vb.org Archive

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iTaLiAnBoY165 11-17-2006 10:45 PM

I have noticed that after using .htaccess rewrite mod engine the forums dont allow you to enter a password on a password protected forum it just keeps telling you that the password is incorrect

project-Buckfas 11-17-2006 11:11 PM

1 would think this isn't being supported at all...

JD45 11-18-2006 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by project-Buckfas (Post 1119662)
1 would think this isn't being supported at all...

It isn't. I posted on another site where the creator posts. Instead of replying with a possible solution, I was told that I should only use this if I have a very good knowledge of SEO.

Sorry, a good knowledge of SEO has nothing to do with a good knowledge of PHP/mysql.

Zoints 11-18-2006 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by JD45 (Post 1119795)
It isn't. I posted on another site where the creator posts. Instead of replying with a possible solution, I was told that I should only use this if I have a very good knowledge of SEO.

Sorry, a good knowledge of SEO has nothing to do with a good knowledge of PHP/mysql.

Hopefully i'm just misinterpretting, but are you getting upset over the fact I didn't help you when the first line of this modification says:

********Please do not use this modification unless you are VERY well educated on SEO and forum modification********

And many subsequent lines say it is unsupported and released under the LGPL so that the community could further develop it?

JD45 11-18-2006 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman (Post 1119819)
Hopefully i'm just misinterpretting, but are you getting upset over the fact I didn't help you when the first line of this modification says:

********Please do not use this modification unless you are VERY well educated on SEO and forum modification********

And many subsequent lines say it is unsupported and released under the LGPL so that the community could further develop it?

I'm not upset, just dissappointed. It'd be much easier for you, as the author to find a fix than I. Many others have posted bugs with this paticular hack.

I like the idea of the hack itself and think it has lots of potential. Your other hacks work just fine with no problems and I'm using them as we speak.

I just think it would be better if you took a look at what some of the issues that people are reporting and see if they're easily fixed on your end. Otherwise, it does look unsupported.

Edit: I see the tick box for supported is unticked. So I stand corrected. It's not supported.

Zoints 11-18-2006 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by JD45 (Post 1119841)
I'm not upset, just dissappointed. It'd be much easier for you, as the author to find a fix than I. Many others have posted bugs with this paticular hack.

I understand your frustration and I'm sincerely sorry this modification has brought it on.

Do you REALLY need to use the mod_rewrite option? It's off for a reason, and that's because it doesn't do anything but make your urls a little prettier and cause lots of problems. Whereas the other aspects of this modification such as the forum by forum meta descriptions and improved archive navigation can help a lot.

Most of the "bugs" you speak of are mere incompatibilities with other hacks caused by the mod_rewrite.

I'm of the opinion that changing url structure on forums is no longer needed and can and usually does far more harm than good.

Orcun 11-18-2006 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by JD45 (Post 1119795)
It isn't. I posted on another site where the creator posts. Instead of replying with a possible solution, I was told that I should only use this if I have a very good knowledge of SEO.

Sorry, a good knowledge of SEO has nothing to do with a good knowledge of PHP/mysql.

Here, "a good knowledge of SEO" refers to users asking "Hey! I installed this SEO and my hits didnt increased 93454397 more in 1 day".

If you read older pages in this thread, you can see user posts like that.


Orcun 11-18-2006 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by nocte (Post 1119053)
if fount a bunch of bugs more:

template threadbit line 65:

-> this does not work with the searchengine. the serach sesult pages will link to:
while it should be

template search_results_postbit line 25:

                        $post[typeprefix] <a href="<if condition="$show['zointsurl']">$post[threadurl]<else />showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$post[threadid]$post[highlight]</if>"><strong>$post[threadtitle]</strong></a>
does not work. it will show a link to the forum in witch the thread is located, not the thread itself.

modification of thempate forumhome_lastpostby is useless, because there will be a redirection anyway. If you do this you just have a rewritten url redirecting to another rewritten (both having parameters). I don't see an advantage doing the modification that is sugested for this template.

if you use "go to the last posting" you will be redirected to a url like this
though the last posting might not be on page 1 the url looks like it was page one. If the last posting was on page 3 the url should be

on online.php - if a user is currently seeing a thread in the archive, the url has no keywords and two slashes, like

"Use Zoints Archive Navigation?" -> when i use this feature, no navigation shows up at all.

