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Erwin 05-17-2006 05:07 AM

But it's no excuse to make people wait for months and months based on a promise we haven't delivered too. It's time we have some action rather than just talk.

Marcus Lau 05-17-2006 05:17 AM

well, ok let wait for some cool action to get the act together.

The Geek 05-17-2006 06:00 AM

Wow - thats fantastic news.

Logikos 05-17-2006 06:03 AM

vBAdvanced Links Directory would be something to look into. I'd give you my license if needed :p I'm sure Jelsoft could cover it though, but the offer stands. :)

john1744 05-17-2006 06:16 AM

Wow... Administrative response due to "customer/user" complaints. I love that in a forum.

Thank you all for working with the users on this one.

Revan 05-17-2006 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Erwin
But it's no excuse to make people wait for months and months based on a promise we haven't delivered too. It's time we have some action rather than just talk.

I actually get chills of joy running down my spine whenever I read this. This is what I call improvement, and you have my respect for doing this.
I think I speak for everyone on vBorg and their underage sisters when I say: Thank you.

One small suggestion though: Would it be possible to place golden posts like this in a Sticky and Locked thread in the Announcements section? As you have seen, posts is this thread gets buried under pointless bs rather quickly when both sides ran out of gas to throw on the fire, and I would hate for anyone to miss your posts.

Ohiosweetheart 05-17-2006 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Erwin
But it's no excuse to make people wait for months and months based on a promise we haven't delivered too. It's time we have some action rather than just talk.

I'm luvin' it!!


Originally Posted by Revan
One small suggestion though: Would it be possible to place golden posts like this in a Sticky and Locked thread in the Announcements section? As you have seen, posts is this thread gets buried under pointless bs rather quickly when both sides ran out of gas to throw on the fire, and I would hate for anyone to miss your posts.

QUICK.. someone quote it in their sigline!

Martin 05-17-2006 08:14 PM

I just wanted to pipe in here and say that I agree that the coders at vB.org make vBulletin a more appealing product. I handle a lot of the presales calls and tickets, and most times when a person asks about functionality that doesn't exist in vBulletin I've seen it as a mod over here and refer them to that.
There are literally hundreds of hacks over here I would love to see in the base product, but as you guys know, developing a base product is a balancing act between putting in functionality that people want and keeping the program light enough to operate on most shared hosting solutions without overloading the server.
By offering the hacks you guys do you allow us to achieve that end while still being able to point to vB.org and telling people that X function is available there.

I just wanted to thank all the coders here for all the hard work they put in. Sorry for being so long-winded about it.

The Geek 05-17-2006 08:28 PM

Thanks Martin. Its comments like this (and Erwins) that make contributers feel more appreciated than even install counts and w00t posts can.

Martin 05-17-2006 08:42 PM

aww shucks. it weren't nothin...

Logikos 05-17-2006 08:56 PM

Thanks Martin! Glad to see Jelsoft does appreciate us lonely coders. :p

Razasharp 05-17-2006 08:58 PM

I've read just the first few pages of this thread and must post in support of the coders here at vb.org - without them this site wouldn't really exist.

I personally feel Jelsoft should give something back to the coders because they actually enhance the product they sell, that essentially makes them money.

Of course being a 'coder' doesn't give them a right to talk down to, or dissrespect other users (but I don't think I've ever seen that happen) but it should mean they are respected here (even by mods), after all without them the rest of us wouldn't come here (no hacks = no vb.org).

I respect a lot of the coders here, Amy, Paul, Livewire to name a few and especially all those who release hacks for free - these coders are vB.orgs biggest assets.

Paid hack developers are not so important to vb.org - perhaps to vb.com as 'compatible' products but not to vb.org which has always been about hacking and sharing (not selling).

If a directory was added for paid hacks - I think they should expect to pay an annual listing fee with perhaps options to take out banner advertisements too, and any income should either be redistributed to the 'free' hackers or used to employ a hacker to release free hacks.


Freesteyelz 05-18-2006 12:16 AM

Whoa. Martin is from Honolulu. Local boyz represent!

OK...Back on topic. :classic:

Martin 05-18-2006 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Freesteyelz
Whoa. Martin is from Honolulu. Local boyz represent!

OK...Back on topic. :classic:

yo bruh, where you stay?

hambil 05-18-2006 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Martin
I just wanted to thank all the coders here for all the hard work they put in. Sorry for being so long-winded about it.

Thank you Martin, this was very good to hear :)

In return, I want to thank you and vb.com for making a product that is fun to hack :)

Freesteyelz 05-19-2006 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Martin
yo bruh, where you stay?

