can't wait to upgrade when the New Version comes out :up: ... Great support, I must say!

Oh and small request, doubt it'll be available or added, but cant blame a guy for trying, right? :D ... Anyways, I wanted to ask, would it be possible to have the Resolve URL Title option, be a per video site setting, rather than globally? The reason I ask is because well I wouldn't want to have the Title Option working for any of those sites that don't require it to work (ie: Google, YouTube, PhotoBucket, etc) simply because it makes loading take a lot longer and its not needed - I would only want to have the option of Resolve URL Title active for sites like Yahoo! or Dailymotion, that need it activated for the URL to be captured and added to the embed code correctly ... Get what I mean? Anyways, just a thought and something that I would like to see, but doesn't necessary have to be done ... Give me your input on it ...

wastemytime 07-13-2007 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1289123)
wastemytime, is that happening for ALL of the Video Sites or just a specific one? Which Video Sites are giving you this error?

It's Happening to all of the Video Sites. YouTube, Google, Metacafe, Liveleak, GameTrailers, etc.

The Geek 07-13-2007 08:51 AM

have you modified any of the definitions in any way or added any addtional ones? Can you deactivate them all except for one at a time, edit and save the post to see if it is one of your items that is causing this to happen?

@Danny: There is an additional setting that taks an optional regexp to extract the embed code from the destination page. In the next version, yahoo and dailymotion comes with the package so you can easily see there how it works. I have also implimented the ability to do a page extraction on a per item basis. The page extraction AND the resolve URL setting must be active in order to extract the embed code from a page (in this case yahoo and dailymotion).

wastemytime 07-13-2007 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1289826)
Can you deactivate them all except for one at a time, edit and save the post to see if it is one of your items that is causing this to happen?

I did that and its always the same.

I modified nothing. Just installed and imported some other Videsites. Rebuild posts. No matter what i do, if i edit a post, the link shows only html or the Code (if i dont want to have the "Contain".)

The Geek 07-13-2007 10:39 AM

Im about to post a new version. Can you uninstall this one and install the new one. Let me know if it helps.

The Geek 07-13-2007 10:56 AM


I have released version 1.2 and this post contains important information regarding upgrading from previous versions.

All existing AMEs will be removed by upgrading to this version. If you have custum items, I would suggest exporting them before you upgrade. This was to necessitate updates of the original definitions and to ensure the plumbing for the new features was up to date. You will need to re-import your additional definitions after upgrading.

If you import any old items, you will want to ensure that their individual settings to Extract Destination Data is on (as well as the global option). Otherwise they may not fetch the titles.

New features:

AME now has the capability to extract embed codes from external pages. This is important for some services like yahoo and dailymotion as their URLs alone do not provide enough information to create the needed code. This facility requires that you enable the 'Extract destination' setting on (this used to be called the 'resolve titles' setting. Also note that while there is a global setting for this, each item can override the global default. This setting will need to be on globally and on the item to extract the page title and any embed code for relevant items. I know this sounds confusing, but it is actually quite straight forward :)

I have included 3 new services in the package: Yahoo, Dailymotion and Amazon. If you have your Extract Destination setting off, Yahoo and dailymotion will not function.

I have also enhanced all of the default regexps to accommodate URL variations better

Please note that I will attach 1.1.3 to this message for history sake. This is an older version than 1.2 :)

I am heading off on vacation for a couple of weeks tomorrow morning but will pop in when I can.


OS Master 07-13-2007 11:04 AM

Great. Thanks for the update.

wastemytime 07-13-2007 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1289879)
Im about to post a new version. Can you uninstall this one and install the new one. Let me know if it helps.

I uninstalled, installed the new one..tested..and again. I edit my post, save and...only code shows up.

The Geek 07-13-2007 12:28 PM

Do you have any other media hacks enabled?

furst 07-13-2007 12:58 PM

Hey Geek, I just installed the new version by uploading the product file through ACP, but DailyMotion and Yahoo! Video is not working. I get a blank white screen for DailyMotion videos and Yahoo! vids come up as nothing but the container.

I used these urls:

The Geek 07-13-2007 01:07 PM

Im getting both just fine. Can you verify that the Extract Destination setting is both on globally and for those items? Can you also verify that titles for the other items are being fetched? (your server may not allow a URL through fetch_contents)

furst 07-13-2007 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1289942)
Im getting both just fine. Can you verify that the Extract Destination setting is both on globally and for those items? Can you also verify that titles for the other items are being fetched? (your server may not allow a URL through fetch_contents)

I have Extract Destination set to yes in Settings, but I don't see the setting per individual item. I do have Active Set to no to prevent AME conversions and Contain Set to yes to wrap the matches in your container HTMLset to yes, though.

I think you may have uploaded the wrong version. When I import C:\Users\Home\Desktop\AME1.2\product-automediaembed.xml it shows it as version 1.1.3 in the product manager.

Oh, btw.. the titles are being fetched.

Edit: It works now. I didn't know I was supposed to re-upload the files. Still says 1.1.3 in the manager.

wastemytime 07-13-2007 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1289930)
Do you have any other media hacks enabled?

No, i dont have any other Media Hack installed.

silence88 07-13-2007 02:47 PM

Thanks alot, working fine ! you the man ! this is what i was looking for 1!!

How do i make it possible pp can post vid from photobucket ?

Subah 07-13-2007 02:48 PM

Thanks for the update :)

Antivirus 07-13-2007 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1289539)
Antivirus, I believe its only in the Showthread

The Geek, can you confirm this?
Thanks :)

The Geek 07-13-2007 03:14 PM

@AV - Yup, only in posts

@waste: Have you tried the troubleshooting thread? Do any of those links work?

