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syrus.xl 12-04-2006 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by tobybird (Post 1131425)
Installed. Working great but I am getting an error message at the end of my play list. Any ideas what would be causing this?

eta: I should state that the message pops up after the last song has finished playing.

Hi tobybird,

That error derives from the player being only populated with just one track on a single playlist. The idea of the playlist design is to have more than one track on any playlist, at any one time.

This doesn't mean you have to put loads of tracks into every playlist, but if you put one track in playlist 3 then add one to playlist 5, then this error will occur. Just add a few tracks to one playlist at a time, if you can.

syrus.xl 12-04-2006 12:26 PM

As posted by Mike, the new updated files are ready. However, I just need to make a few changes to the main player flash file.

It should be released later today; then this modification will no longer be in a beta form. It will be a full release, notifications will be sent out once the package iss updated, to those that have clicked Install on this modification.


Distance 12-04-2006 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Distance (Post 1127297)
There is a bug on the non shuffle player, when i click on the playlist then click again, all the tracks show up twice.. and if you keep clicking it keeps coming up more


tobybird 12-04-2006 01:25 PM

Thanks Syrus XL, got that sorted this morning.

One other picky little thing. I had yet another "I'm an idiot" moment. When uploading songs, even if the path is not correct, the song does appear to upload and is viewable in the player as if all is well. The only issue, of course, is the play length data is missing. Possibly when uploading, an error message stating that x song is not found at x path would be helpful. lol Especially for those of us who tend to over look the little things staring you right in the face. :rolleyes: Again, very minor issue. Thanks again!

eta: Sorry one more... You get a MySQL error when trying to add a song with an apostrophe anywhere in the title. For example I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas would give an error whereas Im Dreaming of a White Christmas would not.

Guest210212002 12-04-2006 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by beishe8 (Post 1129572)

Admin approval doesn't change the fact that this person can keep uploading to my server. That's the problem. All approval does is add them to the list.

syrus.xl 12-04-2006 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Distance (Post 1131581)

I will look at this when recompiling the flash player this evening.

syrus.xl 12-04-2006 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Chris-777 (Post 1131614)
Admin approval doesn't change the fact that this person can keep uploading to my server. That's the problem. All approval does is add them to the list.

You could create a new usergroup and only give them permission to upload. This would stop users from other usergroups from uploading, but still be able to listen or not depending on the permission settings.

syrus.xl 12-04-2006 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by tobybird (Post 1131590)
Thanks Syrus XL, got that sorted this morning.

One other picky little thing. I had yet another "I'm an idiot" moment. When uploading songs, even if the path is not correct, the song does appear to upload and is viewable in the player as if all is well. The only issue, of course, is the play length data is missing. Possibly when uploading, an error message stating that x song is not found at x path would be helpful. lol Especially for those of us who tend to over look the little things staring you right in the face. :rolleyes: Again, very minor issue. Thanks again!

eta: Sorry one more... You get a MySQL error when trying to add a song with an apostrophe anywhere in the title. For example I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas would give an error whereas Im Dreaming of a White Christmas would not.

Your first aforementioned issue maybe dealt with in another update, but not in the updated package that will be released later today.

The MySQL apostrophe error is fixed in the latest files, which I will be updating shortly.

Distance 12-04-2006 03:51 PM

I just noticed when adding songs.. some of the song names are..


whenever the track names have ' in the name it comes up with SQL error

syrus.xl 12-04-2006 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Distance (Post 1131673)
I just noticed when adding songs.. some of the song names are..


whenever the track names have ' in the name it comes up with SQL error

This is listed under Known Issues - a fix for all known issues discussed during the beta stage, will be uploaded later this evening.

micheal332001 12-04-2006 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Distance (Post 1131673)
I just noticed when adding songs.. some of the song names are..


whenever the track names have ' in the name it comes up with SQL error

Hi there

When syrus uploads the new files the fix is in there for this problem.
Also the redirect in the admincp has been fixed.
Also added multiple uploads of mp3 when adding a new mp3 you can upload 3 mp3's at a time now or when the new files are updated

joeychgo 12-06-2006 03:55 AM

I just want to clarify something - Does this have a way to actually upload an mp3 or when you say upload are you referring to placing the url location of the MP3?

Also - when is the final version coming?

syrus.xl 12-06-2006 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 1132974)
I just want to clarify something - Does this have a way to actually upload an mp3 or when you say upload are you referring to placing the url location of the MP3?

Also - when is the final version coming?

It doesn't support mp3 uploading, only mp3 urls can be entered. The reason for this is due to various server configurations, which in many cases would fail on uploading mp3's via PHP.

beishe8 12-06-2006 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Chris-777 (Post 1131614)
Admin approval doesn't change the fact that this person can keep uploading to my server. That's the problem. All approval does is add them to the list.

OK. Add them to the list.
Can that person fill your webspace? No. Cannot upload the files.


syrus.xl 12-06-2006 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 1132974)
Also - when is the final version coming?

Should be today... Everyone that has clicked Installed will be notified.

It would have been yesterday, but I got held up with a tyre puncture for 4hrs!!! :surprised:

Stavs16 12-08-2006 01:29 AM

hi can someone help me please, i am uploading a button from my tren_z forum style from extremepixels.com. I don't know how to edit a button but i do have photoshop and have attempted. here is the home button from my forums, if you can change that home text to vbMp3 Player that would be amazing. thanks


syrus.xl 12-08-2006 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Stavs16 (Post 1134243)
hi can someone help me please, i am uploading a button from my tren_z forum style from extremepixels.com. I don't know how to edit a button but i do have photoshop and have attempted. here is the home button from my forums, if you can change that home text to vbMp3 Player that would be amazing. thanks


It would be hard to re-create a new button from just a jpg. This is why you have the PSD, you should be able to edit the button in Photoshop by isolating the layers (done by turning them off), and then you can normally drag the button and associated text into a new PSD.