Hawaii Kai side. :classic:

joeychgo 05-19-2006 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by Martin
I just wanted to pipe in here and say that I agree that the coders at vB.org make vBulletin a more appealing product. I handle a lot of the presales calls and tickets, and most times when a person asks about functionality that doesn't exist in vBulletin I've seen it as a mod over here and refer them to that.
There are literally hundreds of hacks over here I would love to see in the base product, but as you guys know, developing a base product is a balancing act between putting in functionality that people want and keeping the program light enough to operate on most shared hosting solutions without overloading the server.
By offering the hacks you guys do you allow us to achieve that end while still being able to point to vB.org and telling people that X function is available there.

I just wanted to thank all the coders here for all the hard work they put in. Sorry for being so long-winded about it.


I just have one question. Why is putting together a paid hack directory so complicated?

I built one - it wasnt very complicated: vBulletin FAQ Product and Services Reviews Directory

It's free. Anyone can add their hacks, or leave reviews of hacks. Clearly with all the great coders here, something similar could be developed here in short order.


noppid 05-19-2006 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo

I just have one question. Why is putting together a paid hack directory so complicated?

I built one - it wasnt very complicated: vBulletin FAQ Product and Services Reviews Directory

It's free. Anyone can add their hacks, or leave reviews of hacks. Clearly with all the great coders here, something similar could be developed here in short order.


Fine, you'll want access to the private coders secret forum now I bet?

joeychgo 05-19-2006 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by noppid
Fine, now you'll want access to the private coders secret forum now I bet?

Nope... Im no coder.

noppid 05-19-2006 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by LiveWire
I think I've reached the point to no return. I've been trying really hard to not come to this dissuasion, but with the way things are around here; I feel like I have no other choice but to stop releasing my work here, and supporting the hacks I have here now. Nothing around here is the same anymore. vBulletin.org used to look at the coders as the gas that runs this site, when FireFly was around. But times have changed. Now, coders are just people who release some random scripts here. The community here gives nothing back to the people who spend hours beyond hours coding something that will never make them a dime.

Yea, we got ourselves our own forums. WOOT! well this only took 5 years to happen, and now anyone who releases a hello world script can access it. What happen to this hacks database system? When are we going to see this happen? Has this even been half way coded? Will it be months beyond months until we can use this? I can totally understand that a hack like this will not just code itself, and people have real life things to deal with. So why not hand it off to a team? There are hundreds of users here that would gladly dedicate some time to help code. Instead, you leave this in the hands of one person. Who hasn't been active in god knows how long.

I'm also really really sick and tired of customers coming to this site and demanding, bashing, and degrading what this site once was. Not only do the non-coder customers do it, but lately I've seen this in allot of the staff here.

For the most part, allot of the staff here do a fine job I'm sure. When it comes to moderating the post and what not. Though the unfriendliness and lack of professional attitude amongst the staff here disgust me the most, and that's the main reason for my dissuasion to leave. Just because you have a staff title, does not make you any better then anyone else. Staff seem to forget that we are coming here as a customer and releasing our work here FREE OF CHARGE. You need to think about that every time you reply to a customer. Stop treating people that post here like a baby, or some idiotic person.

Lately Paul M has been getting alot of heat from the staff, so it seems. Why is this? Maybe because when he post he is blunt and tells it like it is.Though when you post like that, that is considered a bad thing to some of the staff here. Well you know what? Get over it and move on and keep your mouth shut or just +++++ about us in your private forums or something. I don't spend hundreds of dollars a year to come here and see others treated with disrespect. Not only others, but myself has been treated with a great deal of disrespect in the past. Directly from 3 of the staff members here now. 1 which is no longer staff anymore. (Dean).

vBulletin.org is losing allot of talented coders and something really needs to be done. Jelsoft really needs to look at this site, and control whats going on around here. Yea, Jelsoft owns this site, but they certainly don't control whats going on around here. So I'm going to continue doing what one of the staff members here said. I'm going to continue waisting my money on my own forums and open a site for commercial hacks. Yes, I'm going commercial since allot of people look down on that. But TheGeek said it best in his own post awhile back, and on the vBCast show as well. Everyone hates when people go commercial, and show know sign of support. Yet they support a commercial product such as vBulletin itself.

I'll continue to check in the coders forum from time to time. To help fellow coders out, but you will not see any more work produce and released my me on vBulletin.org. I also don't want my previous work to be trashed or deleted as allot of new members can still benefit from them. So long and farewell. Need to get ahold of me, well you can PM me or read my profile.

I'm sure this thread will eventually get closed, in hopes for it to get buried like the rest.

