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EZD 12-05-2007 08:55 PM

When I click on the name of someone that has sign up for an event I get an error instead of going to their cp. (ERROR 404 - PAGE NOT FOUND)

And the Avatar does not show up.

Your other hack works. I do see a person yes at the bottom of the CP.

Elenna 12-06-2007 07:35 PM

EZD - what link it is trying to ponit you to, when clicking on a user's name?

EZD 12-06-2007 08:34 PM

It is pointing to member.php?u=1
For my CP

And image.php?u=3&dateline=1195097556
For my Avatar

Elenna 12-06-2007 09:53 PM

Compare the link to your profile to the link it's giving you - what is the difference between them?

Farcaster 12-06-2007 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by rpainter (Post 1391558)
For the events that I post, you have to go to both days. How can I set this up to RSVP all days of a ranged event?


Originally Posted by rpainter (Post 1392417)
Is this MOD still supported? If so, I really need to know the answer to my first question and I have 1 more.

Reproducible, documented bugs are supported. I do not personally support any customization, but other members who use the mod may be able to help. As far as your first question, it was designed to RSVP to individual days, not the whole event. It is possible to change, and if you would like to have it customized, I am available for freelance contract work.

EZD 12-07-2007 03:49 AM

Easy check
Pointing to

Should be

Where do I add forum/

Not a coder.

EZD 12-07-2007 04:20 AM

OK I think I got it

In the code for

I added red. Can someone tell me if that is good. It did fix the CP link problem.

<if condition="!$vboptions[rah_rsvp_showavatar]">
<li><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/forum/member.php?u=$rsvp[userid]">$rsvp[username]</a>
<if condition="$rsvp_mod"> [<a href="calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=$eventinfo[eventid]&rsvp_remove=$rsvp[userid]&day=$rsvp_day">$vbphrase[remove]</a>]</if>
<if condition="$vboptions[rah_rsvp_showrsvpdate]"> [$rsvp[rsvp_date_user]]</if>
<if condition="$rsvp[guests]==1 AND $eventinfo[rsvp_max_guests]"><i> + $rsvp[guests] $vbphrase[calendar_rsvp_guest]</i></if>
<if condition="$rsvp[guests]>1 AND $eventinfo[rsvp_max_guests]"><i> + $rsvp[guests] $vbphrase[calendar_rsvp_guests]</i></if>
<if condition="$rsvp[comment] AND $maxlength"> - <i>$rsvp[comment]</i></if></li>
<else />

<td valign="top" align="left"><li><if condition="$showavatar"><img align="left" src="$avatarurl"></li></if></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">
<a href="$vboptions[bburl]/forum/member.php?u=$rsvp[userid]">$rsvp[username]</a>
<if condition="$rsvp_mod">[<a href="calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=$eventinfo[eventid]&rsvp_remove=$rsvp[userid]&day=$rsvp_day">$vbphrase[remove]</a>] </if>
<if condition="$rsvp[guests]==1 AND $eventinfo[rsvp_max_guests]"><i> + $rsvp[guests] $vbphrase[calendar_rsvp_guest]</i></if>
<if condition="$rsvp[guests]>1 AND $eventinfo[rsvp_max_guests]"><i> + $rsvp[guests] $vbphrase[calendar_rsvp_guests]</i></if>
<if condition="$vboptions[rah_rsvp_showrsvpdate]"><b>[$rsvp[rsvp_date_user]]</b><br></if>
<if condition="$rsvp[comment] AND $maxlength"><i>$rsvp[comment]</i></if>

IvyKeepMommy 12-11-2007 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Farcaster (Post 1396501)
Reproducible, documented bugs are supported. I do not personally support any customization, but other members who use the mod may be able to help. As far as your first question, it was designed to RSVP to individual days, not the whole event. It is possible to change, and if you would like to have it customized, I am available for freelance contract work.

Farcaster, I think this is a great modification...

I know NOTHING about coding at all -- so have not in any way tried to customize the mod, but I am having a reproducible bug in that when an event is repeated over a series of days, the user can NOT RSVP to each date separately. It is my understanding that they are supposed to be able to.

What happens instead is that while the dates appear on each distinct day of the calendar, the subsequent events only point back to the first date and response, not to their own thread.

Obviously something is wrong, and I'd really love to get this problem fixed. I would really like it to be able to respond to the individual days as it was apparently designed to do.

Elenna 12-11-2007 01:56 AM


If that worked, that should be just fine! It looks like one of your config settings is set to your home page, while your forum (with the RSVPs) are in /forum/


Originally Posted by EZD (Post 1396610)
OK I think I got it

In the code for

I added red. Can someone tell me if that is good. It did fix the CP link problem.

IvyKeepMommy 12-11-2007 02:39 AM

A specific example of what happens... I set up a ranged "test event" to happen every monday between 2 and 3 am. Starting Dec 10 and going through to Dec 31.

On December 10 I select yes.