One thing to note with PSD's, is you should have the correct font installed, or the text will change to some other font.

Distance 12-09-2006 06:30 PM

Sooo its now the 9th.. Is there going to be an update?

rootnik 12-10-2006 02:16 AM

I haven't installed this yet, waiting on the new version. I just wanted to comment on the support the author of this mod has provided. You are doing a great job, even helping people with things that have nothing to do with this hack when you could just as easily sent them looking elsewhere for answers. You easily get my nomination for HOTM.

dramster 12-10-2006 12:19 PM

Great mod - thanks, installed.

I want to change the names of the playlists to something more meaningful (ie different genres).

How do I do this?


Distance 12-10-2006 03:10 PM

You cant in this version

syrus.xl 12-10-2006 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by rootnik (Post 1135499)
I haven't installed this yet, waiting on the new version. I just wanted to comment on the support the author of this mod has provided. You are doing a great job, even helping people with things that have nothing to do with this hack when you could just as easily sent them looking elsewhere for answers. You easily get my nomination for HOTM.

I'm just doing a few last checks... code has been updated and so has the player.;) Then I'll upload the new version.:)

FRANKTHETANK 2 12-10-2006 07:08 PM

ok syrus. i i tried it agin today and put xml as product still cant get it tow ork. wtf this is teh only hacki have ever did that i cant do. please help. i want this player on my new site. heres the code

Warning: main(./global.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/thronefi/public_html/armyselite/mp3playerindex.php on line 33

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/thronefi/public_html/armyselite/mp3playerindex.php on line 33

syrus.xl 12-10-2006 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by FRANKTHETANK 2 (Post 1135885)
ok syrus. i i tried it agin today and put xml as product still cant get it tow ork. wtf this is teh only hacki have ever did that i cant do. please help. i want this player on my new site. heres the code

Warning: main(./global.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/thronefi/public_html/armyselite/mp3playerindex.php on line 33

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/thronefi/public_html/armyselite/mp3playerindex.php on line 33

Please wait... I'm updating this product now. Should be all done within 30 mins!:)

FRANKTHETANK 2 12-10-2006 08:36 PM

ok thanks. hope its easier.lol

syrus.xl 12-10-2006 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by FRANKTHETANK 2 (Post 1135941)
ok thanks. hope its easier.lol

All Updated now... all files need overwriting and you should be fit to go!:D

Once you have uploaded the files and imported the product xml file through your AdminCP - make sure you Refresh and the Save Settings in the Mp3 Player Management first.

FRANKTHETANK 2 12-10-2006 08:48 PM

so should i redownload the player, then reinstall?

syrus.xl 12-10-2006 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by FRANKTHETANK 2 (Post 1135947)
so should i redownload the player, then reinstall?

I've updated the whole package. The other player is an optional extra.:D

Distance 12-10-2006 09:26 PM

Has the no shuffle player been updated

syrus.xl 12-10-2006 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Distance (Post 1135963)
Has the no shuffle player been updated

Not yet, I need to recompile the player for no shuffle. I'll try and get that done now.;)

Distance 12-10-2006 09:30 PM

THanks.. i just went to replace the file.. and it was the same file, i was like WTF :p

Distance 12-10-2006 09:31 PM

When should this be finished?

syrus.xl 12-10-2006 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Distance (Post 1135968)
When should this be finished?

Just redone the code, and recompiled the player with no shuffle. Just about to update it now.;)

Distance 12-10-2006 09:36 PM

Ah i see it doesnt take long :)

I love you for this hack :D

FRANKTHETANK 2 12-10-2006 09:37 PM

i got to work. was the managnent setting. thanks syruis

syrus.xl 12-10-2006 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Distance (Post 1135974)
Ah i see it doesnt take long :)

I love you for this hack :D

All updated now! Feel free to take the updated player!:cool:

syrus.xl 12-10-2006 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by FRANKTHETANK 2 (Post 1135977)
i got to work. was the managnent setting. thanks syruis

You're welcome! Just updated this hack on a few other vbulletin sites.:)

Distance 12-10-2006 09:44 PM

I had the first download :)

But the problem hasnt been fixed


There is a bug on the non shuffle player, when i click on the playlist then click again, all the tracks show up twice.. and if you keep clicking it keeps coming up more

syrus.xl 12-10-2006 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Distance (Post 1135984)
I had the first download :)

But the problem hasnt been fixed

Personally, I don't use the players I design. Mine are imported via another flash file and locked to my domain.

I'll upload the player and re-check this non-shuffle version on the development board.

trd167 12-10-2006 10:05 PM

I installed everything when I when click on vBmp3player on the navbar or "mp3 player settings" under the admin setting, i get this error.

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM mp3player_settings;

MySQL Error : Table 'whiteplusyellow.mp3player_settings' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Sunday, December 10th 2006 @ 04:04:30 PM
Script : http://www.whiteplusyellow.com/forum...ayer_admin.php
Referrer :
IP Address : xx.xxx.x.xxx
Username : WhiteplusYellow
Classname : vB_Database

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