Best Regards,
Ken Iovino Jr

Historical reference.

Martin 05-19-2006 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo

I just have one question. Why is putting together a paid hack directory so complicated?

I built one - it wasnt very complicated: vBulletin FAQ Product and Services Reviews Directory

It's free. Anyone can add their hacks, or leave reviews of hacks. Clearly with all the great coders here, something similar could be developed here in short order.

And as an individual, that's great for you to do. If someone puts a script in your directory that contains server level backdoors and that script is added to a site like mypsp.com and Sony winds up losing a lot of customer data you're not going to get sued for it since you're an individual, not a for-profit company. Your reputation as a company is not going to be dragged down all over the internet, causing you to go into bankruptcy.

joeychgo 05-19-2006 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by Martin
And as an individual, that's great for you to do. If someone puts a script in your directory that contains server level backdoors and that script is added to a site like mypsp.com and Sony winds up losing a lot of customer data you're not going to get sued for it since you're an individual, not a for-profit company. Your reputation as a company is not going to be dragged down all over the internet, causing you to go into bankruptcy.

True. However, you dont upload hacks to my directory, only a link to your hack. Users can freely add comments regarding the hacks listed.

Logikos 05-19-2006 05:38 AM

Certain measures have to be taken in order to project Jelsoft as a company. These mesaures don't take a year, but I belive vB.org has finally got the okay from Jelsoft to add this. So I'm sure the measures are now being looked into. I'm going to assume this will take a month or two at the latest. Don't quote me on that though.

MPDev 05-19-2006 10:58 AM

Yeah, that "So long and fairwell" thing was a bit premature on your part. Better to add qualifiers like "Don't quote me on this" in the future to avoid confusion. "So long and fairwell, although don't quote me on that. I probably won't leave for more than a few minutes, really."

kall 05-19-2006 11:06 AM

For God's sake. Stop it.

The whole message here is 'Community Fixing'.

Your constant picking at it is far from achieving that aim.

Cloud Strife 05-19-2006 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by MPDev
Yeah, that "So long and fairwell" thing was a bit premature on your part. Better to add qualifiers like "Don't quote me on this" in the future to avoid confusion. "So long and fairwell, although don't quote me on that. I probably won't leave for more than a few minutes, really."


Logikos 05-19-2006 11:15 AM

What can I say, MPDev loves me! :)

[high]* Logikos huggs MPDev[/high]

Revan 05-19-2006 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by MPDev
Yeah, that "So long and fairwell" thing was a bit premature on your part. Better to add qualifiers like "Don't quote me on this" in the future to avoid confusion. "So long and fairwell, although don't quote me on that. I probably won't leave for more than a few minutes, really."

Did that post have a point or were you just being a general a-hole?
If you have a problem with him sticking around after finding out his issues will be addressed, you are free to leave. And I do mean in the sense of now.

hambil 05-19-2006 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Revan
If you have a problem with him sticking around after finding out his issues will be addressed, you are free to leave. And I do mean in the sense of now.

[high]* hambil agrees[/high]

MPDev 05-19-2006 12:39 PM

Don't get your panties in a bunch, girls; try to get a sense of humor and learn not to take yourself or others so seriously.

My only goal is to inject some levity in an otherwise blown-out-of-proportion event in our small world.

You drink, you fight, you get beers the next night... its what men do.

Boofo 05-19-2006 01:04 PM

/me checks his "panties" to make sure they are NOT in a bunch

hotwheels 05-19-2006 01:06 PM

lmao boofo............

I for one think that the new set up is a great idea and hopefully .org will continue to be an awesome site...........

Boofo 05-19-2006 01:08 PM

Not if I have anything to do with it. I suck, trust me on that. :cross-eyed:

MPDev 05-19-2006 01:08 PM

Look, you guys want respect, right? So, how do you think the best way is to go about getting that? Do you think you do it by making demands on the people who own the site or volunteer their time to keep it running? Have you been on the site so long that you now feel a sense of entitlement and that somehow your leaving will cause the site to crumble beneath you?

Get real.

All of us run our own sites - how do you respond to people making these kinds of demands on you or on your time? And when they get upset, complain and tell you they are leaving; how does that make you feel? All your effort, all your work is trivialized and comes down to a few posts that make the difference between enjoying a site or leaving.

Do you consider losing an Admin a positive step forward?

You may not like me making light of this situation, but pointing out the absurd is something that had to be done. I would be shocked if any of you would have put up with half as much on your own site. And that's what it comes down to, doesn't it?