My search results are not SEOed. ??
Are u using Php as module or CGI ?

nimonogi 11-19-2006 07:03 AM

Hello, any news on the sitemap generator?

rogersnm 11-19-2006 07:21 AM

I'm expanding it as we speak.

nimonogi 11-19-2006 07:35 AM

Cool... please keep us informed.


mA|tRiX 11-19-2006 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by iTaLiAnBoY165 (Post 1119651)
I have noticed that after using .htaccess rewrite mod engine the forums dont allow you to enter a password on a password protected forum it just keeps telling you that the password is incorrect

Thats my problem too.:surprised:

RedTyger 11-19-2006 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by citricguy (Post 1118469)
First of all, thank you so much for releasing this mod. It is amazing!

After I got everything installed I noticed that I cannot follow links within my archive/sitemap directory. Everything else seems to work fine.

Here is the link to my archive/sitemap post install:


You will notice as you click on the links it will not take you any deeper into the archive. I think its the .htaccess file messing things up, but cant tell.

im running 3.6.3

Yes, I've just noticed this problem as well and rapidly uninstalled the mod again. Essentially removing the archive will I suspect do more damage than they keywords etc will gain. Big shame, but in tandem with the other bugs I'm not sure it's quite ready for the big-time. Almost! But not quite.

rogersnm 11-19-2006 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by nimonogi (Post 1120589)
Cool... please keep us informed.


Ok, here's some info: It currently gets all the thread and forum links and makes an xml out of them and that's all. I'm going to release just that soon as v0.2 and it will expand to include all url's made by Zoints SEO but because of the high demand. I am looking for a couple of beta sites though. NO harm can be done to the database by using the hack, I just want to make sure it works on different sites. Send me a pm if your interested.

gbhedges 11-19-2006 01:12 PM

Holy!!!!! It works :)

lovelypk 11-19-2006 07:43 PM

Will it work on 3.6.3??
Is it easy to uninstall?

M0rGu3 11-19-2006 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by lovelypk (Post 1121002)
Will it work on 3.6.3??
Is it easy to uninstall?

In my Forum it works. Installed on 3.6.2, updated on 3.6.3.

Alfa1 11-20-2006 10:18 AM

never mind.

Enigm@tic 11-21-2006 09:16 AM

Dear @DChapman ;

I'm editing your product for Turkish users, can i release this Zoints Seo Turkish Version in my forum www.vbulletin-turkiye.com ? I wait ur positive answer...

Thanks for this product to you, as for me product of year :up: ;)


Bu eklentiyi kullanan bir?ok site g?rd?m, % 90'i footerdeki Forum SEO By Zoints yazısını kaldırmış, buradan t?m bu emek hırsızlarını kınıyorum !


I see a lot of site using this product, % 90's removed Forum SEO By Zoints caption in the footer, im to censure this here all thieves !

project-Buckfas 11-21-2006 04:05 PM

You can remove the copyright if your are part of the Zoints network...

Q. Can I remove the little copyright notice in the footer?

A. Yes, one of two ways.

1. Join the Zoints Forum Network
2. Make a $100.00 or larger donation to the Electronic Frontier Foundation and email Zoints with a copy of the receipt at ZointsIsCoolAndIGaveMoneyToTheEFF@zoints.com

More FAQ's coming.

ninjashoes 11-21-2006 10:30 PM

go to plugins>zoints seo>parse templates and look for the copyright part and removes it

use notepad to copy everything before you start taking stuff out in case you make a mistake

btw guys dont use mod rewrite unless your sure you will use it forever or youll end up losing all your pages in google due to the urls becoming dead

xtrass 11-21-2006 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Ramsesx (Post 1082962)
Nobody can tell how to change the .htaccess to exclude the /gallery folder?

I've used this code to exclude folders from other rewrites with other programs, not sure if it will work in your case but why not try?

RewriteRule ^folder(.*)$ - [L]

replace *folder* with the name of the folder you want to exlude.

If you have more then 1 folder you must enter this code for each folder.

Be sure to place the code about in the middle of your htaccess.

Hope it works for you!

