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h_kakashi 10-10-2006 11:52 AM

I'll look into IIS persmission on that directory later today.

As for the second error, I've tested it on IE6 on my workstation and Laptop and on Firefox on my laptop. No Change. Absoloutley nothing happens.

redlabour 10-10-2006 02:28 PM

Feature Requests:

1. Create Groupfolders or Custom Folders for everyone. Maybe with Permissionqueue.

2. Give a Name to the Images

3. Add Comments

4. Rate Pics

5. Save Pics in /imagehosting/NICKNAME-OR-FOLDERNAME ;)

Then it will be a Perfect Gallery. ;)

But anyway i have deleted my Coppermine now and have changed to this System - i love it ! :D

darkblade25 10-10-2006 08:45 PM

Does anyone have a Modules for this that goes with CMPS v2.0

friscogal 10-11-2006 12:23 AM

this is great!

imfeelingitdawg 10-11-2006 04:29 PM

This mod is awesome!

One quick question. Is there a way for the thumbnails/images to be displayed in the reverse order they are now? Right now, it looks like the newest ones are put at the bottom and the oldest ones are at the beginning. I can see this being an issue when you get a ton of pictures in your gallery and you have to page to the end to get the newest ones. Having the newest uploaded image at the top with old ones pushed to the end would be awesome.


Distance 10-11-2006 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Ranma2k
do you have GD installed ?!


jeddah_eyes 10-11-2006 10:16 PM

i going to try it now and i will tell u if i face any problem.

Warning: getimagesize(): Unable to access /home/xxxxx/public_html/vb/imagehosting/2452d7e750754c.jpg in /admincp/vbimghost.php on line 279

Warning: getimagesize(/home/xxxxxx/public_html/vb/imagehosting/2452d7e750754c.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/vbimghost.php on line 279

this is the problem that i have aslo after uploading files white page is appearing .

also i can see that i have a files but i cant see any of them .

i gave a 777 for uploading folder

ComputerVitals 10-12-2006 01:57 AM

1. Create Groupfolders or Custom Folders for everyone.

Any chance of getting this to allow users add "folders" so they are not all bulked into one?

Snatch 10-12-2006 05:05 PM

I wait for Upload to another Server. When is this funktion ready? I will Donate you, if you get this faster.

redlabour 10-12-2006 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Snatch
I wait for Upload to another Server. When is this funktion ready? I will Donate you, if you get this faster.

For what did you need this ? :confused:

I think there are a few Standardoptions that have to be added before special thinks like this. ;)

mhdhallak 10-12-2006 05:29 PM



lanc3lot 10-13-2006 09:35 AM

Any update date about the upcoming version ?:)

Distance 10-13-2006 02:28 PM

erm bump to this..

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() in /home/mysite/public_html/includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 127

Trying to upload jpeg?

someone said have i got GD installed but whats gd?

Ranma2k 10-13-2006 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Distance
erm bump to this..

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() in /home/mysite/public_html/includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 127

Trying to upload jpeg?

someone said have i got GD installed but whats gd?

what ver of GD you have ?

Ranma2k 10-13-2006 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by lanc3lot
Any update date about the upcoming version ?:)

working on a clean ver ..
sorry it's taking me so long but i have lot's of problem in real life .. hold me away from finishing it ..

Distance 10-14-2006 10:12 AM

Geez people for the third time why does everyone keep asking if i have gd or what version have i got, you can clearly see im asking what gd is ;)

Ranma2k 10-14-2006 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Distance
Geez people for the third time why does everyone keep asking if i have gd or what version have i got, you can clearly see im asking what gd is ;)


GD for php

lanc3lot 10-16-2006 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by Ranma2k
working on a clean ver ..
sorry it's taking me so long but i have lot's of problem in real life .. hold me away from finishing it ..

no rush, take your time mate, rl is more important for sure :)

Hope they can be solved

fxs158 10-17-2006 12:35 AM

Great Hack! How do I change the color of the box under statistics when we click upload images.

