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Mireade 02-23-2002 10:33 AM

Hello Tubedog ?
Hello FWC ?
I come back with my same question .

Is there any way to stop displaying unmoderated messages on non vB pages through your so good hack. ?

I tried the solution suggested by FWC but it did not work...

Help !!

Dez_U 03-05-2002 12:03 PM

works great for me, thanks Tubedog :D

Question, can I add who's online on the forum in here somewhere ??

HiroshiNanami 03-05-2002 08:56 PM

How do I put this last XX Posts on the forumhome page in my vb? I suppose I can't just stick a

<? include("forum/last10.php"); ?>

statement in the forumhome template right? If I stick it in phpinclude would it slow down page loading? If I don't choose to put it in phpinclude do I need to hack index.php? If so can someone give me some ideas as to how?

Thanks very much in advance

HiroshiNanami 03-06-2002 08:04 PM

Anyone has any idea?

Rick 03-06-2002 09:28 PM

Don't feel bad no one seems to answer any of my questions at this website.

It used to be much better getting help when the hacks were on the vb.com site.

HiroshiNanami 03-06-2002 10:10 PM

Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one dying for an answer here.

yeah it seems questions get answered quicker in vb.com

aldamon 03-07-2002 02:14 PM

Seems to be working fine in 2.2.3! w00t!

HiroshiNanami 03-08-2002 12:36 AM


Originally posted by HiroshiNanami
How do I put this last XX Posts on the forumhome page in my vb? I suppose I can't just stick a

<? include("forum/last10.php"); ?>

statement in the forumhome template right? If I stick it in phpinclude would it slow down page loading? If I don't choose to put it in phpinclude do I need to hack index.php? If so can someone give me some ideas as to how?

Thanks very much in advance

Anyone got any idea??

UtilityGeek 03-12-2002 05:40 PM


Originally posted by HiroshiNanami

Anyone got any idea??

I'm wanting to do the same thing. Can anyone give any ideas?

Jeff Bronstein 03-15-2002 12:04 AM


Originally posted by UtilityGeek

I'm wanting to do the same thing. Can anyone give any ideas?

Ditto here on this one.... its not working for me, but I'm sure its because I just don't get it yet.

Lionel 03-15-2002 12:12 AM

this one of the coolest hack that I have installed. Besides article and summary, I am even able to display attachments as thumbs next to article in the front page.

Oliver 03-21-2002 03:18 PM

we have this installed on a completly different server, when, as sometimes does our vb server goes down, so does the page on the other server. Is there a check that can be done before running last10.php to see if the vb server is up and running?


Sharg 03-21-2002 04:46 PM

Great hack,
but it doesn't parse de vb code well.
For exemple, it does respect bold and italics tags, but won't parse colors or urls tag.

Is this normal and is there a way to have it translate all the vb codes ?


syion 04-02-2002 04:16 PM

I am using the last10 hack on my board and it works great. I have renamed the files a few times inorder to run it seperatly for different forums. This way I can catoragize the information on the main page by having each file show different forums. Very handy.

Thanks for the great hack !

Darren Lewis 04-03-2002 03:40 PM

This is a great hack. I love it.

You can see it installed and working on my site which is running vBulletin 2.2.4 and v1.0.2 of this hack.

I did have a few little problems which I managed to sort out.

I was getting this message (noticed a few others are getting this too).

PHP Code:

Fatal errorFailed opening required 'config.php' (include_path='.:'in /loads of text here/last10.php on line 13 

I think I solved the problem by sorting out the correct path to config.php in last10config.php at step "a".

I was entering the path as ../forums/admin (with two fullstops as when writing HTML).
By changing it to ./forums/admin (with one fullstop) the hack worked.

Other stuff I've done is to rename my homepage from "xxx.htm" to "xxx.php" and insert the last10.php file as
PHP Code:

<?php include("path to the file/last10.php"); ?>

The server-side-include method didn't seem to work for me.

I'm using a framed index.htm page so I can change the names of the frames without upseting bookmarks/search engines (hopefully)

Hope all that helps someone out there :)

Congrats to Tubedog for this hack.

jmosby 04-05-2002 12:48 AM

Can someone explain the excluded forums config? Where do I get the number of the forum I want excluded? How does the numbering work? I don't see this in Control Panel where I have my forums listed. Otherwise I had no trouble at all, this is a great add-on!


jmosby 04-05-2002 01:01 AM

Is it the mysql forumid?

Darren Lewis 04-05-2002 08:54 AM


On your forums hompeage, hover over the link for each forum (categories are classed as forums too)

In the status bar of your browser (I'm using IE6) there will be a URL.