And this comment really bugs me as I am a seasoned seo for a few years,

"pleased do not install this hack unless you are well educated when it comes to SEO"

this is laughable!

EVEN IF YOU DO NOTHING, NO SEO MOD, your pages will get indexed by the top 3 search engines no matter if you use VB, SMF, or even PHPBB, with those funky crazy urls that every one says se's don't like :)

It requires absolutely NOT one ounce of SEO smarts to install a program to create "SE Friendly" URLS! In fact there are many blog plugins (FOR FREE) THAT DOES THAT!

I think it's a pitty that the top Forum scripts, VB included, DOES NOT COME with better SE Frindly urls out of box for free. I know that WOWBB does ($80) and accomplishes all this with a click of a button, unfortunately it lacks many other more important features. The point I'm trying to make is that all this should come with our forums, in the case with VB where we had to pay $150 for it is totally outrageous for us to have to pay another $150 for decent se friendly urls (seovb), or have to deal with a buggy unsupported freebie.

I appreciate Zoints SEO's effort, but they use vbseo and offer little in way of support. And to make a comment like you need some sort of seo experience to achieve this is well, ill advised.

I only hope either this seo plug in becomes ready for prime time *with* support, or VB wakes up and offers it's own because SMF is right on their heals for feature for feature, and they are 100% free! I use both so I am totally unbiased and simply call it as I see it :)

persianforum 11-22-2006 03:42 AM

I had installed Zoints SEO and had only one domain.
Now that I have 3 domains(.com .net .org) when I login
through ".org' and click on a topic/forum ,all the links of
the site are ".com" not ".org".
when I disable Zoints SEO ,there is no problems.
How can I set or config the Zoints SEO that I wouldn't have
such a problem.
best regards

flindersredclaw 11-23-2006 10:21 PM

I asked the folks over at vbulletin.com and they suggested that I ask the question here as it is a zoints seo issue.

Basically, I may have something not set correctly.

The archive shows the categories but the links to those categories go nowhere.


Any and all help appreciated.

rogersnm 11-26-2006 08:26 AM

If you disable zoints seo does it work?

Make Money? 12-01-2006 09:42 AM

Is there a manual? For SEO and the TAG option?

If not where is the best place to discuss stuff?

At Zoints?

this thread is handy, sure but probably not the best place.

I am interested in "tag strategy" how to manage tags - and to discuss with others using these products..

For example I bet I could do a lot of damage messing around in the SEO admin panel and I bet there are advanced Tag tips I am unaware of.

I want to learn how to best use these products


stemmy 12-04-2006 12:18 PM

I have this hack installed.

I have a problem with it.

I have a few password protected forum an as soon as I enable this hack the passwords stop working. Anything entered is rejected as the wrong password.

Is this a common problem an more importantly is it something i can correct.

I have narrowed it down to this hack as disabling it restarts the password sections.

HELP !!!!!


citricguy 12-04-2006 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Make Money? (Post 1129305)
Is there a manual? For SEO and the TAG option?

If not where is the best place to discuss stuff?

At Zoints?

this thread is handy, sure but probably not the best place.

I am interested in "tag strategy" how to manage tags - and to discuss with others using these products..

For example I bet I could do a lot of damage messing around in the SEO admin panel and I bet there are advanced Tag tips I am unaware of.

I want to learn how to best use these products


Check out the http://www.vbseo.com forum. There is a lot of vB based SEO stuff there, granted its centered around the vBseo product, but it still has a lot of knowledgeable people and some great info!

LocutusofBorg 12-08-2006 10:25 PM

we at DaemonTools forum decided to use Zoints SEO, too (at least partially, as
some of the code is not working like we want it and already replaced ;) )

However, we try to iron out now the bugs, then we will forward our modifications
to DChapman for consideration and release of course -

Personally, I think DChapman is right. We have a fine piece of software here,
now it's up to us all to improve the code until such products like vBSEO are not
a MUST anymore and everyone CAN chose. vBSEO seems to be a fine product,
however, there has to be a free alternative for those that doesnt fit in their AUP
or can't afford the money. And last, opensource is not a must, but preferrable.

