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-   -   Mini Mods - vbMp3 & XEON vbMp3 Player (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=125817)

syrus.xl 10-14-2006 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by kenanulas
where can we find more skin
exept for default stlyle of vbmp3 player


This player does not use 'skins' like other players you see around the internet. The actual flash file, has become too complex, just to change the skin 'on-demand'. With the vBulletin full integration version it simply does away with all files that would normally allow changing of 'skins'. This may change in future versions, but only done via the vBulletin AdminCP.

There is alot planned for this player, and even combining it with an FLV player, which would not only give users mp3's but also video as well.


GrendelKhan{TSU 10-15-2006 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
Try this instead...


<!-- Start XEON vbMp3 Player -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="forums/flashobject.js"></script>
        <td class="$getbgrow">
<!-- js flashobject -->
<div align="center" width="100%" id="xeon_player">
Warning!!! To view the XEON vbMp3 Player please enable JavaScript and Flash!
<script type="text/javascript">
var fo = new FlashObject("forums/xeon_vbmp3Player.swf", "xeon_player", "400", "450", "8,0,0,0", "#E1E4F2");
fo.addParam("quality", "high");
<!-- js flashobject -->
<!-- End XEON vbMp3 Player -->

nope :(

Separate question:
when we DO get this work (grr) I want the one on cmps portal to be autostart DISabled, but the one on the forums autostart ENABLEd.

is this possible?

syrus.xl 10-15-2006 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
nope :(

Separate question:
when we DO get this work (grr) I want the one on cmps portal to be autostart DISabled, but the one on the forums autostart ENABLEd.

is this possible?

Yes, sure it is...

All you do is use the original CMPS block code, not any custom code. Then upload the another player.swf you want to use into your site 'root', along with the flashobject.js file. You would need to duplicate the 5 XML files from the forum 'root' and copy them to the site 'root'.

That should work, because the javascript flashobject call is in the CMPS block code.


Forumi Shqiptar 10-15-2006 08:38 PM

I downloaded vb and CMPS XEON vbmp3 player.zip and tried to edit the playlist that were inside and reuploaded them into the forum root folder and it still isn`t changing there are still the same songs.

Could someon help everything its perfect the only thing its that it doesn`t change the playlist the url that ive installed it it`s http://forumishqiptar.net/xeon.htm

syrus.xl 10-15-2006 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by HuMoRi.CoM
I downloaded vb and CMPS XEON vbmp3 player.zip and tried to edit the playlist that were inside and reuploaded them into the forum root folder and it still isn`t changing there are still the same songs.

Could someon help everything its perfect the only thing its that it doesn`t change the playlist the url that ive installed it it`s http://forumishqiptar.net/xeon.htm

It looks fine to me, apart from you've only populated 1 XML file with 5 tracks, all 5 XML files can use tracks upto 100 songs in each.

If you still see the same songs it maybe cached in your browser, this is a problem when viewing or debugging flash movies. Try emptying your cache and then reload the page.


G_Man 10-15-2006 11:00 PM

Hey Syrus,

Hows the schedule for the new release? Just curious.



syrus.xl 10-16-2006 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by G_Man
Hey Syrus,

Hows the schedule for the new release? Just curious.



You wouldn't believe the demand for this modification, or maybe it's just the player! I'm expecting to release the full vBulletin Integration this week, would have been last week but I had problems with my host and had to move servers carrying a 1/2Gb database with me.. and 11hrs to upload my site over this weekend, really put me behind.

Anyway, thats all done now, so I'll get the documentation done and packaged, then you will be all set to go. I'll release it as a major add-on so people don't get mixed up with the XML version on this thread. Due to the new one using the database and no XML, the players coding needed to be modified. I expect I'll update the original vbMp3 Player to use the new method of database population, once I have the XEON working perfect, with no known issues. At the moment the 100 tracks per playlist is still a problem, and the full vbulletin version has been modified to cut-off playlist additions once 100 tracks in any playlist has been reached.

So its not far off release!;)

ReadOrDie 10-16-2006 01:24 AM

Some suggestions my users mentioned:

-Making the player wider it's too small.

-Having some kind of way to make it so people under the age of 13 can't see the songs that have swears. Perhaps you could this by having different folders.

G_Man 10-16-2006 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
You wouldn't believe the demand for this modification, or maybe it's just the player! I'm expecting to release the full vBulletin Integration this week, would have been last week but I had problems with my host and had to move servers carrying a 1/2Gb database with me.. and 11hrs to upload my site over this weekend, really put me behind.

Anyway, thats all done now, so I'll get the documentation done and packaged, then you will be all set to go. I'll release it as a major add-on so people don't get mixed up with the XML version on this thread. Due to the new one using the database and no XML, the players coding needed to be modified. I expect I'll update the original vbMp3 Player to use the new method of database population, once I have the XEON working perfect, with no known issues. At the moment the 100 tracks per playlist is still a problem, and the full vbulletin version has been modified to cut-off playlist additions once 100 tracks in any playlist has been reached.