Then when I click on the event on the Dec. 24th calendar, it ALREADY shows that I have RSVP'd yes and the RSVP reads:

For 12-10-2007, You RSVP'd: Yes
You may change your RSVP status below.
Yes Maybe No

If I change the RSVP to No -- it changes it on the 10th. For whatever reason the additional events CAN NOT be rsvp'd to individually as the hack says they can -- at least not on my site.

EZD 12-19-2007 07:37 PM

Back again! :)

I had to uninstall and then install again. Everything is working good but on the members CP before there would be a list of RSVP events, that does not show up anymore, did I do something? or forget something? Talking about a list of RSVP events on at the bottom of each members CP page. I like that a lot and want it back. Help! :confused:

todd222222 12-19-2007 07:46 PM

Maybe you need to reinstall this hack again: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=152924

EZD 12-20-2007 06:47 PM

That's it! Thanks!!!

drgonzo120 12-23-2007 12:50 PM

will this work in 3.6.7?

Farcaster 12-23-2007 06:28 PM

No idea. 3.7 hasn't gone gold yet, and I won't be testing it in that version until it does.

dismas 12-24-2007 03:27 AM

I think you mean 3.7

Farcaster 12-24-2007 03:34 AM

Heh. Yes. That's what I get for making posts late at night ;)

IvyKeepMommy 12-30-2007 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by IvyKeepMommy (Post 1398953)
A specific example of what happens... I set up a ranged "test event" to happen every monday between 2 and 3 am. Starting Dec 10 and going through to Dec 31.

On December 10 I select yes.

Then when I click on the event on the Dec. 24th calendar, it ALREADY shows that I have RSVP'd yes and the RSVP reads:

For 12-10-2007, You RSVP'd: Yes
You may change your RSVP status below.
Yes Maybe No

If I change the RSVP to No -- it changes it on the 10th. For whatever reason the additional events CAN NOT be rsvp'd to individually as the hack says they can -- at least not on my site.

Hmmm... I guess I'm not going to get a response to this at all ? :confused:

IvyKeepMommy 01-05-2008 05:14 AM

Well, I believe that I figured out the problem for anyone else who may be experiencing it... since I also have the vB events mod installed, that mod only creates ONE thread per calendar entry, so all of the occurrences are combined in one discussion thread, which causes the event attendance to NOT work for a recurring event. It causes only the FIRST instance of a recurring event to be updated for the entire series.

Batouchu 01-14-2008 09:27 PM


I did the same thing and I was wondering why it doesn't work.

Oh well, time to make a batch of events.

Elenna 01-18-2008 04:55 PM

Quick question about RSVP times. If someone RSVPs "Maybe" and then updates it to "Yes", it changes their time to when they updated their RSVP. Would it be possible to keep the time as the original time they RSVPd "Maybe"?

dismas 01-25-2008 02:25 PM

Can anyone tell me what the following means when someone gets a reminder email:


Scheduled Start Date: January 26th, 2008 (13905 Days)
I know that the first part is the date of the event but what is the "13905 Days" part?

Batouchu 01-26-2008 03:12 AM

I have this weird bug and I quite don't know how to explain it:

When I click on the event be it with a test account or my admin account, it shows just fine.

But when some specific users click on the same event, it shows as being closed with a whole different list of attendees.

I peeked in the DB and there's no trace of those users being registered to this event, so i'm quite puzzled.

Apparemtly it's linked to timezones. I live in australia and thus set up the event accordingly to my timezone for sunday. But for US people, the event is on a saturday evening and for some reason they can't register, as if the event wouldn't know the difference between 0 and 1 day.

Also the server is based in Australia, so tht might be the source of this issue?

Batouchu 01-26-2008 04:21 AM

Ok, that's completely irrational, and I've no idea what's going on with my install of this mod.

If I set up an expiration date through the admin options, half of the attendees can't see the other half, depending on their timezone.
Also expiration date is off by one day (before)/ one week (after) still depending on your timezone.

If I create an event without an expiration date, but activate it afterwards, it works just fine.

AndyA 01-31-2008 07:54 PM

Can someone help with a problem please ? I've just installed this on 3.6.8 and it works fine other than my users are having a 'Style' issue when they view the events.


Yup, that works!

Except its in a different 'skin' colour scheme, to which all pages change to when I navigate away, so then have to change back!
Any ideas ?


The link to the calendar event opens up in a new window in the style that others aren't using.

bugzy 01-31-2008 09:48 PM

Quick Reply is not working for Events Thread. I get the below error


The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters.

Elenna 02-01-2008 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by bugzy (Post 1433464)
Quick Reply is not working for Events Thread. I get the below error

I have the same problem. But I'm not sure if it is this mod, or the Event Forums mod.

I edited the template to remove the Quick Reply box in our calendar forum.

bugzy 02-01-2008 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Elenna (Post 1433970)
I have the same problem. But I'm not sure if it is this mod, or the Event Forums mod.