Zoints 12-08-2006 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by LocutusofBorg (Post 1134860)
we at DaemonTools forum decided to use Zoints SEO, too (at least partially, as
some of the code is not working like we want it and already replaced ;) )

However, we try to iron out now the bugs, then we will forward our modifications
to DChapman for consideration and release of course -

Personally, I think DChapman is right. We have a fine piece of software here,
now it's up to us all to improve the code until such products like vBSEO are not
a MUST anymore and everyone CAN chose. vBSEO seems to be a fine product,
however, there has to be a free alternative for those that doesnt fit in their AUP
or can't afford the money. And last, opensource is not a must, but preferrable.

I must admit, it puts a smile on my face to know an organization like DaemonTools is using Zoints SEO. I look forward to seeing your modifications to the code, I have no doubt it will be quality work.

lovelypk 12-09-2006 03:25 AM

Will this work for 3.6.4??

da420 12-09-2006 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by lovelypk (Post 1134960)
Will this work for 3.6.4??

Yes, it does.

project-Buckfas 12-09-2006 02:18 PM

I'm looking forward to this!


Originally Posted by LocutusofBorg (Post 1134860)
we at DaemonTools forum decided to use Zoints SEO, too (at least partially, as
some of the code is not working like we want it and already replaced ;) )

However, we try to iron out now the bugs, then we will forward our modifications
to DChapman for consideration and release of course -

Personally, I think DChapman is right. We have a fine piece of software here,
now it's up to us all to improve the code until such products like vBSEO are not
a MUST anymore and everyone CAN chose. vBSEO seems to be a fine product,
however, there has to be a free alternative for those that doesnt fit in their AUP
or can't afford the money. And last, opensource is not a must, but preferrable.

s25 12-09-2006 02:47 PM

That sounds great I love this mod so much! It is working flawlessly for me at the moment pity the seo does not move across to vbPortal, Any ideas on how to make it work in that as well?

quadinfotech 12-11-2006 09:49 AM

Installed the hack on my test board and can now see the options on the panel,
several template modifications where not done even though the board is completely clean and just installed prior to installation of this hack, so I went ahead and did the mods manually,

added the included .htaccess file to the forum directory (/testforum/)
when I set the "Rewrite URLs" option to "Rewrite URLs and insert keywords, using mod_rewrite", clicking on any forum or thread gives me a blank page with this line on top left corner "No input file specified."
the other "Rewrite URLs and insert keywords" works fine.

need directions on how to go about fixing it,
Thank you

edit: also would like to know how one can tell that this is actually working?
I'm talking about SEO part?being more visible to search engines?
also what's the difference between "Rewrite URLs" and "mod_rewrite"?

rogersnm 12-11-2006 03:23 PM

Option 1 is forumdisplay.php/i-love-you-f111 - more or less xD
option 2 is i-love-you-f111.html

As for fixing it if it's not working are you sure your server allows mod_rewrite?

quadinfotech 12-11-2006 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by rogersnm (Post 1136406)
Option 1 is forumdisplay.php/i-love-you-f111 - more or less xD
option 2 is i-love-you-f111.html

As for fixing it if it's not working are you sure your server allows mod_rewrite?

thanx for the response, option two surely looks better, not sure if it necessarily works better or not as it is in fact shorter,

I was under the impression that adding the .htaccess would enable "mod_rewrite" at server, if not I suppose I need to contact them and have them enable it if at all possible.

rogersnm 12-11-2006 04:38 PM

Adding the htaccess file just means your trying to use mod_rewrite not actually installing it.

Cloudrunner 12-11-2006 04:39 PM

If you disable the rewrite of urls completely and use the standard vb navigation all is fine.

If you turn on the rewrite or the zoints nav in the archive, then the system hiccups and won't link properly, it just reloads the page.

That said, I've turned off the rewriting of the URLs since the big SEs are now able to spider dynamic urls anyways, and have turned off the zoints navigation in the archive. I did allow for the archive to be renamed however, and that is working as expected.

I don't know if anyone is working on this problem, but I cannot expect the zoints team to do it since they released it to us to finish up.

Any thoughts?

quadinfotech 12-11-2006 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by rogersnm (Post 1136441)
Adding the htaccess file just means your trying to use mod_rewrite not actually installing it.

got it, I'll contact the host and ask them to enable this option,
hopefully they'll know what it is,lol
thanx for ur help.

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