So its not far off release!;)

haha... I can only imagine how hard it is. I check in every day and finally figured I'd just post and ask! :p I got a deejay and everything lined up!

You might have MoTY here!!

So, this post is just to say thanks for all the work. I am sure its fun and rewarding, but I am sure its still work! ;)


GrendelKhan{TSU 10-16-2006 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
Yes, sure it is...

All you do is use the original CMPS block code, not any custom code. Then upload the another player.swf you want to use into your site 'root', along with the flashobject.js file. You would need to duplicate the 5 XML files from the forum 'root' and copy them to the site 'root'.

That should work, because the javascript flashobject call is in the CMPS block code.


cool! thanks!

now if I could jsut get it to work. lol +_+ (still not working for me...I'm gunna try again from scratch)

syrus.xl 10-16-2006 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
cool! thanks!

now if I could jsut get it to work. lol +_+ (still not working for me...I'm gunna try again from scratch)

If you still cannot get it to work in your CMPS then PM me, and I'll look into it for you.


syrus.xl 10-16-2006 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by G_Man
haha... I can only imagine how hard it is. I check in every day and finally figured I'd just post and ask! :p I got a deejay and everything lined up!

You might have MoTY here!!

So, this post is just to say thanks for all the work. I am sure its fun and rewarding, but I am sure its still work! ;)


Kind of you my friend.:)

I am thinking on making another player this time with the ability of adding new skins, and selection via the AdminCP - at the moment this isn't even done, so its a long way off, but a possibility. :D The skiins would all need to be based on a template system.

bandare 10-17-2006 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by G_Man
haha... I can only imagine how hard it is. I check in every day and finally figured I'd just post and ask! :p I got a deejay and everything lined up!

You might have MoTY here!!

So, this post is just to say thanks for all the work. I am sure its fun and rewarding, but I am sure its still work! ;)


DITTO - ty :)

GrendelKhan{TSU 10-17-2006 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
If you still cannot get it to work in your CMPS then PM me, and I'll look into it for you.


PM-ed you. :)

syrus.xl 10-17-2006 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
PM-ed you. :)

Yeah, got the PM and replied.

Will be looking into the issue later today.:)

syrus.xl 10-19-2006 08:37 AM

A full vbulletin version will be released tomorrow, as a major 3.6.x addon.

A few more features have been added, which include the following:

[high]Mp3 Player Management[/high]
PM Notification System (Enable/Disable) and customized message content.
Full Moderation System (Enable/Disable) allowing Admin to approve or deny content.
Playlist listings management.
Add tracks via Admincp.

[high]Usergroup Settings:[/high]
Allow/Disallow viewing per usergroup. (by default these will be set to off on all usergroups)
Allow/Disallow adding per usergroup. (by default these will be set to off on all usergroups)

[high]XEON player[/high]
Player has been recoded and no longer compatible with XML population method.
Track data is now secure in the vbulletin database.
Some 'cosmetic' changes to the player.
Player will nolonger accept more than 100 tracks per playlist.

The new release is now co-authored.

Full details will be available from tomorrow. :)

Gripemaster 10-19-2006 11:12 PM

This is by far my members' favorite add on... they can play tunes and play in the arcade, they are loving life. Can't wait for the new version. :)

bandare 10-20-2006 01:46 AM

sounds awesome Syrus!

Forumi Shqiptar 10-20-2006 06:43 AM

thanks syrus for your help and ur time :)

syrus.xl 10-20-2006 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by G_Man
Question for ya, Syrus...

PHP Code:

<if condition="$show['member']"

I just learning this php stuff, so how do a write a conditional array, so that I can enter just few userid's to see the button for right now while I set it up and my DJ provides material ??

Sorry, I missed this post...

To create a usergroup contional array you would have your code like this, but obviously changing the X's for usergroup ID's.

PHP Code:

<if condition="!in_array($bbuserinfo[usergroupid], array(X,X,X))">
whatever goes here -->


bandare 10-20-2006 07:55 PM

did I miss the new thread?

G_Man 10-20-2006 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
Sorry, I missed this post...

To create a usergroup contional array you would have your code this, but obviously changing the X's for usergroup ID's.

PHP Code:

<if condition="!in_array($bbuserinfo[usergroupid], array(X,X,X))">
whatever goes here -->


hehehe... Cheers, Mate. Although, will probably just wait for the new version now!! :D

syrus.xl 10-20-2006 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by G_Man
hehehe... Cheers, Mate. Although, will probably just wait for the new version now!! :D

Well, you will have to wait a few more hours yet.;) But the wait will be worth it...:)

I would have released it today (Friday) but after reconnecting my test vbulletin board since moving servers, the new server went down.:surprised:

Which put back the final testing of rebuilding the tables using the product.xml file. I've made changes to the main player file, which means the players available on this thread are rendered useless. These changes were needed to tighten security of the XEON player, which now uses a single PHP file to populate all 5 playlists, which are all held in the database. A few cosmetic changes, have been made to XEON player, and I've not yet put this version on public view.