I have a black box and you cannot see the information as I imagine the font used for the info is black also.


lowed file types .gif , .jpg , .png , .bmp
Max image size allowed 1024 KB
Max image dimention allowed 1024 * 768
Number of images you curently have 1
Max number of images allowed for you 50

friscogal 10-17-2006 01:36 AM

hi ranma,

i tried to rebuild my thumbnails and have this come up


Rebuilding Thumbnails

Warning: getimagesize(/home/user/public_html/forums/imagehosting/274452d3a3e1e52d.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/vbimghost.php on line 279
Thumbnail Not created for STDs 001.jpg

Warning: getimagesize(/home/user/public_html/forums/imagehosting/274452d3a3f3837d.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/vbimghost.php on line 279
Thumbnail Not created for STDs 002.jpg

Warning: getimagesize(/home/user/public_html/forums/imagehosting/157452be324d5dcc.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/vbimghost.php on line 279
Thumbnail Not created for tungsten ring.JPG

Warning: getimagesize(/home/user/public_html/forums/imagehosting/197452be5b561578.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/vbimghost.php on line 279
Thumbnail Not created for cains ring.jpg

Warning: getimagesize(/home/user/public_html/forums/imagehosting/197452be62c4273e.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/vbimghost.php on line 279
Thumbnail Not created for cains ring.jpg

Warning: getimagesize(/home/user/public_html/forums/imagehosting/197452beb40d360d.gif) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/vbimghost.php on line 279
Thumbnail Not created for cains ring 2.gif

Warning: getimagesize(/home/user/public_html/forums/imagehosting/244452c0e599de96.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/vbimghost.php on line 279
Thumbnail Not created for full front.JPG

Warning: getimagesize(/home/user/public_html/forums/imagehosting/244452c0e59bb351.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/vbimghost.php on line 279
Thumbnail Not created for fancy sice.JPG

Warning: getimagesize(/home/user/public_html/forums/imagehosting/244452c0e59d0b4a.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/vbimghost.php on line 279

64North 10-17-2006 08:07 AM

It means just that, no such file or directory as /home/user/public_html/forums/imagehosting/274452d3a3e1e52d.jpg
Wrong path?

fly 10-17-2006 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by fxs158
Great Hack! How do I change the color of the box under statistics when we click upload images.

I have a black box and you cannot see the information as I imagine the font used for the info is black also.

Me too. The text color should be a forum color, not a hard coded color...

goorgoor 10-17-2006 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ranma2k
Easy you didn't set the path .. .
Please set the path in your vbimghost options


i have this problem when i activate watemark!
i have fixed Path problem!


Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg() [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: Unable to access home/user/public_html/forum/imagehosting/14534d67e61fe0.jpg in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 175

Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(home/user/public_html/forum/imagehosting/14534d67e61fe0.jpg) [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 175

Warning: imagesx(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 176

Warning: imagesy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 176

Warning: imagecreatetruecolor() [function.imagecreatetruecolor]: Invalid image dimensions in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 176

Warning: imagesx(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 177

Warning: imagesy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 177

Warning: imagecopy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 177

Warning: imagecolorallocate(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 189

Warning: imagesx(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 195

Warning: imagesy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 196

Warning: imagestring(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 201

Warning: imagejpeg(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 209

Warning: imagedestroy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /includes/vbimghost_include.php on line 210

Mr Pink 10-17-2006 07:25 PM

Beautiful mod. Click installed and click MOTM.

ComputerVitals 10-18-2006 01:17 AM

Anyone know if there is a module for vbadvanced to add images from this hack?

goorgoor 10-18-2006 06:56 AM

Ranma2k plz help me here :sleep:

tim99 10-18-2006 08:07 AM

yes its in this thread. It's a very good idea to read the threads the hacks are in, there is often a lot of good user experience.

peace . . .


Originally Posted by ComputerVitals
Anyone know if there is a module for vbadvanced to add images from this hack?

ComputerVitals 10-18-2006 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by tim99
yes its in this thread. It's a very good idea to read the threads the hacks are in, there is often a lot of good user experience.

peace . . .

I found it.. I was just being lazy
For those interested.


ONick 10-19-2006 05:31 AM

Works great! Thanks! Clicked install! :)

PondPikey 10-19-2006 07:54 AM

Is there any way of me adding the recently added images to FORUMHOME?

Great Mod by the way :)

V8Owner 10-20-2006 07:56 PM

I installed this no problems, Great instructions :) thanks.

I have a small problem, the text watermarks do not work. Has anybody else had this or have any clues?


goorgoor 10-20-2006 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by V8Owner
I installed this no problems, Great instructions :) thanks.

I have a small problem, the text watermarks do not work. Has anybody else had this or have any clues?


i have the same problem!!!!

kurtbarker 10-22-2006 12:13 PM

I am getting this error when I try to change the options for a usergroup to enable them to use vbImageHost. Any suggestions?