At the very end of the URL will be somthing looking like this


the xx is the forum ID number that you can enter to include or exclude in the config script.


jmosby 04-05-2002 01:21 PM

Thanks Darren, this matches the mysql forumid.


svoec 04-07-2002 01:50 PM

Has anyone been able to get the ssi, or shtm, or shtml to work ??

the php include works fine, but I didn't really want to change my main page to a php

I use frontpage for quick editing on that page, and it dont like php.

My feeling is that this is a host setting ???
any thoughts?

TheCaver 04-11-2002 10:26 PM


Originally posted by HiroshiNanami

Anyone got any idea??

What's the point? On index.php, all the user has to do is click "New Posts" and he gets this info :confused:


Courage 04-14-2002 08:52 PM

I keep getting an error


Fatal error: Failed opening required 'forum/admin/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /apache/sites/softnews.totalnet.ro/htdocs/forum/last10.php on line 13
My settings are:


$path = "forum/admin"; // path to your config.php file (usually in the /admin directory) - NO TRAILING SLASH! Do not include "config.php"
$url = "http://www.softnews.ro/forum"; // URL to your board - NO TRAILING SLASH!
$urlimg = "http://www.softnews.ro/forum/images"; // URL to your board's images - NO TRAILING SLASH!

What can I do ? :(

I need this to include on a SSI page ! :D

FWC 04-14-2002 09:18 PM

It looks like you might have last10.php and last10config.php in your forum directory. If you do, the path to config.php would just be /admin.

Gutspiller 04-26-2002 08:28 PM

Tubedogg, could you help me. I am using this hack for something a little different, but it works the best out of all the hacks that are out there and was hoping to tweak it a little bit.

First off, is it possible to get two (or more) different versions to run on the same page? When I have two different ones running on the same page, different meaning they are both using different files and different config files, one of them repeats the last thread over and over for each thread. So if I say I want it to show 15 threads, it lists the latest thread 15 times.

I don't know if it has to do with pulling the latest threads from a single forum in the php files for the hack or not. I have one forum in the include forum field, and no forums in the exclude field. The weird thing is, is that one works the way it's suppost to and onedoes what I mentioned above. Is it possible to get all of them to run normally on the page?

Another question I had, was is it possible to make one of them not bump a post to the top if it gets a reply? I want it to work more like a databasing list than showing the latest threads.

If you (or anybody really) could help me I would really appreciate it.

Thanks very much.

Gutspiller 04-26-2002 10:31 PM


Originally posted by wajones
Thought I'd share this, a few of my users wanted to include tubedogg's last10 hack on a vbulletin page and this is what I came up with...

In a copy of the last10.php script comment out or delete the following

$db=mysql_connect($servername,$dbusername,$dbpassw ord) or die("Can't open connection to MySQL");
mysql_select_db($dbname) or die("Can't select database");

now add this to the phpinclude template

$last10 = ob_get_contents();

Then I was able to add $last10 into any vbulletin template to display the last10 table. Saved a lot of work trying to create templates and changing his code, plus if he changes it, it's simple to upgrade.

I tried this and when I put the $last10 in my forum header it limited the number of threads to show on a normal forum page to 10. How can I get it to show 10 in the $last10, but not limit the number of threads shown in a forum??

Please help. :(

Gutspiller 05-03-2002 08:49 PM

tubedogg can you help me with this hack, I am trying to run a few different versions on a page and I ran into a problem. It took me quite some time to troubleshoot it, but I narrowed it down to a single problem.

OK, the problem is that when you have two or more of this hack running on the same page, one of them works fine and the other shows the first thread that is in the forums you have marked for the hack to view. It only shows the one thread, but it repleats it however many times you set the hack to show how many threads.

I narrowed the problem down to the forum title option in the hack. When I turn it off so that it doesn't show the forum that the thread is in more than one version of this hack works fine on a page, but when you turn it on, on one of the hacks on the same page, it does what I mentioned above about repeating the same thread title over and over.

Can you (somebody) help me please? I really love this hack and use it a lot on my forum and if you or anybody could help me I would really really really appreciate it. :(

Thanks for any help you can provide.


ixian 05-10-2002 04:57 AM

First, thanks for a great hack! I got it working no problem on my non-vb home page (test site - hasn't gone live yet)

Second, a formatting question - What do I need to edit to "tighten up" the table? Specifically, it appears as if each link to the latest posts has a line break in between it, so that all the links look like this:

Forum: Thread

Forum: Thread

Forum: Thread

etc, etc. I would like the text spaced closer together, but I don't see where to edit this. It's not in last10config.php and I couldn't find anything in the actual last10.php script either. I'm sure it's flying right over my head.