@Furst. THanks... Ill change the productxml to be 1.2

Dannyloski 07-13-2007 03:58 PM

Ohhh sweet 1.2 is out! Thanks The Geek, cant wait to install it ... I'm leaving today for a camping trip with the family, will be back on Monday, I'll install it then ... g2g, was suppose to be on the road about an hour ago, lol ... :up:

wastemytime 07-13-2007 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1290019)
@waste: Have you tried the troubleshooting thread? Do any of those links work?

Yes i tried the troubleshooting thread. And again, no, all Links have the same Problem if i want to edit them : (

The Geek 07-13-2007 04:23 PM

The only other suggestion I can give you is to disable all other hacks... then try it again. To me, it sounds like a conflict.

silence88 07-13-2007 04:28 PM

hey dude all links work fine in IE, and all works fine in FF to. But sometimes when i click in FF on play it loads then wait 1-3 seconds and bam its at the end.

How come ?

FF is firefox
IE Internet eXplorer

and iv tried disable all other hacks (2) lol

Antivirus 07-13-2007 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1290019)
@AV - Yup, only in posts

Thanks The Geek. :up:

popowich 07-13-2007 06:02 PM

Was there a second 1.2.0 released today?

This is showing as updated again since this morning.


The Geek 07-13-2007 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by silence88 (Post 1290080)
hey dude all links work fine in IE, and all works fine in FF to. But sometimes when i click in FF on play it loads then wait 1-3 seconds and bam its at the end.

How come ?

FF is firefox
IE Internet eXplorer

and iv tried disable all other hacks (2) lol

Got me, works as expected here. THe code is the exact same that you would get by using their embed code. Maybe its something with your flash installation?

@popwich - yes, I updated the product.xml so it had the correct version. Nothing else had changed. :)

silence88 07-13-2007 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1290160)
Got me, works as expected here. THe code is the exact same that you would get by using their embed code. Maybe its something with your flash installation?

Do you mean my flash version i got installed for the browser itself its the latest i got.

I tried the url & embed code, it shows up but it wont play (does not count foor all youtub vids). when you press on play it loads and you get to the end.

tx for reply

wastemytime 07-13-2007 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1290076)
The only other suggestion I can give you is to disable all other hacks... then try it again. To me, it sounds like a conflict.

YES. It has a conflict with vbux/vbPlaza. I disabled vbPlaza and it worked. But i cant disable vbPlaza for it because its very popular...

The Geek 07-13-2007 08:44 PM

@Silence - that is what I assume. Not sure how the HTML could only partially stream so I have to assume that it is with the browser. Try snagging some embed code from a page youre having probs with, paste it into a standard html doc saved to your desktop and view it there. See if you get the same results.

@waste - Thats not a suprise. That system is ripe with bugs. Wish I could help you with it, but I cleansed it from my system (sad as it was a popular add on for one of my sites)

@all - Im off on my holidays now. I may bob in when I can (and if Mrs Geek allows!)

nJoy :)

a1whs.com 07-13-2007 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1286093)
I cant reproduce this. It works fine. Furthermore, AME wouldnt doesnt do stuff like URL1 and URL2. It looks like some other mod you have installed.

Omg did you even understand the issue?

It said " Try posting this code"

and the code.

Omg ... Duuh it doesn't have url1 url2 i was trying to post that code on forum, try posting it will you on your forum with the mod.


joergh 07-13-2007 10:08 PM

Great Hack Mr Geek, thank you!

i just installed 1.2 and noticed two things you may can think about in future versions.

1. All my seperate add ons were gone. It would be fine if the could stay after an update or include all add ons in your version :)

2. Also the amazon-ID was gone. maybe you could create a separate field so it will not be overwritten during update.

Thank you for your work!


Extreme John 07-14-2007 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by a1whs.com (Post 1290266)
Omg did you even understand the issue?

It said " Try posting this code"

and the code.

Omg ... Duuh it doesn't have url1 url2 i was trying to post that code on forum, try posting it will you on your forum with the mod.


OMG did you even realize your giving a guy that creates and supports hacks for free a hard time? Either be patient, get over it or maybe, just maybe try being somewhat appreciative that someone like Geek does what he does and try to stay calm through this major life changing event. Jesus. :rolleyes:

mcgra 07-14-2007 01:03 PM

Hi, this is probably not worth mentioning but after my shared hosting moved my website to a new server (same domain, new IP) I was unable to get into any threads (although we could still post new ones) until i disabled this hack.

Soon as i disabled everything returned to normal, i uninstalled then reinstalled and its back working like a charm again.

Just thought id mention that in case anyone comes across the same problem.

Other than that slight hiccup, this is a fantastic mod, im over the moon with it :D

furst 07-15-2007 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1287723)
DOH! Damn, that makes me feel so dumb, how did I miss that, I looked at the thing like 100 times and didn't catch that ... Thanks!

Alright guys, so I know a lot of you want this one, so I cooked it up, thanks to The_Geek for helping me trouble shoot a little problem I was having, lol ... Enjoy Support for DivX/Stage6!

For some reason it's adding this little "middot;" thing to all of the titles when I embed from stage6. Any idea why that's happening?

"Stage6 &middot; George Carlin"

Carlos2 07-15-2007 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by 4x4 Mecca (Post 1283997)
:)Ok, I've created one for photobucket videos! It works for me, I hope it works for all of you.
There is one for wmv files too.

PHOTOBUCKET removed because it has been updated here

What i have to do for working the wmv files addon?? i have to put it where?

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