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.2:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vb_usergroup SET

### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
`title` = '<!-- sort: a -->Administrators',
`description` = '',
`usertitle` = '<img src=\"/forums/images/user_titles/admin.gif\">',
`opentag` = '<b><span style=\"color: #FF0000;\">',
`closetag` = '</span></b>',
`passwordexpires` = '180',
`passwordhistory` = '360',
`vbimghost` = '3',
`vbimghost_upslots` = '9',
`vbimghost_files` = '100',
`vbsupportpermissions` = '523519',
`uploaderperm` = '11',
`uploadermaxfilesize` = '2097152',
`uploadermaxfoldesize` = '0',
`uploaderfilestypes` = 'jpg, jpe, jpeg, png, gif',
`forumpermissions` = '1048575',
`attachlimit` = '0',
`pmquota` = '10000',
`pmpermissions` = '7',
`pmsendmax` = '9',
`calendarpermissions` = '63',
`wolpermissions` = '31',
`adminpermissions` = '3',
`genericpermissions` = '1040187327',
`genericoptions` = '63',
`profilepicmaxwidth` = '100',
`profilepicmaxheight` = '100',
`profilepicmaxsize` = '65535',
`avatarmaxwidth` = '80',
`avatarmaxheight` = '80',
`avatarmaxsize` = '20000',
`signaturepermissions` = '237567',
`sigpicmaxwidth` = '500',
`sigpicmaxheight` = '100',
`sigpicmaxsize` = '20000',
`sigmaxrawchars` = '0',
`sigmaxchars` = '0',
`sigmaxlines` = '0',
`sigmaxsizebbcode` = '7',
`sigmaximages` = '0'
WHERE usergroupid=6;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'vbimghost' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Sunday, October 22nd 2006 @ 09:12:40 AM
Script : http://commodorelife.com/forums/admi....php?do=update
Referrer : http://commodorelife.com/forums/admi...&usergroupid=6
IP Address :
Username : kurtbarker
Classname : vb_database

kurtbarker 10-22-2006 10:12 PM

I worked this out...

I just uninstalled, and reinstalled the product...

Works fine now

user02934123123 10-24-2006 08:16 AM

This is a nice mod, which we're using on our forum.

My main gripe: The default setting is to set all uploaded images as private, so when a member uploads a file, it's viewable only to him/her. This can be changed, of course, by the member clicking 'Make public' for each image, etc.

However, the default wish for most people uploading images is that they be uploaded to be seen by others - i.e. as public. Yet I can see no configuration option to make the default setting for uploaded images in the hack to be made public. This would be a substantial improvement to the product: an AdminCP configuration setting that causes the default for images to be public, so that users don't have to change the setting individually on each image; rather, images would be public by default, and users can set individual images to private if they wish (which fits much better with normal user patterns).

Any chance for an update to accommodate this? I grow terribly weary of dozens of members uploading images, then complaining that they're not visible on the 'View All Member Images' listing, etc.

Or perhaps there is in fact a way to do this in the current version, that I've missed?

kurtbarker 10-24-2006 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by monForum
My main gripe: The default setting is to set all uploaded images as private, so when a member uploads a file, it's viewable only to him/her. This can be changed, of course, by the member clicking 'Make public' for each image, etc.

However, the default wish for most people uploading images is that they be uploaded to be seen by others - i.e. as public. Yet I can see no configuration option to make the default setting for uploaded images in the hack to be made public. This would be a substantial improvement to the product: an AdminCP configuration setting that causes the default for images to be public, so that users don't have to change the setting individually on each image; rather, images would be public by default, and users can set individual images to private if they wish (which fits much better with normal user patterns).

Any chance for an update to accommodate this? I grow terribly weary of dozens of members uploading images, then complaining that they're not visible on the 'View All Member Images' listing, etc.

Or perhaps there is in fact a way to do this in the current version, that I've missed?

There is mate, it's an ACP setting

vBulletin Options > VB image hosting > Default image view privacy
yes = private
no = public

Jchen 10-24-2006 11:41 PM

whenever i go to upload page it will bring me a to a blank screen

Jchen 10-24-2006 11:59 PM

i chmoded the directory to 777 doesnt work. 755 doesnt work either.
Anybody got any ideas? I have version 3.6.1 btw

suzanitta 10-26-2006 06:58 AM

Great mod and works fine!

However in the list of member's images, I would like to have a sorting option by selecting the first letter of member's nickname, e.g. letter selector like the one memberlist.php is using. Any suggestions?

BOSS 302 10-26-2006 10:16 AM

Can't put the drop down menu in my second navbar. I added the code to my second navbar instead of the first and it doesn't work there. It shows the popup constantly with on forum home without cliking the actual button. Help?

See for yourself www.mustangmafia.com/index.php

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