BTW, playing with the font point size has no effect:)

Thank you for a great hack!

Sketch 05-10-2002 06:07 PM


Originally posted by Oliver
we have this installed on a completly different server, when, as sometimes does our vb server goes down, so does the page on the other server. Is there a check that can be done before running last10.php to see if the vb server is up and running?


Use the gethostbyname() function on your page prior to calling the top 10.


ixian 05-10-2002 09:57 PM


Originally posted by ixian
First, thanks for a great hack! I got it working no problem on my non-vb home page (test site - hasn't gone live yet)

Second, a formatting question - What do I need to edit to "tighten up" the table? Specifically, it appears as if each link to the latest posts has a line break in between it, so that all the links look like this:

Forum: Thread

Forum: Thread

Forum: Thread

etc, etc. I would like the text spaced closer together, but I don't see where to edit this. It's not in last10config.php and I couldn't find anything in the actual last10.php script either. I'm sure it's flying right over my head.

BTW, playing with the font point size has no effect:)

Thank you for a great hack!

NM, figured it out. For those with the same issue - "show icons" is set to 1 (on) by default. I discovered that even if the thread starter didn't choose an icon for the thread the last10.php script will still leave a space for one. Turn this option off and you get nice tight spacing:)

smleg 05-19-2002 02:48 PM

I just installed it and it's working well, great hack!


Thanks! :beard:

ixian 05-20-2002 06:20 PM

This is weird:

I just started noticing that this hack is repeating displays of certain threads, i.e. I'll have say "8" threads configured to show up, and two of them will be the exact same thread.

I even re-downloaded a fresh copy and re-configured it in case it was anything I did. You can see what I am talking about at http://ix.maximumgamer.com/forums/last10.php. That's the stock script, set to display 20 - notice how it repeats a couple threads. It does this consistantly.

Any ideas??

vBHackz 05-24-2002 01:19 AM

Hey, do we keep $path etc etc in there, and just put the path or url in front of it?

Lucrecia 05-26-2002 07:25 PM

I find that if I upload the last10 and the other one, the I just get a blank white page

ixian 05-28-2002 12:14 AM


Originally posted by ixian
This is weird:

I just started noticing that this hack is repeating displays of certain threads, i.e. I'll have say "8" threads configured to show up, and two of them will be the exact same thread.

I even re-downloaded a fresh copy and re-configured it in case it was anything I did. You can see what I am talking about at http://ix.maximumgamer.com/forums/last10.php. That's the stock script, set to display 20 - notice how it repeats a couple threads. It does this consistantly.

Any ideas??

Doh! Turned out to be another problem not related to the script. I had a problem with one of Tubedogg's hacks - stars - on my old board and members were being double-registered. This hack just read posts from members affected by this as two threads. Once I started clearing up that problem, the one listed above went away.

I have seriously modified this hack; those who want to see what it looks like in simple form can see it at my website, top right corner. I edited a lot of the code I didn't need, like forum parent, etc, out of the script to reduce queries, took all the table-generation stuff out, and added in my own code that calls my .css layout so the script integrates perfectly with the rest of my site. Couldn't have done any of it without the original script, particularly the code to exclude certain forums - had a bear of a time trying to write it on my own and finally decided just to modify this one. Thanks again Chen!!

Anakin 05-29-2002 03:49 PM

I have a problem at epiGamer in that the time for the last post is according to the server time, and not to the boards time (in this case UK time). Is there anyway I can adjust this?

finkdawg5 06-12-2002 05:19 PM

This is a great hack, nice job!!!

finkdawg5 06-30-2002 05:11 PM

I'm trying to get it to show the first post of the 10 latest threads, not just the ten latest posts. Is there any way I can modify this hack to do that? Thanks!! Again, nice job on this hack!! Very useful!!

Mandi 07-05-2002 04:46 PM

I attempted this hack last fall, and got a big white nothing; tried again (fresh files) and am having the same problem . . . last10.php is just a blank white page (and so, of course nothing is included on the non-vB.shtml page either.)

Because it's not generating any sort of error, I'm unsure how to begin troubleshooting this . . . my vB is pretty stock, if it matters.



...and the page I'm attempting it include it on, not public yet:


Thanks for any bright ideas :)!

ixian 07-05-2002 04:48 PM

You need to turn on error messages in your php.ini file. That's why no errors are displaying.

If you do that, it will tell you exactly where it's having a problem - php is much better than perl in that regard.

Make sure to turn show errors back off after you are done.

Dean C 07-10-2002 05:52 PM


i want to be able to include the last10 posts on my index.php file in a table on my index.php page outside of the forums...

how could i acheive this?

thanks in advance

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