Initially, it will only be a vBulletin version only and not support a vBa CMPS block module. This will be released later in the week as an addon.

All will be revealed later today...:)

This modification has attracted so much interest, and the possibilities people have used it for, have astounded me! Thanks to all that have supported this modification, in one way or another.

Please note, I will send out an update email to all that have clicked 'Install' to inform you of the major addon release and the new url will be included in the email. Support will remain only on vbulletin.org.

G_Man 10-20-2006 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
Well, you will have to wait a few more hours yet.;) But the wait will be worth it...:)

I would have released it today (Friday) but after reconnecting my test vbulletin board since moving servers, the new server went down.:surprised:

Which put back the final testing of rebuilding the tables using the product.xml file. I've made changes to the main player file, which means the players available on this thread are rendered useless. These changes were needed to tighten security of the XEON player, which now uses a single PHP file to populate all 5 playlists, which are all held in the database. A few cosmetic changes, have been made to XEON player, and I've not yet put this version on public view.

Initially, it will only be a vBulletin version only and not support a vBa CMPS block module. This will be released later in the week as an addon.

All will be revealed later today...:)

This modification has attracted so much interest, and the possibilities people have used it for, have astounded me! Thanks to all that have supported this modification, in one way or another.

Please note, I will send out an update email to all that have clicked 'Install' to inform you of the major addon release and the new url will be included in the email. Support will remain only on vbulletin.org.

yeah, yeah... likely story!! I think you just like watching us hold our breathe and have had a working version for weeks!! LOL

And since its still Friday here, how long should I stay up?!?!? :D :D :D

*lets out breath and starts breathing again* ;)

PassLab.net 10-21-2006 04:20 AM

thanks, installed

beishe8 10-21-2006 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by G_Man
And since its still Friday here, how long should I stay up?!?!? :D :D :D

Saturday afternoon 3:41 here ! ;)

And waiting patiently, hopefully...

G_Man 10-21-2006 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by beishe8
Saturday afternoon 3:41 here ! ;)

And waiting patiently, hopefully...

Damn!! Where are you? Australia?!?!

Still Friday here!! LOL

beishe8 10-21-2006 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by G_Man
Damn!! Where are you? Australia?!?!

Good guess !
I guess that I have to wait till Sunday for Syrus.
But I think that it is worth !

Shazz 10-21-2006 05:21 AM

Wow, look at this line, its like you just keep refreshing the page :)
He won't be up untill about another 8-9 Hours.

syrus.xl 10-21-2006 10:09 PM

Delayed... but released at last! :)

Click Here to download the new version! Please note the player version is not compatible with the versions on here.

radarhunter 10-28-2006 03:39 PM

the link in the navbar is not working neither the mp3 player on the cmps is kindly help me

syrus.xl 11-05-2006 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by radarhunter
the link in the navbar is not working neither the mp3 player on the cmps is kindly help me

Simply change the navbar code js url.

Change it to the full url to the mp3playerindex.php

lsatblu 11-05-2006 11:45 PM

Is there a way to link to the vbPlayer from a website besides vBulletin? I already have it installed on my forums, but would love to put a link to the player on my main site. Thanks!

beishe8 11-06-2006 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by lsatblu
Is there a way to link to the vbPlayer from a website besides vBulletin? I already have it installed on my forums, but would love to put a link to the player on my main site. Thanks!

Admin CP
Usergroup Manager
Unregistered / Not Logged In
MP3 Player Permissions
Can this group view the MP3 Player : Yes



lsatblu 11-06-2006 05:46 PM

I'm not sure why, but there are no options for the vbPlayer in my usergroup page. In fact, there are no options for the vbPlayer in my admincp at all. Is something wrong with my installation?

Though the link from my navbar does bring up the player and the music works for me.

When I filled in the link with my site stats, I got an error page.


syrus.xl 11-06-2006 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by lsatblu
I'm not sure why, but there are no options for the vbPlayer in my usergroup page. In fact, there are no options for the vbPlayer in my admincp at all. Is something wrong with my installation?

Though the link from my navbar does bring up the player and the music works for me.

When I filled in the link with my site stats, I got an error page.


Can you please re-post this question on the correct thread. Your question refers to the 'Integrated vBulletin' version not this XML driven version.

The correct thread is here

vbreal 11-13-2006 08:57 PM

bbl to read up

Shazz 11-18-2006 08:44 PM

Just uploading songs for myspace or something ususally times out -.-

NathanMc 11-18-2006 09:18 PM

how could I track the ammount of listens each track has?

syrus.xl 11-18-2006 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1120270)
Just uploading songs for myspace or something ususally times out -.-

'Time-outs' on FTP is normally caused by your web host setting restrictions on uploading via FTP

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