My site, my rules, its not a democracy and people do not have the right to say whatever they want and say it's 'free speech'. People cannot make demands of my time anymore than I can make demands of theirs. If someone says they are leaving, I'll tell them "Thank you for your contributions and good luck in all your future endeavors.".

I would suggest the same applies here - like it? Great, we'll hang out, share some mods, talk some smack and post some more mods. Over it? Leave the way you came, with a wave and a nod. Nothing more, nothing less.

Those of us who have been around a long time have seen many posts like this and, yet, the site continues. It's evolution, folks; the site of today may not be the site of tomorrow and yet the site itself hasn't changed - the members have.

Hey, I've had my beef with the policies and the Moderators here myself. I'm a commercial developer and would like the site to be more open to those kinds of add-ons. I expressed my opinions and moved on; its up to those who pay the bills to decide how they want to proceed.

vb.org is a resource - we post our work, we take pleasure in the positive feedback and we keep doing this cycle until such a time as our schedule or the demands on our time no longer suit us.

You don't need to make demands or empty threats to get your point across; nor should your involvement take away from the pride of ownership that those who work on the site have earned.

Peace out.

Rich 05-19-2006 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Revan
If you have a problem with him sticking around after finding out his issues will be addressed, you are free to leave. And I do mean in the sense of now.

*Rich agrees and waves goodbye with one finger

Boofo 05-19-2006 01:15 PM

@ MPDev - Very well said, sir. ;)


Originally Posted by Rich
*Rich agrees and waves goodbye with one finger

LOL You crack me up! ;)

Rich 05-19-2006 01:17 PM

My goal for the day was to put a smile on Boofo's face. My mission is complete and he gets a hello wave with all 5 fingers. :D

Boofo 05-19-2006 01:21 PM

Thank you, sir. Mission accomplished. ;)

Logikos 05-19-2006 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Rich
*Rich agrees and waves goodbye with one finger

Now thats is some funny shit!

Revan 05-19-2006 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by MPDev
Look, you guys want respect, right? So, how do you think the best way is to go about getting that? Do you think you do it by making demands on the people who own the site or volunteer their time to keep it running? Have you been on the site so long that you now feel a sense of entitlement and that somehow your leaving will cause the site to crumble beneath you?

Get real.

All of us run our own sites - how do you respond to people making these kinds of demands on you or on your time? And when they get upset, complain and tell you they are leaving; how does that make you feel? All your effort, all your work is trivialized and comes down to a few posts that make the difference between enjoying a site or leaving.

Do you consider losing an Admin a positive step forward?

You may not like me making light of this situation, but pointing out the absurd is something that had to be done. I would be shocked if any of you would have put up with half as much on your own site. And that's what it comes down to, doesn't it?

My site, my rules, its not a democracy and people do not have the right to say whatever they want and say it's 'free speech'. People cannot make demands of my time anymore than I can make demands of theirs. If someone says they are leaving, I'll tell them "Thank you for your contributions and good luck in all your future endeavors.".

I would suggest the same applies here - like it? Great, we'll hang out, share some mods, talk some smack and post some more mods. Over it? Leave the way you came, with a wave and a nod. Nothing more, nothing less.

Those of us who have been around a long time have seen many posts like this and, yet, the site continues. It's evolution, folks; the site of today may not be the site of tomorrow and yet the site itself hasn't changed - the members have.

Hey, I've had my beef with the policies and the Moderators here myself. I'm a commercial developer and would like the site to be more open to those kinds of add-ons. I expressed my opinions and moved on; its up to those who pay the bills to decide how they want to proceed.

vb.org is a resource - we post our work, we take pleasure in the positive feedback and we keep doing this cycle until such a time as our schedule or the demands on our time no longer suit us.

You don't need to make demands or empty threats to get your point across; nor should your involvement take away from the pride of ownership that those who work on the site have earned.

Peace out.

You keep stating that we shouldnt expect to see changes just because we cry out, at least that's what I managed to dechipher from all the fat. Yet changes are happening. Do you think that the staff we resurrected would have simply awaked on their own and went "nah sod this, we're going to make things better for coders even if they don't complain."
In your own words, get real.
Also I can hardly see the comparison between another forum and this site. Is your site owned by a respectable company that sells their products, and your site the sole reason why a good portion of the company's customers choose that product and not one of its competitors? I think not.
Even if we disregard the Jelsoft benefit aspect of this site, I doubt your users contribute to your forum with actual hours of work that could easily be sold for a small fee.
Comparing a random forum's users to the coders at vBorg is like comparing a nugget of iron to a key. The key could be used to unlock great treasure (Jelsoft sales) and the nugget of iron can be painted yellow and sold to some dumb bastard that believes its gold.

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