I edited the template to remove the Quick Reply box in our calendar forum.

yeah, im not sure where the problem comes from either :(

xcesiv 02-08-2008 09:33 PM

how hard is it to adjust this mod to change it from having options yes no and maybe, to Entrant, Spectator, no

Ronin Storm 02-13-2008 09:46 PM

I've been having no end of headaches trying to figure out the following problem but I've finally found a resolution.


I have Event Attendance, Event Forums and the bridge installed on my vB3.6.8pl2 board.

When I post using quick reply from a threaded-mode view to an event whose RSVPs have closed, I get the following message:


Invalid Event specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
This does not happen when replying from linear mode, via quick reply or not.


After lots of investigation, false starts, long pauses and just ignoring it, I've discovered the following in version 1.2.1, in the calendar_rsvp_form template.


        <input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[submit]" />

<if condition="$expires[0]<0">
        <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
        <tr><td class="alt2" align="center" valign="center" height="75"><font size="2"><b>$vbphrase[calendar_rsvp_closed]</b></font></td></tr>

Notice the </form> tag? That's the closing tag for a form opened at the top of this template, except the form was opened outside of the if block. When RSVPs close, the closing form tag is lost.

The easy resolution is to change the block above to the following:


        <input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[submit]" />

<if condition="$expires[0]<0">
        <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
        <tr><td class="alt2" align="center" valign="center" height="75"><font size="2"><b>$vbphrase[calendar_rsvp_closed]</b></font></td></tr>


The reason this does not affect linear mode posters is because the posting is done via AJAX. However, for threaded-mode users the posts are actually POSTed. Normally, they'd be posted off to the newreply.php script correctly but because a form block further up isn't close, the submit information for the quick reply block now believes its supposed to be posting to calendar.php. That'd be fine, except that the action "newpost" is not recognised by calendar.php so it eventually falls back to its default action of posting an error. Also, because none of the rest of the body in calendar.php is called, none of the calendar hooks fire (fortunately, otherwise this would have been impossible to debug) so the hook that forcibly forwards the user to the thread for that event (Event Forums functionality) doesn't fire.

But all this is ultimately caused by a misplaced </form> tag inside the Event Attendance code. Hence the bug report/solution here.

Hope that helps. :)

Elenna 02-14-2008 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin Storm (Post 1442540)
I've been having no end of headaches trying to figure out the following problem but I've finally found a resolution.....
But all this is ultimately caused by a misplaced </form> tag inside the Event Attendance code. Hence the bug report/solution here.

Hope that helps. :)

THANK YOU!!!!!!!! This fixed the "Invalid Event ID" issue I was having with trying to delete selected posts from event threads. *bows*

Farcaster - would you mind editing your initial post to point to this fix? And possibly update this for next release?

Farcaster 02-21-2008 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Elenna (Post 1442640)
THANK YOU!!!!!!!! This fixed the "Invalid Event ID" issue I was having with trying to delete selected posts from event threads. *bows*

Farcaster - would you mind editing your initial post to point to this fix? And possibly update this for next release?

Elenna, I don't have any permissions to edit posts in this thread, other than my own. As to a new release, actually I was planning one for the new 3.7 version of vBulletin. It will probably be a big rewrite to make it work a little better and be a little more modular.

Elenna 02-22-2008 02:18 AM


Sorry, I meant update your first post to point to Ronin Storm's fix. I didn't mean to be unclear!

Thanks for the work you do on this!

jpapadpapa 02-23-2008 11:50 PM

I am getting the following error message when I try to install your mod:

XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 1

No one else seems to have had this problem, so I assume I am not doing something right. (This is my first time installing a mod). Any suggestions?

jpapadpapa 02-27-2008 05:00 PM

Figured out my above problem by doing a search on that phrase.

Anyway, I LOVE this mod, but I am wondering...is there a way to have an option where the person who posts can set a limit on the number of people who can RSVP "yes"?

insidedesign 02-29-2008 04:40 PM

Has anyone had issues with this MOD when upgrading to vB 3.7?

sickboy6ths 03-03-2008 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Farcaster (Post 1448203)
Elenna, I don't have any permissions to edit posts in this thread, other than my own. As to a new release, actually I was planning one for the new 3.7 version of vBulletin. It will probably be a big rewrite to make it work a little better and be a little more modular.

Looking forward to this, because atm the RSVP does not seem to work on vb3.7, esp not when used with the event threads.

MustangLisa 03-03-2008 06:57 PM

Love this, thanks! Installed an update!

Elenna 03-11-2008 07:18 PM

Quick question - how difficult would be be to add in a "Attended" option, where the 'moderator' of the event (the same one that has Remove abilities) could check off who actually attended the event, and then their attendance would be stored in the database so that report could be run?

bigtime 03-18-2008 04:33 AM

I too am interested in running this on 3.7 (beta 6). Has anyone successfully used it? Also, Farcaster, any estimate on the next release?



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